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Red Leicester

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Everything posted by Red Leicester

  1. I did. It's coded as "Celebration Night gives you the option...". I read that as it doesn't mandate. It goes on to state many locations may be out of bounds if you don't. For the three cruises I have done I did dress up but found I didn't have to so did less and less. I don't go on holiday for formality like that, it stresses me out and was my only real worry about cruising with P&O. I don't partake, my choice, I avoid everywhere except the Buffet and Brodies. I accept my movements and choices will be restricted. Interestingly it does also state the Glass House on Britannia was out of bounds but I don't recall that. Only ate there one on a normal night so couldn't say 100% for certain. It didn't state as such in Horizon from memory but I could be wrong. I'd have expected that to be black tie. The Beach House was actively promoting "You don't need black tie if you fancy dining here tonight"
  2. I found the evening of port days to be the most casual casual. Probably understandably, especially if it's a late-ish back on board time. It's probably done the rounds enough before I joined this but to me not sure what I wear matters as long as it maintains decency. That's a definition in itself. Ripped jeans... decent? It might not look good but is it really offensive? What I wear or don't wear doesn't change who I am. I don't wear a tie to work any more, does this make me work less hard? No. I believe times are changing and we may well see less of the formality as the demographics change. Slowly, very slowly, I've spotted that it's becoming more relaxed. Doesn't mean standards should slip though, don't get me wrong. It's a tightrope.
  3. Correct, they weren't anything like that. Can't get away with that fashion trend sadly!
  4. First time poster and commenter on such things... On Britannia a couple of weeks back I didn't take my suit as I'm not one for dressing up really. I took either (very) dark blue jeans or smarter trousers and casual shirts / polos with a pair of smart black Skechers. Never had any problem or issue, bar the odd look of disgust from my fellow passengers. Only the Crow's Nest, Sindhu, Epicurean and main dining rooms were out of bounds. Possibly theatres and shows too, almost certain they would have been. I was expecting more to be honest including bars in the Atrium. Although the dress code isn't for me and I dodge it I respect those who want to follow it and wouldn't even dream of venturing into somewhere that is out of bounds. It's my choice not to do it so I live with the restrictions. I have seen people asked to leave establishments onboard. I would add there were more on my last cruise who didn't dress up and the proportion seemed to be higher. But I'm talking the vast vast vast majority still go formal. Something like 85% formal / 15% not. Away from formal nights the dark blue jeans and polo sufficed, no problems. Never saw anyone in breach with shorts etc.
  5. The reason is Mrs RL wanting to get home to see the cat and release her folks to go home from cat-sitting!
  6. Never missed it, mentioned everywhere as you say. We had something in the door and announcements etc. Just the last change coming home was never mentioned full stop. No cards, not in the captain's final announcement, not in Horizon...
  7. Thanks for telling me, yes it makes sense. And it explains the meccano multi-story car parks floating around the area, some of those could be imports too I guess. I wonder what the modal split is on a typical cruise of car / coach / train / other arrivals. That said the mileage on my wheels didn't go up so it hasn't gone far. I didn't deliberately note it other than celebrating ticking over to a round figure
  8. CPS parking store is right opposite the Ocean Cruise Terminal. 90 second walk from the exit. I'm assuming that's where my wheels spent its holiday anyway.
  9. We're not arguing. My disembarkation window was 07:30 - 07:45, they let us off as soon as everything was secured, CPS were open at 06:55, pretty much right away from there, greens all the way. Easy, smooth. Granted we're lucky we can take ourselves off, but those windows for disembarking yourself are "generous". I don't know what happens if I'm still aboard at 07:46.
  10. Defo sure. I was off the ship at 06:58. And it was a Sunday morning.
  11. Used CPS on all four cruises, usually get it as part of the booking vice less onboard credit if the maths works out. Drop car off, I always take my bags over, it's not far. As someone said above the Porters are there for those that need them. We travel light, one case each and one small electrical items and charger case goes into the hole and then hand luggage only. Done hand keys over to being on the ship in 14 mins. Likewise on disembarking, took ourselves off Britannia, had a disembarkation window of 07:30 - 07:45 and was north of Newbury on the A34 at 07:45. Really smooth. Had one car clean and wash, that was excellent. Also as someone pointed out above we had a terminal change on the way home once, car moved for me. Personally can't fault them. Like anything you will find cracks if you go looking. They may not be cheap but service is excellent.
  12. Re clock changes, I have only ever known this to take place overnight at 02:00. Interestingly on returning to Southampton on Britannia one week ago we had no advice on reverting back to UK time at all.
  13. I just wonder whether the two ways of doing it are causing the "no seats" problem. I've only really ever struggled once or twice in the buffet and that was on Iona and when only 2/3 full. Back to the original poster... I have done both adults only ships and family ships, I don't have children so would actively avoid but would say outside of school holidays I have never noticed children really. One family on an Iona cruise who hogged a hot tub but just the one and there were others. I don't fancy doing a large ship in August.
  14. Why is it different before getting food? To stop it getting cold whilst searching for a seat?
  15. This is genuine curiosity and not criticism... why? I have never thought any of the buffets as small. On B222 Britannia we found the more mid ship serving area as always open for brekkie, dinner and tea but the aft serving area was only half open for brekkie and thus always quiet, never at dinner (or lunch if you prefer) which meant the seats down the aft were empty. and handed over the Beach House at tea (or dinner if you prefer). Again tables portside and aft were plentiful. A very small section portside and aft was cordoned off for crew, a few tables.
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