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Everything posted by AncientWanderer

  1. I would have the Tournedos Rossini as enjoyed at Rudi's on NYE on the K’dam. Please don’t foie gras shame me.
  2. I’m hopelessly out of the loop here — for many reasons — but about the coffee, we like it now, just the regular Joe in the Lido. In October on NA they told us it was a new blend, and it was quite good. Same just recently on K’dam. We had the Have it All, so did order specialty coffees, but honestly found the Lido coffee to be just as good — sometimes better. Definitely hotter. Probably someone will differ, but DH and I are picky coffee drinkers and we’ve been happy campers. (Before the change, we didn’t like Lido coffee at all.)
  3. The excursion descriptions seem to change a bit every time we go down there. Our favorite was a full day where we did a boat ride to look for crocodiles (saw a lot), stopped at a coffee plantation briefly, and also went for a short ride on a historic train through the jungle, where we saw a lot of monkeys. That day was one that both DH and I remember fondly.
  4. Thanks for that. It's probably the same for dogs, now that you mention it. In hot weather especially, the lack of fluids could be a problem.
  5. Gosh, Jacqui, I was thinking about the expense. Hopefully it was less than if you had continued on to U.S. It would have been crazy expensive here! Like you we have confidence in health care in Mexico. DH actually had lasik done there because they had a more up-to-date method that was bogged down here waiting for approval, and I had a dog bite treated there. They were kind and all was good! (I was more worried about your being alone and getting home.) So glad you're home safely! Don't try to do too much! Maxine
  6. Sharon, DD's pommie lost most of his teeth, too. I hear it's a problem with some of these breeds. She fed Tails that freeze-dried soft food, and I'm wondering if I should be giving Pocket just hard food to save his teeth. (I mix hard and soft right now.) I do give him a Greenie thing once a day, but I'm wondering if I should just switch to all kibble. Tooth brushing has been pretty much a bust. Hard to be thorough. Any thoughts on diet or other tips your vet might have shared? Mine just says brush his teeth. 🤷‍♀️ (If anyone else has ideas, please share!)
  7. @grapau27Graham, I'm sorry to hear that Sarah is in the hospital. She will be in our thoughts and prayers today. You and Pauline, too. Maxine
  8. This is very good news. Excellent idea to have this discussion. I can tell you that I saw Jacqui shortly before she left the ship, and I've been sleepless ever since, thinking about this frail woman alone in a hospital in Mexico. Thinking what could we have done, how could we have helped -- even wishing I'd left the ship with her, as our cruise was almost over and we were headed back to San Diego. Or even if we could have taken some of the luggage and shipped it home to her. Of course, we didn't know until later that she was taken off the ship, and all these thoughts are nonsense, as I speak no Spanish and Jacqui was traveling with friends from Canada, so they could be more effective in handling things than a U.S. citizen could be. But still...there but for the grace of God... So, yes, good to discuss "What ifs."
  9. What we like: The ship is beautiful; all food tastes clean and fresh and of good quality (if a bit repetitive in some venues): great specialty restaurants (having just had a really good meal in each of the four); plentiful areas for nice sunbathing and plenty of outdoor tables for al fresco dining. (We like being outdoors best, and Koningsdam works well for that.) The cabins are well-appointed and crew members are kind and helpful. And we love the Music Walk.
  10. This actually makes a lot of sense. Thank you for sharing.
  11. I also do think turndown service is available, if you request it. We have had the twice-a-day service on all six of our cruises post-Covid -- one on Eurodam, two on Nieuw Amsterdam, three on Koningsdam.
  12. I can't even imagine Christmas. We booked the NYE cruise because we can't be away from family over Christmas. I looked for something similar for next year and saw only holiday cruises that include both Christmas and New Year. I guess that's why we've never been on a holiday cruise before and did book this one -- it's not something they usually offer. We'd like to see them offer the separate NYE itinerary. We also appreciated the nine nights, rather than just one week. Those couple of extra days do make a difference, and Loreto and La Paz were a nice treat.
  13. OlsSalt, it sounds like the cabana was a total bust. We were onboard for this Koningsdam New Year's cruise. I don't think that anything was typical of a HAL cruise. We'd never been on a holiday cruise before. Once we figured out it was going to be a bit like going to Disneyland during the holidays, we had a great time. It took a few days to get into that mindset. FWIW, I quit going to the thermal suite, too, after going only twice. Usually that add-on is enjoyable. The area was too crowded. I was concerned about the cleanliness of it. Still, we want to book another NYE cruise. We usually stay home and do nothing. Being in the mix for a change was nice.
  14. I was thinking this, too, Debbie, that hopefully a family member will fly down. Or maybe Jose has relatives in Mexico who can come help. It’s a very distressing situation. Certainly our prayers are with Jacqui. Maxine
  15. Thank you all for your wit and wisdom this past year. Wishing everyone a great year to come. 😍
  16. Thank you for the Daily. Our nephew arrives today (to us as “our Sarah” is to @grapau27and Pauline). So it’s holiday kickoff time here. Lovely that Christmas is on a Sunday this year. ❤️
  17. Not sure how things will unfold here, Sharon. Not rushing things, though. It's so disruptive for everyone. DGD loves her school. So far the discussion is that maybe DSIL will get an apartment to spend three days away and then take time to find a more permanent situation. DH and I will wait to see where they throw down their packs. It took everyone by surprise. Whoops! I was bouncing in and out of different threads and got confused. Post-Covid brain cloud. Sorry about that, Sandi.
  18. Thank you so much for those encouraging words. Much appreciated.
  19. Good morning, Everyone. I'll take all the days except mathematics. All left brains around here. @aliaschief and others hitting the road, wishing you safe travels. @ger_77, you had a challenging one. Glad you arrived safely! And were able to go to Ikea. Last night at dinner I was complaining that due to being ill most of this season, I missed many annual traditions -- like going to Ikea! A year without looking at their wrapping paper, cookie cutters, and, yes, tea lights, is just somehow "off." @Crazy For Cats, sorry you're not feeling well. So many things going around this year. Stay warm! Everyone out there, stay warm! Yikes on the weather. 😳 @Seasick Sailor, you hand looks painful. Hopefully you can still use it okay. Nasty bruise! Heal quickly. ❤️ @summer slope, sorry to hear about Kitty. Poor baby missed you! We had a nice Hanukkah dinner last night with DD and DSIL. Though we are not Jewish, we enjoy sharing this traditions with DSIL. I mentioned before that they have to move to Los Angeles because of his job. Right now they live seven minutes away from us. It's looking likely that we'll move right along with them. Hard, since we've been in San Diego for 40 years and it's a little early to down-size, but I think we will. Thanks once again to Rich and our other contributors here. Another bunch of great photos from @StLouisCruisers. Thank you for those. Everyone, stay warm and safe and keep spirits up. For those out there on adventures, wishing you a wonderful time! 🥰
  20. Be careful with the walk. It's not far to walk to some shops, but with your foot...tough. And be careful -- no smooth sidewalks there!
  21. Gosh, that's a shame if they aren't doing tea anymore. (I think I saw that correctly -- a sea day itinerary you posted, with no tea.) The teas are always well-attended. We have a tea date set for our cruise. Guess it's on to Plan B.
  22. Good morning. Oh, I hope @rafinmdRoy that you don't have covid. Everyone has mentioned how tired it leaves you. I'm sure having trouble shaking that -- been dozing off at the most random times. @StLouisCruisers, glad DD is doing well with her foot. She's so creative and active, it must really be hard for her to be down at this time of year. @Quartzsite Cruiser, it's wonderful that your DH is much improved and ditching some of his apparatus. Love that. @JazzyV, yippee about the bridge! @dfish, that's great that Sue will get away early! What a fun family Christmas you guys will have. @1ANGELCAT, good news that the kitties don't have leukemia. If anyone is having trouble with overexcited pets this holiday season, this is working here: Julie Andrews Christmas carols. Pocket had been really annoying until he heard her sweet and perfect tones. He relaxes and chills out every time he hears her lovely voice. ❤️ Many thanks to all our contributors here. Have a lovely day!
  23. Thanks for posting, Mary Kay. It is hard to do sometimes when things aren't going so well. I'm sorry that this holiday season has been difficult for you. Hang in there. Hopefully Hawaii will be very rejuvenating. 🌴 🍍 🌺 Maxine
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