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  1. Thank you Dr Cocktail and yes Waltershipman is nice. Thanks for the tip of the hat and yes I am a big cheerleader for EJ My main reason these days for returning to EJ is that it fits my needs. Cruising needs vary overtime. While raising a family we chose more family fun cruise experiences. As a long time cruiser my DW and I choose fine dining , luxury accommodations., excellent service, Beautiful surroundings. E J handles that well EJ is not without blemishes in previous times any complaints focused on back of house issues and the need for TA and on board staff to communicate with Geneva which can be difficult. Last year when we sailed the car we ordered on debarkation never came. It took months to get a refund. Last year there was only scant port info when we arrived at ports about the ports. As for the Lobby bar it is a fun place for pre dinner hanging out although I have seen many post positives about sky bar which we will visit next time on board. The lobby bar got very full with no places to sit when the ship picked up a larger passenger load. SOLUTION I utilize my TA for dealing with financial issues and similar matters. I also have developed a relationship with one of the EJ Ambassadors in Geneva that I communicate with about dining shore excursions and those items to maximize my cruise experience and cut down communication problems. Have a happy day and hope to see you on board one day. Last February which on O Vista we had a CC meet and greet that was very much enjoyed and got people to connect on person Thanks for all of your posts
  2. The most recent pricing for next year in Carribean on O Vista is very interesting indeed
  3. Love your comparisons since our 1st EJ cruise was last October and next one in January so the comparison is very informative and appreciated. We do enjoy EJ very much
  4. Yup it's the totality of the luxury experience that makes it luxury
  5. Men wearing nice pants or slacks akin to what might be worn at any nice land based restaurant is most appropriate.
  6. You will love it We too have been on over 100 Cruises over the last 40 years and will be returning in January to EJ for our 2nd EJ cruise with lots of excitement. It is a great cruise Enjoy have fun
  7. While on board Vista we were told that many staff had moved over to Explora Journeys
  8. Was on Explora Journeys last October and Oceania Vista this last February. While O entertainment was stellar without doubt we preferred EJ and food far superior. I previously did a comparison of the two on this board back in February Enjoy
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