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Dr. Cocktail

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Everything posted by Dr. Cocktail

  1. I'm so shocked by all of I'm so shocked by all of this .... I'm 60 years old and the only Social Media I'm on is CruiseCritic ... Is that even Social Media? I'm made of fun by, well, everyone for this and chided for "missing out".... Now I'm not so sure! I've had old friends say "well, how can I contact you"? .... count to ten..... "well, we could phone each other like we used to!" OK, so now I have to avoid the influencers AND the die-hards of (insert cruise line here) on CC. The worst was on the Oceania Boards a decade ago where you couldn't criticize anything. I got into some mini-tussles on the Regent boards with people challenging what I experienced but general positive interactions.
  2. I'm in Canada and my agent never got notification .... can't disagree. My partner and I were joking how unlike most situations, EJ shouldn't have been afraid to hit "reply all"!!! Let's split the difference - many here have been beyond angry while not fully melting down!
  3. I'm sorry to hear about this - really no excuse for rudeness in any staff. I'm curious to see how things will change when Heiki Berdos returns - she really had zero time on board with paying passengers to have any influence. Finally, I'm CERTAIN that they will get the message loud and clear when hundreds of New Yorkers start boarding in 12 days time!!!
  4. I was just making fun of "snowflake culture" where we're all offended by, well, something! It's funny how people were having meltdowns on these boards because of the canceled itineraries ... I was "high-five", got to rebook with a discount!
  5. Um, did you check under my avatar? I'm talking to you from Midtown!!! That was homespun, Canadian sarcasm! Not offended .... just totally agreeing with your observations and totally in line with many of my previous posts.
  6. Whoa, whoa, whoa .... not liking this common sense Canadian vibe from you. It's mean, triggering and possibly offensive. .... and basically what I've been saying on these boards for weeks! There's usually a price to pay for being an early adapter but frequently many great surprises too! Cruisecritic members form such a small proportion of cruisers and bring all sorts of "previously sailed on biases" with them. Admittedly, the prices probably should have been adjusted for these early sailings but I remain extremely optimistic about my upcoming sailings.
  7. Thanks for taking the time to post! Hopefully things will settle themselves (in a positive way) as your journey progresses!
  8. Still impressive that your computer was able to function through the Miasma of Negativity pervading this forum. I'm surprised that wifi was able to penetrate the cloud!
  9. I'm impressed! You correctly didn't say "au revoir"!
  10. Many thanks to you all!!! Booked the V1 - THIS is what I love about CruiseCritic - no whining or trashing, just helping each other out!!!
  11. Thanks! More thoughts and opinions greatly appreciated!
  12. Happy Thursday! I'm booking my first Seabourn cruise on Ovation and have actually held a V2 but was curious about the cheaper V1's. The majority are above a mysterious White Area on deck 4 on the deck plans forward of the restaurant and behind the Medical Center. Could someone possibly tell me what that area is and if anyone has stayed in the V1 category? Many thanks!
  13. Cruise Industry New is reporting that: "The Explora III will launch in summer 2026 and be the first of Explora Journeys’ four luxury vessels to be powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG), the world’s cleanest maritime fuel available at scale that plays a key role towards the decarbonization of international shipping" That is, four vessels powered by LNG. What Michael Ungerer said is: “The double event today marks another major step forward on our mission to redefine ocean travel for today’s discerning luxury travellers. Following the successful launch of Explora I and the incredibly positive feedback from the first guests, travel advisors and media, who had a chance to experience the Ocean State of Mind, the story continues, and we are now beyond thrilled to witness the next important construction milestones for both Explora II and our first LNG powered ship Explora III. We are proud that our four ships are built by Fincantieri, further underlining our commitment to Italy.” Which leaves me confused ...... or simply, 5 and 6 remain as options as is common with many ship orders.
  14. It’s been all over the web how much Explora is paying in crew blogs and such. Actually , how do YOU know that Explora crew are not being treated well?
  15. Explora pays more than anyone else so I sincerely doubt it!
  16. I am still keeping my rose coloured glasses on until further notice!
  17. According to my travel agent, all will be revealed on September 7.
  18. One hundred percent fascinating (and true!)… Thanks for a positive post on this board for a change…
  19. Brothers from a different mother???!!!! (or a sister?!) I had three booked and am booking a fourth! The "old model" doesn't really work for me any more but I do like a Cruise Director to get the "feel" of the crowd as to what entertainment will be on offer as it is so free flowing. There IS one coming and it was also referenced in one of the always reliable UKTOG's posts. OK - for what I'm paying I will respectfully disagree on the toilet paper. Too many memories of my first visit to Eastern Europe in the 70's with their notorious TP specialty that was waxed paper on one side but remarkable enough sand paper on the other! Oceania had astonishingly brusque officers and I couldn't confirm that a Captain was actually on Regent. I could frankly care less but I do appreciate senior officers making the rounds, again just to get a feel of the place. The p---ing contests that are the repeaters receptions drive me insane. Hours of humble bragging that I can never get back in my life. So yes - here's to something new! When you make an omelet, you're gonna break some eggs!
  20. What's interesting is that there IS a CD hired - she just hasn't boarded yet which begs the question/statement: "HUH??!!!" https://www.linkedin.com/in/tanyacroberts/ I was trying to figure this out but someone else was also listed on Linkedin as CD but their posts stopped 5 months ago .... I'm wondering if Tanya wasn't immediately available after the first person didn't work out ....
  21. I’m surprised - RSSC is usually mentioned along with the lines you mentioned.
  22. Sorry but terrible Costco level Muzak played EVERYWHERE on Seven Seas Splendor!!! It’s particularly bad in all the restaurants.
  23. Thank you sooooooo much …. My travel agent is literally arriving back from a vacation today and I didn’t want to give her a stroke!!! What a poo show…..
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