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Engineroom Snipe

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Everything posted by Engineroom Snipe

  1. I have previously paid my "gratuities" (please do not get into the subject for it has been beaten to death in so many CC threads) because I thought it was needed to do My Time Dining. This was the case for many years but it was changed. I still pay the gratuity fee, tip, or what ever you call it but do so on a daily basis as it is charged to my room. The payment is not due unless you actually complete the cruise. This can be one less point of contention should you need to cancel the cruise or not complete the cruise. Pros: I do not expend the money until the end of my cruise. I can adjust the tip if I feel that the situation was so grave that it needed adjustment (I have not had to do so as of this date). Cons: The "gratuity rate" can be increased between booking and actual cruise. If you pay ahead of time, this is one less expense to concern yourself when you are done. In so many cases, the slight amount of any increase does not justify placing money from your savings into a fund which does not accrue any interest and might cost you interest on your credit card. You may have to appeal and try to get prepaid gratuities refunded back from a cruise not taken or completed. Just my thoughts.
  2. The most coupon vouchers available from 5am to 4:49 am would be six for a Pinnacle. I dare say that most Pinnacles need their sleep before such a pilgrimage in very nasty weather. This must have been a brand new Diamond using all four of their vouchers between 3am and 4:49am. 🤣 The difference between a Diamond and Pinnacle, a good nights sleep and knowing when to not get off the ship at port. 🤣🤣
  3. As another batter wonders toward the dugout with a Grand Slam twinkling in his eye. "I was SOooooo... close." 😒
  4. Darn it MP! You keep lobbing high slow softballs that a batter is drooling so much to hit that they swing three times before it even gets over the plate. That last line was so small, I am not sure if I can read it. 😁 Was the line "cropped" or "crapped"? 🤣😁😁🤪
  5. RCI has now added a "clause" to their MDR dining policy. This is creating a lack of "claws" so pax have no other option than to be "up in arms" because they have no claws.😁 Some pax in the MDR reservation line might turn "tail" when they hear about this and hightail it to the Windjammer only to find the rumors of lobster tails were just tall tales of cruises gone by. After this, the passengers said their evening went into a tailspin. 🤪
  6. "Dancing with Myself" (Billy Idol, 1981) [Verse 3] Well, if I looked all over the world And there's every type of girl But your empty eyes Seem to pass me by Leave me dancing with myself So let's sink another drink 'Cause it'll give me time to think If I had the chance, I'd ask the world to dance And I'll be dancing with myself Billy made dancing (and agreeing) with yourself quite profitable. I would say that RCI would welcome him aboard because he is going to purchase an Unlimited Premium Drink package as he and a friend "..sink another drink" as long as the ship stays afloat🤣.
  7. We discussed how even "dated" websites seem to be confusing and open to any interpretation that RCI wants to enforce. "Deja view all over again" or it is "Groundhog Day" all over again...., I am so confused! 😁 Time for my nappy, reset the head...🥱
  8. Per @Passrider76, the chat app is free, but you have to manually check.
  9. Yes, I think the poster wanted to hear from someone who has cruised this month and successfully used it without getting an internet package onboard or having paid the $1.99 pp/pd.
  10. Yes, I saw that they would charge $200 pp for a suite. I was not sure where the $450 amount was coming from. 🤔
  11. I think he was concerned about the deposit, not OBC.
  12. I went to RCI FAQ about next cruise. Next Cruise Booking Website Terms and Conditions | Royal Caribbean Cruises I am not saying @smokeybanditis not correct because I cannot find any information about this line in the contract verbage: Second, pay the deposit amount (the “Deposit”) required for that booking. Deposits range between $100 - $450 per person depending on the length of voyage you select I did a Next Cruise for a 9-day non-suite last September and it was like he stated, $100 pp.
  13. Unless your neighbor is blasting music from their boombox......, OOPs sorry, wrong thread..🤣
  14. As stated in other threads, RCI can deny or rescind their cruise contract at will. It seems that RCI found your $900 expenditure to its liking. Welcome aboard and please bring some more potatoes on your next trip. 😄
  15. I have heard the same. I was never is a vista suite. Maybe someday........
  16. In all fairness, after removing some of the rhetoric and vitriol, the free spending newbies are just that, free spending newbies. How long will they be around? Is this just a temporary fad that moves on to the next vacation destination like all inclusive resorts leaving the cruise lines in the wake (pun intended 😁) of vacations past? As the old song goes, "Dance with the one who brought you" (Shania Twain). Some of the newbies will transform into some of the "oldies". 🤣 Life is short, we cannot take ourselves too seriously. 😁 Do not throw away a small 5 pound flounder until you have a bigger fish on the hook. @island lady
  17. You are absolutely correct. I would find it inefficient to try and constantly tweak crew sizes from week to week considering that as a crew member, I would want a six-month minimum continous contract. Even $60 per day per person for the cabin covers food, fuel, and long term capital expenses. As you stated, that would include an additional $16 per person per day for labor expenses. I know that cruise lines need every dime they can squeeze after the past two years but this post goes back to "Who loves you, baby?" (Kojak) We can all love or hate Pinnacles but Pinnacles certainly love cruising. Mayby RCI should show them a little love. 😁🤣
  18. The real cost of nuclear power is not the primary fuel or the technology needed to have an almost "unlimited power supply." No one wants the spent nuclear fissionable waste in THEIR backyard. That is the ultimate problem. The cost of powering with nuclear from start to finish was never realistically calculated by the Navy. Maybe that is why I spent so much of my life doing degrees so I can solve problems. Engineers can be tedious and boring but we find solutions. What we do as a Nation to deal with the half-life isotopes which have to be safely stored for over two-hundred years is a major problem. Kudos for your son being a nuke because he had to be extremely smart and responsible to be in the program. Nukes are known for being the best of the best. I was in the riverine war mud-banks. I was led by a tunnel-rat. He was the toughest 5'4" superman I have ever met. My Chief Petty Officer went into hell with a double D cell flashlight and a 45 Smith and Weston revolver which would not jam under the worst circumstance. I digress. Sorry for the flashback. I agree with you that RCI does need repeat customers to fill the cabins regardless of "perceived" profitability. No need to thank your son for his service because he already knows who he is.
  19. So much easier to take one penny from one-hundred customers without a whimper than to take one-dollar from one who screams bloody murder? 🤫
  20. The Oasis of the Seas displaces about 100,000 metric tons which is just shy of what a Nimitz class aircraft carrier weighs. Assuming that 6,000 passengers weigh about 476 metric tons (according to Coast Guard load factor of 175 lbs per person and a metric ton being 2,204 lbs), Passengers represent less than 0.5% of the weight of the ship. The fuel is moving the ship, not passengers for all argument purposes. The ship is burning the same amount of fuel whether it is empty or full. 99.6% for a ship without passengers and 100% with 6000 passengers. The crew size is static. Just some thoughts that your estimate of $15 per day per person for food leaves about $50 per day per person to pay for fuel. I would not like to spend fuel moving an empty cabin. I would want those cabins full just to pay for the fuel. 🤔
  21. I am going to be my alter ego, "used car salesman". If I am losing money on the sale, I will tackle you before you get into the car, take the keys out of your hands, and keep it on the sales lot. 😠 No large corporate service entity or widget maker keeps selling at a loss to a customer over and over unless they get something in return. I would say that somehow, you are useful to them (they are making a profit on you). 😉
  22. I do a large amount of BBQ, boiling water canning, pressure canning, smoking, and more. I suspect, like most good chefs, your grill master is taste testing ahead of time with complimentary wine 😉. That looks like a money cut 🤑 and I could learn something from him 🤓.
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