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Everything posted by dfish

  1. I did a DIY walk around tour of Sydney this morning. I enjoyed the fresh air and the exercise. Now I am enjoying a front row seat in the Crow’s Nest. Did some reading and just relaxed. I upgraded to premium WiFi and was able to Zoom with family members last night. All is well in my world.
  2. @0106 Great recipes today! I love croquetas. Thank you so much for doing the Meal of the Day during my cruise. It is so nice to be able to relax and not worry about it. In honor of Dessert Day I had a Bossche Bol today but it was rather disappointing. The dough was heavy and lumpy and it wasn’t cooked through. Not much cream filling since the dough was a flop.
  3. @Cruising-along ha ha. You mean you got more than 1 teaspoon of mashed potatoes and 12 kernels of corn. We thought HAL was putting us all on a diet. And it wasn’t just one plate that was light on food. All of us got skimpy portions. Tonight will be interesting: It has been a great cruise so far. Busy when I want to be, relaxing when I want, and great new friends.
  4. Jack, I am sorry to learn of your brother’s passing. I’m glad he has now found peace and respite. May your visit with DSIL bring her comfort and peace.
  5. Good morning, all. Yesterday was a lovely day in Saguenay. I did the Zodiac excursion at Saguenay National Park. It was freezing cold out on the water, but an exhilarating adventure worth every ice crystal that formed on me. Dinner and drinks afterward with @Cruising-along Carolyn and Henry was a ton of fun. We laughed a lot and really worked those abs! Off to the Meet and Greet now. 20221010_142124221_iOS.heic
  6. It was a nice day today. I appreciated the HAL shuttle from the ship to the marina Bridge. You are almost in Old Town when the shuttle drops you off. I think everyone on the ship has Anytime dining. There was a long line tonight at 6:30 for dinner. They came out and announced it would be at least a 30 minute wait. We went to the Lido. After we ate we went back down and checked the line and it was almost as long as it had been an hour earlier. The Lido was pretty quiet.
  7. Good evening everyone! Just quickly stopping in to say hi and to wish our Canadian Dailyite family members a Happy Thanksgiving. Also, @StLouisCruisers, Miss Elliott Rose is adorable. It was a good day today. I sure got my steps in - over 12,000. I walked part of old Town Quebec and went into every store I saw.
  8. My embarkation wasn't such a breeze as Carolyn's @Cruising-along. I don't know why HAL decided to dump two busloads of guests at the pier at the highest traffic point in the day. Even with Verifly allowing me to skip some lines, it still took most of an hour. I think I was supposed to sit down and wait for my group to get called, but since I didn't have a group assigned I just followed the crowd and got on the ship. My key card works for gelato and drinks so I think I'm good. No one has called me over the PA to report to the gangplank.
  9. Good morning, everyone. I had a great night's sleep here at Le Chateau Frontenac. I was so tired last night that I went to bed at 9:30 and slept through until 6:30. As Sharon @Sharon in AZ mentioned, I was demoted in boarding time. I don't leave the hotel until 12:15 and who knows when I'll actually board. I guess I'll find out when I get there. The good news is that they have picked up my luggage as planned and I hope to see it on the ship. More good news: We received the final inspection report from the inspector and submitted some requests, mostly concerning some questionable electrical wiring and flashing around skylights that needs repair. The seller agreed to perform all the work we requested, so we have moved one step closer to closing. The only thing holding us back now is waiting to close on our current homes. BTW, the original house we wanted is still an active listing. So sad.
  10. The adventure begins. Had a great dinner with Sharon @Sharon in AZand her DH, Craig. Sharon thought it was cold out when we walked back from dinner. I thought it was refreshing. I am beat, but I'm going to try to stay up a little longer so I don't get up at 4 am.
  11. I hope things improve for you as well. They say a bad start makes for a good ending, so let's hope that is true. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
  12. Made it to Quebec. I thought we were going to have to go out to the plane to get our luggage as it wasn't coming up in baggage. Almost an hour after we landed they started putting the luggage on the carousel. But, I am here and I'm ready for dinner!
  13. I think I am ready to go tomorrow. I'll have to make do with the clothes I've packed. I went to the ATM so I have money. Credit card, vaccine card, and passport are all in my purse. All that is left is to get up tomorrow, shower, and get dressed. Tom is picking me up at 6:30 to get to the airport. I am totally looking forward to this. I'll try to check in tomorrow. Until then, wishing you all a good night.
  14. I deleted the app and reinstalled it and it worked for me. I'm all set to go to board on Saturday.
  15. Good morning, everyone. Another chilly start to what is supposed to be a lovely day. I'll get out and do my laps around the block and then get serious about packing for the cruise. The house is pretty well packed up except for what I am currently using. I just hope I keep the house packing and trip packing separate. I don't want to arrive in Quebec tomorrow with a bunch of kitchen utensils and no underwear. We received word that our itinerary has changed and we are skipping Gaspe. I'm disappointed, but have to fall back on the fact that I am on a BHB and very fortunate to be able to cruise at all. Today's meal sounds delicious, but the rice is a no no for me. Since the rice is such a staple to the dish, I don't know that substituting riced cauliflower would do it justice. Biryani is a mixed rice dish originating among the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. It is made with Indian spices, rice, and usually some type of meat (chicken, beef, goat, lamb, prawn, fish) or in some cases without any meat, and sometimes, in addition, eggs and potatoes. Biryani is one of the most popular dishes in South Asia, as well as among the diaspora from the region. Similar dishes are also prepared in other parts of the world such as in Iraq, Thailand, and Malaysia. Biryani is the single most-ordered dish on Indian online food ordering and delivery services. There are many different types of Biryani, depending on the ingredients, seasonings, and region where it is found. Lakhnavi or Awadhi biryani is mildly spiced, to be eaten with a gravy on the side Kolkata biryani is all about the potatoes and eggs--and a hint of sweetness Hyderabadi biryani is spicy and has the distinct flavour of saffron Kerala biryani is rich in green herbs, golden onions, cashews, and ghee You can read more about the different kinds here: https://www.idiva.com/lifestyle/food/the-differences-between-indias-awadhi-calcutta-and-hyderabadi-biryanis/18003176 Here is our first recipe. https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/hyderabadi-biryani-recipe/ Looks good, doesn't it. If rice wasn't such a no no for me I'd be at it with my fork and spoon. When making biryani, the rice should not be sticky. Each grain should be separate and scatter easily. Use the best quality basmati rice you can find. https://www.thedeliciouscrescent.com/easy-hyderabadi-chicken-biryani/ Here is one last version. It can be made with either mutton or chicken. I'll take the chicken, please! https://food.ndtv.com/recipe-hyderabadi-biryani-517349 Wishing everyone a wonderful day and safe travels for those who are traveling today. The lovely Tina @0106 will be providing the meals of the day while I am cruising. Many thanks to Tina.
  16. It isn't like the foundation is crumbling or anything like that. I look at the roof and painting as normal house maintenance. Crumbling foundations are another story. I reread sister's notes about the wiring. It is ugly where it comes into the house. Ok, find me a house where cables and wired coming into the house are attractive.
  17. I think we did pick a winner! I was thinking along the same lines about building up the slush fund for the roof. One of the things my financial advisor told me was to open an equity line of credit for situations like this. We won't have a mortgage, so this would be doable. I think they are normal wear and tear things on a house. It isn't like the foundation is crumbling. You are making me so excited!! I think so! Thank you!
  18. The home we are purchasing had an inspection today. Mostly good things came out of it. My sister and brother in law were there during the inspection and I have to keep in mind that my sister has always had the ability to turn a hang nail into a fatal event. One of things noted is that the roof on the front part of the house will need replacement in the next 5 years or so according to the inspector. The back was replaced in 2020. The back is rubber and the front is tar and pitch with stone on it. Why they didn't replace the whole roof is beyond me. The second thing of note is that the house needs painting and there are two spots of woodpecker damage. I had noticed the woodpecker damage and it isn't so extensive that it needs to be resided, just repaired. We had also noticed that the house would need painting. My sister seems to think these two things are insurmountable. We already have colors picked out for the house. Other than that, everything looks good. There was some question about wiring coming into the house, but my niece's husband can look at that and see if there is a problem. He is a lineman for the utility company. That's all my news.
  19. I hope the laptop is fixable. Can't wait to meet you on board.
  20. Good morning, everyone! It is a cold start to the day here in northeast Ohio, but warming this afternoon to low 70s. And, it will be sunny and bright. Today is more packing with a little laundry thrown in. Kale is a green, leafy, cruciferous vegetable that is rich in nutrients. It may offer a range of health benefits for the whole body. Kale contains fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamins C and K, iron, and a wide range of other nutrients that can help prevent various health problems. Antioxidants help the body remove unwanted toxins that result from natural processes and environmental pressures. These toxins, known as free radicals are unstable molecules. If too many build up in the body, they can lead to cell damage. This may result in health problems such as inflammation and diseases. Experts believe that free radicals may play a role in the development of cancer, for example. You can read about the individual health benefits of kale here: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/270435#benefits Here we have sweet potato and kale pizza along with a cute story of a loving husband who comes home from work and whips up an out of the box pizza for dinner. https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/sweet-potato-kale-pizza-with-rosemary-red-onion/ I remember my grandmother referring to pizza as a pie. She'd tell my grandfather to go pick up the pie for dinner and I was imagining cherry or blueberry pie. We got pizza instead. Here is a cross between pie and pizza. https://souvlakiforthesoul.com/kale-feta-and-sweet-potato-pie/ This last recipe includes a gluten free crust and is the kind I like - full of toppings. https://bojongourmet.com/cheesy-sweet-potato-kale-galette-gluten-free-whole-grain/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  21. I understand avoiding the Lido when possible. I've developed an aversion to crowds. So, you either go very early or very late to the Lido.
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