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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone! Woke up early this morning due to a thunder bumper moving through the area. That's ok as I need the time to get ready to leave. We are supposed to have thunder storms this morning and clearing by the time we get to Barb's. I sure hope so! @Crazy For Cats to Juan: I like French Onion Soup. When we go to Quebec in August I will be searching out the restaurant from several years ago where we had excellent onion soup and crepes. Traditionally onion soup is made with beef broth. To make it vegetarian we are swapping out the beef broth for vegetable broth. In this recipe the addition of red wine to the broth gives it a nice depth of flavor. Vegetarian French Onion Soup This recipe uses white wine and balsamic vinegar in the broth and cheddar cheese instead of the traditional gruyere. French Onion Soup The secret to this one is the addition of tamari to the broth. Tamari is similar to soy sauce. Onion Soup Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  2. @Cruzin Terri OMG, it never ends, does it? I am so sorry that you tore your bicep muscle. I hope it heals quickly.
  3. @kazu Although you are not together, your anniversary is just as important as ever. Happy Anniversary to you and Jose.
  4. Good morning, everyone. It was a tough night last night as I couldn't fall asleep. I think it was after 2:00 am when I finally did fall asleep and I was up at 4:00 with leg cramps that I had to walk out. That took a while. The temperature this morning is a nice 63F and the house has cooled down beautifully. The high today is 81F, so we have broken out of the heat dome for sure. Tomorrow we head for DS Barb's lake house. Once we get there temperatures are going to plummet. Wednesday's high is 63. Not conducive to being in the water. There's always shopping in Charlevoix. Or even Elk Rapids. @Sharon in AZ @StLouisCruisers DD Today's meal will make a great side dish and you can grill the green beans along side the steaks or chicken. We do this all the time and I grilled all our dinners, including vegetables, during the heat dome. Charred Green Beans The sauce and nuts would make these beans so yummy! These beans are done in a cast iron skillet, but could easily be done on the grill. I think that would be my option. They are then dressed with a brown butter sauce. Blistered Green Beans Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  5. That attitude by the Board rarely works well. I'm sure you are thanking everything possible that you are no longer on the Board.
  6. I think it is a roll of the dice what you get.
  7. Thank you to all who posted information. We will be in 1043 later this summer and really looking forward to it.
  8. I've flushed everything I can flush. It is currently working for me.
  9. I had this error a while back and it went on for a couple of months, no matter when I tried it. Now it is back.
  10. Good morning, everyone! DS Barb is here on her way up to the lake house. She was down in the Detroit area for events with the grandkids. It was nice to have an evening with her last night and a good morning chat. @rafinmd Today's meal sounds good, but it may have to wait until fall. After the heat and humidity of the past week, hot soup is the last thing I want. This is an easy one as it dresses up canned tomato soup. Hearty Tomato Soup Tomato, Beans, and Greens Soup I think the balsamic vinegar in this one would enhance the flavor quite a bit. It is high in carbs, probably due to the extra beans. I'd have to use fewer. 30 g of carbs per meal is my limit and this soup is 50 g. White Bean Tomato Soup Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  11. Good afternoon, everyone! I was fortunate enough to get to Torshavn back in 2019 on a great cruise out of Amsterdam. It was 20 days and went to Iceland and Greenland and the Faroe Islands and Shetland Islands as well as a few ports in Scotland. I took an excursion out to the caves to see the birds. I got to see my puffins, although they are just fluffy dots in the pictures. Heading into one of the caves. The little white things are birds and I believe puffins. The pictures get kind of blurry when blown up too far.
  12. Good morning, everyone! It is threatening rain here in mid-Michigan and it might be an all day affair. We'll try to get to the Farmer's Market between rain drops. If we make it, we make it. At least the heat has broken. Nothing much else on the agenda for today. If it rains all day we might find some movies to watch. @kazu That is good news that the infection is gone. Weird news about the growth that is causing the pain. I hope it can all be removed and that you can move without pain! @ger_77 I think we have a drink to add to the list for our taste testing on the Oosterdam in 2025. Although I might have to try it this summer on the Zuiderdam. Yes, eggplant again today. Is eggplant becoming the new butternut squash? Stay tuned to find out! This one has some heat to it, so I would like it, but others may find it too hot. You can always leave off the red fresno pepper to lessen the heat index. Stir Fried Eggplant This one is much simpler and omits the peppers. Japanese eggplant This one garnishes with crushed peanuts. Again, it is a simple recipe and quick to make. Pan Fried Eggplant Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  13. Jacqui and @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, I am excited to be cruising with Gerry and Maurice even if it is over a year away. I wonder if I can convince them to come to South America/Antarctica with us? I doubt Maurice will pick up any ticks there.
  14. @ottahand7 For John: @smitty34877 I'm so sorry that Tana is having such difficulty. I hope the Hospice nurse can provide some comfort for her. @bennybear It is such torture to see those lobsters and not be able to taste them. Maybe at the end of August in one of our ports.... @Haljo1935 Sorry the shoulder is causing such problems. My DS Sue has a frozen shoulder as well and is rehabbing on her own. She's making good progress and has much more mobility than she did before. @ger_77 I cannot get the image of the tick out of my head. What will I do when I meet Maurice?
  15. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the foot nurse can come up with something that will help. This foot has been a problem for too long now.
  16. Good morning, everyone! It is a cool start to the day. Temps are supposed to get up to 87F followed by rain storms. We shall see. A quiet day is planned for today with just a visit to the gym on the agenda and then Farkle tonight. Right now the house is nice and cool. I'll shut the windows in a bit to keep the cool air in and the hot air out. @LambKnuckles I hope your fond memories of Howard help you today. @StLouisCruisers Sorry your tummy is still bothersome. I hope that clears up soon. I will celebrate yoga day today as I think the yoga is really helping me with my back issues. Besides, if I do 10 minutes of yoga today, my watch awards me with a medal. I love eggplant, especially when it is grilled. Onions and bell peppers are also grilled for this salad, so I am sure it is out of this world good. I would love it! Grilled Eggplant Salad Perfect for a hot summer day! This next recipe uses pickled onions and a lemon dressing. The lemon dressing sounds really good to me. They also add in some feta cheese. Eggplant Salad This next salad is totally different and is comprised only of eggplant and capers. Still, it sounds intriguing and I would try it for something a bit different. Grilled Eggplant with Capers You could easily do the same thing with zucchini or summer squash in place of the eggplant. Both of those grill up well and would go with the seasonings and other vegetables. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  17. Take it easy and only do what you need to do until you get over the fatigue. That seems to be the biggest problem people have.
  18. Good morning, everyone! It is supposed to be a little cooler here in mid-Michigan today with a forecasted high of 80F. That does come with a bit of humidity. I have yoga this morning followed by lunch with former classmates. Then an Ellamary visit and Zoom tonight. Full day! I never cared for lamb, but I was at a Brazilian Grille and had some and it was delicious. So, I would give it another try. I'll have to do that at a restaurant or on a ship as Sue says no way. I think if it is seasoned properly, it makes a huge difference. Now, I don't know about the lamb in this recipe, but I'd love the cucumber salad they are serving it with. Pan Seared Lamb Chops This one has similar seasonings, just a slight difference in the treatment of the cooking. Lamb Loin Chops This one comes with a Feta Mint Sauce. Lamb Chops and Feta Mint Sauce Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  19. Hugs for you and your family. It doesn't get easier. You just get more accustomed to it.
  20. Maureen, most of us would think those fires are devastating, but for someone with ties to the area, it is tenfold worse. I'm so sorry for those who live there. Hugs to all. The spinach pie would make a nice side dish to your meal, Roy. I would love the Sour Cherry Soup. I used to make a great one, but have since lost the recipe. We grew up without AC as well. My parents used to leave all the doors and windows open at night to cool the house. The screen doors were shut, but the main doors were open to allow cooler air in. One time I got up and was petrified to find the front door open. I had just read Truman Capote's In Cold Blood and was sure someone was coming after us. My first two cars didn't have AC in them. I made a trip out west around the Colorado Plateau one summer in one of them. It wasn't too bad. I guess we were just used to it and a lot younger. @Cruising-along Happy to hear you are feeling better. @Cruzin Terri Hooray on the negative COVID test. @Mr. Boston I hope you didn't start something with that temporary crown. One of mine fell off last night. I managed to get it back on and it is still on now. I picked up some dental cement at the drug store and I'll put it back on until my dental appointment.
  21. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be another really hot one here with highs in the mid 90s. It is already 79F. Thanks to my new best friend from the HVAC company, we will be comfortable. If he hadn't been able to fix it our plan was to go to the mall and sit outside Barnes and Noble and drink coffee all day. We could get up every now and then and walk a lap or two. I suppose for variety's sake we could have sat in the food court for awhile. Great idea @0106 Tina about the movies. Nothing on the agenda today after the gym. Just staying cool. @SusieKIslandGirl Happy Birthday to your DH! @StLouisCruisers I hope you start to feel better soon. This is a lousy time to be sick! @Cruzin Terri I hope you are feeling better as well! Today's meal sounds really good. I've never had it, but I sure would be willing to try it! I think I'd like someone else to make it, though. Spanakopita This next recipe adds in sundried tomatoes to the spinach mixture. Sounds good to me, but probably not authentic. Greek Spinach Pie And here's one with slightly different seasonings. Spinach and Feta Pie Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  22. Good afternoon! We have a bit of a break in the heat. It is only 88F right now with a feels like of 89F. Tomorrow is up over 90 again. I did turn the temperature up on the thermostat for the high charge time period. So far, we are doing well. I had some of the gazpacho I made yesterday for lunch today and it was so good. I could live off that in the summer. One summer when I was in Spain and living with a Spanish family, my Spanish host made me gazpacho every day. @kochleffel Paul, I feel for you with no cold foods or drink. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hear you about having to work back into shape. I've been there several times. The good news is that it doesn't take as long to get back to where you were if you had maintained good muscle strength and tone before. I am currently working my way up so that I can hike Jordan Pond in August. Yesterday I was able to walk a mile without stopping with no hiking poles or cane. I'm feeling more confident of being able to make that hike. It is about 3 miles and I will have my hiking poles with me. I do think the yoga is helping. It is old people's yoga, so it concentrates on problem areas typical of older adults. The instructor is also a physical therapist, so she makes recommendations for those of us she knows need to adjust what we're doing. We're having fish tonight on the grill. We've got left over corn on the cob to go along with it.
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