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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! You had me at chocolate cake. It's the only kind of cake I'll eat. I won't be having any today though because we just finished the DElicious mini chocolate cake DH brought me 2 days ago for my birthday. Best of all, it was chocolate frosting and chocolate cake. It required extra time on the treadmill but was worth it!! Haven't punched a clock in many years, and never had a big wig. I'm guessing it's of the hair variety because it's 2 words and not one...🤷‍♀️ Love the quote, would try the drink and wine, but pass on the meal and stick to my own stuffed peppers. Never have been to China. Yesterday I bundled up and got out into the yard to do some garden cleanup. It felt good (but cold) to get out there and see signs of spring. The crocus and other bulbs are peeking out and the hellebore is blooming. When I was out I saw my neighbor who came home to bring a few items home -- she'll be able to move back into her house this weekend. It's been 3 months since the tree came through her roof -- a long time. Once the workers could get started it took only 6 weeks to get everything done, but the insurance company dragged its feet the first month. Today is our DD's 44th birthday, and also their next-to-last day in Thailand. If the flights are on time they should be home early Sunday morning. It will be good to have them home, but they've had an amazing time! Roy @rafinmdgood to see that you're feeling better this morning! Gerry @ger_77Welcome back! I guess I didn't get enough sleep, at first I read "drunk runners" instead of "drink runners" 😂 Annie @marshhawk That's sad about Fawn...I wonder too if it's some kind of kitty dementia. Or could she possibly be diabetic? My buddy cat Jinx who passed away last month was diabetic and sadly would get very confused when his blood sugar was low. Welcome to the Daily @rothburyand @iluvthe-c!
  2. Good morning all! I'm later than usual this morning, DH was up every hour last night and I was having one of "those" sleepless nights anyway so we both slept in this morning. We're really hoping it won't take too long for him to recover from the bladder treatments. When I saw that it's Australia Day I looked at our Grand Australia '24 itinerary and see that on 1/26/24 we'll be at sea close to Australia. I wonder if the ship will do something special. We celebrate spouse day every day, and even though I'm not a clothes horse by any means, clashing clothes really bother me. Especially the black socks, sandals, shorts and clashing shirts I've seen on men. I always whisper to DH that "either he doesn't have a wife or she's as clueless as he is". 😄 I'll pass on the red wine and drink, but the first recipe sounds good just minus the soft boiled egg on top. I've never been to this port, the quote sounds very Marilyn Monroe. I should get started on the painting I want to do upstairs, but always seem to find a reason to procrastinate. Kudos to Debbie @dfishto get hers started! My excuse now is that we're getting a motorized skylight blind installed in that area (thanks to DS and DDIL's Christmas present) and they're coming out on Tuesday to measure and do the consultation. So now I plan to start after that. 😉 There's only one piece of furniture to move, but it's an antique and tall so I'm not looking forward to moving that. Thank you to John @Copper10-8for getting the Daily started for Roy and Rich this morning and Roy @rafinmdtake it easy, I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. Jacqui @kazuOh my goodness, what next?!? But I'm so glad you went in and they fixed the problem. I'm sorry about your cruise, but your health comes first. Hugs! Charlene @cunnorlI'm sorry to hear about the basal cell cancer on your eyelid, good that they caught it. Karen @luvteachingI'm sorry to hear about your DH's infection -- prayers that he feels much better soon.
  3. I'm sorry for the late response, and thank you for the birthday wishes and about DH finishing his treatments! I'm happy to say the medication for the nausea helped immensely. So no nausea, but over time he felt more and more fatigued and a lot of discomfort in that area. This was totally voluntary on his part, the treatment is given in the hopes it will delay the return of any tumors. Now he goes approximately every 3 months to be checked. If they don't find any tumors for x number of months, then he can go a little longer between checks.
  4. Good morning all! Interesting days, I'll pass on the drink, red wine and meal. I like peanut butter but just can't get past the thought of peanut butter in a stew...I've always liked George Carlin and this quote is true. We've been to Kotor a few times and it's definitely in the top of my favorite ports. Like Sandi @StLouisCruisersI could go there every cruise. And not just because it's a cat lover's paradise 😉 Jacqui @kazuI'm sorry to hear that your elbow is still giving you problems. I'm glad you were able to get in today and hope they have a solution. @cruising sisteroh no about the vomit fest! Hopefully everyone will be well for your cruise. There's so much going around this winter. Here are the photos I posted last time -- love this port! Sailing into Kotor It's an easy town to just wander around in. I could easily post dozens of cat photos from Kotor, but will just leave this one here. This was just outside the Cat Museum. I had vowed not to buy any more souvenir magnets, but this one captured my heart. We took a boat excursion to the Skrpjela Baroque Church. View of our ship from the boat. We passed this monastery on St. George's Island Just a couple photos of the church -- Part of the ceiling
  5. It has been a lazy, quiet birthday for me. Just perfect. The day started with a Face Time from DD, DSIL and the grandsons who are in Thailand, and ended with a visit from our son who brought me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. 🙂 He and DDIL got me a rose bush on Saturday, but he said now I don't have to wait for it to bloom. 😉 I appreciated the birthday greetings here, thank you!
  6. Good morning all! My day has started out in the best way, DD, DSIL and the grandsons Face Timed with me from Thailand to say happy birthday! I wasn't expecting that, now I'll be smiling all day. 🙂 I had just rolled out of bed and looked atrocious, and it was 11pm there so the boys were barely awake. They're having an amazing time over there, I'm sure the boys will never forget this trip. Yesterday they got to feed and bathe elephants, they're learning about new foods and customs, and doing a lot of swimming. Today is DH's last bladder cancer treatment (hurray!!!) so we won't be going anywhere but I'm fine with that. Looking forward to a quiet day at home, maybe some cruise planning. We got some take-out last night that will be enough for tonight too, so I won't be cooking. I've gotten all my lab results now and am generally happy with everything except one area. Will wait and see what my doctor says, but I'm wondering if the reason is when I was so sick last month for several weeks. That makes sense to me, and nothing else has changed in my lifestyle. Diabetic, cholesterol and the rest were all good. Have a great day everyone!
  7. As do we, and longer cruises do allow for more opportunities. But I've been on 14-day cruises when they were all booked up within the first couple days. OP didn't say how long their cruise will be.
  8. Unfortunately we aren't able to book Pinnacle lunch pre-cruise. As soon as you're able after boarding your cruise make your reservation(s) quickly. They can sell out fast.
  9. Thank you, Roy. I hope so too -- I hope she was at least able to be aware of their touch and maybe voices, at least in a comforting way even if her damaged brain couldn't understand completely. And thank you for keeping her on the care list and rotation for so long.
  10. Good morning all! I was up and out early this morning to have my fasting labs done. Now the wait for the results. I'm glad I can see them quickly on "My Chart" through our clinic, so the wait isn't usually very long, ranging from minutes to 12 hours. When I got home, I got the sad news that Patricia has passed. I'm sure it didn't take long once they removed her life support. Again, thank you all for your prayers the past few days. I can't even imagine what her close family members are feeling right now, especially her young daughters. In his announcement her Dad referred to her as his hero, his angel. I admired her so much, she will be missed. I love almost every kind of pie except for coconut or pecan. No pie today though, although it does sound really good. The arthritis in my hands has made my handwriting really bad -- so I rarely write more than a line or two. My feet also have changed size in the last few years. I'll pass on the wine and drink, the meal (without the butter) sounds very good. Not sure if the port today is on the Grand Australia itinerary. Happy Birthday Terry @smitty34877and Susan @aliaschief's DW! Sharon @Sharon in AZI love Gone With the Wind so much we have it at home. But it's always more fun to see it on the big screen. I remember DH and I went to see it in the movies a few years back when it was here. I hope everyone has a great day!
  11. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and hugs -- all very much appreciated! Maureen @RMLincolnwelcome to the Daily and what a beautifully written first post. I hope you visit often!
  12. Thank you Debbie and Roy. All hugs are appreciated! Roy you're right, it isn't surprising. The odds have been against her. 😞
  13. Thank you all SO much for your kind thoughts, prayers and hugs. This is such a caring group. It just feels surreal right now. @cruising sisterI'm so very sorry to hear that you lost your oldest son 😞 I do know how that pain affects a person and family, my sister also lost her oldest son when he was 17. I'm so sorry. I agree that it's like no other pain to lose a child.
  14. Good morning all! It's a cloudy but dry'ish day in the PNW, with high 30's-low 40's F today. I'll pass on the Blonde Brownies and take the chocolate ones, will definitely come in from the cold, and every cat I've ever known never asked questions because they already knew the answers. 😉 The quote from Anne Frank is a good one (and Debbie @dfishyou are so right), will pass on the wine, the drink sounds like it might be good. The meal would be good too, but as Debbie said, rice isn't diabetic-friendly so I'll pass. Labs tomorrow so today especially is not a day for rice. It will be salad for dinner tonight. Astoria is a port for Pacific Coastal cruises and we've been there on cruises and on drives down the coast. The last time was with our DGS when we took him there for his birthday last year. There was at least one cruise we missed that port because of 25-foot seas. Unfortunately it was a cruise I took with my BFF and it was her first cruise (!) But being the trooper she is, she went on another cruise later and loved it. My photos of Astoria follow. We've been there so many times, we've done almost everything there is to do there besides driving to Seaside and Cannon Beach. Sadly the news about Patricia is not good. Here's the latest from her Dad: "This is my next to last update on Patricia's medical condition. The brain injury Patricia sustained from lack of oxygen has proven to be insurmountable. She is on life support for now, but she will be removed from that on Monday. Wish I had better news." We're all very sad, of course. She fought a long, hard battle with Lupus for 33 years. I never heard her complain, always a smile and joke. Multiple surgeries, a kidney transplant (that failed after a year) and then a year+ of dialysis. She will leave 2 young daughters, a large loving family and countless friends. Sandi @StLouisCruisersHappy 25th birthday to Tyler!! The port of Astoria, Oregon Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach Seaside Flavel House Museum in Astoria Entering Oregon in the rain on the 4-mile long Astoria Bridge
  15. Good afternoon all, I had a great time with DDIL at Flower World. We spent 2 hours there, she got some great indoor plants and pots to replace the ones she gave away or lost in their move here from CA. She also got me an early birthday present -- a Grandiflora fragrant yellow rose bush. Now for spring! It was snowing/frozen mix when we left the nursery, thankfully it just turned to rain on the drive home. I got this in my email today. We'll probably go, we went last year and had a good time. You’re Invited! Discover untold wonders of the Last Frontier at the Alaska Cruise & Travel Show. Join us on March 18 to learn why cruising to Alaska is the best with Holland America Line — the Alaska experts since 1947. Plan your Alaska adventure at the ultimate Great Land expo. DATE: Saturday, March 18, 2023 TIME: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. LOCATION: Bell Harbor International Conference Center at Pier 66 2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle, WA 98121 ENTRY: FREE ACTIVITIES: Pan for real gold, make s’mores, try axe-throwing and much more! Win a cruise for two! All registered attendees will automatically be entered to win special prizes including one of seven Alaska cruises for two.*
  16. Good morning all! Our family are big huggers, I love a good one-liner, and we have tons of squirrels in the woods behind our house. They've never come into our yard, at least never done any damage thankfully. I have many more problems from the moles. Now that the woods have been thinned out, it's fun to watch them chase each other up and down the trees (away from our house). I like the quote, will pass on the drink and wine and would like the meal. Tonight will be chicken, but not this meal, at least not tonight. We've never been to Cannes, thanks for photos! The news about Patricia hasn't changed, her family sit by her bedside waiting and praying for her to wake up. Today I'm meeting DDIL at our favorite nursery. She wants to get in on their houseplant sale, I just like to wander and see what I can't live without. 😉 No houseplants for me, once we started traveling so much I don't want to ask friends and relatives to have to come water them. Meeting her may depend on if and how much snow we get though, it's predicted to start right when we're meeting. 😞 @2inSETexaswelcome to the Daily!
  17. Thank you so much for your kind comments. I do want to say though that he's one of the "lucky" ones, (if there is such a thing). As his doctor told me when he was first diagnosed, his bladder cancer is highly controllable and more of a "nuisance" (his words). In other words, he goes for 3-month checks and they remove any polyps they find then. As long as they stay within the bladder walls it's easily controlled. He was diagnosed at least 12 years ago and has faithfully gone for his checks. This treatment is preventive in the hope he can go longer than a few months with new polyps appearing, so his doctor suggested it. We're thankful he isn't on a long-term chemo program and this was only once/week for 6 weeks. My sister had cancer so I'm sadly all too aware of how ravaging the disease and regular chemo treatments can be. Let us know how you like your new can opener and have fun with your granddaughter 🙂
  18. Thank you for your comments, Lenda. Hoping for better news too. I can't imagine what the immediate family is going through. I guess we just missed each other on the Statendam! We were on a South America cruise in April so just 2 months after you.
  19. Good morning all, Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor including Patricia on the care list and thank you all for praying. I haven't heard any more news since last night when her Dad said the doctors will try 3 things to bring her out of her coma, but he feels they're just going through protocol. Very bad situation and so sad. Thank you too for mentioning DH's last treatment coming up. He (and I) will be so glad when it's over. The accumulation is really wearing on him, and he's looking forward to feeling better again. One bright spot in my day yesterday was that DD, DSIL and the grandsons arrived safely in Phuket and are having a good time. It was a 21-hour trip for them with only a 5-hour rest at a Bangkok airport hotel. I like most cheeses and buttercrunch, but the only penguins I've seen are in the zoo. Love the quote, it reminds me of any 2-year-old we've had in the family. I love all Marlborough wines so most likely would like this one a lot, the drink sounds good, but will pass on the Tofu. We've been to Puerto Vallarta once on the old Statendam in 2015. We took a walking tour and cooking class (3-courses and margaritas included), it was a good day. My photos would be like those already posted, but will share one of a tree I found interesting. Annie @marshhawkcongrats on the $1500 sale! I join others in hoping Neko doesn't have a tumor. Too bad about the new rule not allowing owners in the exam rooms, I wouldn't like that at all. I agree with the others' advice about the MDR. We always go to the Lido for breakfast because the hours are better for us. Also I love the Lido omelets. If we have to get up early for an excursion we get room service, and generally we aren't up and going early enough to make it to the MDR. I think the hours are something like 7:30-9:30. The last few cruises we've booked specialty restaurants for the first night -- as others have said, the MDR that night can be chaotic. My favorites on BHBs are prime rib and duck dishes. Vanessa @JazzyVI know what you mean about those veins and stopping all fluids 😞 I wondered when you said your appointment isn't until afternoon, that's a long time to go without food or fluids. Thinking good thoughts for you! @Colorado KlutchWelcome to the Daily, we hope to hear more from you. Puerto Vallarta tree
  20. And the larger the claim, the more fuss they force you to make. 😞 Ours was quite large, we weren't about to give up when we knew we were right. We will never use them again after that experience.
  21. Jacqui, I thought of you when I posted that! Let us know how you like it. 🙂 Thank you all for your prayers for our cousin Patricia. The latest news is not good, I'm afraid. The doctors don't think she will awaken from the coma and the MRI shows "considerable brain damage". It's all unbelievably sad. To fight the hard fight that she has, and this happens during knee replacement surgery. 😞 So young, and she always kept her sense of humor through all the years of medical problems.
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