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Posts posted by chong67

  1. On 11/30/2018 at 11:34 PM, chong67 said:

    I have book for two bikes and me and wife will cycle 40 miles around the island.  We ride more than that on Saturday.


    I will do write up, picts and GPS tracking when I come back.


    I hope it doesnt rain that day.


    I did my cycling around Cozumel last week : https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/3212640231


    Thats my stat above.  Sometimes the page will not load and sometimes it does.  Its a Garmin bug.


    I love it! Took alot of photos and I plan do this again.


    Ask me if you have any questions.

  2. This is my first time going to Roatan Bay Island.


    I am thinking of taking the local bus to West Bay or West End.


    I just want to see beaches and tourists places like shops, bars, etc


  3. I have book for two bikes and me and wife will cycle 40 miles around the island.  We ride more than that on Saturday.


    I will do write up, picts and GPS tracking when I come back.


    I hope it doesnt rain that day.

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