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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. I have not ordered from Baker Creek before but this is where I found it. I have been hearing a lot of good things about Baker Creek and my Kenzie's mom bought be a gift card for them. Here is the place. https://www.rareseeds.com/ I am not sure how it happened but last year our library had a large display of seeds they were giving away. Most of the seeds were donated by Baker Creek. Here is a link to the Kohlrabi. https://www.rareseeds.com/early-purple-vienna-kohlrabi
  2. I am wondering if from what I heard on the news is correct. One does not have to have a precondition to have this happen to them. Does that sound correct? One can be healthy and get hit just right and this happens?
  3. Sounds like those who have tried it like it. Sounds like it will be worth trying. From what I have read I will try mixing it with other veggies with olive oil and roast. Maybe try it in a salad. I have heard some say it is like broccoli and some cabbage. I have read they are mostly found on farmers market. Thanks for the replies. It's on the list to grow. I am trying to find veggies I can start early and have a great start to this year. I started some veggies to late last year and it hurt. I hope we have a better growing year than the last hot one. I heard they have a lot of nutritional value too!
  4. Has anyone ever tried a vegetable called kohlrabi? I am planning what I want to grow this year and it caught my attention. Here is what it looks like.
  5. We will be joining you on Ovation. We also had this cruise canceled last year. We were disappointed to find that we could not do a b2b this time too. I will follow this because we want to find a way to Seattle too. So far I have not found a reasonable way.
  6. My BIL joined the family in Huntsville last week while we were still having very cold weather. He was wearing shorts each day! He lives near Denver and is DD says he wears them through the winter. 🥶
  7. Have you ever tried a pesto pizza? Not everyone likes pesto but I do. It's another thing I put extra extra garlic in. When I use a Tomato sauce I use a small amount of sauce on my pizza.
  8. @Sunshine3601 I have researched the Garlic White Pizza. Sounds good. When this was posted I didn't realize it was a pizza made with white sauce. It sounds easy to make and the sauce sounds like it would be good on a lot of stuff. I usually use a garlicky red sauce. Caden and I also like a garlic Pesto as a sauce.
  9. So if your bag is in the hallway and someone with an iPhone walks by it, I assume it would mark the spot even if the iPhone is not there any longer and as long as the bag is not moved. Could you quickly walk down the hall with an IPhone then check the app and find it?
  10. I saw a thread on Air Tags and thought with all that is going on with flying, this might be a good time to invest in some. It would also help in finding the luggage in the hallway once on board the ship. I think I remember @Sea Dog Greg using them. Are they worth it?
  11. On arrival to the cabin, couldn't you just call guest services and make the request?
  12. The best way to know is to look on the app. I just opened the app and it is on the app.
  13. This was a great Christmas for Kenzie and the kids. Sharon wraps the 12 days of Christmas for them to open before the 25th. Then the 25th they all opened presents at the Huntsville gathering. Kenzie loved her new kitchen. Then she caught me taking pics. They made it home last evening. They found out Santa visited while they were gone. Good news! Santa left her an electric car! She is now going to be an even better driver!
  14. No, it wouldn't be worth it to get a credit card for one cruise. If you want to learn the advantages of using a credit card there are websites like The Points Guy that explains the pros and cons of different credit cards. Here is an example talking about the best travel credit cards. https://thepointsguy.com/credit-cards/travel/ As others said, it is safer to use credit cards than debit cards. If your credit card is hacked the bank does all the work to make things right. Not always the same with debit cards.
  15. We are headed back home now. I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed and having an electric blanket to warm it up before I climb in. 😴
  16. We appreciate the Maya Chan review. We will be visiting next month and it looks great. We heard it's a challenge to get to the pick-up area. We are thankful @brillohead has offered to meet up with us and guide us to the pick-up.
  17. We were below zero but Thursday forcast a high of 63⁰ low 54⁰. Crazy swings in weather. Last night I stumbled walking into my BIL's house while carrying a cooler. Water spilled out and in less than a minute froze on the porch.
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