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Posts posted by aloha43

  1. Why are people still lecturing? The OP thanked everyone several posts ago that they would leave tips as the full amount..


    Because most people only read the first question and answer, without having time to read through all of the posts. I usually read all of the posts, and then answer.

  2. I must say some people just amaze me on the way they respond, telling people they should not cruise or find another vacation because they can not afford it because they ask a question about tipping. A 1 yr old is not going to make more work for someone in the dinning room if you really think that then you are sadly mistaking.


    A one year old in the dining room can be a really time consuming effort for all and a LOT more work. They are VERY messy.


    But they are not just talking about the dining room. It is for the stateroom also......and there is a lot of clean up after two toddlers, let alone all of the diapers they would have to dispose of.


    I'm glad the OP is taking the advice of others and willing to tip the recommended amount.


    I think YOU are sadly mistaken on this....not the others.

  3. This is BS. If RCI knows two weeks ahead of time that their equipment is defective, then they should offer FULL refunds and maybe let me make the choice for an alternative short notice cruise on a competitor. Limping around and staying close to ports is an admission that they can't deliver what was sold.


    Maybe you should try Carnival if you are that unhappy. Belly aching doesn't help.....I think Royal Caribbean is being more than fair.


    The law allows a business to ask what service the dog performs but you are not allowed to ask the person what their disability is.


    The law allows them to "ask". But whatever they answer, they still HAVE to accommodate the animal unless it becomes unruly.


    Businesses have no choice, no matter what the reason, nor how dirty the persons animal is....and no accommodation for the other person in the room that may be allergic.

  5. Well based on that logic many people that cruise, shouldn't and only people that are 100% healthy should go. Not the person that has had a heart attack, the person with seizures, diabetes etc. the list could go on and on. They should stay home and never go anywhere. Maybe set age ranges. No one over the age of 50 should be allowed to cruise as they probably are sickly. And let's get rid of people with scooters too cause it inconveniences me to have to walk behind them. If you can't walk then cruising isn't for you.


    Just because you have a disability doesn't mean you shouldn't continue living your life. And someone with a legitimate service animal should not have to stay home just because other people don't want to see a dog in a restaurant or other public venue. You are right, it isn't fair. It isn't fair that just because you don't agree with something you think it shouldn't be allowed.


    Your words...."legitimate" service dogs.


    MOST out there are NOT legitimate service dogs. They are for "emotional support" and are not trained.


    I have no problem with a true service dog and I do believe that certain disabilities warrant the help.


    The ones we are complaining about are the ones who aren't trained, are dirty and are forced on people and restaurants when there isn't a need for it.


    It is totally fair...if indeed there is a "REAL" need for a service dog.

  6. These kind of comments always make me wonder if it was you that had a disability and had a legitimate service animal would you never go to a public dining facility? Someone that is disabled wants to do normal things just like everyone else. Thankfully the ADA exists so that public places cannot refuse entry to people with service animals, including restaurants. Service animals are trained to be unobtrusive and very well behaved in public.


    No, not all service dogs have training. That is the problem. People are abusing the service animal laws and bringing in any dog they want to any and all public places. It is against the law in California to ask for proof of a service animal and the restaurants are forced to allow them.


    I don't have a problem if it is a true support animal....but now a days, most aren't trained for anything.

  7. The ADA changed their rules to not acknowledge emotional support dogs. The problem is that each state may have their own laws. California is the worst. Rules regarding service animals are horrible. One isn't allowed to ask for proof......and ANYONE can be the "trainer". Friend, family, etc. Anyone.


    We are property managers and had a resident ask what kind of dogs were allowed. 20 lbs and no pit bulls. She then showed up with her new dog.....a HUGE pit bull that was owned by a homeless person....no history on this dog. This person is 5'4 and 72 years old....and couldn't control the dog.


    When I told her that the dog was too big and wrong breed, she forced the service animal issue with a note from a nurse practitioner. I had to accept this dog....in a park that has over 70 children.


    Long story short....the pit killed the neighbor's dog. (Horrible, but thank goodness it wasn't a child.)


    In California, the bums are entering restaurants with their stinky, flea ridden dogs and no one can stop it without being discriminatory and risking a lawsuit.


    I'm not sure how strict the cruise ship rules are, since most are owned by foreign companies.

  8. ALOHA 43, no, out of 25 songs I sing and about 60 my husband sings they had 1 of mine and 2 of his. And we watched dozens and dozens of people walk away after not finding theirs. Very disappointed. When people heard people singing it drew a huge crowd who had to just leave because of only 3 singers. Also it was scheduled at 11:30 pm IF it was scheduled at all!


    Wow...that sounds awful. On the Grand Princess, they had a book that was at least 5 inches thick. Thousands and thousands(and thousands!) of songs. And a lot of the songs were duplicated by which artist did it. There were so many songs that even if they were to let you take the book for the whole cruise and read it the whole time....you would never finish it.


    Do you know if they would allow us to bring our own cd?


    Did you make it into the karaoke booths? If so, how were they?


    Did you happen to notice if Rock this town was on the list? (That's the one my husband wants to do the most.)

  9. 'no show' makes no sense to me, by that time the full fare is paid, and non refundable. I doubt they would let the solo use any of it. Trying to use insurance to recover that fare is doubtful. Am I missing something?

    There is a very good chance I may be removing my travel companion also.


    I agree. If you wait till you show up at the port, all fares would have had to be "paid in full" by both passengers, and non refundable at that point.

  10. Send the next ebola victim (if there is one?) To the east wing of the white house I'm sure michelle is as qualified as the guy they picked for ebola czar.

    There is absolutely no reason to worry about a thing the government has it under control


    Haven't we been told not to make things political?


    Your ignorance shows regarding the ebola czar.

  11. How did the NBC cameraman contract Ebola? Surely he wasn't taking direct care of patients. He probably contracted it by contamination.




    Sent from my iPhone using Forums


    He caught it in Africa....they aren't and can't handle it there like they do here.

  12. Where, exactly, in this thread did anyone get nasty? :confused:


    The OP chimes in with a dramatic "never again" title to his "review", calls the food "slop", goes on to bash most everything about his cruise and people are just suppose to not say anything back at all but "Im so sorry you didnt enjoy your cruise"?


    Even the comment about the pools was not nasty at all.


    The actual comment was....


    "Pools over salted"? They don't salt the pools! That's the ocean!!!!!


    It didn't seem nasty to me.....


    Quarantining employees for weeks would be a complete overreaction IMO, given the facts we know about the disease and how it spreads. They may end up doing it at some point just to make people feel better but it won't decrease anyone's risk.


    Why wouldn't quarantining decrease anyone's risk? Of course quarantining decreases risk.

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