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Engineroom Snipe

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Everything posted by Engineroom Snipe

  1. @OurusualbeachFollow up. It IS weird the 30% discount number shown is actually 56% of the price. WOW, the whole thing makes no sense to me now. That is one messed up file or spreadsheet.
  2. It only starts to make sense if one uses the true 30% number of the $12,832 which is $3,849.60 Plugging that number in the 30% slot brings the Total price including tax to $6236.28. Someone put in a wrong formula into the spreadsheet that subtracted 30% from the original price as the presented view instead of multiplying the original price by 30% as the presented view. This happens all the time when programing EXCEL spreadsheets and SQL databases.🤔
  3. No consideration ($$) changed hands. RCI and the customer agree that something is amiss in the calculations. Whatever price becomes the real price will require a deposit or purchase. Until then, RCI is not obligated to sell the room for that advertised price. As another poster stated, be careful of throwing names and connections that are promising you additional discounts. Obviously, after this first phone call, that tactic did not work out. You have control of the decision to purchase. RCI controls the price.
  4. Yes, you are just the courier between your bank and RCI. 😁
  5. I am one of those "Data analytics guys". Slowly but surely trying to piece together the censorship of this website. The criteria seems to be very subjective. "Other" websites are a distinct possibility.
  6. Enough said. Expect the movie lawyers to send you a cease and desist email shortly. 🤣 It seems if you mention the word "Titanic", poof, your post will disappear. So sad......😲
  7. I seemed to have made an honest comment about this post and it disappeared. I will make it short and sweet. This post completely contradicts a "factual" sighting made by a CC member. No "alternate facts". The "Wish" did not dock at Coco Bay this month or in the past year. 🤬 Enough already! There can only be one truth.
  8. I have been moderate many times for agreeing with the obvious. Welcome to the club. No one seems to have any sense of humor or humility without being insulted. Whatever you do, do not quote movies or songs, even if you properly attribute the quotes with references. The lawyers seem to send those cease and desist letters almost instantly. 😁 I must be on the radar.😬
  9. Unfortunately, I can see it,...time to take off my glasses...... All I see now is a mulligan....., I will take another swing, wait for it....., wait for it,,,,. "Struck him out!" Better put back on the glasses.😲
  10. Ok, Score one for MP, 🥺, he took one swing and hit it out of the park. Going to be a long game. No more slowballs for you mister. Gotta up my game😤
  11. I was always a "puller", never pushed my bags. I saw your "naked open provocative picture of your Skyway Luggage". Impressive. 😵 We will just leave it at that.
  12. I find two large wheel movers better than the four wheel spinners if you have more than one bag. They do very well until they lock-up and die. The smaller attached bags place additional stress on the main bag. Wow, how often do you hear that everything is fine until it isn't? When you create the perfect luggage bag, you will retire. I am still working. 😂
  13. Sorry to have to reference the Gorilla throwing around the Samsonite suitcases back in the commercials of the 1960s. The more things change the more they remain the same. Luggage is brutally handled, even by humans. 😉
  14. This specific question might genuinely need a new thread. I am not sure where it fits in because it might be more airline related than cruise line related. Then again, many people have to fly in order to get to the cruise. HELP?
  15. I treat all of my luggage with care like most travelers. We joke about it but it can cost quite a bit to replace it when damaged or no longer usable. SO much more to replace now than even six years ago, almost double. You and I would rather spend that money on traveling than suitcases. 😀
  16. I feel tired, time for my nappy. 😴 ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz.........
  17. That is because she can make an excuse about a 40 year old worn Duffle bag. 🤣 Gosh darn it MP! You keep lobbing those super slow softballs and I cannot wait to hit them out of the park!
  18. I have never been through Tampa but this makes me want to do Tampa.
  19. Starting to see a repetitive theme here, "My wife also talks about new luggage...". The hubbies keep trying to repair and replace worn parts but... We need to start a new thread about luggage durability. Get your popcorn ready, maybe some beer and pizza because it is going to be a long discussion. 😁
  20. I never saw you as an old "Softy." Who knew" 😇
  21. Ask the turtles, do you want to keep your hard sided luggage model? Yes, some would say, "Look at Samsonite, the gorillas could not destroy it." Is that the future you see for your personal belongings encased withing a hard shell suitcase?" I say, "Free from hard shells, free at last!" Then the turtle looks at himself in the mirror and says, "Shells are forever." Moral of the story, get your wonderful wife the luggage of her dreams and completely ignore any advice I might give you. 😁
  22. It's not heavy brother, its my baggage. We all have our traveling thresholds. At some point, I will have to leave my baggage behind. In my lifetime, it can be A HUGE amount of baggage. I am just not ready to leave my baggage to be handled by a stranger's hand. It is personal. Yes, it is my personal luggage, keep your hands off of it. 😒
  23. After ten years of hard usage, my main bag had a "wheel-blowout." The wheel bearings locked-up and it was dead weight to roll. Not pretty, not pretty at all in any shape of form. I had to carry the heaviest bag as I tried to roll the other one. Time to buy new bags because the replacement of the "blow-out" roller was cost-prohibitive. I blew an imaginative rendition of "TAPS" as it went into the trashcan. Job well done. So many memories. 😭. It will do,......, it will do.......
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