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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Same with us, we also got ours. I would reach out to my TA or PCC.
  2. Vanessa @JazzyV I'm so glad you were able to get a little sleep this afternoon! Those muscle relaxants usually do help with that. I hope things continue to get better for you. Also hope you can get in sooner for those appointments. We had some not so good news today -- our older grandson who is 10 fell off his bike and has a broken wrist. And it's his left arm, he's left-handed like me. I know how this will be for him, as I had a full cast on my left arm too -- very difficult. Anyway, we're feeling sad for him (he is too!) This is his second broken bone in a couple years.
  3. Vanessa @JazzyV I'm so, so sorry you're going through this! The pain and lack of sleep is bad enough, but constant pain like that isn't good for your blood pressure either. ๐Ÿ˜ž We all hope they can figure this out and help you!
  4. Good morning all! A big cheer for Dominican Independence Day and give a dollar (or more), and I guess I'm in the minority because I love a good stout (especially Guinness). In fact I think other beers are gross and taste bad. ๐Ÿ˜… I think it's probably the hint of chocolate in my Guinness ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'll pass on the drink, wine and meal but we were in Liverpool overnight on a Celebrity cruise. Photos below. I was a huge Beatles fan and still have the Beatles scrapbook I had in my teens. Today is finally fairly dry, so I'm going to get out to do some shopping and then maybe some garden cleanup. I know after our cold snap last week there's a lot to do. We were in Liverpool on Celebrity Infinity, and it was an overnight for us. I was thrilled, since I was a big Beatles fan (saw them in concert in CA when I was 14) and much later saw Ringo and his All Star Band here at Ste. Michelle Winery. Trying to remember, but I think the first day we took a ship tour to see Chester Cathedral, since I have a few photos of it from that day. Then the second day we set off on our own and went to The Beatles Experience and to the homes of John and Paul. No photos were allowed inside, unfortunately, because the interiors were what made it fun. Our ship in Liverpool Chester Cathedral Interior shot inside the Cathedral The Beatles Story entrance Tour dates -- I saw them on August 31, 1965 at the Cow Palace, San Francisco. Exterior of Paul's childhood home Exterior of John's childhood home
  5. We're booked on the Beyond next fall and made sure to get a Sunset Veranda, NOT one of the infinity balconies. I don't follow the Celebrity board often, but knew they aren't popular and I can see why! What a crazy idea.
  6. Karen thanks for the information about the Israel excursions. I hadn't noticed. I agree, and wish new ports would be substituted. We've spent 4 days in Israel (not that we wouldn't like to go back, but we've done everything offered).
  7. Good morning all! The rain is coming down hard and temps warmed up, we're aiming for the high 50's F today. It will be a good day to stay inside and continue the housework I started yesterday. DH does a great job with BBQ and omelettes, but neither of those is an option today for dinner so I'll be cooking. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Will leave my epitaph to my children, I think that would be more meaningful than me writing about myself (?) We all have lost close family and friends and as we age we will lose more. Praying for all souls. I'll pass on the meal and instead will be having Chicken Parmesan and salad tonight. Also pass on the red wine, but would try the drink. Have not been to Asia. Jack @Heartgrove Just Wow on the fiasco getting the transfers done on the iPhones! We recently had that done too and the folks at T Mobile had it done correctly within minutes. I hope you can get things fixed soon. Sandi @StLouisCruisers Yes, the Volendam did go to Alofa. The only reason I know is I'm following Mary Ann's blog from Tales of the South Pacific. Terry @smitty34877 Thinking of you as you and your family prepare for your DD DH's farewell. Have a good day everyone!
  8. Good afternoon, Terry @smitty34877 Add me to those who are very happy that your boiler is working now. It does sound like it was in the nick of time. Debbie @dfish You'll love the Hawaii cruise. It's even better if you have an active roll call with lots of get togethers on those sea days. What ship and when? Our Hawaii cruise in 2010 was when we met our mutual friend Jane. ๐Ÿ™‚ We had a great roll call. This afternoon I've made some progress on getting the Christmas cards started. This will be the first time we've had a cruise so close to the holidays (leaving here on Jan. 1) so I need to get things done early. At least I won't be putting up the tree or decorations this year, but will have to get started on the gifts. Now to brag a little about our DDIL. She does some artwork (paintings) in her spare time (her profession is in the computer art field). She told me last night that a local art gallery wants to display some of her work! She's tickled to pieces, said she hasn't shown any of her work in 25 years. Very proud of her!
  9. Good morning all! Interesting collection of days, I'll pass on the banana drink (eww) and the wine. Would like the meal but have never spatchcocked a chicken before. The directions always make it look easy....I'm not so sure. ๐Ÿ˜… We've been to Juneau at least 3 times. Our first cruise in 2004 was to Alaska (easy, easy no flights). It was on the Amsterdam and of course we've been hooked ever since. That was a 7-day cruise, we took another 7-day on Celebrity, a 12-day Cruise/Denali, and next year we'll be taking the 28-day Alaska Arctic Circle cruise. Bon Voyage @kochleffel, @Vict0riann, @sailingdutchy and @ocean sounds! On our first Alaska cruise we went kayaking in Juneau and Ketchikan. This was from Juneau. One time we rented a car and drove to Mendenhal Glacier Visitor Center and walked to the glacier and Nugget Falls. A short stop on our drive Our last Alaska cruise was this fall and we had a drizzly day in Juneau. We would have taken the Mt. Roberts tram but the visibility would obviously be bad at the top. And we wanted to get a drink at the Red Onion Saloon, but it was packed wall to wall with people and a very long wait. So we passed. Some wild flowers in Alaska
  10. Agree! I was surprised they didn't even mention Grand or World Voyages.
  11. Good morning and Happy Halloween! In the past I always went all out decorating for Halloween, lots of fun. The first year we lived here (brand new development) we got over 300 trick or treaters -- all driven in from other neighborhoods. Now not that many, and we have very few little ones on this street. I'll appreciate carved pumpkins done by others, not sure if I have any psychic powers, and salute the founder of the Girl Scouts. My DSIL is rightfully proud that Juliette Gordon Low comes from Savannah. I remember seeing her house there on a visit. Good quote, will pass on the meal. Tonight will be some delicious left over Chinese food. We have an excellent restaurant nearby. Will pass on the drink, but would try the Chardonnay. We were in St. Peterport, will see if I can find my photos. We walked to Cornet Castle. This morning I got another survey from HAL. This one was about longer (25+ day) cruises. St. Peterport Cornet Castle
  12. Good morning all! No thanks to the candy corn. I'll always choose chocolate and if candy corn was the only choice, it would go into the garbage. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Not sure if we have mischief night here, and I have a huge checklist for the GA. Slowly things are getting done. Pass on the meal, wine and drink. Once I got a wrong number call and the person had the gall to ask who I was! I asked "Who are YOU"? So the quote reminded me of that. Now I just don't answer if I don't recognize the number/name. Thanks for all the photos of Belfast! We've been to Ireland but not Belfast. Today is recuperation day after having our little whirlwind DGS here. He wanted to stay another day, glad he had a good time! We did too, but there's only so much we can take lol. His brother is feeling much better, so it was a 24-hour thing. He slept half the day away and now his fever is gone. Hopefully they will both be here for an overnight on the 9th. We have only 2 more days of sunshine, and then the rain will start .... and go on and on. But warmer temps with the cloud cover. Prayers for all on the Care List and cheers for all who are celebrating!
  13. Good morning all! Hopefully I have a few more quiet moments before DGS wakes up. We're really enjoying having him here, and of course he's loving the undivided attention he gets because his brother is sick and couldn't come for the weekend! Just before bed last night he told me that he loves coming here overnight (made my heart happy!) Tonight we're going to the pool with my neighbor and her granddaughter. I couldn't let cat day go by without looking for photos ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'm loving all the photos today of the beautiful cats! @Crazy For Cats I didn't realize you have 7! I thought maybe 4...wow! All beautiful. Since I posted all my black cat photos the other day, here are the other cats we've had in our lives. Every single one of them chose us, not the other way around. And most of them have been tabbies. My first cat as a child was an orange kitty (George) but I don't have photos of him. Our first cat, Cairo with our daughter. He got to be 17 pounds but wasn't fat, just a large cat! And our last cat, Suhy. Raised her with a bottle, she thought I was her Mommy. โค๏ธ
  14. Good afternoon, We're home from the pumpkin patch. We left before the scouts took the hay ride to the corn maze and fire pit and DSIL will bring DGS to us when they're all done. Unfortunately our older DGS (10) woke up sick this morning (very sore throat and low fever) so he can't be with us this weekend. DD stayed home with him. We'll miss him! We had fun, I even bought some apple butter at the Country Store and we ate some delicious corn on the cob dipped in garlic butter. There were a lot of people there, all the parking lots filled to the brim -- the corn/pumpkin patch is doing well! Lots of fun things to do for the little ones and yummy food. It's a gorgeous day too. Lots of sunshine even though it's chilly.
  15. Good morning all! It was down into the 20's F this morning -- brrr! The house was cold until the heat kicked in. Interesting days, and I'll pick chocolate every day. We've been to Long Beach when we lived in CA and also when DS lived in So. CA. I'll pass on the drink and red wine, but the meal sounds good. Today will be busy, we're going to the pumpkin patch/festival with DD, DSIL and the boys with their scout group. It has become a yearly tradition. That will be all afternoon, and then the boys will come home with us for the night. Another full day tomorrow before we take them home. I wish I'd gotten more sleep than I did, but I'll survive. Jack @Heartgrove Good that you went to Urgent Care. I'm allergic to wasp stings and now carry an epipen at all times. We found out about the allergy when I broke out in whole-body hives. Vanessa @JazzyV I'm sorry you had another rough night. We need to get you better! Lorraine @cruising sister Good news about baby Murphy! Thank you for letting us know. Now to get ready for the day...
  16. Did anyone else get an email survey today from HAL about the onboard gift shops? I think there were only 4 questions: Mariner level, did I take a HAL cruise in 2023, how long the cruise was, and did I go to the gift shops? (I haven't looked in the gift shops much less bought anything in years). I sure hope this means they're considering changing the merchandise! I quiet day of laundry and cruise planning, I'm resting up for the weekend when our DGSs will be here.
  17. Good morning all! It's a foggy morning here and frost on the rooftops. Only 30 F this morning, but heading to 50. Hard to believe our warm weather is over! I love all black cats, prefer Guinness over American beer, and will salute the Navy (DH is retired Supply Corps). Funny quote, will pass on the meal. We'll be having chicken gyros tonight. The drink sounds good, I do like rum, but will pass on the red wine. We've been to Lima -- we sailed out of Lima in 2015 on the Statendam for a South America cruise. We had a hotel near the Miraflores area, many of the photos posted look so familiar! DH and I are itching to start packing for the GA, we'll leave for San Diego in 65 days. But our luggage will be picked up in 49 days and since we have unlimited luggage forwarding, I'm bringing a lot ๐Ÿ˜‰ But the grandsons will be sleeping in the guest room (our packing room) a couple times before then, and HAL hasn't let us know what the theme nights will be, so we have to wait. I'm not feeling very patient LOL. Happy Birthday Graham @grapau27! Bon Voyage @Norseh2o! @Cruzin Terri I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's fall last night. Happy there are no broken bones, but he must hurt all over. I agree about the 8:00 phone call, I wouldn't like that. Around here companies aren't allowed to call before 9:00. This is also DS and DDIL's 22nd wedding anniversary. I know they're both working today, I hope they have something special planned for the weekend. Some black cats in my life. All but 1 have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. All very much loved. The one black cat we owned ourselves, our sweet Ebony. Lived to be 17. My neighbor's cat Jinx, my buddy. He passed last December. Spek, a previous cat of DD's and Soot, DD's black kitty now. We went to a fabulous horse show near Lima and drank Pisco ๐Ÿ˜‰
  18. Sounds great and I'm so glad you're going to see the Underground at the Colosseum. We really enjoyed it.
  19. Debbie @dfishthank you for the recipe! I will definitely be making that in the future. Of course Iโ€™ll be replacing the mushrooms with some other vegetables (no surprise to you). ๐Ÿคฃ @Mtn2Seayou got a great photo of the Duke! Heโ€™s such a personable young man. I remember his joking about working for his wife because she ran the gift shop. @mamaofamiIโ€™m glad Sam is home from the hospital. Today Iโ€™ve been really dragging even after 2 good nights of sleep. Almost fell asleep on the couch this afternoon, so I decided to mow the lawn to try to wake up. I know itโ€™s after effects of the flu shot, should be better tomorrow. Strangely my arm hurts more today than yesterday too. Odd.
  20. Good morning all! We had our first frost this morning! And the next few nights will be down below freezing before the rains return and warms up. Like Debbie @dfish I always made mincemeat pie for my Dad too. After Mom passed he and I were the only ones who liked it, and since he passed I don't make it anymore. All my gratitude to our servicemen and women who deploy. I know first-hand how difficult it is for them and their families left behind. I love my horseless carriage. Funny quote, will pass on the soup. We're having Halibut cakes from some leftover Halibut we had last night. I would probably like the drink, have been to Scotland but not this port. As for the wine, I've tried it (an employee at Total Wine really pushed it so we bought a bottle). I will stick to my New Zealand Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. The Olema was "ok" but I haven't bought it again. Prayers for all on the care list and for the victims and families of the senseless shooting in Maine. Cheers for all who are celebrating.
  21. Good afternoon all, Brenda @bennybear Please tell me that photo is from a previous year and that you don't have that much snow now?? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Vanessa @JazzyV I'm so glad you went in today and got such a thorough exam. I'm hoping you're just a "late responder" as you said, but at least there's a plan to check things out more thoroughly. Also hope you can sleep tonight. Karen @luvteaching How wonderful you got that letter from someone who worked with your DH! Debbie @dfish I'm glad you got an appointment and it's good you're on the waitlist for a sooner appointment. This morning I got my flu shot, so far just some mild chills, headache and feeling quite sleepy. For once I know that isn't because of lack of sleep, since last night I slept 11 hours after taking a sleep aid. Also I just saved $44 on our airport hotel here in Everett, it always pays to watch prices. ๐Ÿ˜„ Have a good evening everyone!
  22. Good morning all! Interesting days today, will pass on the drink but would love to try the white blend wine and the meatballs all sound great. We haven't been to many of the Caribbean islands, and this port doesn't sound familiar. Thanks for all the photos! In a bit of a rush this morning so I can be on time for my flu shot. Will check in later. Happy anniversary @seagarsmoker! Debbie @dfish Congratulations on paying off your car. Always a good feeling and the extra $$ isn't bad either! Vanessa @JazzyV Well dam! I'm so sorry you had another bad night ๐Ÿ˜ž Let us know what they say at pain management today. I hope they help. Bruce @aliaschief I'll take that Oyster Bay if you don't want it. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜„ Looks like a great cruise!
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