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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Others that will suspend service and billing can be the garbage company and USAA will suspend if the cars are left in the garage. I really like our remote with voice command -- but warning -- once I sneezed while still holding down the command button and it was pretty funny/shocking what it thought I said!! 🤣
  2. Good morning all! All good days, and I like the quote even though it isn't always easy to do. Will pass on the red wine, but the drink sounds pretty good. I'm intrigued by the meal and would love to try the last recipe (with meat) but I bet I would make a big mess. 🤣 I just might try it sometime though. Last night's meatloaf was yummy, I made the first recipe. Nothing on the agenda yet for today, we're taking it easy. Apparently we'll get rain this morning and then this afternoon looks pretty good with temperatures up to the mid 60's F. Edi @NextOne prayers for a successful surgery and swift recovery. Debbie @dfish That's so nice of you to make quilts for Sue and River. You'll have to post photos when you're done. @57redbirdprayers for your DH that the external ablation is successful.
  3. Ray, DH is checking into this now. He's found that our doctor's clinic and our lab are "out of network". 😞 Not sure I want to change doctors at this stage...
  4. Lenda please thank your DH for giving us another amazing photo! I look forward to these. We're also interested in this and I just told DH about it.
  5. Good morning all! The fall rains have begun, I'm glad I was able to get so much done in the yard this past week. Good set of days, I'll pass on the drink but would like the wine and meal. Meatloaf sounds good for tonight, now I just need to decide which recipe. The first 2 look good to me -- although whichever one I choose, I won't add brown sugar because catsup has enough sugar in it for me 😉 We've been to Victoria many times, usually on day-trips from home and on a few cruises. Of course my favorite thing to do is to go to Butchart. Which reminds me, we haven't gone in years. One visit was with my 2 sisters, we chose it as one of our "sisters' weekends". Our oldest sister was battling Lymphoma and each time she went into remission we would go on a sisters' weekend -- always to different places. That time we stayed at the Empress (but I wasn't impressed with our room, it was small and hadn't been cleaned properly). We also didn't do afternoon tea at the Empress, we chose a different locale and it was excellent at a fraction of the price. Lorraine @cruising sister Thank you for giving a physician's opinion about the RSV vaccine -- I had never heard anyone say that seniors don't need it and our DSIL who is a PA said their clinic highly recommends it for seniors. That's why we got ours. Debbie @dfish and Gerry @ger_77 I'm glad to hear you're both getting some answers to your problems, now to get them fixed! The view out our window this morning.
  6. I'm sorry you're feeling sore and also sorry about finding the mess the neighbor's tree company left behind! I hope the soreness won't last too long. I had a surprise while mowing today too -- the neighbor's dog left a deposit in our lawn. And it's the 2nd time this week. 😡 I know which one it is, because it's the only one that runs loose here. Jane @lazey1 Happy birthday to your son! And all of Greece seems to be a cat lover's paradise, so many beautiful cats! (I do walk slowly there) 🤣
  7. Good morning all! I would love to try the meal, especially the 2nd recipe. Not today though, I would have to go shopping for some of the ingredients and I'd rather be in the garden today. It will be our last sunny day for at least a week. Will pass on the red wine and drink, we've been to Corfu numerous times. Will share a few photos from our last visit. Yesterday DH went to the walk-in clinic because he's had a cough and general fatigue for weeks. Appointments with his doctor aren't available until November, and they recommended he go to the walk-in. I'm glad he did, because he found out he has a mild case of pneumonia! It was a surprise, although he is prone to bronchitis and usually gets that. So he'll be starting antibiotics today. Carol @mamaofami I'm so sorry to hear that your DH is back in the hospital and hope he recovers quickly. Some of my photos from visits to Corfu. These are from different visits, just some I found interesting and/or beautiful. Can you find the kitty?
  8. Good afternoon, I'm home from the dental checkup and cleaning -- good for another 6 months. 🙂 Our dentist is always SO interested in our cruises, where we've been and where we'll be going. I know he can't wait until he retires (he's probably only in his mid 40's) because he almost drools when he hears about our plans. I heard from my sister after DBIL had his appointment at Fred Hutch in Seattle (2nd opinion after seeing the Bellingham doctor where they live). They saw a radiologist, surgeon, and oncologist, and all 3 agreed that the best treatment for DBIL's prostate cancer is radiation plus hormone therapy. His cancer is very aggressive, a 9 out of 10 and surgery wouldn't get it all and he'd need to have radiation anyway. They're very happy with the decision, and Fred Hutch will set it up with their recommended radiologist and oncologist in Bellingham. @RedneckBob Add me to the list who are relieved you weren't affected by the tornadoes. 34 -- yikes! I love the idea of a Dailyite cookbook! We have so many wonderful cooks here. 🙂
  9. Good morning all! Like many here, I've put my favorite recipes into a binder. I still have some cookbooks but don't use them often -- the internet and my "tried and true" are used more often. I'll pass on the drink but would like the wine and meal. No idea what we'll be having tonight, will figure that out later! Last night as tired as I was, I thought for sure I'd have a good night's sleep. Nope. Not as bad as the night before, but awake way too often and for way too long. The only reason I can think of is that even though the cruise is 82 days off, my mind won't turn off and let me sleep. That and planning the holidays is keeping my mind "on"! The only thing on the agenda today is a dental cleaning this afternoon. I'm so sorry to hear that so many Dailyites are in pain. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser Very good to hear that your DH had a good report from the doctor! Lorraine @cruising sister Happy birthday and enjoy celebrating with family tomorrow! @Haljo1935 I wish your DH knew that nobody is immune to pickpockets. Even Rick Steves, the European travel guru, has told about how he was taken by surprise and pickpocketed -- and he knows all the tricks. We've come close, but have been lucky/vigilant whenever we're in crowded areas and we follow all the advice given here.
  10. We also loved Jim, and were so unhappy when he left. His replacement has been "ok" but I still haven't made up my mind about her. Jim spoiled us.
  11. Good morning all! I was 1 of 3 girl children, and have one girl child. Now the song "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" by Leslie Gore keeps going through my head. 😉 🎵🎼 😅 My DSIL was an emergency nurse, they deserve their day and more! I'll pass on the meal (coconut and curry) and the drink, but would love to try the SB. Have been to Germany but not to Kiel -- thanks for the great photos! @Nickelpenny Sorry we missed your birthday yesterday -- belated birthday greetings! @Haljo1935 I'm sorry your shoulder is still so painful, I hope it gets better soon. @Vict0riann Safe travels and enjoy "my" town. It sure isn't the same as when I grew up there, but I still have lots of family and friends there and it will always hold a special place in my heart. Well today DH and I are dragging -- I feel like a truck hit me lol. We were with the DGSs last night and didn't get home until after 1 this morning. As is usual for me, I still woke up around 6 am and couldn't get back to sleep. We did have a wonderful time though, so it was all worth it. We also got to see the youngest participate in his Cross Country meet, and that was fun (although wet!) Glad I brought my umbrella. It was only his 2nd meet, he ran his little heart out. He came in the middle of the pack at 15th, but that was an improvement over his first meet when he was 20th. He wanted to do better, but like we told him, the main thing is he improved over last time. It will be a quiet day, maybe take-out for dinner tonight.
  12. Thank you Charlene, good to know! Karen we are doing the same, getting them one at a time. We're cruising in early January, so we plan to get the Covid booster in early December.
  13. Thank you Tony and Sandi, very helpful. Sandi I printed off this map and am putting it in my (huge) folder for the cruise. I'm looking forward to this day in Wellington. 🙂 BTW we noticed too that the RSV shot burned a bit going in and after. Otherwise a sore arm for a couple days and tiredness the first night.
  14. Good morning all! Interesting collection of days. I won't be facing my fear of heights any time soon, repetition does not help with me. I like the quote, will pass on the red wine. The meal sounds good but we had pasta just last night, the drink sounds very good. We will be in Wellington on the GA. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Tony @sailingdutchy for your photos. We also plan on taking the shuttle into town and the cable car up to the gardens. So am I correct in thinking we can get back down by going down through the gardens? Yesterday I heard from my friend Ronda -- unfortunately she's still in the hospital. They moved her from Mt. Vernon to Virginia Mason in Seattle. They're concerned more now about the fluid in her lungs, so she's getting treatments to drain that. She's hoping to go home Friday, but we thought that a week ago too. Annie @marshhawk Oh my, you don't need all this stress right before you leave! Those scams are getting worse all the time. I seem to get some everyday in my inbox (not from the P.O. yet, but from many others). I hope everything gets straightened out soon and that you have a wonderful holiday! Today we'll be going down to be with the DGSs. First we'll watch the youngest at his cross-country meet, then we'll be with them tonight while DD and DSIL go to a concert. So this morning I need to bake some cookies to take to them. 😄 Oh, and we'll get our pumpkin from DGS. Now we may not be getting the 28-pounder, someone else is interested. He has others though. 😉
  15. Interesting! Here's a map of where this quake was felt https://pnsn.org/earthquakes/historic?evid=61965081 Maybe you had your "own little quake"?? Apparently there was one in Japan about the same time and size too.
  16. Wow! Would love it if you joined us on that cruise! I had no idea that's the cruise you were talking about. Yes, we're all wondering now what will happen with the itinerary -- for us, we booked it to get back to Egypt. We had 4 wonderful days in Israel in 2011 (and that was because Egypt was having troubles then and they doubled our time in Israel). Just shows we have to expect the unexpected! Ann @Vict0riann The earthquake wasn't felt that far north, my sister in Lynden, WA didn't feel it either. Strangely our DD closer to Seattle didn't feel it either, nor did my DH here. But it was a strange one, very quick and not very strong IMO. Just a quick, mild tremor. Wish they were all like that!
  17. I thought of you because it was centered in Poulsbo -- Our daughter closer to Seattle didn't feel it, my sister in Lynden did not either.
  18. Jacqui I'm thoroughly enjoying following along! Loving the photos and commentary and so happy you're having a good time. 🙂 We also have enjoyed Khay on several ships -- she's great! The last time we saw her she sought us out as soon as we entered the Tamarind -- we didn't know she was onboard, what a treat. Please tell her Hi from the Mullers Carolyn and Henry. Hope to see her on many more cruises.
  19. I felt it here in Lake Stevens too. I turned to DH and said "that was an earthquake"! He looked puzzled, he hadn't felt a thing. 😄 It wasn't the largest I've felt, but it definitely was noticeable.
  20. It sounds like we've both been taking advantage of good weather. I'm impressed with all you've gotten done. I felt bad ripping out the strawberries, but our yard just isn't big enough for them and everything else. And yes, the birds get a lot before I do. Enjoy that wine, I'm looking forward to having mine!
  21. Vanessa @JazzyV and Debbie @dfish I feel bad for both of you, pain is no fun at all. It not only hurts, it can raise blood pressure and blood sugar too. I hope both of you get some relief soon! This afternoon I finished up in the backyard, for the first time I feel like the back gardens are ready for fall and winter. I found a few strawberry plants I missed yesterday, and today tackled the grass coming up in the ground cover (grrr). The good thing is that we don't have the leaves from the Cottonwoods behind us anymore, that's a big plus! Youngest DGS (8) our little entrepreneur, grew some pumpkins in his aunt and uncle's garden and now he's selling them. Well guess who bought the last, biggest one? You got it. What are we going to do with a 28 pound pumpkin? 😅
  22. The thread is about lines at Guest Services on the ship, not pre-boarding.
  23. On our second visit to Split we took a tour to Omis and a canyon river boat ride. The scenes were stunning and it was one of my favorite tours ever. First a few scenes of the town And of course this sweet kitty The photos don't do the river boat ride justice, the canyons were breathtaking. At the start We even saw a zipliner during the ride And some kayakers enjoying the day
  24. Good morning all! I think today will be our last day of summer-like weather (I think I've said that before) -- yesterday was downright hot! Today slightly cooler, up to the mid 70's and then the rain comes tomorrow and down to the 60's and even 50's. As usual I overdid yesterday, knowing our good weather is ending. I thought I'd go check out what needed to be done in the backyard. Before I knew it, I was down on my hands and knees ripping out the thousands of strawberry plants that have taken over the ground cover etc. I love strawberries, but they were taking over everything, making my "walkable" ground cover worthless. After a few hours (and pain) now the strawberries are confined to one raised bed. I just need to keep them there. I'm going to pass on everything except for Music Day. We've been to Split twice, both on our long 2019 anniversary cruise on the NS. Photos below. Carol @mamaofami I'm sorry to hear that Sam has had a setback. Prayers that the problems are resolved soon. Bon Voyage @WannaSea and @Horizon chaser 1957! Melisa @HAL Sailer Wonderful news that your DH is improving! The first time in Split we walked for hours around Old Town. We went to the Diocletian Palace And the crypt The Cathedral of Domnius Through the Green Market Lovely town scenes And of course I couldn't resist the many beautiful cats. This one was a talker. I'll put the second visit photos on another post.
  25. As of 3 minutes ago they're still sitting there, 7:08 pm their time. The 2 missing people showed up but now they have a medical disembarkation. 😞
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