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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. I'm sure there are a lot more things to do, but we enjoyed an excursion to Portland Head Lighthouse (oldest lighthouse in Maine) and to Kennebunkport.
  2. Yes, we had Portland this past October. I love Bar Harbor, and am thankful to have gotten there many times.
  3. Good morning all! Feeling a little better yet this morning, this thing is finally letting go. I can't comment on the food and drink yet, nothing much sounds good to me yet. I think this is the first time in my adult life I haven't had chocolate or wine for a couple weeks! Horrors!!! 😅 I love the quote and agree with others and @ger_77. I hope everyone has a good day and anyone under the weather feels better soon. Prayers for all on the care list and cheers to all on the celebrations list.
  4. Thank you so much Jacqui. I've been catching up on old Call the Midwives episodes and napping a lot. Oh my! Thank you for the gorgeous kitty greeting. He looks just like my buddy Jinx from across the street in his better days. @Quartzsite CruiserLenda we were typing the same time so I wasn't quick enough to add you to the multi-quote (or just don't know how to after the fact) but thank you!!
  5. I think you're on to something there Ann. At best my immunity is low, but now...thank you so much.
  6. Thank you so much everyone! I have passed along all the greetings and DH says Thank You. We won't be doing any celebrating -- yet. I'll urge him to pick up a piece of cake at the bakery, he deserves that. He's been an angel taking care of me through this horrible flu. I mentioned before that we planned a surprise birthday party for TODAY. We're even flying DH's sister here from Savannah. She has never been very far west at all. Anyway, the family has rearranged her flights and now we'll have the party on January 7 when I'm more up to it. He now knows there will be a party, but not that his sister is coming. It is his 75th after all. I turned the corner 2 days ago, so finally after 9 days, when my fever finally went down to normal. Now it's just a matter of getting my appetite back (last night I ate a whole salad, the most I've eaten all through this) and getting over this fatigue. I know I haven't been this sick since the early '70's when DH and I both had the Hong Kong flu. And I was 50 years younger. Again, thank you all for the birthday wishes for DH and better health wishes for me. All very much appreciated!
  7. Thank you Debbie. You're a good friend. 🙂 I'm taking tiny baby steps at getting over this horrible flu, and as you already know we have had to postpone DH's 75th birthday party to next month. I haven't been this sick in decades, probably the Hong Kong flu. DH has taken great care of me, I don't know what I would do without him. It's all I can do to sit at the computer more than a couple minutes at a time. I feel bad that I've missed so many celebrations here, and also sent my care to those who need it. Just getting out of bed is a chore. Hopefully I can catch up one day, but it may not be for awhile. Wishing everyone who celebrates a Merry Christmas.
  8. Good morning all! We got at least 3 inches of snow yesterday/last night which surprised me. But living in the convergent zone will do that. So I'm house-bound, don't drive in the stuff unless absolutely necessary. More than that, I somehow picked up a flu bug 😞 How I do not know, because I haven't been anywhere or seen anyone since Thanksgiving and nobody in the family was sick. Will test for Covid today, but this seems to be more of a stomach bug (again, where on earth did I get this). I even wondered if it could be a delayed reaction to the flu shot I got on Saturday....but doubtful. Cheers to all on the celebrations list and prayers for all on the care list.
  9. No, this did help, I didn't know their rugby team's colors are yellow and black. They also could be trash containers. I tried Googling it and didn't find out anything, so you said more than Google. 🤣
  10. And usually "that s word" comes down to us from the north! This must be coming from the South. Please don't send the wind this way, I'm very nervous now after that tree came down on my neighbor's house. I can see the evergreens across the street slightly waving, hope it doesn't get any stronger.
  11. Me too. We agreed that this last one was our last (we added 2 weeks in the Caribbean to a 2-week Quebec City-Fort Lauderdale cruise). We couldn't see flying across the country (to another country) for only 2 weeks. But it was SO hot and humid! No more for us.
  12. I live in the Seattle area and also recommend staying at an airport hotel. They're much more reasonable in cost and you can always use the light rail and monorail to see Seattle if you wish. Living here, the only time we stay in a hotel is the night before an early flight TO a cruise. Here is where we stayed last time -- #3 on Trip Advisor for SeaTac, breakfast starts at 5 am, free airport shuttle. We were very happy with it. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g58732-d2460074-Reviews-Hampton_Inn_and_Suites_Seattle_Airport_28th_Ave-SeaTac_Washington.html
  13. Good morning all! My parents were part of a square dancing club for many years when I was a child. Good memories of watching them dance, and playing with other members' children. Mom's dresses also made for good dress up clothes. 😉 I also had to take square dancing and folk dancing in junior high. I think I enjoyed folk dancing more. I'm all for Giving Tuesday, and lemon cream pie -- is that the same thing as lemon meringue pie? Either way I'll take it. 😉 Will pass on the cauliflower pizza, whether it's the crust or not. I prefer cauliflower raw in salads or with dip. But pizza does sound good for tonight. Will pass on the drink too, but the wine sounds good. Have never been to La Rochelle but would love to see it. Thanks for all the great photos! Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserin your first two photos I'm curious about the large, round yellow "ball" wearing a hat.....is that supposed to be a lemon? Well the predicted snow has begun, just since I got up this morning and is coming down hard. We never know how much accumulation we'll get, it doesn't usually stay cold enough to last long. I'm just glad I don't have to get out and drive in it. Karen @luvteachingit may be headed your way. As it turns out, I did buy something yesterday for Cyber Monday after all. On Thanksgiving my sister was raving about her "Eufy" robo vacuum and was urging me to get one. I said I'm happy with my vacuum, it's fairly new, and couldn't see spending upwards of $300 for something I don't really need. Well....as I was looking at my DDIL's Amazon Wish List, I happened to see that the same Eufy my sister has was 48% off yesterday.....guess who is getting one for Christmas. 🤣 I plan to use it downstairs on the hardwood floors and keep my other vacuum upstairs for the carpet. Today will be another day of Christmas and birthday party prep -- happy that I made a good size dent in the prep yesterday!
  14. Good morning all! It's warmed up (ha) to 36 this morning, but will get down to 26 tonight. Some frozen mix/snow in the forecast. A good day to stay in and try to get ready for Christmas. I got started on the decorating yesterday but didn't get very far. With DSIL's visit coming up soon I know I have to get as much done now as I can. I'll probably be doing some Cyber Monday shopping, but would have even if it was just any old Monday. The kids are starting to give me their Christmas lists so I'm trying to get that done. I like French Toast but don't have it often. Will pass on the meal and red wine, the drink sounds good but may be too sweet. Debbie @dfishgood luck today with the new doctor. We love our gas log fireplace, it's double-sided and really heats up the whole house. In fact it's so warm I don't have it on long if we're downstairs near it. Vanessa @JazzyVmy deepest condolences to you and all of your BFF's family. What a blessing that you and he were able to be with him all day. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserhurrah on your DH's progress and that he'll be able to come home soon! Melisa @HAL Sailersending prayers for your DSIL. Karen @luvteachinggreat news about your DH's improvement!
  15. The update seems to have taken care of it. 🙂 Much better now.
  16. Thanks! 1. Will check on that 2. Yes, forced restart to reboot. 3. DH thought of that too and it's now installing most recent update. It aggravates me because it supposedly is on "automatic" for updates but he said there's one that has been there for a few weeks. I don't even get notifications anymore like I did in the past, so I forget....anyway hoping that will take care of it. 4. Will do that too. 5. Definitely have enough storage. Again, thank you!
  17. Good morning all! I'm a little late today (even for West Coast time). It took me awhile to read through 3 pages and to gather my photos of Limassol. The meal sounds very good today, I'll have to see what I have on hand. Will pass on the wine and drink though. I'd much rather have pie in my mouth/stomach than my face, love all cream pies, and DD had a pet turtle when she was in high school. One day after having him for years she had him (Bill) in the back yard and lost him....(!) We never did find out what happened to him, our yard is small, fenced, and no dogs or cats to get him... Yesterday DH and I got our flu shots, and for the first time I had no after-effects not even a sore arm. We had a freakish storm come through that woke me up at 2am -- pounding rain that sounded like hail but wasn't, and thunder and lightening. Of course I started worrying about those trees in the greenbelt behind us (like the one that came down on my next door neighbor's house) and couldn't get back to sleep for a couple hours. And here's a question for any of our techie posters here. My iphone 12 mini just within the last couple days is giving me trouble. Often it won't load when I'm on CC, FB, etc. If I turn the phone off and back on it seems to work ok until it goes to sleep, and then it starts all over again. I think DH is going to take it over to TMobile today, but I was just wondering if anyone else has had the problem. It was working fine a couple days ago. Debbie @dfishI'm sorry about the fireplace trouble! Seems like buying a different house usually comes with a few unwelcome surprises. 😞 Vanessa @JazzyVI'm so sorry to hear that your BFF's Dad isn't doing any better. Prayers that he can be made comfortable and hugs to you and your BFF. We were in Limassol on an overnight a year ago on the Eurodam. We took two different half-day tours and loved it. As usual what we chose was different from what Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserhas already posted (great photos, thank you). The first thing I noticed about Cyprus is how dry it is. We learned that they have 340 days of sun. The second thing I noticed (of course) was the number of friendly cats 🙂 We learned that years ago they brought in lots and lots of cats to take care of their snake problem. The first day we took a tour to the Kourion Theater, the Temple of Apollo, Omodos Village, Eustolios House and we visited a winery. Kourion Theater with its beautiful views Approaching the Temple of Apollo The Temple of Apollo An ancient water pipe near the temple This cat was extremely friendly and sooo cute. Waiting for a belly rub. A few scenes in the village of Omodos. And views from the winery This is supposed to be the birthplace of Aphrodite. She was born out of the foam and carried by the sea to Pafos. We visited the Eustolios House from the early Roman period. The 2nd day we went to Pafos, the Tombs of the Kings, and the Mosaics of Dionysos. Overhead view of the Tombs of the Kings. And we went down into the tombs And the mosaics of Dionysos 3 panels of hunting scenes
  18. 1. The Med -- anywhere in the Med but Greece is probably my favorite. 2. Prime Rib in the MDR, lamb chops in the Pinnacle, any duck dish. 3. Not less sparkly, but I don't bring the long dresses anymore.
  19. Good morning all! I didn't get here yesterday, but we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my sister, DBIL, and one of their daughters and her DH. After stuffing ourselves with a huge Thanksgiving dinner, we had a rousing game of Scrabble, watched a movie, and laughed ourselves silly. The next morning was a delicious breakfast and more laughs before we headed home. We brought a box of leftovers to DS and DDIL -- they're still moving into their "new" home, have on-going renovations still, and are training their new pup Pepper (who is doing VERY well). She's adorable, and Rogue, their 7-year-old dog, seems to be accepting her very well. They play together in the yard until they both fall asleep exhausted. DD, DSIL and the DGSs are still at Whistler with his family, they'll come home tomorrow. Our youngest grandson isn't 100% yet, whatever this is (not Covid) really knocked him down. 😞 Nobody else has gotten it, but it will be a miracle if they don't. Today is my Dad's heavenly birthday. He passed in 2018 at the age of 101 and I miss him every day. Today DH and I plan to get our flu shots, and I need to catch up on the laundry. In 2 weeks DH's sister will arrive from Savannah and we'll have DH's surprise birthday party. I need to work on those plans too and get the guest room ready for her. Lots to do! Snow is predicted here next week, I've warned her to get some long johns! She feels cold when it goes below 70F so this will be quite a shock for her. @seagarsmokerI'm so glad you're feeling better! Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserOh no about the roof leak! Thank you for the great photos of Ha Long Bay and Cai Lan. @Horizon chaser 1957Fabulous photos! Thank you for sharing them. Vanessa @JazzyVI hope you get better news today about BFF's DF's condition. Sandi @StLouisCruisersyou must be so proud of Ren and Colton! Wonderful about the scouting! Caat and David @Ichiban NekkoBon Voyage and enjoy my favorite ship!! Rogue and Pepper
  20. I'm sure they decided to pick that one because they knew it would tick you off more than anyone else. Good grief. 🙄
  21. Good morning all and Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow US citizens! (Vanessa @JazzyVI just saw your post, I'm SO sorry for many reasons. I hope your BFF's DF will be ok. I'm rushing this morning as we should be leaving in an hour and a half for my sister's house. I'm looking forward to staying there today and tonight, always a good time! There will just be 6 of us, our "kids" can't make it -- DD is in Canada on their yearly week in Whistler with her DH's family, and DS has a new puppy who wouldn't do well on that long car ride. So missing them, but I'll be bringing them leftovers tomorrow. 🙂 I'll just add a few photos from San Juan...we've been there twice I think. The first time DH and I walked to the fort, and this last time (just last month) we took an excursion to El Yunque Rain Forest to beat the heat. It was extremely hot, "felt like" 97F. The rain forest was delightful and beautiful.
  22. That's because they're going so fast you don't see them! (just kidding!) 😉 Seriously though, this surprises me. As I said earlier there was one on our cruise just this month, and usually but not every cruise I've been on. It is also my primary form of exercise so I'm out there often.
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