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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Thank you for posting this. DH and I each were able to purchase our monthly limit of 5 ($500) cards. 🙂
  2. Good morning all! We should do nice things every day, I don't mind a little kale in a salad, but don't like a lot of it. We have several teachers in our family, including both of my sisters. I never had the patience so didn't follow that route! 😄 The quote is partially true, will pass on the meal and drink but would like the wine. Another port that we'll hopefully see on the Grand Australia! Thanks for your great photos Sandi @StLouisCruisers. Today is our last full day at home before leaving for a month. Tomorrow night we'll head to a SeaTac hotel for an early flight to Quebec City Friday morning. It's hard to believe that when we return it will be November, and everything will look different here -- especially the garden. The leaves on our trees here are just starting to turn, and it will be a lot cooler. Coming home from the Caribbean I'm sure it will feel especially cold. Sharon @Sharon in AZthank you for checking in and posting the beautiful photo! Looks like nice, clear skies there. 🙂
  3. I'm taking a break, have been cleaning house and finishing the Christmas Village. We also took advantage of HAL's gift cards and saved $1200. It will be nice to have a clean house to come home to, but I'm worn out. Will try to post a photo of the village later -- it takes up the whole dining room. What we do for grandchildren 😉 Sharon @Sharon in AZsafe travels! I look forward to meeting you and Craig on Saturday. Gerry @ger_77thank you! I bookmarked the one at Lowes -- we have both Ace and Lowes here, and even get a military discount at Lowes lol.
  4. First $2,000 went through fine. Second one denied, got a text from my credit card company asking if I made the transaction. Geesh. I'm making 3 of them, hope it doesn't happen on the third one too.
  5. Good morning all! I've never golfed or had a Frappe. Not fond of sugary coffee. But I do salute Animal Day. The quote is a good one, and I've had Nobillo many times on BHBs. The meal sounds wonderful, and I'd probably like the drink. Another Australian port that I hopefully will get to on the Grand Australia. Today will be another day of getting things done before flying to Quebec City on Friday. We're having lovely early fall weather, around 70 every day (but no rain in sight). Rich @richwmnand Charlene @cunnorlsafe travels, see you on Saturday! Vanessa @JazzyVa Very Happy Birthday to you! Terri @Cruzin TerriHappy 41st Anniversary! Terry @smitty34877I'm sorry you're all feeling sick, but glad you're all testing negative. Hope you feel better soon. @kochleffelhere we call that area the parking strip. Gerry @ger_77what do you use to clean the glass on your fireplace? I've used car polish with good success in the past (it's time to do ours). Getting that glass on and off is the worst part. Happy Yom Kippur to all our Jewish friends!
  6. Good morning all! My DH is my boyfriend, I salute child health, and both our children are techies especially our son who has made a highly successful career out of being a techie. I don't get the quote, the meal sounds good although high in carbs for me. No to the sweet wine and pass on the drink. Have never been to Perth, but it's on the Grand Australia in '24 thank you for all the great photos! It's another day of cruise prep -- we're all packed and just counting the hours now. Have a great day everyone!
  7. That was a great show and was called The Durrells. As for swimming, it would be warm enough for me, but then I'm a Yankee 😉
  8. Good morning all! I appreciate custodial workers and farm animals, and call my current car "Baby". The quote is good and the wine sounds very good. Will pass on the drink and meal. Tonight's dinner will be stew. It's a good way to use up veggies before we leave for the cruise. Always a juggling act, to end up with enough but not too much food in the house. We'll be gone for a month so... We've been to Corfu several times, in fact on our last 3 cruises. The most recent was a year ago on the Eurodam. The beauty there never gets old! The last time there we took a 3-hour tour around the island and most of my photos are from that day. Some views of Corfu Town from our balcony Our ship the Eurodam, with the Volendam and Zaandam (waiting to be put back into service) Some sights around Corfu Town and OH the flowers You knew I couldn't resist at least one kitty... And scenes from our drive around the island. Castle of the Angels on the Ionian Sea circa 1272 A bombed out church (about 400 years old) Such beauty We drove through a town where the road was so narrow we could have touched the sides of the buildings. Kudos to our bus driver!! This is a wall right outside our window. And we saw these beautiful colors on the buildings
  9. So happy you're ok and everything has worked out with HAL. Very sorry we won't meet you on the cruise, but maybe on a future dam ship!
  10. Good morning all! Another sunny day here in the PNW, heading for the low 70's. Loving this fall! I can't live without my morning coffee, prefer to be called "older" than "elderly", and except when on a cruise we live pretty frugally. I'd like the meal, drink and wine (love most all Viogniers!). We were supposed to go to Toulon on a Med cruise but weren't able so Marseille was substituted. Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserand Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the great photos! I was disappointed we when we couldn't be there. Charlene @cunnorlHappy Birthday to your DH! Laura @kpladyHappy Retirement! @jimgevThank you for checking in and letting us know that you're ok. 🙂 Happy Coffee Day!
  11. Good morning all! I heard from our friend in Ft. Meyers, her house came through fine but some of her trees didn't fare as well. I hope we hear from more of our Dailyite friends soon. I have never had a mud pack, and don't know any vegetarians to hug. Funny, just this morning I decided to pack my English/French dictionary to help with my rusty French so that's my way of celebrating translation day. I would like the meal if it isn't too spicy, and know I would like the wine and drink. We were in Nafplion a year ago on the Eurodam. We took a tour to Ancient Nemia and wine tasting. Today will be spent doing more cruise prep, folding laundry, and housework. I hope everyone has a great day! Sunrise off our balcony in Nafplion The stadium seated 30,000 people "Locker room" for the games Temple of Zeus Temple of Zeus I love how friendly the cats are in Greece At the winery A cemetery by the road And a small fort
  12. Yippee!! Now that we're on the Bon Voyage thread this feels REAL!! Thank you Jacqui, cannot wait to board my favorite ship and meet up with friends. I agree with others -- any substitutions won't bother me. 🙂
  13. Good morning all! Prayers for all who are suffering from the devastation of Ian. I've been watching for updates on FB from a cruising friend who lives in Ft. Meyers. Nothing from her since yesterday... and I hope we hear from @MISTER 67soon. Melissa @HAL Sailergreat news that your family home was spared. 🙂 Sandi @StLouisCruisersthank you for posting your daughter's Halloween tree, it looks great! Jacqui @kazuGood luck in finding a Ft. Lauderdale hotel. I'm not surprised that the reviews of Embassy Suites have gone downhill. We've stayed there twice and thought it was overrated. Our room was a dump -- bugs everywhere, fixtures falling off the wall, smoke smell, stale pastries at breakfast, I could go on. Needless to say we haven't considered that hotel in a long time. I know many people love that hotel, but we've stayed in hotels half the price that were much better. @HAL4NOWthank you for the latest update on the fire. I was hoping you got some of that rain we had yesterday, just sorry it wasn't very much. Safe travels home. I'm late getting here today, no sleep last night. I have nothing to blame other than myself and my usual pre-cruise racing mind. It just would not turn off last night, and was around 4 am before I dozed off. Off to make another pot of coffee 😉 have a great day everyone!
  14. Thanks Joy, I see that now 🙂 Trying to do too much at once today 😉
  15. Thanks, Rich. The way it's worded it sounds like there's a limit of (1) gift card per person?
  16. Thank you. It looks like only the $100 cards are available? I was able to purchase my 5 cards for the month just before everything shut down but when DH tried minutes later it was down. We're going to wait a couple days (the 30th) to try again and hopefully they'll have the $500 cards back.
  17. Good morning all! I don't like beer unless it's dark beer but I do love that. Especially with pizza or Mexican food. As we've been saying this week on the Daily, good neighbors are worth their weight in gold. I'm fortunate to have good neighbors all around me. Here in WA state we have 19.8 million acres of public lands. I love the quote, will pass on the meal, red wine and drink. DH was in Viet Nam, but not Nha Trang, at least that I know of. Prayers for all in the path of Ian -- our friends here on the Daily and my family and friends in the Savannah area and Florida. Terry @smitty34877oh shoot about the aide with Covid. Prayers that you all don't get it. You don't need this worry. @Lady Hudsona big Congratulations to your nephew for joining the Space Force! You must be so proud. 🙂 Sandi @StLouisCruisersgreat photos, thank you for sharing! Debbie @dfishsince learning your news earlier I'm still giggling with joy for you. But you left out what is probably my favorite part of your new house -- the hot tub! Besides the great kitchen, back yard and lots of space, I love that hot tub!
  18. Debbie the best news ever and a wonderful way to start my day with your news! Until the cruise when we can celebrate together, let's celebrate across the country! "There's a party going on, we're going to celebrate with you!"
  19. Lenda please thank your DH and thank you for posting this. I really wished we had a telescope last night. Binoculars and I just don't see eye to eye (pun intended!) Gorgeous photo.
  20. Thank you Gerry! Thank you so much Terry. That IS good news, I'm excited for you! More good news. That's great Lenda!
  21. Thank you Roy! Thank you Charlene 🙂 Thank you! Thank you Sandi! Laura @Horizon chaser 1957Bon Voyage, and have a wonderful time!!! @RedneckBobplease stay safe! @fatcat04Enjoy the NS! I was so happy to see that your Captain is Noel O'Driscoll. I was hoping he's Captain because we will board the NS on the 8th and he was Captain on the NS when we sailed in 2019. He also performed our 50th wedding vow renewal then.
  22. Thank you for the anniversary wishes @JazzyV, @Sharon in AZ(prayers that you can get some relief from your psoriasis, you need to enjoy our cruise!), @bennybear, @Quartzsite Cruiser(very glad your DH was able to get an appointment with the spine surgeon today!), @dfish, @puppycanducruise, and @grapau27. It's all very much appreciated! Oh my how fast 53 years can pass!!
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