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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I like One Voice Day, sadly no aunts or uncles, and I love bagels and have one almost daily. I like the quote. I'll take the steak without chimichurri , and pass on the drink and wine. I was supposed to go to Tunis on my 2020 HAL Ancient Treasures cruise, but we know what happened to that. 2 good days in history. It's going to be a lovely day. Sunny, warm and lower humidity. I'll be heading out to PT shortly. I'll see if I'm doing the vertigo maneuvers correctly. It helps, but doesn't last, so far. Then I'll pop into the grocery store after. This afternoon I have a Covid-19 booster vaccine shot scheduled at the pharmacy. @StLouisCruisers Happy 22nd Birthday to Morgan! @kazu Good luck with getting things finished up at the house, along with taking breaks. Safe trip to the grocery store. BFF is just starting to drive after his surgery. @cunnorl I sure hope you can get into Greenland. @smitty34877 I'm glad to hear that last night was better with DD being with Tana, and that DD and DSIL are able to help today. Pippin is cute. @dfish Such good news that you aren't waking up with back pain. @marshhawk I hope the vein doctor has a way to help the swelling. Nice photos from Mexico. @ger_77 Aww, what a nice sentiment that DS still thinks of your house as home. Enjoy the time with him. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  2. Today’s Care List: Kazu recovering from stents placed for leg/foot pain Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite StLouisCruisers’ DB with pulmonary fibrosis Haljo1935 with a frozen shoulder and kidney stones Celebrations and Shoutouts: StLouisCruisers’ nephew Alex’s identical twins born 7/23! Rafinmd’s improved PSA level RMLincoln’s DH post glaucoma surgery, good eye pressures this week Dfish’s successful nerve ablation Cruzin Terri’s arm feeling better The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Volendam July 27 to Aug 20) 24d Canada, NE, Iceland Cunnorl (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings, St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Hiring Veterans is a great idea. I'll salute Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. And red shoe day is important re invisible illnesses; my uveitis would be considered one, until it flares and my eyes are red and painful. Typical Joan Rivers. Maybe for the meal, yes for the drink (sans coconut on the rim) and no for the wine. I haven't been to Bali. 2 important days in history. It's cloudy here today and currently 77F. I did some research on the maneuver I was given, and found out you are to do it 5 times in a row, 3 times a day. I wasn't told that. So I did it this morning. When I angle my head and lie down to the left and then sit back up, I'm quite dizzy. I'll check at PT tomorrow to make sure I'm doing it right. Meanwhile, BFF has been "discharged" from his home PT. He plans to try driving a short distance to the pharmacy later today. I've spent my morning fighting with my Ecotank printer, which won't print any blue color. I've done print head cleaning several times. There's a power cleaning that uses a lot of ink, so that's next. I don't print with it often enough. Typically I use my ancient HP Laserjet for my B&W printing of documents and recipes from online. And I need to do laundry. And I'm waiting for my new iPad to arrive; a little treat to myself (I'll trade in the old one). @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the kind words. Prayers we all get negative results from our mammograms. @rafinmd I hope all goes well at your medical appointment today. @Crazy For Cats Love the new Lego "cats"! @LambKnuckles Thank you. @ottahand7 Take care when the air is bad, with your asthma. @Heartgrove Yay on the good bloodwork results! @dfish Oh my on all the damage to that house from the fire and firefighting. I'm sure the family will be devastated when they get home. I would imagine their homeowners insurance may pay for them to stay in a hotel or apartment. @kazu Oh no on your outages yesterday, but at least it was fixed fairly quickly. I'm glad you have helpers, but your legs may be telling you to go a little slower. I hope you can sleep better soon. @Mr. Boston Exciting days indeed in the life of an owner of a new home. @Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photos. @marshhawk Nice photos. @RMLincoln Good news on getting a resolution with the Social Security application and on DH's eye pressures. @Denise T I hope the sore throat doesn't turn out to be anything else. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great Bali photos. @ger_77 Thanks for that sad photo from Jasper. Enjoy the visit while DS is in town. @smitty34877 I'm sorry last night there was no sleep. I hope you can get a nap in, and it's a good idea to get takeout later. @durangoscots Stay safe! @Nickelpenny I have a pasta maker attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer, that I've never used. One of these days. @NextOne Enjoy the concert with DS tonight. @Cruising-along Prayers it's nothing more than a precaution. No results back for me yet. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  4. Today’s Care List: Safe travels to cruising sister and DGS traveling to MN to visit DB Kazu recovering from stents placed for leg/foot pain Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Heat, Fires (Jasper), flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite Doobieb’s friend Leesa with breast cancer Vict0riann post breast cancer surgery, treatment plan being formulated Celebrations and Shoutouts: StLouisCruisers’ nephew Alex’s identical twins born 7/23! Rafinmd’s improved PSA level RMLincoln’s DH post glaucoma surgery, good eye pressures this week Dfish’s successful nerve ablation Cruzin Terri’s arm feeling better The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Volendam July 27 to Aug 20) 24d Canada, NE, Iceland Cunnorl (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings, St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  5. Years ago I used to wake up with terrible stiff necks, for which I sometimes needed valium to relax the muscles. Changing my pillow did wonders, and practically stopped them altogether.
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Sadly no cousins or any relatives still living. I'll have to think of something to do for myself as self care today. It's been a while since I went through a food drive-thru, except after one of BFF's appointments, as he wanted to do that. Funny quote. Maybe for the soup, and yes to a whiskey sour and wine. I have not been to Red Bay (the biting bugs sound yucky). 2 good days in history. It's warm, humid and cloudy here; perhaps showers later. I had my mammogram this AM. The nurse said they're caught up on readings, so I might have my results this afternoon in the online chart. After I came home I called to set up my MRI and vascular US. Since my facilities of choice were booked up until September, I'm going to go elsewhere and will need the GPS, even though it's only about 12 miles away. The PCP's maneuver was successful yesterday, but my symptoms are back today. I just realized my after visit summary had instructions for something I can do at home. I will do that later and also talk to my physiotherapist on Friday when I go to PT, to get better instruction on how to perform the maneuver. This afternoon will just be doing things around the house. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for sharing photos of the adorable twins Clement and Declan! Congrats to the family and I'm glad all are doing well. Their weights are unusual for twins, I think. Thanks for the Red Bay photos; it looks quaint and charming (except for the biting bugs). How is Ren doing? @grapau27 Happy Birthday to your cousin Yvonne. Nice lunch. I can relate to the stairs issue; I was going up on all fours when I had the bad nerve pain in my leg. @rafinmd I hope you can find a way to get comfortable, so you can sleep. Maybe a heating pad to the neck? Great news on the low PSA level! @aliaschief I'm sorry to hear that DGD has otitis media. I hope she's not in too much pain. Around here getting air ducts cleaned is advertised all the time; I have flexible ducts (since I have hot water heat) and worry about them being damaged, so I haven't done it and I don't run the AC that much. I hope your derm biopsies turn out ok. @smitty34877 I hope Tana will eat more of the bean and pasta soup today. @kazu It sounds like you've made some progress. I laughed at you being a good doobie, as I haven't heard that term in a long time. I hope you can start to get better sleep. @cruising sister Safe travels for you and DGS tomorrow. @dfish I'm glad you are not having pain in the leg. @RMLincoln Great news about DH's eye pressures! Enjoy your meeting with your MD friend. @Cruzin Terri I hope no issues with Jim's podiatry appointment and I hope you get to have lunch in Hilton Head. @St Pete Cruiser I'm glad you're having a good cruise. Thanks for the Cornerbrook photos. @marshhawk Do you think DH's right foot may have an infection? If it doesn't improve, I hope you can convince him to get it looked at. Prayers for you as you deal with all the issues. And nice photos. @Nickelpenny You did well with your baking. The bread has a nice crumb, which can be hard to get. Especially in this hot weather, it's easy to overproof the dough. I like the precision of baking, and don't do well with the taste and adjust cooking. @bennybear Ugh on the smoke levels and tornado warnings. Sadly the smoke makes for a gorgeous sunset. @puppycanducruise I'll take a cookie! 👋 Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  7. Today’s Care List: Kazu recovering from stents placed for leg/foot pain Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite Ottahand7’s DB Nick post re-do knee replacement, at home, knee swollen Hogladyrider’s SO with memory issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: StLouisCruisers’ nephew Alex’s identical twins born 7/23! Dfish’s successful nerve ablation Cruzin Terri’s arm feeling better Nickelpenny’s great job laying tiles on her hutch The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 3 days for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Volendam July 27 to Aug 20) 24d Canada, NE, Iceland Cunnorl (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings, St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  8. Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. It's hot enough for me, Sprinkles (known as Jimmies here) are a no on my ice cream, and I am sure there are lots of Gorgeous Grandmas on the Daily. Good quote. I like zucchini bread. Pass on the drink and the wine sounds interesting. I have been to Vancouver once, to embark on my Ryndam Alaska cruise. I'm tired. I was up and out this AM to pick up BFF to take him to a test followed by an appointment. They were running behind, and I only made it to my PCP appointment with 10 minutes to spare. She thought the original symptoms sounded like vertigo, but my current ones sounded vestibular. She did the Epley maneuver to reposition crystals; in one position the room was moving around. Just to be complete I have to get a brain MRI and carotid artery ultrasound. And she gave me a script for vestibular therapy, which my PT site may do, or else my ENT office. BFF came with me, as there was no time to take him home. We were both tired and hungry, but I wasn't up to going out afterwards. There was lots of walking at the medical center (he was using his knee scooter) and I just wanted to come home. Mammogram tomorrow. It never ends, or so it seems. @summer slope Happy Birthday! Nice surprise for family to turn up at your door. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad your arm is feeling better. @GTVCRUISER @StLouisCruisers @Denise T @Quartzsite Cruiser @marshhawk @sailingdutchy @Sharon in AZ @bennybear Thanks for the Vancouver photos. @ottahand7 I'm sorry to hear that DB's knee is still swollen and that he needed to get catheterized. @kazu I hope you are soon feeling better. @dfish I'm glad to hear that your procedure went well and that the pain is gone. I hope the pain stays away. @Nickelpenny Good going on the starter and baking. @Vict0riann Prayers that things work out with your treatment. Nice photos. @marshhawk Prayers for Chuck (and you) as he progresses through this recurrence. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  9. Today’s Care List: Dfish having nerve ablation today Kazu recovering from stents placed for leg/foot pain Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite StLouisCruisers’ nephew Alex’s in-utero identical twins, due soon Seasick Sailor’s DSis Bonnie diagnosed with breast cancer Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday summer slope (Dixie)! Welcome home Lady Hudson! Cruzin Terri’s water leak stopped Nickelpenny’s great job laying tiles on her hutch Overhead Fred and DW Mitzi enjoying time in Canada at their lake cabin The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 4 days for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Volendam July 27 to Aug 20) 24d Canada, NE, Iceland Cunnorl (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings, St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I'll celebrate Pi day (I have a Pi day t-shirt), Fragile X syndrome is an often unrecognized disease, and I would try to be a good teammate if I was on a team. Funny quote by Youngman. I like a good coleslaw. Pass on the drink and maybe for the wine. I haven't been to Newcastle upon Tyne. 3 interesting days in history. We weren't supposed to have rain until late this afternoon, but as I was walking into PT it started to pour. Of course I'd taken my umbrella out of my purse in an effort to lighten it. It's still raining, which is good as it's severely dry here. Today is BFF's birthday, but I'll see him tomorrow. I'm taking him to an appointment, then we were to go out to eat. But now my PCP wants to see me tomorrow about this dizziness and unsteady gait that is persisting. So maybe we'll celebrate on Wednesday. @NextOne Happy Birthday to your DS! @StLouisCruisers I don't know how you're up and about so quickly after your long drive. Nice photos from Port of Tyne and Newcastle upon Tyne. @rafinmd Thanks for the photo. I hope your Oncology appointment is just routine. Sorry about the fire house computer, and that you're still dealing with issues from your data hack. @grapau27 Thanks for the photos and information about that area of the UK. @kazu Thanks for checking in. I'm sorry you're feeling unwell and tired. I hope you can get some rest. @smitty34877 It was wonderful of your brother to come for a few days. Safe trip home for him. Continued prayers for Tana. @tjcox9 Nice photos. @RMLincoln You really do have a full day today. @0106 Great explanation of why there are 2 Pi day celebrations. @marshhawk I hope Chuck's infusion went well today. @Sir PMP Nice vintage poster and photo. @Overhead Fred Enjoy being at the lake. @aliaschief Great photo of the DGDs. @kochleffel I had the same thought when I saw @Overhead Fred's photo! @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Newcastle and the surrounding areas. @ger_77 I hope DH gets a good report at his TAVR follow-up visit. Sad to hear of the smoky air at your location. @Vict0riann I hope you hear from the Doctor in time that you can meet your distant cousin. @Nickelpenny I'm glad you got your travel arrangements straightened out. And the hutch tile job looks fabulous! Congrats on a job well done. @Cruising-along Oh no about the rental RV having issues. Did they contact the rental company? And ewww on DGS getting leeches from swimming in Yellowstone lake. @Haljo1935 Utility providers don't reach out here; you have to go on the app to see what's going on. I hope you get your power back quickly. @GTVCRUISER Wow, lots of tiles. @HAL Sailer I hope things are going well for you and your DH. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  11. Today’s Care List: Kazu recovering from stents placed for leg/foot pain Marshhawk’s DH Chuckk’s immunotherapy today Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Vict0riann’s DD having Covid Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite StLouisCruisers’ DB with pulmonary fibrosis Superoma and DH recovering from Covid Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy 45th Birthday to NextOne’s DS! Cruzin Terri’s water leak stopped RMLincoln’s DH having some good eye pressure readings this week Kazu’s Ivan did well with dental surgery The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 5 days for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Volendam July 27 to Aug 20) 24d Canada, NE, Iceland Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas to July 23) 5d Bermuda Cruise, Cunnorl (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings, St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. That temp in Antarctica is wow. I always try to be someone nice to others. I only know hearsay about pet store puppies. I will definitely celebrate National Ice Cream Day! Interesting quote. The meal sounds good for fall and winter. Pass on the drink and the wine ($$$). I haven't been to Easo. It's getting warmer each day, with highs in the 80's today, but at least it's not too humid. I woke up this AM at about 5:30 and it was too early to post the Cares List; the next thing I know it's 7:30! I'm still sleepy, but I think that's the meclizine. I did bake my sourdough bread this morning, using a different technique. I'll see how it cam out once cooled and sliced. Otherwise, just a quiet day, probably getting some reading done and watch a bit of golf. @Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday to Craig! @aliaschief Safe trip home! @StLouisCruisers I'm sorry you had to do all that driving to get home, and wow on driving straight through. I'm sure you'll both be exhausted when you get home. @dfish Enjoy the brunch. @Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photo. @smitty34877 I hope that Tana will have a bit more appetite today. Prayers for you all. @Denise T Oh my about the car, but good that they fixed what they were responsible for for free. @Heartgrove Congrats on this anniversary and thank you for serving our country. Great photo! @RMLincoln Thanks for the photos. @St Pete Cruiser Bon Voyage! Enjoy the cruise, after this initial aggravation. Nice photos. @marshhawk Good luck tomorrow with DH's immunotherapy and pain management appointments. Nice photos. @Seasick Sailor Gorgeous buck photo. @0106 Thanks for the explanation. I was a mandatory reporter due to my work. @vince_g Welcome to the Daily! @tjcox9 Thanks for sharing your photos. @Nickelpenny Good luck with the grouting. @Cruising-along Great photos. Thanks. @Quartzsite Cruiser Wow, that's a lot of rain. I hope it doesn't damage your yard. @kazu Thinking of you and I hope you're doing ok. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  13. Today’s Care List: Kazu recovering from stents placed for leg/foot pain StLouisCruisers and DH driving home from Boston after no flight available Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Vict0riann’s DD having Covid Cruzin Terri’s water leak Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite Superoma and DH recovering from Covid Ottahand7’s DB Nick post re-do knee replacement, now at home Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday to Sharon in AZ’s DH Craig! RMLincoln’s DH having some good eye pressure readings this week Kazu’s Ivan did well with dental surgery Aliaschief’s family vacation at St. George Island The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 6 days for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Volendam July 27 to Aug 20) 24d Canada, NE, Iceland Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas to July 23) 5d Bermuda Cruise, Cunnorl (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings, St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Moon day is appropriate for Space Exploration Day. I like tootsie pops, not plain lollipops. Odd quote. I'll pass on the veggie burger and maybe for the drink. Yes to the wine if someone else is buying. I haven't been to Fredrikstad. 2 good days in history. It's cloudy here right now and 76F. Perhaps a passing shower. I started the meclizine yesterday, and perhaps feel a bit less dizzy when I walk around. I made some sourdough dough up last night, and really reduced the starter so it wouldn't overproof overnight in my warm kitchen. It's not quite there yet, then I'll shape it and put it in the fridge for a cold retard and bake it tomorrow. Otherwise it's just puttering around the house, doing some sorting through stuff with an eye toward donating it. @cunnorl Bon Voyage Charlene! I'm glad you had a good day with family yesterday. @St Pete Cruiser Bon Voyage tomorrow! So sorry to hear that you have to join the ship a day late due to flight cancellations. I like your attitude! @StLouisCruisers Welcome home. Ugh on the flight cancellation! I hope something works out soon to get you home. @tupper10 Welcome home. Enjoy visiting with family. @LambKnuckles Enjoy the cookout. @ottahand7 Good luck with the laptop starting up. @kochleffel I'm glad you felt better by evening, and it was smart to take it easy. @Denise T Good luck getting the home office set up and fighting with Verizon to let you out of your contract. @superoma I'm glad that you and DH are coming along, and that he didn't have pneumonia. I LOVE Call the Midwife! I was late to the party and binge watched about 10 seasons over a few weeks. @Lady Hudson I'm sorry to hear that Bill fell, but glad there are no injuries and that he's in the good care of your DD. @marshhawk Nice photos. @Haljo1935 Nothing worse than misdelivered packages. And USPS doesn't take a photo like UPS or FedEx does. I'm sure it's harder with those cluster boxes. I'm constantly seeing posts on NextDoor with people showing photos of their packages on someone else's porch and trying to get it back. @kazu Prayers that you are feeling better today. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  15. Today’s Care List: Kazu recovering from stents placed for leg/foot pain Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Vict0riann’s DD having Covid Superoma and DH with Covid Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite Cruzin Terri with right bicep muscle tear, pain, post-Covid effects Seasick Sailor’s DSis Bonnie diagnosed with breast cancer Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Cunnorl (Charlene)! Bon Voyage St Pete Cruiser! Welcome home StLouisCruisers! Good luck with a flight! Welcome home tupper10! Kazu’s Ivan did well with dental surgery Aliaschief’s family vacation at St. George Island The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 7 days for Horizon Chaser 1957 (Volendam July 27 to Aug 20) 24d Canada, NE, Iceland Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas to July 23) 5d Bermuda Cruise, Cunnorl (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings, St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  16. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Flight attendants have a tough job these days. No retainer here, although I have a couple of teeth that need to be straightened. Yes to a daquiri. Witty quote. Yes to the meal (with other greens), drink and wine. I haven't been to Pulau Komodo Island. It's another nice day, sunny and 76F; it was 59F this morning. I was up and out early for my GI appointment. My stomach was pretty good this morning, but I'm having a lot of vertigo when I walk. I have a call in to my PCP, who will probably suggest meclizine. The GI person thought maybe it was a virus, and didn't really do anything or have any suggestions. Ugh on that big IT debacle, especially for people with flights and I heard hospitals had to cancel some surgeries. @Lady Hudson Happy 55th Anniversary Katherine & Bill! @smitty34877 Happy Birthday to your DB! And thanks for the photo. @StLouisCruisers Enjoy Bar Harbor today, and I hope your flight goes on time tomorrow. @cunnorl I'm glad you made it there safely. @marshhawk Too hot for a power outage! Sorry to hear about it. I hope DH gets some answers about his edema and bulging artery and pain. Sorry your elbow is hurting. And post any photos you want, especially if it makes you happy! @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope all is routine at DH's appointment. @lindaler Prayers for you and your family. @kazu Thanks for checking in. I'm glad the procedure was declared a success! Now to rest and recover. Bless your wonderful neighbor, the friend who stayed overnight and Ivan's temporary caretaker. Sorry about no offer on the house, but I'm sure with a wider audience it will go soon. @Seasick Sailor I am sorry to hear that Bonnie needs a double mastectomy. Prayers for her. @RMLincoln Isn't that just the way, doing something to help one body part and flaring up another area? @Heartgrove I'm sad to hear that Sam is having more issues, but I know you'll do what's best for him. @kochleffel Paul, I hope your knock on the head wasn't too hard or painful. Be careful! Oh oh, on the person with you-know-what; hopefully it wasn't passed on to anyone else. @ger_77 Lovely flowers. @Nickelpenny I can't wait to see the finished hutch tile project! @grapau27 Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. @Cruising-along Thanks for the photos. Yikes on those steps at the tender pier! I don't think I could navigate those. @Vict0riann Yay for a working refrigerator! I hope Pat's appointments go well tomorrow. @Crazy For Cats I knew today would be a busy one for you. @rafinmd Lovely photo. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.
  17. Today’s Care List: Kazu had stents placed yesterday for leg/foot pain Quartzsite Cruiser’s DH’s Neuro appointment today Cruzin Terri with right bicep muscle tear, pain, post-Covid effects Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Vict0riann’s DD having Covid Superoma and DH with Covid RIP Bob Newhart Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite Catmando’s DB Scottie post stroke StLouisCruisers’ twin needing a shoulder replacement Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy 55th Anniversary Lady Hudson (Katherine & Bill)! Happy Birthday to smitty34877’s DB! Kazu’s Ivan did well with dental surgery Aliaschief’s family vacation at St. George Island The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Cunnorl (Zuiderdam July 20 to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings 1 day for St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam July 20 to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings tupper10 (Zuiderdam to July 20) 21d Viking Passage, StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage, Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas to July 23) 5d Bermuda Cruise and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  18. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'm not a caviar fan. I like sour lemon drops and will salute Nelson Mandela. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good for fall/winter. I'll pass on the drink and take the wine. I haven't been to Greenock. 2 important days in history. It's refreshingly cool this morning, with a high in the 70's later, and may be in the upper 50's tomorrow morning. Happily we had some rain yesterday, but not enough. I still had a bit of vertigo as I laid down to sleep last night, but was pretty ok this morning. I still feel a little unsteady walking, and the stomach is fairly ok, but not normal. I have PT just after noon, and may pop into the grocery store after. BFF texted me this AM that he got his foot into a sandal, after loosening the straps. PT will come to his house again today. So progress! @kazu Prayers for a successful procedure and recovery, with no more leg and foot pain. @Lady Hudson Bon Voyage! @MISTER 67 Be careful in this heat. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for your Greenock and environs photos. @kochleffel Sorry to hear about your hypoglycemic episode last night. Did you have some protein with your dinner last night? @Denise T Good luck with your enterprises. @Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear that surgery may be the required treatment. With my leg pain I tried all the nonsurgical options first. But I couldn't function with that pain so I bit the bullet and had surgery. I live alone and I could have managed on one floor, but BFF being here for 2 weeks was a blessing. @TiogaCruiser That bread looks good. I used to have a bread maker but got rid of it because I wasn't using it. Now that I'm making sourdough bread I do it all by hand, but I've considered getting another bread maker (but I already have too many kitchen appliances!). @marshhawk I was sad to read of DH's difficulties. I hope the edema can be remedied. Do you think some of his issues might be due to depression? I think it will be good to get him out into the world. @ger_77 Scary about the hospital being in lockdown! @cat shepard Safe travels for Brayden. @smitty34877 Continued prayers for you, Tana and the family. @lindaler @HAL4NOW It was good to see each of you checking in. We worry! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  19. Today’s Care List: Kazu having stents placed today for leg/foot pain Seasick Sailor’s DSis has appointment with surgeon today Vict0riann’s appointment with her surgeon today Cruzin Terri with right bicep muscle tear, pain, post-Covid effects Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Vict0riann’s DD having Covid Superoma and DH with Covid Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite Status of Cruzn single, Hal Sailer Luvteaching’s stuck hip flexor muscle Marshhawk’s DH Chuck’s vascular issues, on immunotherapy, pain & jaw issues due to prior radiation Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Lady Hudson! Kazu’s Ivan did well with dental surgery Aliaschief’s family vacation at St. George Island TiogaCruiser’s impressive shed that she built The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for Cunnorl (Zuiderdam July 20 to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings 2 days for St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam July 20 to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings tupper10 (Zuiderdam to July 20) 21d Viking Passage, StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage, Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas to July 23) 5d Bermuda Cruise and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  20. Good evening. We just got a nice thunderstorm and about a half inch of rain. Hopefully we'll get a bit more later. The temperature has dropped down to 74F after the storm and cold front. My stomach is feeling better. The worst time seems to be when I wake up and in the early morning. Once I eat something it starts to improve. That can be indicative of an ulcer, but I don't think I have one. @bennybear Great photos from the Guggenheim in Bilbao and the Pinxtos. @Nickelpenny It sounds like you're enjoying your project. @1ANGELCAT I'm sorry to hear of DH's accident, but happily no one was injured. So sad about that precious child's death, which was totally preventable. @superoma I'm glad you're feeling better, but concerned that your DH is struggling. @cunnorl I hope the weather doesn't play too much havoc with your flight. Safe travels. @HAL4NOW Thanks for checking in. We worry, you know.
  21. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. The attack on police officers in Baton Rouge was a sad day. International criminal justice is important. Emojis add fun to posting. Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Spain, but not Bilbao. Two big days in history. It's cool here today, since a cold front passed through. Currently 77F, and only going up to the mid-80's. I'm hoping for some rain later. I think the vertigo is almost gone, but my stomach is still having issues. I know some people can have issues with air in the GI tract from CPAP, but I've been on it for 5 years and don't think that's it. I even did a Covid test, which was negative. I feel like I don't want to eat, but eating seems to help. I'm already on omeprazole. I'm hoping to get some answers on Friday, when I see the GI nurse practitioner. Today is a rare day when I have no appointments for me or BFF, so I can relax. @Crazy For Cats Happy 20th Anniversary to you and Juan! @StLouisCruisers Enjoy the warmer weather and Sydney. @dfish Good news about the Community pool exercise classes. All the recipes look good (minus cilantro). @ottahand7 Sorry about the laptop issues; I hope you can get it resolved. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Bilbao. @kazu I'm glad Ivan is more himself this morning. I read that hydrangeas are having a banner year due to the warmer winter and lots of rain. Thanks for your garden photos. Prayers for a successful procedure tomorrow and easy recovery. @Sir PMP Nice photos. @Seasick Sailor How wonderful of your BFF to come to your house to stay with Oliver while you're away. I'm glad Oliver is feeling better today. @RMLincoln It sounds like your community is well set up in case of power outages. @ger_77 I hope Maurice gets a good report from the clinic today. @smitty34877 I'm glad your DB is staying longer, as he is such a help to you all. I'm sorry that Tana is struggling so with the cough and shortness of breath. @sunviking90 Great Bilbao photos. @superoma I hope you and DH are feeling a bit better. @Cruzin Terri I hope the Ortho doctor has some ways to lessen your pain. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  22. Today’s Care List: Kazu having leg/foot pain, to have stents placed, planning a move Cruzin Terri with right bicep muscle tear, pain, virtual visit with Ortho today Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Vict0riann’s DD having Covid Superoma and DH with Covid Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness, poor appetite Hogladyrider’s SO with memory issues Seasick Sailor’s DSis Bonnie diagnosed with breast cancer Celebrations and Shoutouts: Crazy for Cats’ and Juan’s 20th Wedding Anniversary! Kazu’s Ivan did well with dental surgery Aliaschief’s family vacation at St. George Island Lady Hudson booking an October cruise TiogaCruiser’s impressive shed that she built The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 3 days for Cunnorl (Zuiderdam July 20 to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings 3 days for St Pete Cruiser (Zuiderdam July 20 to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings tupper10 (Zuiderdam to July 20) 21d Viking Passage, StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  23. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute atomic veterans. I'm my own personal chef I guess, unless BFF is cooking for me. I'll pass on snake day. I like the quote. I like the meal (in cooler weather), pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Nuku alofa. Probably the last day of our heat wave (over 90F), but it will be more humid. It's sunny and 93F now. I'm still having some unsteadiness/vertigo and early AM my stomach feels funny. I had to take BFF to the Dermatologist, for a follow-up from his Mohs surgery. He wanted to take me out to eat after, feeling that he could manage with the knee scooter. But I told him I've only been having rice, noodles and bread and didn't think I should eat out yet. He's eager to "repay" me for all the groceries and taxiing him around, although I told him not to worry about it. I'm going to have my coffee now, which I haven't had since Saturday. Now that I finished that tome on Oppenheimer, I started reading a similar sized biography of Alan Turing. @Norseh2o Bon Voyage Katherine and Bob! @StLouisCruisers I'm glad your Pinnacle dinner was good, but sorry the service was so slow. @kazu Keeping good thoughts for you and Ivan today. Your garden is lovely. I'm glad he's out of surgery and did well! @Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photo. @cruising sister Thanks for the photo and update on Murphy. I hope they can get her medical issues stabilized. How exciting that Murphy will have a sibling! @marshhawk Congrats on your sales yesterday. @Seasick Sailor Oh no on Allen losing more weight. I'm glad no bad news at the Nephrologist's office. I hope Oliver gets a good report from the vet. @smitty34877 Prayers that Tana can regain some of her appetite. @ger_77 Great back in the day photo of you, DH and DS. @GTVCRUISER Nice photo. @RMLincoln Working at Sandia sounds like it was fascinating. @luvteaching Good news that your DM is doing so well. @Cruising-along Great photos from Nuku alofa. @superoma So sorry you tested positive for Covid and that DH is feeling so bad. Will you get Paxlovid? I'm set to get a booster the end of the month. @Cruzin Terri Prayers that you feel better soon. @Vict0riann Great news that you should have a working refrigerator by tomorrow! I know it will be helpful finding out what's next for you. And I'm sorry to hear that Pat has all those symptoms. @kochleffel Oh my on the widespread power outage, especially in this weather. I'm glad you're not affected at home. @Nickelpenny Sorry the stitches have to stay in longer, but better safe than sorry. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  24. Today’s Care List: Kazu’s Ivan having surgery today Superoma and her DH having bad colds Kazu having leg/foot pain, to have stents placed, planning a move Cruzin Terri with right bicep muscle tear, in pain, and Covid aftereffects Marshhawk’s DH Chuck unable to get stents unclogged, needs surgery Vict0riann’s DD having Covid Superoma and DH with colds, had to cancel their trip Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not From the Rotation: Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness StLouisCruisers’ DGS Ren suffering a collarbone fx during a soccer game Haljo1935 with a frozen shoulder and kidney stones Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Norseh2o (Katherine & Bob)! Aliaschief’s family vacation at St. George Island Lady Hudson booking an October cruise TiogaCruiser’s impressive shed that she built The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 4 days for Cunnorl (Zuiderdam July 20 to Aug 24) 35d Voyage of the Vikings tupper10 (Zuiderdam to July 20) 21d Viking Passage, StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage and Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to Aug 29) 44d Epic Northern Adventure London to London, celebrating 50th anniversary
  25. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I try not to be a dork. I'll let BFF know it's gummi worm day, as he loves them (I don't). I'm compiling stuff to give away, in my effort to declutter. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and drink. Yes to the wine, if someone else is buying. I haven't been to Salaverrry. A good day in history. It's another hot day here, currently 90F, sunny and humid. Maybe a thunderstorm later and we need rain. I spent most of yesterday in the recliner. I managed to get a cup of yogurt down early afternoon, then had some plain rice in the evening, plus drank PowerAde all day. I managed, barely, to stay awake for the late soccer game. I slept ok, and had much less vertigo this AM. My stomach still felt upset. I went to my early PT appointment, but only did the easier stuff, mainly sitting. Since I've been home I had a slice of my sourdough bread plain and more PowerAde. Putting something in my stomach has helped, and it feels better. I'm debating on whether to have my coffee. I think maybe some chicken noodle soup later, even with the heat. Thanks for all the well wishes. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad Ren and DS are home safely. @ottahand7 Sorry about the little robin. Lovely flowers and butterflies. @Seasick Sailor I'm glad Allen's party was a hit. Prayers for a good report for Allen from the Nephrologist. @kazu Wow, that's hot! Fingers crossed that you get an offer on the house. Good luck tomorrow with Ivan's surgery, and you getting your meds and bloodwork for your surgery. @smitty34877 I'm glad to hear that DB and DSIL arrived to help. And nice to hear about DB's sense of humor. I know it must have felt good to have a good laugh. @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm glad to hear that DH's symptoms are slowly resolving. Great photos from Salaverry. @aliaschief Nice beach house. Enjoy the time with family. @RMLincoln I'm glad to hear that DH's eye itchiness has improved. @sailingdutchy Thanks for the excellent photos. @rafinmd Nice photos. @Nickelpenny Yikes on the storm, and I'm glad you didn't have any serious damage at your place. Good luck getting your stitches out; I hope it's all well healed now. @kochleffel That's a funny story about your DM and the cookies. @quilty964 I'm glad your lake house was ok after the storm. I like your cucumbers. @Lady Hudson I hope your DH's echocardiogram today shows no issues. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
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