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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. When we were in Myrtle Beach, one of the restaurants we went to had oyster flights. Four drinks with oysters floating on them. I don’t mind oysters, and I don’t mind drinks, but somehow the combination didn’t appeal to me. After seeing them at the next table, I was glad I did not order.
  2. Sometimes fear can be a hard thing to overcome. The best thing is to forward with a positive attitude. I am sure @Ocean Boy would say the same, but that is just my philosophy. Glad to hear you can ditch the wheelchair.
  3. It is 3.81 at your Sam’s Club. We filled up there yesterday. still 4.65 here in PA. Got to love our high taxes.
  4. And now, for something totally different. The couple that live in the house behind us graduated with my daughter. He owns one of the local beer distributor businesses, and it looks like he is using some promo items to decorate their back deck. I look out a couple nights ago, and see a large, light up beer sign. So I asked Susan if I could put one up in our hot tub gazebo, for some additional lighting. After all, I still have a few bar displays from my college days. I got them as promo items when I ran our fraternity beer and pop concession. This is one of my rare favorites. I have seen a couple bar top displays with the horse, but I have never seen another light up hanging sign like this one. Mustang malt was made by the Pittsburgh Brewing company. They had Heartland make the plastic horses for these display pieces in the late 1960’s. Unfortunately, Susan said no, so my vintage beer signs have to stay in my basement.
  5. Our day was pretty laid back today. We did more bike riding practice, and he continues to improve. Another week, and we may have to get our bikes out to keep up. Had a hibachi lunch. Yum yum sauce for @Jimbo We have a full schedule planned for the weekend.
  6. My Sister-in-law (Susan’s sister) and brother-in-law are on Ovation for this week’s cruise to Alaska. It is their first cruise. I will be interested in seeing their pictures. We were booked with them for 2020, and we know how that year went. Looks like our only chance of getting to Alaska will be if we take our grandson next year. Will have to see. We already have 4 booked from January thru May.
  7. I can relate to that. My mother was the same way before she passed. She said she was ready to go, and passed shortly after.
  8. I just eyeball it. We do something similar in the winter with a warm apple cider and fireball mix with a stick of cinnamon
  9. I am sure you are talking about taking a kid 24/7 to see if you can keep up. 🤣🤣 It had been a lot of years since I had to run beside a bike. It was easier 30 years ago.
  10. I think he will be comfortable with it after about a week. Our other grandson says he is ready to learn to waterski, so we will be watching for a nice, calm day. We have youth skis, wake boards, knee board, and a board to learn on, so I am sure he will find somethings he likes.
  11. For our day, today, we decided to buy our grandson a bike, and teach him to ride. They don’t have many places to ride where he lives, so he never learned. Like a basic life skill, everyone needs to learn. After a couple tries, we had some success. Here, we are teaching the proper side of the road, if he decides to bike in the UK. 😀 Then we traveled to @Lionesss’s neck of the woods in Warren, Ohio for a Greek festival. lamb chops gyros and time spent on a few carnival rides. Now, it is movie time and drinks at our house. No smoothies, colada’s, or daiquiris tonight. This was our quick, easy drink of choice tonight. Apple juice and fireball over ice.
  12. My son and DIL have been marrieds 13 years, and were never able to take a honeymoon. They have been able to get away for trips with family or friends, but never themselves. So with us watching our grandson, they were able to fly off to Cabo, just the two of them. I am glad they were able to get away. It looks like I taught him well. He has sent me drink pics and food porn and relaxing time pics
  13. I remember that MASH episode. We have been having trouble even remembering our grandsons age and birthdate. We both stand in the TSA line trying to remember each time. Think I will write it on my hand next time. 🤣 Adding my birthday wishes to you Lenny @lenquixote66 But it is 49, isn’t it. 😏 Sending prayers for your friend Ginny.
  14. Yesterday, we took the grandkids to Apple Castle. They were supposed to learn about corn, but corn will not be ready for two weeks yet. So instead, they learned about donut decorating. icing and sprinkles They were all pretty tasty Of course, all the kids had to be reminded to not lick the spoons For the afternoon, we all went boating. It seems we have to feed the geese as soon as we launch. It was a very nice afternoon on the lake, but wind kicked up the waves quite a bit. Wind and waves were too strong to anchor one place we wanted, so we went to a sheltered cove. And I did something I had not done for 4 weeks. Mowed my grass. Finished just before some storms rolled thru.
  15. Eggland’s are the only kind we buy. I have no idea how much they are here. Let me add my welcome to @ckrobyn
  16. Speaking of turkeys, we had two adult and 3 small ones cross the road in front of us on our way to this morning’s activity.
  17. There is nowhere I hate driving more than California. Stop and go traffic, and the motorcycles seem to think that the dotted white line, dividing lines on the freeway, are their lane. Caldrv.mp4 I have been known to crowd that line, when I see them in the rear view.
  18. I am jealous of all those beautiful gardens. It seems we just buy things to kill off each year. Sometimes we get some help from the deer. It seems they love hosta. By this time of year, this is what they look like. I keep telling Susan we should take this advice.
  19. It is very rare that we would see 100°+ temperatures here. The last time was 1988, and only two dozen times since 1870. We are looking at lows in the 60’s and highs in the 80’s this week. We did have a couple showers yesterday, so I spent my day draining, cleaning, and refilling our hot tub. Glad I have it under the gazebo so it made it easier to work on. Plans for a hike this morning.
  20. Don’t know if you are an apple user, but their iMovie is easy to use. You can easily do transitions, add video clips or stills, overlay a voice or audio track, and so much more. The thing with music, is YouTube will often flag some videos if they have certain music tracks. I posted a “Rock Britannia” street party video a few years ago from our sailing on Indy from Southampton. YouTube flagged it as a possible DRM violation and blocked it.
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