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Everything posted by AncientWanderer

  1. Agree 100 percent. We've been on seven HAL cruises since the post-pandemic restart. I can't wait for the next one this spring. Yet I have a certificate for two free nights in a high-end hotel, but I'm not even remotely interested in using it. Many of the cruises have made hotel stays necessary, and all of the hotels just seemed -- not clean, and kind of depressing, with so many restaurants, bars and so on shuttered. They can't seem to staff them. I'd encourage anyone to go on a HAL cruise. Look at the price point compared to premium lines, gasp, and then embrace the upcharges for things you really value. Do I miss the flowers on the tables in MDR? Definitely, yes.
  2. I just started looking here at the end of the thread before bedtime, and this jumped out at me. We have transatlantic in May and I've been edgy about the same thing. Sharon, you prompted me to change our flight to a day earlier and spend two nights in FLL. If things should go wrong, there would be no catching up with the ship. Thank you. I'm really glad you posted about this.
  3. Good evening. Weird day. I have some kind of bug — mild but there. I looked in a couple of times just to catch how Roy is doing. Seems like much better news on that front. I don’t dare look at most of the other threads theses days. (Except the World Cruisers. They’re darling.) Wishing all a very pleasant evening.
  4. Roy, I'm sorry the nighttime weekend nurse upset you. Like others, I'll be saying prayers that the doctor has other ideas. Stay strong, Roy.
  5. I also vote pack light. Our last cruise was out of our own city, so no flights — sure, pack the kitchen sink. But then we get home, and there’s all the crushed clothes to wash or send out,. Just a big chore. Vacation is vacation. Who needs it? Our next cruise, we have an early flight on disembarkation. I’m packing light as a feather, carrying off my own luggage, and no mess when we get home. Can you tell this has been on my mind? Lol
  6. Good morning everyone. Except it isn't! So worried about Roy. Thank you so much, Sandi, for filling in. I know we're all concerned and saying prayers. Miss Camilla is a bright spot, though, @smitty34877. She's a doll -- has had those expressive eyes since the very beginning. 😍 Thanks for the delicious food and drink suggestions. Sadly, I'll avoid all of it. My closets are packed with three different sizes of clothing. I'm determined to settle on the middle size by our next cruise. DH and I have babysitting duties today. DD and DSIL are doing volunteer work over at the golf tournament at Torrey Pines. I'll be checking here throughout the day for updates about Roy. And omg, @JazzyVjust posted about bad eye problems. So many troubled Dailyites just now. Saying prayers for all those having difficulties. Let's lengthen the celebration list.
  7. Extraordinary dress. What an engaging hobby you have! Quite a treat to see this. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Oh, that does sound like good news that it isn't the psoriatic arthritis. The autoimmune diseases are so alarming. A doctor in NYC told DD she has lupus, so we freaked out, but no other doctor has concurred with that opinion and she is quite well since leaving working in Manhattan. It's interesting how with all the advances in medicine, the diagnostics are still difficult for some conditions. Anyhow, glad you're responding to meds and hope you continue to improve. 👍
  9. Good morning all. I love chocolate cake, don’t know any Big Wigs, and haven’t punched a clock since my college job at a department store. The food and drink sound good, never been to Hualien. The quote is lovely. @marshhawkAnnie, it must be upsetting seeing Fawn deteriorating like that. I’m celebrating today. Nephew called last night to say he’s received his Canadian passport. His father was born in Canada, and while we knew he was eligible, we had no idea how long it would take. This is something DN really wanted, so we’re happy for him. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 Thank you Roy, Rich away at sea, and all contributors to the Daily. Wishing all a pleasant day. @marshhawkAnnie, is this the office cat?
  10. Good morning all. Happy to see that @rafinmd Roy is feeling better today. Many thanks to @Copper10-8John for pitching in. (Who knew there are so many spouse jokes?!! 😂) Interesting collection of days. I’ll cooperate by honoring my spouse and wearing clashing clothing. Easy tasks. @grapau27, thinking of Sarah today. @4966and556, Pajama Day sounds great! @kazu, things will get better. They really will. @smitty34877, prayers for a good cardiologist report for DH. @cunnorl, DH has had the eyelid cancers, and on eyeball. They have good treatment for that. Icky though. It’s cold and windy here in San Diego. It’s pot roast weather, so that’s the plan. We’re also busy finalizing plans for May TA cruise and UK. Apparently they changed our berth at Cobh so we don’t have the great one in town. Never knew there could be an alternate spot. It’s usually such a nice walk off the ship. Thanks everyone for being here. Wishing all a great day.
  11. Good morning. I’m sorry to see that @kazuis headed back to the doctor. Hopefully it’s something simple. All the photos of Kotor are wonderful. We’ve been there and would enjoy a second visit. @dfishDebbie, the stew today is right up my alley. I’m going to concoct a variation with some cooked turkey drumsticks pulled out of the freezer. An Irish coffee sounds delicious. Maybe with shortbread as a nod to Burns Night. Yum. It will be a lazy day here as the past few were busy. All the post-holiday mess is organized. Do you guys find stuff shoved in every closet after Christmas? Every year I vow to keep things in order, but no…total chaos. Thank you, Roy, keeping things going here, and many thanks to all Daily contributors. Wishing all a pleasant Wednesday.
  12. Good morning from chillier than usual San Diego. Interesting collection of days — going from beer cans and belly laughs to Thoreau. But that’s the beauty of the Daily, something for everyone. (Compliment! 😊) DH is out of town, getting DMIL’s house ready to sell. So I’m doing chores — finally have laundry almost caught up. Thinking of all of you today. It sure looks cold there at @kazuJacqui’s. Always here to help. 🥸 Have a great day, everyone!
  13. Debbie, I've done this with a paint shield/guide like Rowsby mentioned. They sell pretty long ones, so that makes it a quicker job. If you get a sturdy one, it kind of holds the carpet back so you can get in deep. I just feathered the paint down at the below-carpet area, so it wasn't very wet. And sloppy painter that I am, I did tape the wall at the top of the baseboards. Good luck, Debbie. Tedious job, but mine did turn out well.
  14. it will be nice to have a place to order a drink while sitting along that wall, waiting for CO seating. DH always went down to Ocean Bar and that took a long time.
  15. What a kind post. I’ve enjoyed your posts on other threads over the years on CC. Welcome to the Daily and congratulations on Retirement 2. Maxine
  16. Well, that's disappointing to hear. Gosh it's hard for a traveler to keep up these days.
  17. Crusin-Suzan, which airline was this? It's interesting because they do say the prices aren't locked until paid for, but I've never heard of anyone having a problem with price increases before. Maybe things are very different now.
  18. Carolyn, just saw this while skimming through yesterday's Daily. What a horrible thing to have happen to your cousin. Prayers are with you and your family. So sad.
  19. Good morning! Penguin Awareness Day? We were quite surprised this past December to see these cuties in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency in Maui. Black-footed African penguins https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_penguin
  20. Good morning. What a nice collection of days today! Good coffee, Pooh, enriched language from the thesaurus— very nice. I like the quote, too. It’s been years since I’ve been to Monterey. That port has been canceled on us a couple of times, due to high seas. I received a label maker for Christmas, so today will be spent labeling everything I can get my hands on. January organizing. In other news, our Costco ran out of eggs again. Everyone, have a great day!
  21. @StLouisCruisersSandi, that's disappointing to have your cruise impacted that way. It's hard to avoid people on a smaller ship like Zaandam. Pretty much impossible. Could it be a chance to reconcile with them? We do have some relatives who we would definitely cancel our cruise if they were going to be onboard.
  22. Good morning, Everyone. Haven't been posting much and just skimming. So many things going on with the Dailyites! I cannot believe how close the tornados came to @StLouisCruisers. And poor Tana, @smitty34877. Thinking of you and your family. We headed out on Koningsdam for NYE. I often quit looking at CC right before cruises -- not wanting to see too much criticism just before we sail. Also, we usually have nephew housesit. This time we didn't, so like @grapau27, mum's the word on travel until we get home. Anyhoo, great cruise. Very busy holiday ship, but wonderful fun. Then back home, busy, busy putting away Christmas and helping DD find a house to rent in Los Angeles until they can find something permanent there, due to DH's job requirements. Day trips from San Diego to LA with five-month-old and four-year-old were quite stressful. But happy result. We found a perfect little temporary house. 🏡 @Sharon in AZ, that's so cool that you're bucking up for your solo. I saw the itinerary and wondered how you talked Craig into that one -- remembering that region isn't his favorite. What an adventure for you! 😍 I pretty much already ditched my NY resolutions. Don't know any kid inventors or bootleggers. But leg of lamb sounds wonderful. As does a visit to Tonga. Hope to be there next year. Thank you, @rafinmdRoy for keeping things going here, as well as thanks to the F&B department and all other contributors here. Have a great day, everyone. Wishing smooth seas for those out on the beautiful ocean. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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