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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning to all, I hope everyone is having a good day. It is a beautiful sunny day here in the Low Country of South Carolina. We leave for London two weeks from today. Thankfully we have flights to get us there. We board the Oceania Marina on June 21 and will be on her for 32 days as we sail around the Baltic Sea. Thank you Rich for getting us started every day. Interesting collection of days. The only one I can identify with is Bicycling. However, I haven’t done that in a while. I like the quote. Debbie, the meal sounds good and I may think about trying it. The wine is a bit above my budget right now. The drink is a maybe. Prayers for all on the cares list. @smitty34877 I hope DH is recovering well. Prayers for him. @marshhawk Hope you are feeling better and soon will have Covid behind you. @aliaschief Bon Voyage. Hope you enjoy your cruise. We departed from Dover once on the Insignia. I tried to post some photos of the White Cliffs as we sailed away but they don’t show up. Sorry. Hope everyone has a nice Saturday and a pleasant weekend. God Bless, Terri
  2. A pretty sunset tonight from our back yard. Good night. Terri
  3. Good morning. It is amazing what a good night’s sleep will do. I am surprised that I was able to sleep but I was so tired after all of the angst we had yesterday. Thank you all for your prayers and helpful comments., In the end, while it cost us some money, we have dependable flights and we will be okay. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Dixie, Ann, and Debbie for your contribution to the thread,. You all keep us going each day. Graham, thank you for your daily explanation of the days we celebrate. I will pass on the drink and meal today. Not yet sure on the wine. Interesting quote. Have not been to the destination. Prayers for all who are on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  4. While we were able to book alternate flights on Delta, this cost us thousands $$$$$ that we were not prepared to spend. We had booked flights using AA miles on BA to London. AA was unable to find any flights.to accommodate us. i think I was too quick to give up and should have insisted on escalating our problem. Especially when this happens two weeks prior to departure. i am very unhappy with AA. I think they should have gone a step further. They said they could only look for flights within 300 miles of Philadelphia. While there was availability in Miami they were not allowed to book that. I am not sure I have any recourse now that i had the miles redepositied in our accounts. I think I should not have agreed to that. Having such a short window to get a flight I panicked and felt I had to find something quickly. So it is great we have flights but I wish I felt good about the whole thing. I really don’t. Terri
  5. Well, since we booked with miles, they were limited in what they could do. In the end, it was sorry, we cannot do anything for you. We had booked through AA on British Airways to London in Business Class. Since I had and DVT and Pulmonary Emboli it was suggested that I do not fly in economy on long haul flights. There were no business class tickets to be found with miles. Or at least what they told me. The lady tried for two hours and had her supervisor working on it too. In the end they refunded the miles and the taxes. I am really bummed out. They would not put me on another airline other than AA or BA. At the last minute the flights were full. So we bought tickets on Delta (out of JFK) using our Chase Points and cash (a lot of it). I had some credit for a flight to Philly, which I changed to JFK and we are good to go on June 17 as planned. We got the last two business class seats on a Delta non-stop from JFK. I have been on the phone all day. Got nothing done that I needed to do today. What a mess! Terri
  6. Well, guys, if I ever need prayers it is now. British Airways has stopped all operations from Philly and my flight is cancelled. We booked with AA miles and they are unable to rebook us. We are supposed to fly out on June 17. I have been on the phone with AA for the last 1 1/2 hours they have just come back and told me nothing is available. Terri
  7. Good morning to all. Hope everyone has a great day. Busy day today. God bless everyone. Terri
  8. O Rep said he was not aware of any problems with booking on line. Terri
  9. @kazu Happy Birthday Tina @0106 Sorry I forgot to mention you before. Terri
  10. For the last five days I have tried to no avail to book some shore excursions on line. Knowing that O usually does maintenance on the weekend and that yesterday was a holiday, I decided to wait until this morning to try and book my excursions. I still was not able to book them. After selecting my excursions and “proceeding to cart” I then had a screen that showed “loading cart” that just remained there forever. Finally I had to call to book the excursions. The Rep said there was no problem. Is it my two computers? I Pad and Desktop? Two different browsers? Don’t know what I was doing wrong. Terri
  11. Good morning. I hope everyone is doing well today. Thank you to Rich, Eva, Ann, Dixie for all you do to keep this thread going each day. Graham, each day you make me a bit smarter with your explanation of each of the days we celebrate. Thank you to you too. We have another gloomy day. However it is a bit warmer. I am going to try to get some clothes together. It appears that I need things that are of the warmer variety for this cruise rather than the regular summer variety. Welcome home to Lorraine and Vanessa. @smitty34877 Prayers for your DH Hope everyone has a good day and God Bless, Terri
  12. @cat shepard A very Happy Birthday to you. And many more. Terri
  13. I have seen that. I also found out that there is a HOHO boat and we would like to do that. I am just trying to figure out where to pick it up. We are in port from 12 noon to 8 pm. The Naval Museum is closed for the Summer due to the conflict in Ukraine. I will say no more about that! The HOHO Boat seems to be a good choice there. I have printed out the info from that website for a number of those ports. Thanks for that info and the ad blocker tip. Terri
  14. Good morning. Happy Memorial Day to all. May we all remember those who made the supreme sacrifice with their lives so that we can be free. Thank you to all who contribute to this thread and get us going every morning. It is really a great place to be every day. I really appreciate all who contribute to this thread. I was very grateful to all of you who gave me suggestions on tours and things to do in the ports. I am still trying to pick up some ship cruises but Oceania’s website is still under maintenance for the weekend. Since it is a holiday no one has decided to get it up and running today. Will keep trying. I have a few things to do around the house and then I will get busy with working on the cruise ports. Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day. God Bless, Terri
  15. Sandi and Lenda thank you for all you did. I can't believe you took all that time to find all the threads for those ports that I can look at to get ideas. You people are so wonderful to help me. I cannot thank you enough. A big THANK YOU. Terri
  16. @marshhawk Sorry I missed you before. I hope your bout with Covid is a short one and you don't have lots of symptoms. Rest a lot. Prayers for you. Terri
  17. Thanks for your help Lenda. Made note of your suggestions. Terri
  18. Thanks for your help. I printed the link and will take it with me. Will try to do that tour. Terri
  19. Sandi, Thank you for that. Any or all of the places where we are interested in either a private tour or a taxi or just walking around in the port area are: Ronne (Bornholm) Visby Karlskrona Kristiansand Haugesund Molde Kristiansund Trondheim Gothenburg Tallinn Riga Klaipeda I have the others covered. Mostly interested in the availability of taxis. Thanks for any help you can provide. Terri
  20. Good afternoon to all the Dailyites. When I started to read the thread today it was 2 pages. Now it is up to three. Thank you to all that contribute and make this the best place to be every day. @richwmn, @superoma, @0106, @cat shepard, @summer slope, and @grapau27 (nice to see Fr. David back) As I sit here writing, my house is being thouroughly cleaned. I am so happy. It is something I am just no longer able to do by myself anymore. Thankfully the Polymyalgia Rheumatica has not flared up and I want to keep it that way. It has been cold and very cloudy and windy. Yesterday it rained all day. Not the best way to welcome the unofficial start of Summer. We have put our barbecue plans on hold until tomorrow, which promises to be a better day. DH is doing better. The stitches came out on Friday and he seems to be feelling okay. We are trying to get ready for our cruise. I am so behind the eight ball. We never do ship tours, However, this time we decided that maybe we would try some since it is an unfamiliar place for us and time is getting short. Well, almost all the tours are sold out. So now what. I am trying to find out if there are Taxis in the ports. Looking for private tours seems to be an exercise in futility. Roll call is not much help. It looks like we will be spending a lot of time in the port areas in many of these stops. With all that was going on, the cruise was put on the back burner and now it seems too late to get my act together. Three weeks from today we arrive in London and on June 21 we will board the Oceania Marina for 32 days. @StLouisCruisers Glad you are feeling better today. Hope you continue to improve and get in touch with your PCP when you get home. @dfish Glad you are improving. @Denise TBon Voyage! Enjoy every minute of your cruise. @JazzyV Welcome home. Sorry your flights were delayed. Hope all is well. Prayers for all who need them and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Prayers for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for liberty during all the conflicts God Bless, Terri
  21. Good morning from a cold (55F) and very rainy and windy Bluffton, SC. It promises to be this way all day and most of tomorrow. Not a very nice way for the unofficial start of summer here in the Low Country of South Carolina. Thank you to Rich, Eva, Tina, Dixie, Ann and Graham for all the information we need to get us going this morning. I am glad t hear that Debbie @dfish is on the mend and I hope that trend continues. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers you must have been scared out of your wits. I hope you are doing better today. Eva @superoma I hope you can settle things quickly with your Dad’s estate. We are still having our difficulties with DBIL’s estate. It will take a good long time for that. We now have an attorney both in New York and another here in SC. By the time we pay them both there will be nothing left for us. By mutual agreement our cleaner has decided to come tomorrow. The weather is so bad and she has a long trip that I did not want her driving in such bad conditions. She was grateful. So she will come tomorrow instead. We plan to work on the cruise ports today and just stay inside. Nowhere to go in this kind of weather. Our community postponed our Memorial Day Picnic as well. We will skip the Meal and wine. I love Rum Punches and will probably make a bunch and put it in the fridge. Have not been to the port. Hope everyone has a good day and a nice weekend. Stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  22. Just dropping in for a moment. I have a ton of stuff to do today. Thank you to @superomafor keeping DH on the cares list. I think he can be taken off. We had an appointment today to have the stitches removed and all is well. He can resume daily activities (whatever they are!) and needs no further care. The incision looks good and I was complemented on the excellent nursing care I provided. He doesn’t have to return until November 30. Sounds good to me. On another note. The dryer is working well and my cleaning lady is coming tomorrow. Trying to get stuff out of the way to get ready for her. Will post more when I can. @dfish glad your surgery went well. Hope you are recovering well. You are in my prayers. God Bless to everyone, Terri
  23. That would be fine, except OP is already on the ship. Too late for your suggestion. Terri
  24. Well, the dryer came an hour earlier than expected. Glad it is done. They also gave me $50 for all the trouble. Now that is a store I will return to in the future. Also gave me a $35 cookbook that I did not ask for. Thank you all who contribute to this thread. Prayers for all God Bless, Terri
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