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St Pete Cruiser

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Everything posted by St Pete Cruiser

  1. Welcome back from your cruise. Maybe I missed it, but did you post your thoughts about your adventures? You picked a good time to be away from southern Ontario with the smoke issues. We lost a friend who was from near London, Ontario, recently who had severely reduced lung capacity, when he had traveled from Florida back to see family and friends. Even though he traveled by car with back up oxygen, the poor air conditions caused by the wildfires were too much for him. He seemed rather well the end of May when he was here at our monthly potluck.
  2. Thanks. Interesting that he did not update his status as retired.
  3. Happy Monday Everyone. Sunny St Petersburg has gone from late spring to summer. May was so pleasant with lower humidity and cooler mornings, but it has now transitioned to humid and very warm. All that is missing is our afternoon thunderstorms. Our neighbor summers near Traverse City, Michigan, and it was 45 this morning with a high only in the 50's expected. She only has a space heater as it is not a "winterized cottage", so maybe not comfortable. She did have a mother bear with two cubs to look at, which she said beats our alligator and water bird sightings. I wish I had followed my own thinking a couple of months ago as to investments. I said Carnival stock was either the deal of the century or would go bankrupt. It was $8 a share. This morning it was $15, just about double! Even with all the debt they took on, looks like the cruise industry has survived and is flourishing once again. My leg is still healing from the cellulitis from the poisonous Australian red back spider bite two months ago today. It has been really a tough road to travel, but I'm slowly getting back to normal. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes. Would like to be out west to see the waterfalls with the heavy snowmelt runoff. Would settle for being onboard a BHB sailing away, too.
  4. The PCC quoted $1399 for a vista suite.
  5. I've never seen an offer like this. If it is not for casino rated cruisers, then I am surprised and disappointed not to get one as well. This week, I did get a private sale offer by mail. One sailing caught my eye: Zaandam 14 day Caribbean next February. Fare shown is $599 for lanai/verandah. A great deal to me, but Zaandam doesn't have lanai or regular verandah rooms! I called and was told unavailable.
  6. A lot of Holland America's captains are now onboard Seabourne ships. Those of us who liked the Prinsendam as well the S class ships would like to cruise on Seabourne but can't or won't pay the premium.
  7. Ok, maybe I'm confused. The Atlantic Adventurer, Nov 9, 2024, is a 42 day cruise RT from Ft Lauderdale. Very similar to the cruises Holland America has done pre covid. Is there also a "Legendary Mediterranean" in the works for 2025? Maybe similar to what the Prinsindam did as the Grand Mediterranean?
  8. I thought you might have been confused, but at least the hull of this ship has been around for a long time, in one form or another. Truly unbelievable.
  9. Later became Oceanbreeze operated by Premier. Distinctive profile with funnel at rear.
  10. It was a special treat for me to return to the Noordam in March with its Crow's Nest still intact. I had only been on the Noordam once before, May, 2012, and spent many happy hours there where we met in the Oak Room, a room just off the Crow's Nest with leather chairs and even a fireplace. Yes, 2023 and it is still there. Scenic cruising in New Zealand provided room all across the forward area and it was very well used. Our Cruise Director gave his commentary from there and was available for questions. When I located a beverage manager who was a long time Holland America employee, he told me that all of the Vista class ships were to be rebuilt, but the Noordam was spared only because its dry dock was delayed and now has been put off, hopefully for good. There is a coffee bar with the regular bar.
  11. Lenda, my Gibralter port visits also started with the Noordam III in 2003. Thanks for sharing your pics. I returned in 2014 on the Rotterdam VI and then again on a ship still in the fleet (which is making me feel old as so many of my days were on ones that are not) just last year at this time on the Nieuw Statendam. The Bolette, our former Amsterdam, pulled up next to us as were there.
  12. Oh how I loved those old Rosenthal plates with the ship at the top.
  13. Good Day Everyone, I just read a report that a harbor pilot at Nagasaki, Japan, was killed when he fell from the rope ladder as he attempted to board the Diamond Princess. He had a life jacket on, but it did not say what actually was the cause of death. How very sad. We have often watched the transfer from just behind the Crow's nest deck area. Often times, the Captain will slow considerably for the transfer and then toot the horn as they turn and leave to return to their station. I am "mending" from my last cruise now that I am home, trying to keep my injured leg up. There is so much that needs attention after being gone 6 weeks, it adds to the stress of not being able to do it right away. The weather is perfect to be using the pool here at our condo, but I have to wait for the wound to heal completely. Yes, where the spider bit me has yet to completely heal. The bike and the gym are also on hold. A BHB, Nieuw Amsterdam I think. I was looking for my pic with the Koningsdam in Malaga with the old N class Noordam in Malaga, which was then Thompson's Marella Celebration.
  14. I'm late to the party, but I wanted to comment on Nurses week. Having just stayed 11 days in Hilo Medical Center, I depended more on my Nurses than I did on my Doctor. I tried to always treat them well and say thank you, I appreciate that, and you are making a difference, even though I was in pretty poor shape. I got to know some of them quite well: The Nurse who had a 1year old boy who cried when she left for work early in the morning. The nurse whose Dad moved the family to Hawaii when she was a little girl against the families advice and learned to love to surf, fish, cultivate her own garden and follow a healthy lifestyle. She recently inherited the 9 acres her Dad left her. Nine acres near Hilo is worth a fortune! I asked why at almost 60, she was still working? Her answer: I know that I am needed here. Amen. Lastly the lady from just north of New York City. She came acrossas rather tough, no nonsense type. When I asked how she ended up living in Hilo, she responded that her husband wanted to enjoy their retirement and he had asked her to try it, which she did. She told me that after 35 years of marriage, they were the happiest they have ever been. She melted and told me not to worry, I would come back just fine.
  15. I'm really sorry to hear you had a big rejection for a claim. Allianz has been responsive to get our flights booked and got us a nice car and driver that picked us up in Hilo and dropped us at the Kona airport, nearly 2 hour drive, just a short time ago. The Noordam put part of the medical center balance due on my Visa card, maxing it out, after I signed a promissory note onboard for it and told them I would need to get home before paying it. You shouldn't move money on a hospital WiFi that is not secure.
  16. Allianz has delivered so far. There hasn't been any settlement for the onboard medical Center so far, but they may not have had sufficient time yet.
  17. Aloha from Hilo. I so appreciate all the kindness from my cruise critic/daily friends. After being discharged from Hilo hospital yesterday, we spent the afternoon and evening at this beautiful little Airbnb on the north edge of the city. We did need to Lyft over to CVS/Longs Drugs to fill my scripts from the hospital Dr. It rained much of the night, so between the birds and critters of the forest, it was SO MUCH nicer than the loud noises of the hospital and being awaken often for blood pressure checks, new IV's and with shared rooms, the other patient. The mattress and pillows were so nice after the hospital.
  18. Progressive. Florida has some of the highest auto and property insurance rates in the country, another failure by our governor and legislature. Oops, not so mention that here.
  19. Aloha from Hilo. I was just discharged from the hospital here after 11 days of intense antibiotics via IV along with oxycodone for pain. We took a Lyft from the hospital to the Airbnb. The place is in a very tropical neighborhood and I am so impressed. The room is small with the bathroom separate, but private. Laundry just off bedroom, too, which is important for us. No Holland America laundry service like we are spoiled with. A little over a mile to Hilo waterfront. Allianz, out travel insurer, is to book our flight to Tampa. I begged them to book us on Delta from Kona to Tampa with just one connection in Seattle. We are anxiously awaiting their call. Thanks for all the loving concern from my Daily friends. As I was taught a long time ago; Somebody prayed for me, had me on their mind, took the time to pray for me. I'm so glad they prayed, I'm so glad they prayed, I'm so glad they prayed for me! View from the Airbnb window.
  20. Greetings from Hili, Hawaii, where it is 7:15 am and my day is just starting. Happy Hawaiian Lei Day, I certainly have been "leing" around in Hawaii as I've been here at the hospital for 10 days. My friends onboard the Noordam should arrive tomorrow in Vancouver, thus ending the 39 day cruise we began in Auckland March 25. I was shorted 10 days. pics are my favorite Philapeano RN and his students bedside and the view out my window from my 3rd floor window. Happy May Day/Happy Lei Day!
  21. Good Sunday from Hilo, Hawaii hospital. I just read through the daily for the first time in several weeks. Seems there have been more pressing issues on my agenda. Thanks to the posters and those extra special contributors for their prayers and concern. Hard to believe a little a little spider could turn what was a an adventure of a lifetime into a life threatening medical disaster. Our 2nd port after leaving Sydney, Australia, was a very natural, small community where the good ship Noordam tendered into Easo. Shore excursions were limited as there was so little infrastructure. We, along with other more adventurous guests, walked a dirt path up to an old church on a cliff overlooking the bay where the Noordam was. The steps were wet and slippery and I cautioned those with us to be extra careful! As we neared the top, the lady behind me said "stop. There is a spider on your shirt. Do you want me to brush it off? PLEASE, I said. She did so and when I asked where it went, she didn't know. Well, like an agitated bee or wasp, it foundmy bare right calf and bit me. The initial bite was not too painful and on return to the tender platform, we applied hand sanitizer to it and the cold towel awaiting guests which eased it. Returning to the room, I showered and applied triple antibiotic gel I had brought from home. Problem solved, I thought. The bite site blistered and seemed to be healing. Then the red area around it grew and I knew that was bad. It wasn't easy to get into the medical center, but when I did they cleaned it and prescribed antibiotics. That night I couldn't sleep as my leg had painful spasms. Returning to the medical center the next day, they put me in the infirmary and IV antibiotics with pain med. I stayed there for 5 days as we had just left Pago Pago, American Samoa, and had 5 days at sea to Hilo. My blood work showed I was indeed very ill. Dr said there was no place to defer to and thus they would do their best to keep me alive until I could be medically disembarked in Hilo. I have remained here now for a week still on IV antibiotics. Hopefully, I will be able to fly home later this week. Those of you who follow my posts, know I am very much a "Holland America cruiser". The company has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy. Regardless, of the cut backs and other changes, I want to acknowledge here on Cruise Critic that the Doctors and staff of the Noordam saved my life.
  22. St Louis Cruisers: I see you are still posting our daily fleet report, thank you! I have been unable to read and post lately. We were on the Noordams 39 day Auckland to Vancouver South Pacific adventure, when I got bitten in New Caledonia by a venomous spider. Long story short, I'm in Hilo, Hawaii, hospital recovering. I'll try to share details soon. Thanks.
  23. We had two sea days after Sydney on our way northeast to New Caledonia. It was a needed rest and relaxation time after the port intensive first segment from Auckland. Annie Francis, Australian singer and HAL regular, did 60's and 70's songs. Patrick Robert's, from Melbourne, wowed us with his violin accompanied by the Ocean Bar Band. Yes Ocean Bar has a 4 piece band! Patrick has toured with Sting and he played to a full house both shows as the word got out. This will be Lincoln Center Stage last cruise as they wind down the regular venue for a touring group. Not happy about that. New shows are coming to Step One gradually ship by ship. Noumea, capital city of New Caledonia, was enjoyable. We opted for the HOHO bus which was just one route. The French influence was strong. I walked a little further to a Bora Bora style restaurant built over the water which was very nice. Easo was the second port, a remote community with very little except natural beauty. Carnival has helped build the dock and shoreside structures. Holland America rarely stops there. Maybe Princess and P&O Australia do more often?
  24. Patrick Robert's, violinist from Melbourne, did two shows onboard. Excellent! Our first exposure to him. Annie Francis, a familiar singer, has also been on.
  25. On this cruise it is 5:30 and 7:30. We have the later, with excellent service. Our server has been with the company many years. Wine sommelier started on Rotterdam V over 30 years ago. Many of us asked cruise director for port talks to resume and they have! Fiji today, and I will try to post pics if I can get good wifi, which is not easy here in the South Pacific.
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