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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. I know this is not necessarily the kind of collector bottle that Greg was talking about. But, when I go for my yearly check up, and they ask about guns in the house, I am never sure if I should include this one! So I just say I have several, and I know how to use them.
  2. Well said! The one time I felt the need to contact Royal after a cruise, was after things kept going horribly wrong on a cruise. My purpose was to detail the problem so they could review what happened, and make changes so no one would have to experience the same thing. I would encourage Dani to at least make sure they are aware of the wire issue. If it is not getting up to the people who need to know, they may never change, and others may face the same issue.
  3. I hope everyone has a safe, and enjoyable 4th of July. From our trip to Waldameer, this statue is appropriate. I think I may have posted this before. It is a video I did of a fireworks show with the grandkids a few years ago, set to Lee *****’s song. Edit to add—- I guess CC bans his last name too. 🤣🤣. Just like the city.
  4. I was thinking, we are talking about chairs, and what chairs have steering wheels on them? Then I remembered!
  5. Dani, so sorry to hear about your experiences on Beyond. What happened is so unlike Celebrity, and you should make your experiences known to the CEO. How they addressed the wire is unacceptable, and I can’t believe they would still be using wire brushes to clean a grill. The problem with wires coming loose and sticking to the grill and transferring to food is well known. I haven’t used wire brushes on my grill for at least 20 years, because of that exact problem. I do not know if it is a sign of the times that they don’t want to upset the staff that they have, because they are short staffed, or what. I think that not only Celebrity, but Royal and the other lines need to address food and staffing now that they are trying to stay near 100% capacity. Otherwise, they may find their customers looking elsewhere.
  6. It is a good thing you posted pictures of food with your posts about 5-way and 4-way’s. My mind was still back on what @John&LaLa posted about a 3-way that caused the Carnival fight. 😏
  7. Yesterday was our beach day at Presque Isle in Erie. The beaches were not as busy as I thought they would be for a Friday before the holiday weekend. We did manage a small Sand sculpture Although I found a way to repurpose Lime and Coconut drink buckets as sand buckets, I would have rather had the drinks in them. We did have to stop at Hank’s custard stand on the way home. The white van was filled with Amish, as their driver stopped with them, after their day of work. You can still see one in line, although he must have left his hat in the van. Their clothing is pretty distinctive. All in all, it was another great day, and we managed to miss the rain.
  8. I am playing catch up on this thread. @Momof3gurlz We did pre-cruise and post-cruise extended stays in San Juan. Our first one was at the Intercontinental Resort in the Isla Verda area, but I understand this resort is under a new name now. The second time, we were at the Embassy Suites in the Condado area. In both areas, we used the public busses when we wanted to go to OSJ. They were both nice at the time, but sine we did those stays 16 and 12 years ago, things have likely changed since then.
  9. I followed this interesting thread years ago. It doesn’t appear he has posted anything since December, 2016. I certainly hope John is alive and well, and continuing his model building. I would be interested in seeing more if he is still building.
  10. Since the Erie forecast said no rain for a couple days, we decided to spend some hotel points and have a little get away. Yesterday, we did Waldameer Amusement Park. According to their sign, they have been in business since 1896. The first ride of the day for us was a calm sky ride. Then, what better than to put our grandson in the front seat of the log ride. He was not happy at how wet he got. 🤣 How about a roller coaster? Ok, so he got his revenge, when he took me on the tilt-a-whirl. He loved that one, but I was like….. I don’t think that thing stopped spinning the entire ride. That kind of ride is tougher for me to do, the older I get. End of the day, he did win a prize. Now, today, we are off to the beach.
  11. Fins to the Left does a really good tribute. I hate to see that rain is forecast. We have been in Erie yesterday and today, and no rain in the forecast here. I use to order the Pittsburger sandwich, and add lots of hot sauce to it. Lately, my go to one is the pastrami.
  12. The fountain always looks so busy. Did you toss your coins in? Susan and I did when we were there three years ago, but it took a little while to get close to the fountain.
  13. Today, we headed across the border to do a little trail hiking at Millcreek Park in Youngstown, Ohio. We only had one grandkid this morning. Found a few turtles and fish Some trails have nice outcroppings And I love the look of some of these little stone arches. Daughter and the rest of the grandkids were here for supper, plus a little carrot cake. Someone was trying to photobomb my cake picture.
  14. Thanks Dani, and I hope you are feeling better. The one good thing about the pandemic lockdown, is that we got to spend so much more time with our grandkids. First it was being with our two here while they did remote learning, then having our California grandson here last summer and this one. We feel blessed that our bonds are even stronger. I do feel bad that our grandson from California has not been able to spend any time with his other two grandparents, since before the pandemic. They were always so involved with him, but they have been unable to travel here due to China’s strict travel policies. Hopefully soon. We do use those for everyday dishes. I know Susan had to hunt for a couple replacement bowls that were broken, and managed to find some. @George C happy anniversary.
  15. Today, we were off with the grandkids to Keystone Safari Animal Park. First stop, the butterfly house. Not many out, but they did manage to get a couple to land on them. Feeding the giraffe Pony rides Feeding reindeer And goats And some bounce time. Since we were close to Primanti Brothers, we had to stop to refuel. Another day of fun in the books. Lots of other animals they loved seeing, and they have new sections they are building to place more animals.
  16. @dani negreanu Dani, beautiful pictures. Sorry to hear you tested positive, even with all your precautions. Hope you have only mild symptoms, and they do not last long.
  17. Was going to get some, but the gas on sale has 15% ethanol. Only one of my vehicles can use it. The others say not to use if it has more than 10%
  18. Every time we pass Sausalito, driving the 101 up to my son’s house, I look at the houseboats along the bay, and think how great it would be to live on the water there. I thought surely it would be less expensive than some of the real estate around there. Then I saw this. https://sfist.com/2016/08/17/you_too_can_live_on_a_houseboat_in/
  19. Just a few pictures from our day. Daisies are out. As are turtles We were walking today, when we stopped to pick some berries, and found this following us. It walked right up to us. Tonight’s supper was filets, baked corn, and potatoes with chives and bacon. We had all the grandkids here for supper. We were watching the other two while my daughter and SIL were at the funeral home. One of the young engineers at SIL’s company passed away from pancreatic cancer. Very sad.
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