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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. i will keep that in mind as a possibility. I really like the looks of the ottoman. Terri
  2. Glad you all like the furniture. Thanks for all the positive comments. i understand the concern about the ottoman. I am having second thoughts myself but like the color contrast,. Not yet sure what we will do about it. Still thinking about it. Terri
  3. Welcome to the Daily. We hope you like it here. We are a fun group and everyone is welcome. Terri
  4. So today was a fruitful day. Jim and I went furniture shopping for our living room. I had seen a picture of something I liked and we went to the store to look for it. We were lucky in that they did have most of it in stock and had a Black Friday Sale of 15% off. So we ended up with a bargain. Also since we put half deposit down, they will hold it until we are ready for it. So we don’t have to worry about it not being in stock when we need it. The only item not available was the ottoman/cocktail table. They are not sure if they can get it. If not, Wayfair has it and I wail order it from them. However, they are more expensive. Here is a picture of what I ordered today. We are so excited about it. Terri
  5. @kazuThank you Jacqui. It worked. I don’t know why I was trying all convoluted stuff when it was so simple. Terri
  6. Good morning to all. Happy Saturday after Thanksgiving. Finally all the packing is done and we are ready to go with the repairs. I went to our house yesterday and there is not even a chair on which to sit. You guessed it, didn’t stay long. Maybe I can finally get some rest. I have still be working on changing my email address. i have had no luck on adding my email to my signature. @JazzyV Thank you for your suggestion but I could not get it to work. If anyone else can offer any help I would appreciate it. Today it is 57 degrees right now and promises to go up to the high 60s with sunshine. DH and I may go look at new living room furniture. I have had my eye on something for a while but have not had the time to get to the store to look at it. I have gotten the flare up under control and plan to reduce the Prednisone dosage (again!) starting tomorrow). Thank you Roy for keeping me on the cares list but I think you can remove me from there. I like the collection of days and I like the meal. French Onion Soup is one of my favorites. Will pass on the drink and the wine is a bit above my budget. Never been to the port. I like the Nicholas Sparks quote. @StLouisCruisers Hope you are enjoying your cruise and how nice that your Soccer players are being considered. @JazzyVi am sorry that you are missing your cruise. I hope your friend’s family member is recovering. @seagarsmokerglad you are feeling better. @smitty34877Hope you are doing okay and that both Tana and your DH and holding their own. Hope you can get some rest. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Have a wonderful Saturday, stay safe and God Bless, Terri
  7. Vanessa, I am so sorry to hear this. However, I guess you have to do what is best. Prayers for all of you. Take care, Terri
  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate today. Happy 60th Anniversary to @Vict0riann Ann and Pat. I wish you many more happy years together. Thank you to Rich for the Fleet report and Daily and to Roy for the Cares and Celebration List, And thank you to all of you who contribute everyday to make this such a great place to be. Jim and I do not have any family with whom to celebrate today. Nor do we have a home right now to cook our own dinner. So we are going out to dinner at a very nice restaurant. i love the quote. As for the destination, San Juan is near and dear to my heart. Back in 1972 (i am dating myself) i spent a summer in Puerto Rico studying Spanish. It was a wonderful experience. I also was the liaison with the SSA New York Regional Office to Puerto Rico and had to go to San Juan on business quite often. So I have a number of friends there. We will be stopping there on our next two cruises. One on Christmas Day and another in February. Hope on the second one to meet up with some friends for the day. I hope everyone has a nice day with family and friends or however you wish to honor this day. God Bless and stay safe, Terri
  9. Good morning to all It is a cloudy day here on Hilton Head. I received a good report from the Mayo Clinic so all is well. The best part was that I was able to move up my appointment and we were back home by the time of my original appointment. I don’t know in the end if that was good or bad. We ended up helping pack up various closets in the house. That really tired me out after driving three hours. Then we packed some more yesterday. Today we are not driving anywhere. We are staying put. Have other work to do here. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Interesting collection of days. Like cranberries and espresso and was a jukebox fan back in the day. I’ll take a pass on the meal and libations. Like the quote. I have been to Kotor twice. i will see if I can find some photos. Thank you Roy, for the lists. You can take Joanne off the cares list. She is home and recovering. I am not sure of her overall status. I was only able to speak very quickly with the aide. I have increased the prednisone dosage and it has helped with the flare up. Hopefully I can reduce the dosage next week. Jim and I plan to go to a restaurant for Thanksgiving. We do not have any family. If I were home, I would have cooked a dinner but it is difficult in a rental with less than optimal cookware and utensils. I hope everyone who is celebrating Thanksgiving has a wonderful day no matter how and with whom you celebrate. We all have something to be grateful for. Stay safe and God Bless, Terri
  10. Good morning from Jacksonville. I lucked out today. I had a 2:15 appointment that I managed to get moved up to 9:30 so I am finished. I am sitting in the dining room with DH while he finishes his breakfast and then we are out of here. This morning i took a wonderful shower. After having to shower in a dumpy bathroom in our dumpy apartment, However, I never thought of the bathrooms at the Courtyard Hotels as luxurious but everything is relative. We will be heading home in a little while. We’ll stop at our house to watch them remove more furniture into the POD and wait for the mail. I don’t have an update on my neighbor Joanne. Will try to find out something today. We appreciate everyone’s prayers. Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Like the days. Gingerbread cookies are delicious. What would we do without TV??? And as for odd socks. DH has plenty of them. I am forever throwing them out, especially the ones with holes in them. Give a pass on the libations and the food. Thank you Roy for the lists. Prayers for those who need them and cheers for those who are celebrating and traveling. Welcome home to those who have returned from cruising. Have a great day. Stay safe and God Bless. Terri
  11. Good Sunday morning, it is cold and rainy here in Hilton Head. Just checking in real quick. Heading down to Jacksonville for an appointment at the Mayo Clinic tomorrow. it is almost welcome to go there and sleep on a decent bed instead of the one in this dumpy apartment. Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report and for the lists. Hope everyone has a great day., Terri
  12. A very good Saturday morning to all. it is a cool 45 degrees on Hilton Head and going up to 60. Not very sunny today. Since I now have all my selections for the house done, I can turn my attention to other things. i have to finish migrating my email to the new platform before Hargray shuts me down. I have been putting it off. Some sites are very easy to edit and some others are very difficult. CC was not the easiest by far. Another site required that I open a new account, losing all my history of orders I had ever placed with them. They just cannot change the original email. Go figure! Lots of financial work to catch up on to make sure we are solvent. I just received notice from Oceania that it is time to check in for our cruise. That means it is 21 days away. This is good. We only have to put up with the dump where we are staying for less than that before we leave for Miami on Dec. 7. Then we will have 3 full weeks of luxury before we again return to this place. Hopefully, by that time, the work on our house will be well on its way and we will be close to going home. Thank you to @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet Report. Nice set of days. Interesting quote. I may try the meal. I’ll wait for Debbie to see the recipe. Not sure about the wine or the drink. While I have been to Alaska, we did not venture as far as Fairbanks. My neighbor Joanne is still in the hospital. No change in condition. i thought something had changed yesterday as the Aide’s car was at her house, Not sure why it was there. @StLouisCruisersSandi, have a great cruise. Itinerary looks wonderful. @Quartzsite Cruiserhope DH is doing okay today. You have a lot on your plate. Prayers for you. Prayers for all who are on the cares list and all those who need them. Cheers for those who are celebrating and cruising. Have a great day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  13. Good morning from our apartment in Hilton Head where it is 39 degrees. The apartment is paid for by the insurance company. It is kind of dumpy, but at least we have a place to stay and keep our things. Thank you @richwmn Rich for the Fleet Report and the Daily. Interesting collection of days. i like Apple Cider. I adore Mickey Mouse, so much so, that my DH says he’s my patron saint (LOL). I never considered myself a princess. Lady Gaga’s quote is interesting. It is thought provoking. I am all for everyone following their dreams, but when you have found the love of your life, your should follow that dream as well. There is nothing like feeling loved and imparting that love to another. I will pass on the meal and the drink. We shall see about the wine, depending on whether it fits in the budget. Never been to Japan. Yesterday was a fruitful day. We went to Savannah to make the selections for our Master Bath. We were able to make selections for tiling, flooring, vanity and all the parts that go with it. It was truly one stop shopping in a beautiful store. The staff were so helpful and patient with us. i am so glad that we were able to get that all accomplished and it is behind us. I feel so swamped with the many things that seem to be coming our way these days. When we returned to our house yesterday afternoon we found the living room furniture gone and all the bedroom furniture wrapped up, These people work non-stop. i have no update on my neighbor Joanne. I did not get to see her husband yesterday. hopefully today. i hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  14. I finally read through the posts. @StLouisCruisers Bon Voyage! i hope you have a wonderful cruise. @JazzyV Hope you are feeling better and able to enjoy your cruise @Quartzsite Cruiserthanks for clarifying your post. i was puzzled at first. Hope everyone had a restful night. Terri
  15. Good morning everyone, If i don’t write now, it won’t happen; Life seems to get busy around here. It is a cool 46 degrees here on Hilton Head, SC this morning. We have spent the last three days getting everything we need out of our house that we need and have brought it to out apartment. When our house is ready, it is going to take forever to get all this stuff back there. Thankfully the Service Master people have come to help us. I don’t know how we would have done it alone. Today we have to go to Savannah and select the tile for our bathroom — shower and flooring. Since our contractor is based in Savannah, all his suppliers are there. It makes it a bit difficult for us. We have our paint colors selected, And I am pretty sure i know which vanity I want. I just want it to be compatible with the tile and paint. Then we are done and can relax a bit. My polymyalgia is still acting up and I think it may calm down once I stop doing so much. My neighbor Joanne is still in the hospital. She has some sort of infection and a specialist from MUSC from Charleston had to be called in. Don’t know any more than that. Her husband says she is holding her own as of yesterday morning. We have a POD in our driveway. I am sure that our neighbors are not thrilled with this. Thinking of putting holiday lights on it (LOL). Don’t have much of a choice. Need a place for the furniture while work is in progress. Thank you @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet report. Interesting days. Not sure about the quote. I want to go to heaven regardless of who’s there. Have not been to the port. Pass on the meal and libations. Thank you @rafinmdRoy for the lists and for including Joanne on the list. She really needs all the prayers she can get. Prayers for all who are on the cares list and cheers to thos celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe. God Bless, Terri
  16. Somewhat, but not as much as I would like. I have to increase the dosage further than I did. Terri
  17. Good evening all, There is a lot to be happy about tonight. Our insurance company has come through and is paying every penny that our contractor has estimated for the cost of repairs. It has taken a while, but our contractor was not going to take no for an answer. We are very pleased. Also, I was losing sleep trying to figure out how we were going to get all things ready by Thanksgiving. Well, I decided, it was impossible. So I got in touch with our contractor. It turns out that the Water Mitigation company needs to come back and finish packing up and then get all the furniture in the Pod, which will be delivered tomorrow. They will also help us with getting our clothes out of the closet so we can get them to our temporary accommodations. What a relief! I have lost three nights of sleep trying to figure this out. We have selected our paint colors and am working on the the bathroom vanity. Need to select the tiles, but that requires a trip to Savannah. We will do that next week. So it appears that we are finally getting started and hopefully we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. On another note, we have not heard from our next door neighbor regarding his wife. Don’t know if that is good or bad. No car in the driveway, so no reason to go over and knock on the door. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. Her name is Joanne. Maybe in the next few days we will get an opportunity to relax. Good night all and God Bless, Terri
  18. Good morning everyone. Thought I would post while i have a few minutes We will head over to our house to continue to pack things up. Not a job I am enjoying. Thank you for the prayers for our neighbor. She remains hospitalized with lots of tests. Don’t know how long she will be there. I do know from her husband that she has two different infections that they are trying to clear up. She has been in a wheelchair for many years due to a massive stroke. Cannot do anything for herself. She did not need another. Will update if I learn more today. Just as I suspected, but hoped it would not happen, my Polymyalgia Rheumatica flared up again right after I received the latest Covid booster. So I have to start another regimen of Prednisone. I had just weaned myself off of it and now it is back to square one. Last night was awful with very painful arms and shoulders, keeping me awake for most of the night. Hopefully the meds will kick in soon and make me more comfortable. We are working hard at the house trying to meet the deadline of Thanksgiving to get everything packed. Lots to do. Will try to post later tonight when we are back at the apartment. Take care and God Bless, Terri
  19. I know I can edit my signature, it just does not appear to allow one to insert an email link. Thanks
  20. I would like to add a link with my email to my signature. I did have it there, but my email changed. Now I am no longer able to do it. Can someone help me by giving me the directions to put a link to my email back into my signature? Thanks in advance for your help.
  21. I am checking in quickly tonight. We are at our house everyday trying to pack up all the stuff the water mitigation people left behind. We have signed the contract and given the deposit. We just have a lot of work in the next two weeks. Pack up the kitchen and anything left around. Pick out the tile, paint and vanity for the bathroom. All this before Thanksgiving. Also pack for our cruise. i think we have to get a self storage place for our clothes so that the closets can get painted. I am so tired. I will post when I can. Also prayers needed for my next door neighbor. She had another stroke today, plus liver is blocked and some other stuff. Not sure she is going to make it. God bless, Terri
  22. Just a quick hello. We are at our house waiting for the contractor. We are signing the contract today and handing over half the money. Hopefully work will start on Monday. Please say a prayer that this will go as planned today. It is raining quite hard. Outer band of Hurricane Nicole. We are excited that work will finally begin. I am again asking for help from anyone on this thread to show me how to put the link for my email back on my signature. I inadvertently took it off when trying to change my email and don’t know how to put it back. You can reach me at cruzinterri@outlook.com Thanks and God bless, Terri
  23. Hello everyone, I am sorry I haven't been here in the past few days. I have been very busy. Tried to get CC to change my email. Took a while. Now I am embarrassed to say that I have forgotten how to update the EMAIL LINK. It is now removed, by accident and I don't know how to get it back and insert my new email. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Terri Please email me at cruzinterri@outlook.com
  24. Good evening everyone. i don’t know what is going on with me. I had the new Covid booster on Thursday. I seemed okay on Friday. However, the last two days, I have been in LaLa land. I am just exhausted and just want to sleep all day. I guess I had a delayed reaction to the shot. Today Jim went to our house to wait for a UPS delivery and I stayed at the Condo and tried to work on the emails. Didn’t get much done. We did have the cleaners come in to tidy up. Glad i did that. It was worth the money and saved my back. Then I pretty much slept on and off all day. Now I am ready to go back to bed again. Will post more tomorrow. God bless and good night. Terri
  25. Good afternoon everyone. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. i am really batting zero with the days and almost everything else. i am not a football fan, not fond of Asian food, and don’t have red hair. i do like the quote, I will skip the meal and the wine as well as the drink. i have never been to the port. Thank you Roy for the Cares and celebration lists. i wish you a very enjoyable cruise. It looks like you are already having a good time on the Auto Train. A fun way to travel. DH and I spent this morning looking over various designs for a new configuration of our master bathroom. Since the whole place is gutted, we can really do whatever we want. We have decided to forget about the garden tub and put in a big shower in its place. Then where the old shower was, we plan to put in a second linen closet. I never understood why this house only had one small linen closet. It is so stuffed and I have resorted to using dresser drawers in the spare bedroom for some linens because I don’t have enough room. Just as we were finishing up with discussing the design based on a neighbor’s bathroom, DH decided to spill his coffee all over the table. This caused a big cleanup. Just what I need—extra work! All done now. So today’s agenda is to tackle the email problem. Get as many emails converted from hargray to Outlook.com. I hope I make a good dent in this. Hope everyone has a good day. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour. God Bless, Terri
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