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Minor Mariner

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Everything posted by Minor Mariner

  1. Let's hope the weather is fine for them.
  2. Apparently too rough to tender ashore, instead went straight to Belfast, IoM and Holy Loch. Travelling v. slowly - about 8.9 kts to Holy Loch. Left Holy Loch (Sandbank Anchorage) at 16.27 yesterday and now, according to Marine Traffic due back at Holy Loch at 07.00 tomorrow. However, she is travelling south at 11.9 kts and currently south of Liverpool! Did someone on the bridge entered the wrong destination on the AIS? Will she now go to Tresco or straight on to Falmouth - we shall see. As long as everyone is enjoying themselves.
  3. Preliminary results announced 17th. April. No comment from me, but here is a link to them https://corporate.saga.co.uk/media/0n1hupcl/saga-plc-2023-24-preliminary-results-presentation-vf.pdf
  4. Let's wait and see. Quite possibly just a bit of fanciful gossip, although something is going to happen and the sooner it does the better for all concerned.
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