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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Jacqui, I wish you well and hope you recover soon. If I may offer a word of advice. After the flood in my house, I fell and was in a lot of pain. Weight bearing was terrible and caused unmentionable pain in my lower back. We went to Barbados and I requested a wheelchair at the airports, which helped greatly. At the hotel we had a plunge pool with Jacuzzi jets and I used them every day. After two weeks of resting and using the jacuzzi, I was pain free. If you are able to use the thermal pool on the ship, I think it may be of great help in relieving the pain—especially since it is not broken. it can’t hurt. Terri
  2. Good evening. Sorry I didn’t get to post today. Had to go to our house to wait for UPS and FedEx envelopes and waited all day for them to arrive. @kazu Sorry things are not going exactly as planned. Hope your injury is healing and you will be able to bear weight soon. Work will begin shortly on our house since the contractor and insurance and just about on the same page now. Just a few glitches. However work will commence by the end of the week. Hope everyone had a good day. God bless and good night. Terri
  3. Be assured of my prayers. I hope they can resolve this issue quickly. Terri
  4. I agree with you Sandi. I think someone should have let us know that he was not available rather than think he was ignoring us. However, he was very apologetic for the wait. The estimate is within the range of the contractor’s and we are happy that work can commence. Terri
  5. Good morning from Hilton Head Island. It is about 63 degrees and will warm up to 77 today and will be sunny. We’re up early as today will be a busy day. I have a hairdresser appointment at noon and then am scheduled to get my COVID booster at 2 pm. DH was unable to get an appointment until tomorrow but he will come with me and plead his case and hope they will give him his booster as well. We also have to wait for some UPS and FedEx envelopes today and tomorrow at our house. So we will stay there until they come. Hopefully will not have to wait too long. We are very happy that work will start on our home in the next week or so. We expect to get the insurance money either today or tomorrow and meet with the contractor midweek next week to firm things up. Yippee! Thank you all for your good wishes and prayers. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report and for the Cares and Celebration lists. Prayers for all those who need them and Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. Need to get ready to go over to Bluffton so I will bid adieu for now. God Bless and stay safe. Terri
  6. Thank you. We’re really happy to get started with the repairs. terri
  7. Hi Roy, I think we will go. It’s not like we can help with the repairs. They don’t expect to be finished until mid-January. I will change the link for my Email when I change my email for Cruise Critic. Have not gotten to it yet. Thanks for the reminder. Enjoy your cruise. Terri
  8. Good evening all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and the Fleet report. The collection of days are pretty morose. We celebrate All Souls Day as devout Catholics, However, we will pass on the Day of the Dead and Planning my epitaph. I like the quote and will pass on the meal. Have never been to Japan. The wine sounds nice. And now for my news. For a change, things seem to be looking up. We received an updated estimate from our insurance adjuster today. His estimate is a lot closer to our contractor’s. Also, he was incommunicado because of a family emergency. His father had a massive heart attack and he was out of the office. He has given me the money for the rent and extra. We have sufficient to start the repair project and work will start very soon. The projected end date is mid January. This is the first day that I feel there is some hope and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are delighted that work will begin and our home will be restored to its previous condition. thank you all for your words of support and your prayers. We will move forward. I have been so wrapped up in our situation that I have not been reading the posts. i have to go back for a few days. I see that there are many who have family members with issues. My prayers are with all of you. I am still trying to deal with he email situation. i am trying to update our emails to outlook.com. I am still having problems with DH’s email. There was a man nearby that I used to call when i needed help. I went to call him today and found out that he passed away. So I do no have a recourse. i hope everyone had a great day. You are all in my prayers. God Bless, Terri
  9. Today was another frustrating day. And Cruise Critic added to the mix by not letting me log on. Why should anything go my way? I went through another day of no answers. As for our email situation, I am trying to set up new emails for myself and DH. He hasn’t a clue how to do it. I have successfully set up two different emails for me on Outlook.com. However, Outlook.com does not want to recognize DH’s email. I keep trying and then get a message that I have tried too many times and have to wait until tomorrow. This has been going on since Saturday. If anyone has any suggestions how to fix this situation, I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance. As for my insurance adjuster, it is another day of no response. i talked to my contractor, who also has tried to get in touch with the adjuster and has had no success. The Contractor has suggested that I call the company and ask for a new adjuster. i will do that tomorrow. The contractor is ready to go and just waiting for the go ahead from the insurance company. i have not gotten the money I need to pay the rent in the alternate housing. So that has been my day. Hope yours has been better. God bless everyone, Terri
  10. I know it’s late, but just checking in. There was no communication from the insurance company today. So, tomorrow the rent will be paid partially from our own funds. I called twice. Once around noon and then about 4:30 pm central time (he’s in Madison Wisconsin). i will call his supervisor/manager tomorrow. This is ridiculous and a waste of time. It was just another tiring day so I will say Good night and God Bless. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Terri
  11. Just so you all understand. GEICO farms out their home insurance. They do not sell it directly. Our home insurance is through Homesite. We get a break by having our Auto, Home and Umbrella under GEICO. We have never had to file a claim until now. I may contact GEICO and express my displeasure at the treatment I have been receiving from the company they use for Home Insurance if things don’t change this week. ’Terri
  12. @StLouisCruisersThank you for your reply. We pay plenty in premiums. And this is not a fly-by-night company. i am not sure that we are unable to name the company. It is not a travel agency. All my insurance is through GEICO, since I was a federal employee. You could look up who they use for home insurance. I don’t know whether it is the desk adjuster who is the problem or the company itself. I do know it is very frustrating and we don’t know where to turn. Some here have suggested a public adjuster. We have looked into that. However, if the insurance won’t talk to us or the contractor, what makes me think they will talk to him. We’re in South Carolina, the adjuster is in Wisconsin. It’s not like I can go camp out in his office. Very frustrating. Thanks for your prayers. Terri
  13. A Good Sunday morning to all. It is cloudy and will be a rainy day here on Hilton Head. Yesterday we went over to our house to pick up the mail and also a few things that we need. Interesting that we look for things we can’t find. They probably have been packed up and sent to the warehouse for storage until the house is completed. Meanwhile it is difficult not to know where our stuff is. We rummage around the garage in hopes of finding what we are looking for but most of the time are unsuccessful. At this point both DH and I are more upset at the inactivity of the insurance company than we are at the mess in the house. We don’t know how to handle it. Neither phone calls nor emails from us or the contractor are producing any results. I also have to pay the rent on the place where we are staying and he has not sent the money for that. To say the least it is quite frustrating. So that is my rant for today. We move on. Thank you Rich for the Daily and the Fleet report. I like the days. I like Candy Corn but haven’t had any lately. Don’t think I will get into any mischief tonight. Too tired! And, believe me, I have plenty of checklists these days. I like the quote. As for the meal, I am not a fan of Tilapia, but like mushroom risotto. Will wait to see what the wine is and skip the drink We have been to Puerto Quetzal on our Panama Crossing back in 2010. I think I have to skip the photos as I am not able to retrieve them. Thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration list. Prayers for those who need them. You all are near and dear to my heart. Cheers for those who have reason to celebrate, especially those cruising. Have a wonderful time. Thank you Graham for Father David’s Sermon. It is always an inspiration, That is all I can think about for now at this early time on a Sunday morning. Time to wake up DH and prepare some breakfast. I hope everyone has a great Sunday and God Bless, Terri
  14. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. I like all the days. I love the Statue of Liberty and went there often when living in New York and had visitors. I like all plush animals and who doesn’t like chocolate. Like the quote. i will pass on the meal and wine is a bit above the budget. Drink looks good. I have been to Coquimbo back in 2012 on the Veendam’s repositioning from Buenos Aires to New York. That was a great cruise. Unfortunately, I don’t have those photos on this iPad. We did go to visit the museum dedicated to Gabriella Mistral, Nobel prize winning poet and Chilean ambassador to France. Did my graduate paper on her. She was born on the same day as my Grnadmother. Thank you for the cares and celebration list, Roy. Prayers for all those who need them. As for our situation, it is unchanged. The insurance rep has yet to answer our contractor so it is a waiting game. While we are grateful to have a place to stay, it is not home. I have been very busy trying to get my email situation taken care of. I have decided that we would go with Outlook.com since we use Outlook for our email platform. Now I am beginning to edit all of our logins with our new email addresses. It is a big job. I also have some stuff I want to do at our house. With all these things going on, I expect that I will not be posting regularly. I will post when I can. I do appreciate the support you all have given us over time. God Bless, Terri
  15. I was wearing them. Somehow when the flood happened they disappeared. I don’t know if the packers took them and packed them up with other things I can’t find. They are just not around. I am not hurting right now. Doc says if I need another pair he will send them to me. I said right now I am okay. Thanks for your suggestion. Terri
  16. A number of you have suggested that we get a third party involved to get the insurance company moving on our claim. I appreciate the suggestion. However, we have a very competent contractor who is very astute and knows his business very well. At present he has asked us not to get involved with the insurance company and let him deal with them. He feels that this is the best course right now. I tend to agree with him. At this point I do not want to do anything that may risk losing this contractor. He comes very highly recommended, especially with the reputation of getting every penny from the insurance company. So I guess we just have to have patience and let him do his job. If and when this does not work, then we will take it further. Terri
  17. Good afternoon everyone. Finally I can report some good news. 1) The EMG report shows that the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is mild in both hands and does not require surgery. At least not right now. Also the pain in my hands may have been related to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica. 2) More good news. The C-Reactive Protein level shows that the inflammation level is 4.9. That is well within the normal range. That means I can wean myself off the prednisone in the next two weeks as suggested by my PCP. This makes me very happy. i just hope when I get my next Covid vaccine I don’t have another flare-up. Sooooooo, thank you all for all your prayers and good wishes regarding my health. I really appreciate the support received on this thread. Now for the not so good news. The insurance company does not respond to my contractor. That means we are getting nowhere fast. Without a meeting of the minds regarding an estimate for the work to be done, no work gets done in our home. Therefore we continue to live outside our home. It is almost two months since the flood happened and we are still waiting. We are trying to be patient, but it is hard. I know there are people in worse shape than us and I try to remember that and count the blessings we have. Please keep us in your prayers. God Bless, Terri
  18. Good morning everyone. I am in the Mayo Clinic waiting to be called for my EMG. Already had my blood test for to see where the inflammation level is for the Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Have not yet seen the results. This will determine the Prednisone dosage and when I will be able to stop it. Not sure what I will do about the EMG results if they are positive. I have until 2:30 this afternoon to decide. Will consult with DH on this before the visit with the doc. Thank you Rich for the Daily and the Fleet Report. Like the quote. Don’t think I will be howling at the moon. I am not an artist it’s but appreciate their work, but international and domestic. As for punk, forget it. I will skip the meal as peppers and my tummy do not like each other. Also forget about the drink. Wine is above my budget. Have not been to the port. @Quartzsite Cruiser you are in my prayers and hope things start to resolve for you. @seagarsmokerHappy anniversary to you and your beautiful bride. Prayers to all who need them and cheers to those celebrating. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes for my upcoming tests and our living situation. I have to sign off as it is time for my appointment. More later. God bless, Terri
  19. i just received an email from a friend of mine. We have been friends since childhood. Her mother passed away tonight at the age of 102. I always remember the kindness of her parents toward me during my childhood. May she Rest In Peace. Terrri
  20. Lenda, I am so glad the surgery went well. I had to go back to Oct. 18 and read all your posts because i have had so many things happen to us that I missed reading all the posts. I am sorry that your DH has had such a hard time of it. However, I am happy that your DD and DSIL has been there to help. Be assured of my prayers during these hard times. I think that inpatient rehab will really help. It is more intensive and will make a big difference. Stay strong and God Bless. Terri
  21. Hello everyone, I keep thinking that things will be going back to some semblance of normal, but that is a myth. This will be quick. Yesterday was spent moving stuff from our house to the apartment. Stuff like computer, printer and food and other necessities. To add insult to injury, our internet provider has informed us that they are dropping their email service. So now I have to get a new email and inform everyone and all businesses we use of our new email by the end of November. Lots of work. It will go poof on Dec. 1. Not a lot of time. Today we are on our way to Jacksonville. I have to have an EMG on both arms to determine if I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands. I was thinking of having the surgery while waiting for the house to get done, but with this email thing, I don’t know if I can take that time to have the surgery right now. Don’t have time to write more now. Have to pack and get moving. Tests and consultation is tomorrow at the Mayo. Will post when I can. God Bless, Terri
  22. Good afternoon from Hilton Head. We had a chilly start this morning. Just when you think you remembered everything you needed, you wake up in the morning and remember that you forgot the coffee. That is totally unacceptable around here. So DH is still sleeping. I got dressed and went in search of a place to buy some coffee. I certainly was not going to make the trip to our house to get it. We will go tomorrow to get the things we forgot. There is an ever growing list of things we need. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. i hope you had an enjoyable cruise. I believe in neighbors helping neighbors, although I must admit that these days I am not much help to anyone and really appreciate all the help we have received. It has really made a difference. I hope that there are days that I make a difference in the lives of others. I like the quote and the meal. Roy, Thank you for the Cares and celebration lists. We pray daily for those who need our prayers, who are ill and less fortunate than we are. While we are not in great shape right now, we thank God that we have the means to have our home restored. That is a big relief. We pray for all those on the celebration list, especially those who are cruising. I hope everyone has a great Saturday and stays safe. God Bless, Terri
  23. Good evening from Hilton Head Island. It took all day, but we finally made our move. We’ve settled in as best we could. Forgot a lot of stuff at our house so we will go back tomorrow and get what we need. We have a two bedroom/two bathroom apartment near the beach and it is available to us until the end of March. God willing we won’t need this place that long. However, we are not holding our hopes up. There is a huge discrepancy between the insurance settlement and the contractor’s estimate. Who knows when the twain shall meet. So we sit and wait while they battle it out. So hopefully we will settle in the next few days and I will get back to posting regularly. In the meantime, Good night and God Bless, Terri
  24. Hi everyone, I am doing a quick check-in just to let you all know that we are alive and well. We attempted to check in to our alternative living arrangements on Tuesday only to find out that we had to climb three flights of stairs to get to the apartment. This was not going to work and was not noted on the description on the website. For the past two days we have been trying to get in touch with the owners and the insurance company to make alternate arrangements. Airbnb was not cooperative at first but finally gave in and refunded our money after the owner agreed. We have now found alternate living arrangements in a builiding with an elevator in a gated community. It is a two-bedroom, two bath apartment and we have it until the end of February. Hopefully we won’t need it that long. it is very comfortable. We will move in tomorrow. We were very concerned that we would not have a place to hang our hats. It has been a very tiring and frustrating time since we got home from Barbados. i will post more when we get settled. Thank you for your prayers and concern. God Bless, Terri
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