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Everything posted by mahdnc

  1. Our tour dropped us off at the pier at exactly 4:00 pm which was one hour before Solstice was scheduled to leave although she ended up leaving later. We thoroughly enjoyed the day. I hope you liked today's posts and photos. Time to go to bed. We are headed to Nha Trang tomorrow. It is a tender port and our guide told us that it is a port that is often cancelled because of weather. So we will see. David
  2. On the way back to the ship, we stopped off at the old Saigon Central Post Office. On the way back we also crossed this bridge.
  3. One of our stops after lunch was a visit to the War Remnants Museum which is a retrospective on the Vietnam War. Yeah, it was a bit somber.
  4. Our tour included a pho lunch. It was nice that we had our own private room (with air conditioning). This picture was taken by our guide, Xuan. I like it except for the fact that it looks like my wife is poking my eye out with her straw.....
  5. We then went to the Ben Thanh Market where we got to experience first hand the Vietnamese way of gently coaxing an unsuspecting victim into making a sale. None of our group of eight emerged from the market unscathed. That included me who stood there with arms folded refusing to buy anything until they separated me from my wife and then broke me. We did not stand a chance.
  6. The street and traffic scenery during the ride was mind blowing (as good as the boat ride we took through the floating market in Bangkok). In some ways I felt like I was in a Disney ride (where authenticity is artificially replicated on a world class scale) or in a Jason Bourne movie. Watching the rickshaw drivers weave in and out of traffic (cars, buses, scooters) was pretty impressive. And the street scenes, oh my, it was amazing to see all the shops and small businesses. Let's just say that I put my camera to great use (took so many photos that it was like being back at the Galapagos). Here are a ton of photos to give you an idea of what we saw--I hope you don't find them too repetitive. I very much enjoyed watching the people and taking their candid photos. The next 3 photos were taken on a street where all the shops repaired scooters:
  7. The highlight of the trip was the 30 minute rickshaw rides through the streets of Saigon. I read about these rides on some of the tours mentioned in Cruise Critic, but the actual experience was amazing. Here we are--of different size and weights--sitting in our own rickshaw manually propelled by people we felt very sorry and grateful for.
  8. At 11 am we stopped off at a coffee shop on Le Thanh Ton Street near the Ben Thanh Market. When we arrived the employees set up small stools and a wooden table to seat all of us. We were all sitting at the street corner right by the curb. It might sound kind of awful, but it was a very cool and authentic feeling experience. Here is a photo of our group of eight. We only met each other briefly at the sail away party on embarkation day--but we got to know each other fairly well at the conclusion of today's tour. @grizzlyt, from Arizona, are seated at the extreme left and right in this photo: We were served a Vietnamese coffee (iced) which was pretty good. We were told that Justin Trudeau had coffee at this shop several years ago. Our guide, Xuan, is seated at the right in this photo below. His English is pretty good and he is quite articulate. Best of all, Xuan has a warm and friendly personality. Our guide took this photo of my wife and me: Here is @Bloss20's family. They hail from the UK. Their son is seated to the left and will be graduating in a year with his aeronautical engineering degree (aka rocket scientist!).
  9. Our guide explained the rituals and customs in this temple and some of us participated. @Bloss20 have two impressive young adult kids on this tour with us. The older one, pictured below, is a primary school teacher and has ambitious plans to spend 5 months traveling to southeast Asia and Australia (I am sure there were some countries or areas I left out). She is burning a spiral incense stick.
  10. By 9:40 am, we were dropped off at our first stop: Ba Thien Hau Pagoda which also was our first of several opportunities to access a rest room. There was some sort of photo shoot going on which was a bit interesting to watch (lower right hand corner in the above photo).
  11. We had a good day at Ho Chi Minh City today thanks to our private tour for our group of 8 people from our roll call. We all gathered at 7:30 am at Guest Relations in preparation for our anticipated debarking at 8 am. We were waiting for the announcement over the public address system that the ship had been cleared by Vietnamese immigration. No such call was made and we discovered that two large lines had already formed above us on Deck 4 to get off the ship. We chose the shorter line to queue up in but quickly found out that it was for Celebrity shore excursions. So we went to the other line which already extended into the casino. The lines were formed because Vietnamese officers were on board to stamp everyone's Passenger's Landing Card which was delivered to our stateroom the night before. This Landing Card is something that we have to produce each time we get off the ship onto Vietnamese soil. After getting off the ship at approximately 7:52 am, it took us a while to find our guide despite the clear instructions that I had received. The confusion was my fault and it was due to the fact that some of the private tour guides with signs gathered at a point about 100 meters (?) from the ship. My instructions (and the pin that our guide dropped during our WhatsApp texting) showed him to be several hundred meters down the road towards the gate. So we walked out to the front gate where there was another mass of tour guides with signs. We found ours pretty quickly (8:05 am). The tour van was air conditioned and seated 11 passengers (3-3-3-2 layout) not counting the front seats. That meant that all 8 of us would have a window seat and no one was stuck in any middle seat. Our guide rode up front in the shot gun seat as we had a dedicated driver for the van. By 8:30 am we had all boarded our van and we were on our way to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC).
  12. @Ex-Airbalancer: the number of kids on this cruise according to the Camp At Sea lead counselor is...... 400 It didn't seem like that many and the kids we did see were pretty well behaved. We had one instance--and it was today--where there was a young teenage girl who was eating at a table next to ours at the OVC and was watching something on her smartphone while eating breakfast but with the volume turned up all the way. We decided to wait her out and when she left the table, we were good. Good until she came back and took her smartphone out and laid it on the table and proceeded to watch whatever it was with the volume turned up. My wife finally broke down to ask her to not play the program so loudly and I added that she should be using her Airpods Pro which were sitting in a case on the table in front of her by her plate. Without saying a word, she put her Airpods in her ears and then we were good. Oh, and both parents were sitting at the table next to her. They didn't say a word either.
  13. Today was a 2 ship day at Phu My. Mein Schiff 5 and Solstice. During our last port (Laem Chabang, Day 2), Westerdam was docked in front of us.
  14. I don’t know. It was dreadfully slow for the cruise up to and including Christmas Eve (3 days). After e got back on the ship on Dec 26, it’s better. My earlier post about WiFi speeds failed to send yesterday evening. And I was able to resend it now.
  15. We were scheduled to leave Phu My at 5 pm. However we are now set to leave at 6:42 pm. We are delayed due to a late shore excursion according to the Captain. On the way back to port, we passed by a disabled Celebrity shorex bus that had been rear ended. I presume that this was the delay.
  16. I will post speed test data later, but suffice it to say that the WiFi onboard Solstice so far is not good even with Starlink. Two (or three?) nights ago it was not even working. When it is working, it is common to have to upload photos onto this Cruise Critic thread several times before i succeed. Speeds are comparable to what it was on our prior two Solstice cruises (2018 & 2020) before Starlink was installed. i thought I was a winner for getting a great deal on the premium WiFi upgrade price. I don’t feel like a winner right now!
  17. A couple more notes from yesterday. Our tour of the floating market was concluded at about 11:30 am. Our tour for the day was finished. What was left was the 210 km drive from the floating market to the pier which included having to drive back through Bangkok. We arrived at the cruise terminal at 2:30 pm. Here a couple of interesting trucks that passed us (there were others, but I just wasn't fast enough with my iPhone):
  18. Our view from Blu an hour ago during breakfast. Sunny and smooth seas! Here is our current position on this Sea Day #2
  19. We spent some time in our paddle boat in areas off the beaten path and we got out to stretch our legs a bit. Here are some of the things that we saw. This is some kind of store. Maybe a 7-11 type. There is a pulley system to allow a basket to be sent over from the store on the other side of the canal to the boardwalk where the photo was taken. The basket would allow a customer on one side of the canal to send money to the store and then get their product and change sent back to them. The basket is visible in the photo. It is hanging from the line and is positioned at the right side of the white fence. Epic battle between boy and monitor.
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