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Everything posted by omeinv

  1. And 10 minutes later I got the email. Edge is going the the Azores instead of Bermuda. 🙂 Harris Denver, CO
  2. I'm on Edge 10-24. I'd be thrilled to trade Bermuda for Lisbon, or for the Canary Islands, or the Azores, or where ever. Harris Denver, CO
  3. Catherine always makes it diving with friends, rather than just diving. Gala is another gem. It's been fun to follow her progress from new Divemaster Student, to the pro she now is. I'm glad you were able to become part of the Gypsea family! Harris Denver, CO
  4. @rotman253 Cozumel (Specially the town, San Miguel de Cozumel) is a pretty major tourist destination. Your family will surely be able to find plenty to do there. The various beach clubs, and nicer beaches are a bit south of town, but can be accessed easily by taxi, or through either cruise ship or private excursion. In Costa Maya, whether you dive or not, it's worth the cab ride into Mahahual, and the beach there is very nice. Harris Denver, CO
  5. Ed, For Nassau I have nothing. As far asI know the only option is Stuart's Cove, and I haven't heard enough good to make me ever book a dive there For Cozumel I definitely do have a recommendation: Sherief Sanad, who's basically famous amoung Cozumel instructors has started Humarine. He will be able to set you up with a great day there. https://humarine.com/ Harris Denver, CO
  6. That's a tough choice, as all three have great diving. If it were me, I would eliminate Roatan, as the diving there can be a bit of a hassle to get to. If your cruise ship has a scuba excursion there, it will likely be through Anthony's Key Resort. Over the years I've had mixed experiences with them. Now when I dive in Roatan I usually go through Subway Scuba, and I liked them. However, that was before COVID. so I don't have a strong recommendation for Roatan. Costa Maya (Mahahual) is one of my favorite places. If you get hold of Catherine Giroux at Gypsea Divers, I promise you'll have a great day of diving. When you disembark, you walk through the port facility,and out the gate, where there will be taxis. It was $4.00 per person last time I was there. Tell the taxi you want to go to either Gypsea Divers, or the Nacional Beach Club.. (http://gypseadivers.com) For Cozumel the diving is certainly fantastic, and I can recommend one of the very best. Sherief Sanad, at Humarine diving will make sure you have the best day there. (https://humarine.com/) Harris Denver, CO
  7. Oh absolutely!! ScubaTech Grenada. Eveline Verdier, the owner is absolutely fantastic. Sometimes they'll meet you in the boat, which means you take a short (10 minutes or so) walk out of the port, then through the Sendal Tunnel, then to the water's edge in town. Other times, she'll pick you up at the port entrance by car. Either way you'll have a fantastic day for sure, with a great team. Oh, and Eveline is also the Swiss Honorary Consul to Grenada, so if you're Swiss, and get yourself in any trouble, she can help you with that on your surface interval. 🙂 https://www.scubatech-grenada.com/ Harris Denver, CO
  8. @hoff624 I've used both Scuba Steve's and Eastern Caribbean. They're quite similar in service, and price. Both will pick you up within walking distance of the ship (there are two docks on opposite sides of the Harbor, but they'll know which your ship is at). I prefer Eastern Caribbean just based on responsiveness, and my (admittedly subjective) opinion of their friendliness and quality of service. Scuba Steve's offers a less expensive trip, but it's there in the Castries area, where the visibility is not near so good. For their upgraded trip, or Eastern Caribbean's regular trip you get down near Soufriere, which is where the better diving is. Probably the most famous site for St. Lucia is Superman's Flight. It's fine, but many of the other sites there in the shadows of the pitons are at least equally good. I usually deal with Eget, either by email or WhatsApp. She will make sure to get everything you need all set in advance. (https://www.easterncaribbeandivingstlucia.com/) Harris Denver, CO
  9. CVPs are Celebrity employees, not travel agents. Harris Denver, CO
  10. I've not stayed in one, but have seen the view from those cabins. The obstruction to view is wildly overstated in my opinion. The "X" is created by something akin to frosted glass, but it's almost more like window tint that that. I would not let that deter me from one of those rooms. All that being said, on the Solstice class ships, like you're looking at, the desirable verandas are those on the angles, like those just ahead and behind the part with the X on it. The angled balconies are larger than regular. Harris Denver, CO
  11. If you want a Celebrity Certified Vacation Planner, that number is 888-307-8413, then option 3. Once you have an assigned CVP, you'll use option 2, and enter their extension; so make sure you note your agent's extension number. Also ask for your agent's email address. I have equally good results calling my agent and emailing her. Harris Denver, CO
  12. @tonit964, If you want Celebrity Certified Vacation Planner - which is a great benefit in my opinion - you should call that department directly at 888-307-8413, then option 3. Once you have an assigned CVP, you'll use option 2, and enter their extension; so make sure you note your agent's extension number. Also ask for your agent's email address. I have equally good results calling my agent and emailing her. If you call the main number you won't necessarily have your reservation assigned to a CVP. What I do is create my booking on the website, and then place a "courtesy hold" on it. That creates a booking number. Then I call my CVP and she uses that number to bring up what I've done, makes any changes, applies the Captain's Club 1 category upgrade, and then I pay the deposit. There are often little things that come up with solo bookings; for example sometimes solo pricing is not clear on the website, and usually GTY rooms which can be a substantial savings won't show as available for solo guests. However, your CVP can get the revenue department to override that. Email if I can provide any insight into the process. My email is in my signature link (if you don't have signatures blocked here on Cruise Critic). Harris Denver, CO
  13. If you're sailing solo, you may want to re-think going with the All Included package. The price for the AI does not change for a solo passenger, so you're paying for two drink packages, two WiFi packages, and double gratuities, while only getting one of each. You would almost certainly be better off booking the No Perk rate, then adding the Drink Package (Premium or Regular), Wifi (Surf or Stream) and Gratuities. Harris Denver, CO
  14. No, no ships have Aqua Class cabins on deck 6. Harris Denver, CO
  15. I didn't think that post was "horrible" since I didn't read it near so much as an attempt at humor, as an effort to focus the OP on the fact that the reason their cabin was changed is that others are in a situation much more unfortunate than the horror and misery of having to endure moving cabins between two cruises. Harris Denver, CO
  16. My first cruises after the re-start of cruising were in Sept. of 2021. They were B2B on the Equinox. While I wasn't in the same cabin for each, I did have specifically selected cabins for each. About 1 month pre-cruise I got a phone call from Celebrity, advising me that my room on the first cruise had been "upgraded" from a 2D veranda to ta 2B veranda. This was because they were using deck 6 for isolating on coming crew, and potential guest or crew quarantine. While a 2D to 2B is indeed an upgrade, the 2D I had, I'd selected because it had a larger balcony. The person who had called to advise me of the change could not make any further changes or adjustments. However, I looked at the deck plan and saw some rooms - although in higher veranda categories - that would get me back to a room with a larger veranda. I called reservations (Probably waited on hold - I don't remember) and explained what had happened, and what I was hoping to do. Sure enough, with a bit of checking my request was granted. This was without any "beating up", and with no mention of my Captain's Club status (Classic Minus 😄 ) My points: A) While we will never know for sure, I believe it's more likely than not that Celebrity notified the OP's travel agent. Of course the TA is not going to acknowledge this if it did occur and they dropped the ball. 2) The OP's stated unwillingness to wait on hold "2 hours" assumes victimhood in 2 ways - first that the hold time would be that long; and that they, rather than their TA would or could get resolution by that call. In fact it's doubtful they'd encounter a 2 hour hold time. Also, since Celebrity has paid a commission to the TA to service the OP's reservation they likely would refer the OP to the TA, rather than discuss the booking, so it would be the TA who should be dealing with hold times, and resolving this. While I totally get the OP's displeasure at this having happened, and I hope they're venting rather than stating a genuine intention to make crew members miserable; the OP's words are their words. There is a potential avenue to resolve this, but the OP has said - Loud and Clear - they prefer not to use that avenue, and prefer to instead be miserable and endeavor to spread that misery to others. Harris Denver, CO
  17. We all bow in deference to your lofty status. You should return it apparently. Starting a cruise with the stated intention to make the staff's difficult position more difficult has clearly not endeared you to anyone here, and - despite your many, many cruises - will not endear you to your fellow passengers or the ship's staff. Here's a hint, when the poor person you choose to "beat up on" introduces you to their colleagues as a "Very Special Guest" (and they will), it is NOT a compliment. Harris Denver, CO
  18. No, the BOGO60 refers to the second guest 60% off pricing that's currently offered (Buy One Get One 60% off). Harris Denver, CO
  19. You should call and ask them to apply the back to back discount. It's $50.00 per cruise for shorter cruises, and $100.00 per cruise for longer. This is NOT an on-board credit, it's a discount off the price. The code is usually YDR7 for the $100.00 discount, and YDR6 for the $50.00, Although I've also so the code as TZF8 for the $100.00 lately. As far as the mechanics of the move: Continue to watch your cruises (do mock bookings), looking for either of your rooms to open up for the other sailing; or for a room in your exact category (e.g. not just a veranda, but an 2A veranda). If you see it you can call and get the same room for both sailings. Otherwise, on turn-around day, you just pack your luggage, and leave things on hangers. Your attendant/s will move everything to the new cabin. Usually the day before turn-around all B2B cruisers will have a meeting where you'll be issued your Sea Pass cards for the next sailing, and provided wiht details of the turn-around day processes. Harris Denver, CO
  20. Sherief Sanad's Humarine. https://humarine.com/ Harris Denver, CO
  21. A Veranda is a "Deluxe Ocean View" on the confirmation. Specifically is will read "Deluxe Oceanview Strm Veranda". Harris Denver, CO
  22. Both solicitation and posting or distribution of materials are specifically addressed and prohibited in the Guest Conduct Policy: Inappropriate or Abusive Behavior Prohibited Inappropriate or abusive behavior is not permitted. This includes uninvited physical contact; solicitation; harassment; vandalism; theft; violence; use of fake/false identification; underage drinking or providing alcohol to those under the allowed age (see Alcohol section below); possession of illegal substances/items; placing signs, banners, decorations, or other materials anywhere on the exterior of the ship; placing materials on stateroom doors, along corridors, or anywhere else on the interior of the ship without the express permission of ship management; installing, placing, laying or affixing materials anywhere in or on the vessel that may be deemed inappropriate by ship management; and any other illegal or offensive conduct. Harris Denver, CO
  23. Never did Person Garden access included. Elite and above get Persian Garden access on one port day, while the ship is in port (M & S class only), which is still the case. Harris Denver, CO
  24. Rather than be sad, I would call and try to get either the week before or week after your currently booked cruise as a freebie. That way you get a back to back for the price of one. Harris Denver, CO
  25. I remember something that may be a clue in getting this resolved. It used to be that residents of the state where the insurance company was headquartered (I believe it was NY) could not purchase the insurance through Celebrity, but had to go directly to the insurance company. This was due to an insurance regulation, not a policy of either Celebrity or the insurer. It was Berkley at that time, and I think it's still the same company, but is now called AON. Also, if you moved your booking from Celebrity directly to a travel agent that may have caused an issue, depending upon the travel agent's location. If the agent is in the state of the insurance company, or is not a US agent (I used to use a Canadian TA although I'm in the US, and thus couldn't purchase the insurance directly through Celebrity). Not that any of this would make your situation right, but that might explain why the CruiseCare was removed from your booking; and help in getting your situation resolved. Harris Denver, CO
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