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Posts posted by compozer

  1. St Thomas:

    Blue Island Divers - Talked to Kilian




    They picked us up right in front of the ship. Great guys. My husband stayed on board and had a great time talking to Kilian when my son and I were diving.


    St Martin:

    Dive Adventures

    Anne - dive master




    We had to get a taxi and met them at Divi Resort. I think we paid $10 for taxi. They have another location and we had to wait for the boat to come from over there. We walked out to a small boat which transferred us to the dive boat. It was very nice of them to drop us off just off the side of the ship - wish they could have picked us up there.


    Anne was great.


    We were suppose to do a wreck dive but there already was a boat at that location. Very rough out but the crew was great helping us get ready, checking everything and getting us in and out of the boat. There were four or five other dive boast out that day.


    The site at Divi Resort is just a location that they use. Their shop is further away so they just pick people up there.


    I would recommend both of them

  2. Just returned at Christmas. We were unhappy that we could not book a scuba trip in Princess Cays - so we signed up for the ship's advanced snorkeling trip. We went up the coast a few miles. It was not the best but any time you can spend under water is better than being on the beach. We used lava core suits and I was glad we did.

    I am not at home so I will get the info later but we did two dives at both other stops. Was very pleased with both dives.

  3. Yes, we are on the DO NOT CALL LIST. I don't really think it does any good. Only three people have my husband's cell number and he gets odd calls all the time. Haven't answered one in two years.


    I did do some googling and like I said, figured it out as soon as I woke up. I would never give out any information especially my cc over the phone. I main reason I mentioned it here was to let others know. I would have hung up right away if it wasn't that I just wrote that letter to Princess.



    yes it does but I hung up before she got to the port charges.


    Here is another report on it.




    This is the number from my caller id:

    510 201-5674


    And I figured the Hilton one was because we just booked several hotels with them.


    I still can't believe all the people that fall for them.

  4. I was just taking a little nap and was half asleep when the phone rang. The lady said she was so and so from what I thought was Royal Princess and said "we have an offer for you". I sent a letter to them on Tuesday because of several issues on our Christmas cruise - yes, one was the balcony full of soot. I thought, man is this fast and they want to offer us something for it.

    She continued and said they wanted to give us a free cruise and we had 18 months to travel and all we had to do is write a review after the cruise. I thought they must be getting lots of complaints and need some positive reviews but then I started waking up and thinking more. She went on and then said she needed my credit card. And when I said that I have never had to give my cc when I booked, she said, cruise lines don't take cash and we just need it on file. I thought - STRANGE. SO I said "what cruise line did you say this was?" She said Royal Bahamas Princess.


    That is when I said "good bye" My caller ID which I never look up when a call wakes me up says "Royal Cruises". I googled it but didn't find anything.

    Anyone ever heard of them?


    It must be that time of year. Last night I got a call late (was expecting a call from my son and didn't look at caller id.) It was from Hilton Honors offering us a free trip to Vegas. I suppose they have a new hotel down there.


    I need to keep a pair of glasses by each phone

  5. Best review I have read in ages. And your pictures are wonderful. We were also on the cruise and had some of the same experiences with rowdy people in the dining room and around the pool. Still can't believe the guy in the green undies. I like that you take pictures with people in them.


    I am sure I saw you and your sister around the ship. What a beautiful family you have and looks like you play well together. Too bad you didn't get a chance to connect with our son. He is a photographer so you two would have a lot in common. He had one pelican case with his underwater housings, etc. and another with three cameras. We did a lot of scuba diving and he has some sensational pictures.


    Enjoy the rest of your vacation.

  6. We were on the Royal over Christmas and decided that is our last holiday cruise. Not just kids but too many people and we found the adult behavior worse than some of the kids especially in the dining rooms. There are just too many large groups and as we all know, they shout across the table, purchase more drinks, take tons of flash pictures and stay longer at the tables. If you are part of a large group, you are having a great time and nothing bothers you. But if you are a family of 2, 3, or 4 and are trying to carry on a nice conversation Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, you can become very irritated at some of the behavior.


    We had two inside cabins across from us with two young kids in each (all had same last name - thought this was not suppose to happen??) and never saw any parents around. They were wild - sounded like a heard of elephants running around. They tossed things that they didn't want anymore into the hall and had pillow fights out in the hall. I felt sorry for the poor steward that had to deal with their cabin. I really felt sorry for the entire crew on these FULL cruises.


    Never could get a lounge chair by the pool when we went up - so many chair hogs that said nasty things to us when we asked about the empty loungers. Pool and hot tubs full of kids screwing around. And no parents around. Very rowdy young adults drinking like mad in many areas.


    We prefer longer cruises and I think that is the only way we will do another Christmas cruise.

  7. Amex gives you the free first night dinner with the suite booking and Princess also gives you a free first night dinner. And I believe there was or is a sale that also gives it to other cabins. I also have found that it varies from ship to ship. All but one of our experiences have been that they have let us decide the nights we want. Over Christmas on the Royal, we did not want the first night but they said the suite perk had to be that night and the AMEX could be any night. And we were lucky to even get a table even though I had the concierge book it as soon as we boarded just after 12:00. First time every there were only a couple time slots available at the Crown Grill.


    We have never been able to trade the champagne for wine - wish we could - it is the same as the bottle they bring for sail away. We usually just ask them to bring it to us and we give it away.


    We had a different experience last month when I booked next months cruise on the Royal and was told Princess would not honor the AMEX perks because of the type of sale they were having. Didn't do a suite because they were sold out but wouldn't because of the soot issues. Amex also gives perks for other cabin categories.

  8. We just returned from our Christmas cruise on the Royal. We purchased three bottles of wine (our grown son was with us) and I had them in my backpack. I put it thru the scanner and as I figured, the lady told me to go over to the Princess table. I knew I needed both of the guys to be with me to show their cards so I stopped off to the side so they could join me. This woman stopped the machine and yelled at me to get to the table. I pointed to the guys and said they needed to join me and she yelled again for me to go to the table. She stood their with her hands on her hips until I got to the table. I still can't believe she held up the long line to make sure I made it over to the table.

    We are going back to the Royal in four weeks and I plan to bring two bottles - I will look for her so I can see if she does it again.

  9. We walked down and looked in this morning and I was not impressed. The only thing it would have been good for is all our scuba and photography gear that we brought along this trip. All their suites are overpriced. They are eliminating so many perks in the suites on the Royal - not making me happy. I could have stayed at the Four Seasons cheaper.

  10. Thanks for all the good wishes.

    Plane just pulled up so not much longer.

    Can't wait to get home and see our kitties.

    Found a new older one two months ago - hope he did ok at the kennel. The other three will just be pissed at us for a while. Need to get some pictures of those nasty looking faces.

    Bye for now

  11. What a wait for a taxi - almost a hour in line. We left the ship at 10:15 so maybe early would have been better but our flight isn't til 2:00.

    It has been delayed - not weather but traffic controllers here in FLL. Not a big deal.

    I am looking forward to our next cruise on the Royal. So glad we will be midship for a smooth ride besides no ash. The stern has really been rough on this trip. The last two nights had so much vibration that I couldn't get to sleep. Now that I think about it, it did it every night but the ones I took an Ambien. There is always some back there but the Royal seems much worse. Anyone else notice it?


    Only a hour left. Hope we can get the Packer game on the Internet.


    Take care.


  12. I second that 7 days is too short. We are waiting until 10:30 to leave. With so many ships in, we figured the airport will be a mad house. I remember waiting outside for 45 minutes so figure the later we get there the better. All you lucky Florida people that don't need to fly out. Maybe someday.


    We are coming back to the Royal in a month but are sad that several of our favorite crew members will be gone. But I am happy that they can be with their families. Crew has been wonderful.


    Safe travels to everyone on your way home.


    Happy New Years

  13. Susan, thanks for asking about the guys and their tour. Mike has gone a couple times and Mac has been invited to the bridge but last time when we were with you, they canceled the tour because of Noro. It was all men so not many questions in the galley and laundry but lots about navigation, etc. The captain had to leave for a discipline meeting. Seems that two new crew members took a Christmas tree and tried to get it into their cabin but they got caught on the cameras. And it was too tall! They did put it back. The captain laughed and said they are usually very strict about stealing but since it is the holiday season and they are new, he was only going to slap their fingers.

    There are many new security measures on the ship. I’d probably get them mixed up telling it second hand but the guys are always interested in that stuff because of our boat. The Allure is on our port ahead of us and there is another ship following us. It is always so confusing to guess distances at sea. I figured the ship was five miles behind us. Someone on the tour asked and they checked the GPS and they are 15 miles back.


    We had another rain shower two hours ago so it is real overcast. The captain announced at noon that there was a front ahead of us but he was going to try to steer away from it. The kids are getting restless and running thru the halls like mad.


    We did the Crown Grill again. I think the steak was better than the first night and the lobster was so sweet - loved it.


    Just looked outside - there are six ships around us. I suppose a couple will go to Miami. Busy day tomorrow.


    Now to finish packing - yuck!


    Wendy – take care.

  14. Thank you Compozer for keeping up the live thread. I hope you have a nice last day on board.


    Thank you very much.


    I have been trying to get connected all morning. I needed to add more minutes and my only choices are 15 minutes or pay by the minute. All the plans have disappeared. Just returned from the café and there is such a long line, I turned around. Everyone and their uncle is trying to use it. I know everyone wants to get their boarding passes printed but there are many unhappy campers.


    Looks like a beautiful day at sea. I need to get all our clothes folded and ready to pack before I can go play. There is another Pub Lunch today although I think the fish in the Horizon Court is just as good and you don't have to stand in line.


    I better go - hate to clog up the system for someone wanting their flight info.

    Have a great day.

  15. Where is everyone on this cruise???


    Is anyone staying on another week? I have the most beautiful flower arrangement and if I leave it, I'm sure they will toss it. It should last another week. I think I mentioned but suites are not getting the fresh flowers. We just got two plants and a couple stems of flowers. Not pretty at all.


    Formal night and it was lobster night. I really don't care for the taste. The prawns were wonderful. We went down at 8:30 and the MDR was packed. On other ships, it is dead at that time.


    There are going to be 100 more people on the cruise Sunday than we have and it is at max. Sounds like lots of kids again. Always thought about doing a new Years cruise but maybe not. We have not run into many kids. Have seen some very well behaved one. There are two inside cabins down from us with four kids in each and they are wild - running and yelling down the halls. They throw dirty towels and other used things out into the hall. Have never seen a parent around at all.


    I really am sick of eating. We even skipped dessert tonight and at lunch. We don't eat this much at home and I really don't like the feeling of being full all the time.


    The guys wanted to come back and watch the Texas Bowl. Another night of no shows but I really don't care. Trying to figure out why I am so tired - other than our diving, we haven't done anything to wear us out. First cruise we haven't walked but I don't care for the running track. The lane for walking was full of people wondering the wrong way when we walked up there the second day. And no swimming. Gee - this may be the first cruise I gain weight.


    The guys are going on the Ships Tour tomorrow. Wanted to sleep in our last day but the tour is at 8:20. Glad I decided we didn't have suitcase space for three robes.


    29 seconds left - Rats - hope Minnesota can score.

  16. Loved seeing the Allure take off next to us all lit up two weeks ago. We got some great pictures!


    I had an inside cabin in the front of the Royal and my internet was fine, I was able to connect in my room without an issue. Funny how drastically it changes from room to room!


    Enjoy your last two days at sea!


    Yes, It really was neat. And their crew with huge hand waving at us.


    Our steward just told me that the ship changed internet companies. He said the service is also terrible in the crew quarters.


    We finally toured the ship after breakfast. We miss being able to go out and look over the bow. Boy, we don't like the layout at all - just like others have said. I hate having to walk thru lounges and the Horizon Court to get around. Don't think we will book it again. We do have our February cruise on her but that will be it. We all like different things so I guess it is good that they offer different things for different people. It would be a boring world if we all like the same things.


    The only place that is crowded is the pool areas otherwise you would never guess their are so many people on board. No tan for us this time - our dermatologist will be happy. Now she just says "where were you this time?"


    Seas are pretty calm today. It is a beautiful sunny day.


    Have a good day.

  17. Hi Susan,

    I was wrong about the time - forgot my computer didn't update the clock this last time and all of a sudden I am wide awake.


    I don't know if the lounge is worth it or not. I don't like the fact that the food just sits there - yes there is a sneeze guard but I'd rather see a cover over the food because some things dry out. There also is no place to put dirty dishes so people just set them on the top tray. The girl called for dinner reservations but I really could have done that myself since so many times were already booked that she had to keep asking me if one time or another was ok. Probably easier to do it myself. The Star was great when they had the one lounge available for suites only on the last morning and they even kept the snack and coffee filled. That was a nice perk. I have a feeling that people are going to try to get their families into the lounge on Sunday morning and there really are not that many chairs.


    Yes, we will be so close to you. If this was only our cruise in February, we could meet up since we will be heading to the boat show in Miami.


    Forgot to mention that it rained sometime while I was taking a nap this afternoon and did clear up so people could be outside for sailaway but it probably screwed up a few afternoon excursions. Our balcony was soaked but at least it washed away the ash. It has rained more this cruise than any I remember.

  18. What a SAD day. We start our way back to FLL. I love sea days and am thrilled I don't have to get a wake up call for two days. Wasn't sure how long it was going to take today for our taxi ride to meet up with the dive boat. Hell, I don't even get up at 6:30 at home and then I have to jump in the water. Didn't even get coffee - no heads on the boat. We did two great dives. The seas were rolling and you didn't need to step off the boat to get in the water - the waves almost took us off the swim platform. We saw three good size sharks on the second dive. As we were heading up for our safety stop, one came right towards us - I could see the whites of his eyes:eek: then he turned off. And the dive boat dropped us off at the water taxi dock aright next to the ship and we really appreciated not having to find a taxi back. The current was so strong even 55 feet down that I really worked up an appetite and was dead tired.

    For the first time in five years we went to the Horizon Court for lunch. It was GREAT!!!!! Food everywhere you looked and it was delicious. I ate way too much. The neat part was that the tables are so far apart - so much nicer than the MDR. The crew is so friendly and helpful.

    We still haven't made it to a show or anything. We are movie people so have been watching many. This is so much nicer than the DVD's they use to give you. And now every cabin can enjoy them.


    The Allure of the Seas was docked next to us and they pulled out just as we got pulled in the last of our lines. Everyone was yelling and waving at us. My son wondered if they got free drinks because they were so rowdy. And they went NUTS as the Love Boat theme played. Pacific Princess departed five minutes before.


    I like the concierge lounge BUT people are handing their cards to friends and family members so the food goes fast. The people in the balcony next to us along with other family members are always there. I imagine it is worse because of Christmas and the large family groups traveling together. Mom and dad get the suite and the kids and grandkids are in cabins close to them. The girls are very helpful and very friendly. My only complaint is that they don't have regular coffee, just the specialty ones in the machines. The girl told me to make an espresso and add hot water. Not very good.


    Our internet is terrible in our cabin and not available at all in our bedroom (normally my favorite spot) but if we go down there, it is much better. There is a cable hanging from the ceiling just outside our door so maybe it will improve in the near future.


    Still haven't been able to get any loungers by the pool. I guess we need to go up early in the morning but that isn't going to happen.



    We ate in the MDR the last two nights and have had great service.


    It isn't even 9 yet but I think it is time to go to bed.


    Take care,


  19. Hi Jamie,

    Merry Christmas.


    Yes, Susan, it seems like ages ago.


    We are suppose to be casting off but they have been calling for two passengers and we want to get going. There is a rock on the west side of the island just around the bend that looks like a dive flag when the setting sun hits it and I'm afraid we are going to miss it.


    We have been having fun watching two of the yachts having water balloon fights They tried to get us but came up a little short. (one was heading out). They were having a blast but they really should be required to go pick them up. I don't like to see that stuff floating in the water.

  20. Merry Christmas Sandy!!!!


    Hope the day is filled with fun and sun. :)


    Hi Susan,

    Merry Christmas.


    Had two SUPER dives the morning. Made up for some of the stuff that has been going on. Just cleaning up our gear and we are off into town.


    Beautiful day.


    Merry Christmas everyone.




    I'll also second Corals suggestion that you try to get some satisfaction about your balcony while on the ship.


    Just saw your post - what movie are you watching?


    Identity Thief



    The purser said they would give us another cabin but the ship is sold out.

    I have gotten over being upset. (although - the internet is driving me crazy). Our expectations were just too high. My suggestion is to make these OS a different category - not a suite - no suite perks - lower the price and people would love them. We are coming back to the Royal in a month and that one is just to have fun with some great friends. Tomorrow and Thursday we are going scuba diving and I'm really looking forward to that.


    Wonder when Santa will show up? I bet there are some excited kids around.


    Suns back - I'm off

  22. Thanks Wendy,


    Overslept this am and missed breakfast but there is too much food the way it is. We already are skipping desserts. It rained a couple times this morning and then there was a beautiful full rainbow and we looked toward the bow and the skies were as black as could be. We are watching our second movie of the day - love this new tv system. We did go up to find a spot by the pool - what a joke. There are a few here and there but people tell you they are saving them. There are loungers in the shade not what we want. Pools are packed with young people - same for hot tubs.


    We had a talk over lunch and decided this will be our last Christmas cruise. Not our last cruise all together but just holiday ones. We will do islands resorts and that way we can scuba dive everyday. If you do these cruises with large groups, it can be a blast but when there is just two or three of you, it isn't the same and it is just the way it is. We are spending time together and that is the important thing and we are in warm weather not freezing cold with that damn white stuff on the ground.


    Everyone really has been nice about the balcony issues - they just can't do anything to help. We will have to take it up with the main office when we return home.


    Tonight is our first formal.


    This movie is too funny - can't type and watch at the same time. Movie wins -------------


    Merry Christmas everyone!!!

  23. Hi Donna, Merry Christmas,


    Our cabin steward just stopped in with a nice chair - not a deck chair but said we can use it when you want to eat at the balcony table and he said he would cover it at night. I think he feels sorry for us. Crew has been wonderful.


    Sorry I posted this morning but the post never showed up. No overhang at all on the balcony. My son took me out on the balcony before dinner and the wind direction changed today. Wish I could get a picture of it. It is coming low and then falling down right over the top balcony. I have never seen a ship where the smoke is so low over the stern.


    Ok, this may be my last post. I feel bad that I have seem to taken over this LIVE and all I am doing is complaining. We had decided not to do Christmas cruises but I booked this and didn't tell my husband. for a year Our last one was full of rude loud people. Christmas Eve there was a table of 18 next to us (kids table of 6 was next to it) They were so loud and drunk that we could not hear each other and was not enjoyable at all. So, when they called today, I said we would like a table by the window at 8. We get down there and the table next to us had 12 people - RATS. They were loud and it got worse when the guys started to make noise by holding their breath and hitting their cheeks .:eek: They all went nuts and got louder. Next they all - kids also - wet the rims of their glasses and made more noise. The straw was when they pushed their chairs back and started juggling rolls followed by stabbing them with a knife and sticking them in wine bottles. We got up and walked out. The crew was so nice and send our food up to our cabin. Not real hot but it was excellent and much more enjoyable.


    We have fun with friends and do go out in large groups but we have never acted as rude as what we have seen on the ships the past few years.


    Love the new TV. You can start watching a movie like at home and put it on hold and finish it later.


    Forgot, there is a new $3.95 activation fee when you buy a plan for the internet and another $4.95 when you add more minutes. Nothing with the free platinum and elite minutes.


    It is getting a little rough. I think it is time for an Ambien and as they guys say I'm going to be acting a little odd for a while but at least the rocking and rolling won't keep me up.


    Sorry to complain.


    Hope everyone is set for Santa's visit tomorrow night.

  24. cruisin'chris,

    where are you?


    If your internet is anything like ours, forget being able to get on much. It was out most of the day. My son isn't happy - it died several times but it wouldn't allow him to log off. That happened to me earlier. Just a waste of money on this ship. Minutes fly by while waiting.


    We had a fun snorkeling excursion. I think everyone went to Princess Cays - I imagine it is because of all the kids. Last tender was suppose to be at 4pm but there were five more after that. Everyone must have stayed to the end.

    All the kids seem to be having a great time.


    I am not going to mention anymore negative things (well one other). It seems like people only want to hear the positives since they go nuts thanking everyone for posting POSITIVE.


    One other suite perk that has gone downhill is the flowers. They use to give you beautiful ones but now you get two plants with an orchid in it.


    Oh, I found out about them only putting two chairs with the table on the balcony instead of the four suites use to get. They said it was for safety.:eek: because of the small decks - yes, maybe in the PH's. I said "back the train up, those corner suite balconies are huge" No, they said it is the rule for all balconies. Not sure how one would have worked with the ash issues but they lost $150 for our balcony dinner.


    Hard to believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow.


    Merry Christmas to everyone.

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