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Everything posted by AncientWanderer

  1. Happy Birthday, Jane @lazey1! Enjoy your dinner! 😍 🎂
  2. Sharon, you will love an April crossing. I assume it's heading east in the spring. Not only do you arrive in Europe rested and ready to hit the ground running, but also, with some itineraries, you gradually head in a northern direction, so you chase the springtime as you head north. On one we did, we hit spring bloom at every port stop. It was magical. Well, springtime is wonderful anywhere. East to west in the fall is good, too. The Spanish farewell ports are delightful. I'd take either way, but springtime to Europe is our favorite. We're doing another one next May, 30-day British Isles on Zuiderdam. I can't wait.
  3. @kazuJacqui, 100 percent agree with Debbie. Totally up to you how you choose to go forward. Frankly, if it were me, I also would have taken Shadow -- just to get out of my own head and to have a boost to get up in the morning. But nobody has a right or wrong way to grieve. Pretty sad that anyone would be critical.
  4. Good morning/afternoon and thanks to our contributors here. Tina, many thanks for carrying on with the recipes so nicely. Big fan here of those Neapolitan ice cream sandwiches...and Mark Twain. We've been to Azores a couple of times, but not Horta. We have two stops in Azores next spring, but not Horta. @Rowsby, I'm glad you decided to go to Hawaii. That's one place that we keep hearing good reports on. Traveling is tough these days. Can't blame you, @cruzn single, for not wanting to take on a big trip. @cat shepard, good luck with ArriveCAN. We found that to be pretty simple, but...I'll share my May Alaska experience. I've been mum about it because who needs to hear the bad stuff. lol I was a nervous wreck about everything, Verifly, ArriveCAN, covid tests. We got through the check-in process and headed up the ramp to the ship. DH laughs and says, "Well, they can't throw you off now." We head up, make a beautiful plate of lunch in Lido, sit down, and hear..."Mr. and Mrs. X, please come to Guest Services." I panic, thinking emergency at home; literally leave our full plates. We go down there and they are very mysterious at the desk. "Come with me." Dang, they lead us all the way off the ship to some dark, weird, creepy place where bags are being sorted. One of the dogs had sniffed out DH's bag and we had to watch Security take out each and every thing in that suitcase, to find, of course, nothing. They were very kind in escorting us back onboard. I was practically hyperventilating by that point. We skipped lunch and had a cocktail instead. But enough on that. @dfish, a passport in a casserole dish is something I definitely would do. Now I write down and take with me a note of where I hid stuff before we go on vacation. I never do remember! @kazu, your dahlias are beautiful, as are @ottahand7's irises. We've had tiny flowers this year. No idea why. @StLouisCruisers, your captain's dinner looks like so much fun. I bet the captains enjoy you guys a lot -- good conversation! @ger_77, the storm sounds scary but exciting. Summer storms are so dramatic! @smitty34877, holding the good thought that the worst is over for your family with covid. @marshhawk, 👎 about the water. That just throws everything off kilter, right! Hope it's back on soon. @Cruising-along, fingers crossed no surgery for the arm. It's amazing how things like that seem to pop up out of nowhere. Like @StLouisCruisers' leg...and @JazzyV's palm. We used to have a doctor who would always say to just take a bunch of ibuprofen for everything. Well, that's not so good for the kidneys. I like the TENS unit idea better. Be careful, everyone. Easy to get ouchies! @aliaschief, your Scotland trip looks amazing. Someone asked if you were on a tour, but I never did see the answer. Is it a tour company? Looks like a wonderful trip. Not much on the agenda here today. Just a booster shot for Pocket in the afternoon. Just that for The Dog Days of Summer. Wishing all a safe and pleasant day. Keep cool!
  5. I’m sorry to report that we had a total Verifly fail when we boarded our July cruise. We completed everything and received our green light pass from Verifly. When we reached check-in at the port, I opened the app and the pass was gone and a message showed that we had items to complete. But all items nonetheless did show as checked off and completed. Always the Girl Scout, I’d taken a screen shot of our Verifly “pass.” But no….the check-in person said they needed to see it on the app. Luckily I had printed our test results and, of course, had our vaccination cards with us. The young lady was very kind and patient, looked through our documents and sent us on our way. Moral of the story: Bring your documentation and don’t fret over Verifly.
  6. Oh, thank you for that, Floridagal. I keep stressing about our NYE cruise, wanting a good dinner that night, and so far no dice. I'll be patient.
  7. Have a great trip! I, too, unplug when traveling -- gradually get back in the swing of things when I get home. It'll be good to hear about your trip later on. Bon voyage! 😊
  8. These measures can and do reduce transmission, BUT...I really think that anyone traveling now has to acknowledge and accept that they may catch covid. And won't be at home when that happens. It's just the reality. You can be very, very careful and still catch covid. So if that would be a catastrophic thing to have happen, better to stay home.
  9. Checking back in here this afternoon, nice to see Terry’s post and also that Sunday’s post was put back up. 👍🏻 It has been a quiet day here, but I finally made time to go get my hearing aides serviced. Long overdue.
  10. DH and I always add lasagne to share, along with whatever main courses we choose. Lots of food, but the Canaletto lasagne is very good.
  11. Good morning, All, and Welcome August. And welcome @Paw13Pauline to the Daily. I'm calling it International Girlfriends Day in your honor. 😍 I don't play mahjong, don't climb mountains, but do drink Collins drinks and eat chicken parm. Wish that Gaspe was still on our agenda for this fall. We booked Panama Canal instead on the NA. It's still too long to be away, but it's out of San Diego, so we don't need to extend the trip on either end. Just hop on the ship, cruise, and fly straight home. 🛳️ 🌊 ✈️ Pocket and I have been sleeping in. Must be the summer heat. DH always gets up at 7 am no matter what. I expect it to be a quiet day today -- trying to keep cool. I did manage to hear our nice sermon last night and it was timely, as Emma Bridgewater has her new fall line out and I need more like a hole in the head. Father David always seems to hit home. I'll look to FB for his good words. Thinking of all of you today. Especially waiting to hear from @smitty34877Terry. Plenty to worry about there. Thanks for our Daily! ❤️ 🌻 🌹
  12. Thank you, Carolyn. I had a dinner here last night for DS's family with their three-year-old and new baby and also DD's family, with their three-year-old and the bun in the oven. I said it was to celebrate puppy Pocket's first birthday, but more it was to get everyone together before the next baby arrives. It seems like with all these babies and toddlers, everyone is going to be too busy to get together much. Or one of them will always have the sniffles. You know how it goes... Oh...and about school start times. Yes, early! DGD starts back at preschool on August 17 (parochial school). We'll be picking her up from school for awhile, as the new baby will be here by then. And @kb4683Kay, sincere condolences to you, and friends and family. Losses like that are hard...losing a bit of our own life history as well. Sad. Thinking of you with affection.
  13. @dfishDebbie, that is alarming about Sue's bag. Every time we put ours out, there is always that thought...what if. It looked like you guys had a great trip; hopefully the bag will turn up and all will be well. Btw...what time was your flight out of Schiphol? We booked one at 12:50 next spring, also needing to get from Rotterdam, and I'm a little nervous about it. (Maybe the airports will be operating better by then, though.) We do have business class, but still... Safe travels the rest of the way home!
  14. Good morning from San Diego. I really enjoy watermelon in the summer. We nearly always have avocados in house, and mutts are a mixed bag. Carbonara became a pasta favorite for us when it was served at a local restaurant. They have since closed down, and I miss it! Need to try the recipes! It's been years since we visited Skagway -- really enjoying the photos. @marshhawk, will you go there on your Carnival cruise? I kinda remember that as being next in the hopper. We really enjoyed our recent Mexico journey with them. As you said, LOTS of kids in summer, but we were in an adult area with separate pool so no problems there. Wonderful sunning and swimming. One thing to share with the group... We booked a resort day pass through an internet site that sells just the day passes. We tried a Marriott in Puerto Vallarta. It went without a hitch and was a very nice day. I hope all have a nice Sunday. Extra prayers today for @smitty34877Terry and family. And @kazuJacqui. I hope Shadow turns a corner to become a comfort and companion. Thanks to all contributors to our Fleet Report and Daily. Maxine
  15. Right? The monastery we stayed in was like that, too -- beautifully maintained. I don't know of any other countries that do that, but it makes perfect sense for preservation of historic buildings. We've never encountered so many unusual lodgings as in Portugal. I'd really like to go back.
  16. Good morning, Everyone. Life would be sad without friendship; never got to know father-in-law; and cheesecake, while good, is just too heavy for me after most meals. DSIL really likes it, so I bake them for him. All kinds...plain, chocolate, English toffee. We recently returned from a week's cruise to Mexico, coupled with some local tourism stuff in the Los Angeles area. It was such a lovely summer vacation, I'm having trouble getting organized and on task again at home. DD's baby is due any minute, so there has been a frenzy of activity getting organized for that. DGD age 3 will stay with us when she goes to the hospital. The photo's of Porto are great. Isn't the model for Harry Potter bookstore somewhere in that region? We did a transatlantic ending in Lisbon, rented a car, and headed south and then circled back to Lisbon (really enjoying Sintra as part of that.) I just told DH we need to go again, but instead drive north and enjoy Porto. So many of you have said you wish you'd had more time there. One great thing about touring in Portugal is they have a scheme where the government subsidizes historic buildings to be used as hotels. We stayed in an old monastery -- beautiful and not too expensive. @smitty34877, I'm very sorry to hear that covid is bearing down on your family. Treatments do seem to be much better. Prayers are with you. Well, that's it from sunny and humid San Diego. Someone needs to get organized and clean this house. Oh, that would be me! 🙃 Wishing all a safe and pleasant day. Thanks for the Daily! 🌹 🌼 🌷
  17. We are back from summer vacation and getting back in the groove. Plenty of catching up here to do. So much activity! And tumbles!! BUT… what do I see at the end of the day? @kazu’s new baby really playing…after all she’s been through recently. Watching that good girl chase her own tail really brought a smile. Have a restful night, Everyone.
  18. Good morning, All. Blueberry muffins sound good. After morning mammogram, maybe we'll get some along with coffee. Loneliness is a real problem now. Oddly, "Bowdlerized" was a word we actually used in our house when I was a kid -- mostly in reference to movies that were cut up so that they could be shown on television. Never in my life did I imagine that it was the name of a person -- it was just a word for us. "Yes, I saw that movie, but not at the theater, so it was pretty bowdlerized." Who knew? We have been to Tunis -- went to the souk and the Bardo Museum. I think I posted a couple photos last time the port came up. We had a good day there, but I'd never return. I hope everyone's week starts off well. Thinking of you all -- praying for the hurting and celebrating with those having joyful times. Happy Monday!
  19. Lenda, my sister had the procedure with the drainage shunt and she recovered well and feels much better for having done it. I was frankly very nervous when I heard she was having the procedure. I'm glad that you've found a doctor you like. It makes so much difference. Prayers are with you and your DH. Maybe you'll end up with us on some BHBs out of San Diego. Princess has some cruises out of San Diego now, too. That's new. 😊
  20. Good morning, friends. It’s a bit overcast this morning here in San Diego. Nice collection of days…especially the chocolate. I hope the quote is wrong! Cobb salads are a favorite. My first one was at the Hollywood Brown Derby Restaurant, where the salad was “invented.” My mother grew up in Hollywood and so we visited there often. I hope everyone has a lovely day today. Maybe I’ll go shop for ingredients for a Cobb salad.
  21. Not sure how you feel about Ireland, but twice we’ve used Aerlingus when traveling to Rome and enjoyed time in Ireland by doing that, with good prices for the flights. Comfortable flights, too. So many options…enjoy your planning!
  22. That's a great itinerary -- a good mix of busy and relaxing. I think we've been to all but Funchal Maderia. You'll get lots of answers here to questions. I'd pipe in now to say be sure to include St. Mary's house with any tour you take in Ephesus. It's a pretty spot and just feels special. I still have a little vial of water from the well there. As our guide said, "Take a vial of water, no matter what your beliefs. You won't regret it." 😊
  23. Awww, Sandi, this is very sad news. I made my insomnia visit to the Daily at about 4:30 in the morning and then just checked back in and saw this. Your family is in our prayers...that Buddy has a comfortable passing and that family and friends are given good strength during this tough time. Maxine
  24. Good morning, Everyone. I'm pooped out today, after having the 4th of July BBQ here at our house. It's hard work, but we're finding that it's just best to bring our "kids" and their families together at a place they both call home. It was fun and worth the effort. Looking ahead, super excited to see Debbie's recipe for Mole Mexican Wedding Cookies. We always have regular ones (aka Russian Tea Cakes) at Christmas, and this variation will be super darling for our Christmas in July BBQ. Like all of us, we're heartbroken about what took place yesterday in Highland Park. Hard to wrap one's head around it. Something has to change. God bless all our Dailyites and all those who just stop by to read this thread. Many thanks to Rich and all for keeping things going here.
  25. Well, it's understandable, Sandi. I bet something else nice will come up.
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