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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. @StLouisCruisersSandi I am glad you are okay. I understand not being able to see where you are going. We will have heavy cardboard all over the living room and bedroom and all over the house. I have tripped over this stuff so many times. Luckily I have caught myself each time. I have four night lights all over the living room. I get up during the night to use the bathroom, to get a drink of water and whatever., if i did not use the nightlights i probably would not be writing this post. We have not yet been able to sleep in our bedroom. We are sleeping in two separate rooms and using the guest bathroom. We waited all day for workers that never showed. It makes me so angry. Now we are told they will be here tomorrow at 8 am. No work on Friday because of St Patrick’s Day. For those of you who are not aware, Savannah, Georgia is a big St Patrick’’s Day place. Parades, lots of traffic and lots of drinking. So nobody works and everybody parties. So after tomorrow, we will not see workers until Monday. Then next week I have to go to Jacksonville for 3 days. I hope they will be doing whatever they have to do. I am losing my patience and am exhausted. Tonight was one of the very few nights that I did not cook and we just ate sandwiches. Just could not do it. Anyway, that is where i am. Take care everyone and good night Terri
  2. Good morning to all from a very chilly Bluffton, SC. It is 41 degrees this morning and does not promise to get higher than 53 today. Thank you Sandi for the Daily and Fleet Report. Not sure about Buzzards. I can be Dumbstruck about a lot of things these days. Good and bad. Just the way my life has been lately. As far as “everything you think is wrong” day. Well, lets not go there. We will pass on the meal. Curry and coconut are nono foods around here The drink sounds good as does the wine. Have not been to Adelaide but enjoyed Sandi’s @StLouisCruisers photos. I like the quote. Thank you to @JazzyV Vanessa for the lists. I think you can remove me from the cares list. i am doing better. At least I think so. The positive side of feeling so sick is that I have lost another two pounds. Eating is still a problem for me. Thank you to @dfish Debbie for the recipes. I did read about your surgery and wish you well. Thank you also to Ann @cat shepard for the wine. I like Rose and have enjoyed sparkling Rose so we may give this a try on a special occasion, like Jim’s birthday that is coming up in a month, Thank you to Dixie @summer slope for the drink recipe. It looks good and may be worth a try as well. Sandi, congratulations goes to Ren for his acceptance in the soccer league. You should be proud. As for me. I am feeling better. I am over whatever happened. Not sure if it was the incorrect medicine that was administered, or a bug I picked up. As for the bathroom, things are moving along. The Vanity is in but not yet hooked up. The sinks have to go in and the pipes connected. The tilers have to return and correct one area of the shower. The toilet has yet to be installed. They will be here later this morning. DH went to have blood work done for his doctor appointment next week. Hoping all is okay. I promised him waffles when he returns. Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes while I took a short break. I am happy to be back. God bless, Terri
  3. Hi Everyone Sorry I have not been able to post. Yesterday and today were not good days for me. it appears that I have had a bad reaction from that medication that was given to me in the ER that was not meant for me. I have had severe diarrhea and have not been able to eat at all. Had a bad night last night and all I was able to eat today was a piece of toast and a cup of tea. On top of that the workers were here and it only makes things harder. I am going to take a break from the daily until things calm down around here. Will post when I am able. Take care everyone, God Bless Terri
  4. Good Sunday morning to all. It is a rainy day, so we will stay inside. I will try to get some things done around here. I am anticipating that tomorrow we will have workers here and I will be in the way if I try to do anything in my bedroom. So I will try to do some clean-up today. Thank you @StLouisCruisersSandi for the Daily and Fleet Report and your unfailing dedication to making sure we get started every morning. I was never a Girl Scout. I really wanted to join, but my Mom felt it was going to cost more money than she could afford. I am always happy to plant flowers. As for genealogy, I know a good deal about my mothers side of my family, but nothing about my father’s side. When he decided to leave during my infancy, his whole family left too. Therefore, i never knew my paternal grandparents or aunts, uncles, cousins, etc from his side of the family. Thank you Ann @cat shepardfor the wine explanation. Sounds very nice. Thank you to Dixie @summer slope for the drink. Looks nice, but I don’t do hard liquor anymore. And thank you to @JazzyVVanessa for the cares and celebration lists. Thank you for including me on both parts. Maybe soon, i can actually feel well enough to be taken off. And thanks in advance to Debbie @dfishfor today’s recipes. I don’t know if I ever had Goulash. Not sure today is the day i want to make it. Thank you also to Graham @grapau27for Father David’s sermon. Always happy to hear his words of wisdom. I have not been to the port so will be happy to see photos from those who have. I hope everyone has an great day and wakes up from the time change. God Bless everyone and stay safe. Terri
  5. Thank you Sandi. We remembered Eugene today and figured he had a big birthday cake in heaven and blew out all the candles. Oh! How he loved to do that. We miss him terribly but his suffering is over and he is at peace. Thanks for all you do for this thread. So happy about your brother’s medication being paid for. Terri
  6. Thank you Vanessa for the kind thoughts about Eugene. I do not take Ibuprofen. Actually the meds I was prescribed are a stronger version of that and they did not work. Terri
  7. Thank you Graham. That was very sweet of you. Jim will be so pleased that Eugene was remembered. Terri
  8. Good morning to all of you. Somehow I never got to post yesterday. I started to read yesterday’s posts and something distracted me and I was never able to return. I will try to read the posts today. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the Daily and Fleet Report and your dedication to making sure it is accurate. I always love your narrative afterwards. it is so well put together. Thank to Vanessa @JazzyVfor the Cares and Celebration list. You seem to capture everyone’s situation, good and bad and otherwise. Appreciate your dedication and organization to this. You both jumped in to take over without even a blink of an eye. @summer slope Dixie, I will pass on the drink and @cat shepard Ann, I will have to pass on the wine, not because I would not want to drink it, but I don’t think it fits my budget. As for the meal, we will see what @dfish Debbie comes up with, but I like real lasagna. So I think we will skip that too. The days are interesting. Hats off to Johnny Appleseed. We all appreciate tools, especially when we need them. I usually do not use Fanny packs. I have enough packed into that area. St. Denis, Reunion Island is a favorite stop on World Cruises. I have not been to that port. As for an update. The right side of my upper back is still hurting. The heating pad provides temporary relief and lying down helps too. However, with all the work to be done around here, I cannot sit still for long. The tiling is finished and looks lovely. The vanity, toilet, mirrors and medicine cabinet should be arriving this week. The glass for the shower door will be measured this week and installed as soon as it is ready. So hopefully, I will have a completed bathroom very soon. This has been a long haul. And expensive! Today Jim and i will celebrate his DB’s birthday in heaven. Eugene was a very special part of our lives for a very long time and we will remember him very fondly today and keep him in our prayers. If anyone is in heaven, it is Eugene. There is a special place in heaven for those with special needs. Happy Birthday Eugene. We are also going to make a jaunt to Costco. We used to have to go to either Charleston or Jacksonville, but now they have opened one in Pooler, GA, which is a 40 minute drive. We have not been there since the flood and really need to replenish supplies. Finally, we remember in prayer all those who are on the cares list and those around the world who are suffering. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. We have sunshine today and it will be a great day. Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead. God Bless, Terri
  9. That is a good idea, but it is too late. i don’t intend to take legal action—at least not now. I don’t know if I would feel right about doing that. I may still write to the state board of medical examiners about this. My one real problem was how nonchalant the doctor was about the whole thing. The one problem is that my discharge summary does not include anything about this incident. Terri
  10. Thank you for the vote of confidence Lenda. I specifically made the point that if it had been a different medication that there could have been more serious side effects than spending the night in the bathroom. We will see what comes of these reports. Terri
  11. Thanks Nancy. That is exactly why I decided to report the incident. What if they had given me medication that would have been harmful? I am just wondering when and if I will ever hear from them. Terri
  12. Thanks Sandi. We will see what comes of this. I don’t plan to sue them for malpractice since there was no lasting damage, but they have to know what happened. Terri
  13. Looks delicious Graham. Wish I could eat as much as you and Pauline do. Enjoy! Terri
  14. Looks delicious Graham. Wish I could eat as much as you and Pauline do. Enjoy! Terri
  15. Hello everyone, I know today is “Get over it” day. However, I was having trouble getting over the mistaken medication incident in the ER from Monday. So I decided I had to do something about it in order to GET OVER IT. So I got busy this morning. First i called Hilton Head Hospital to ask for the person in charge of Assigned Risk at the Free-Standing ER Facility I visited. After being transferred to about 5 different people i finally talked to a nursing supervisor, who sounded horrified at what happened to me. She told me she would look into it and would get back to me. She also told me it had to be excalalated because a doctor placed the order for the incorrect medication. That was about 11 am. i am still waiting. Next, I found out the name of the CEO of Hilton Head Hospital and wrote a letter to him. Snail mail PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL so that he gets it. I explained the whole series of events and asked him to investigate the matter and get back to me. i told him how concerned I was with the cavalier attitude of the doctor and that no instructions were given to me nor the name of the medication until I asked. I also told him that I would be very wary of seeking any treatment at any of the facilities operated by Hilton Head Hospital in the future (and there are many in the area) because I could not be sure the same thing would not happen again and the next time it could be more serious. I enclosed a copy of my discharge summery, which makes no mention of the mistake. I then put it in the mailbox. I have done my part. Now i can GET OVER IT. Terri
  16. Good morning, Thank you to @StLouisCruisersSandi for your dedication to the Daily and Fleet Report. Interesting Days. Barbie Day. Never had a Barbie Doll. Lots of things to get over—one of them was the panic of getting the wrong meds injected into me by IV the other day in the ER. Anyway, it appears it is out of my system now. The quote is interesting. I will skip the meal. Our meals these days are quite simple until I feel better and Abel to cook more elaborate meals. I don’t drink hard liquor, but DH make like to have the Manhattan. I will have to wait and see whether the wine is within our budget. Have not been to the port. But thank you again to Sandi for the photos. Thank you to @JazzyVVanessa for being the keeper of the lists. You are doing a wonderful job. Thank you also for mentioning me on both the cares and celebration lists, I appreciate it. Prayers for all on the cares list and hope for speedy recovery or resolution for those who are on it. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. On another note. Last night I was able to get into the Master Closet before they grout the bathroom today. I was able to get the heating pad and used it. It gave me some relief. More relief than the pills I was prescribed, which did nothing for me. I think I will try to use it regularly as it seems to make me more comfortable and may be loosening up the tightened muscle. Slept quite well last night. I had the heating pad on while watching TV on and fell asleep in the Den. DH came in and woke me up. I just moved to the bedroom and just slept until 6:15 am. All together got about 8 1/2 hours of sleep. I think that helps as well. Today we are getting the ottoman to complete our living room furniture (which is all covered up). Hopefully soon, we will be able to show off our new furniture and enjoy our new digs,. Pictures to come as soon as everything is complete. Hope everyone has a great day God Bless, Terri
  17. Good evening. I finally sat down since breakfast. Besides having pain, I had a busy day. People in and out of this house all day plus having a dentist appointment. Well, I don’t know if the meds they gave me in the ER had any side effects but I spent almost all night in the bathroom. I cannot tell you what I would like to do to that doctor. The tilers have laid down all the tiles. Tomorrow they will do the grouting. Then the bathroom is off limits for about 48 hours while the grout dries. Next week the vanity, toilet, mirrors and medicine cabinet will be installed. The only thing left after that will be the glass door for the shower. That will take about a week and cannot be measured until the shower is finished. i cannot believe the end is near. I have an appointment with the PCP at the Mayo Clinic on March 23. So I will be in Jacksonville for a few days the week after next for a number of appointments. I already had some appointments on the 22nd and am happy that I do not have to make a second trip. Staying one extra night is not too bad. Thank you all again for your prayers and kind words. The meds I was prescribed for the pain has not helped and I am not taking any more. We will see how things go. I have some mineral ice and will apply that . I have not read all the posts and will try to do so later. However, I do think it is an interesting collection of days. I try not to be nasty, whether in person or on line. I don’t like to hide behind a screen name. Cheers to all women. We make the world go round. I try to proof read my posts. Sometimes I miss things. Autocorrect loves to change things. I will skip the meal and libations. As for the port, We were going to go to the Canadian Maritimes this September but changed our minds and will be going to Italy instead. Thank you to Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for all your work and dedication to keep this thread going on a daily basis. Since I have not read any posts yet, you are all held in my daily prayers and thank you all for keeping me in yours. God Bless, Terri
  18. Thanks Vanessa, I am sure it must be all the stuff we have been doing. i think I may have done something to my back. I have been moving and lifting things, crawling under places and God knows what. I probably strained myself in some way but don’t remember how. All I know is that it hurts a lot. I just have to wait for it to heal. The pain meds are not helping at all. One more dose. If they don’t kick in, I will stop them. Terri
  19. Good morning, Thank you all for all your kind words and prayers. I had 9 1/2 hours of sleep last night. I don’t know when was the last time I slept that long. I still have the pain, but at least i know it is not a blood clot. I just have to have patience for it to work itself out. Taking my meds and hopefully they will help alleviate some of the pain. Work continues on the bathroom. The shower is completely tiled, but not grouted. Today they will lay the tile on the floor. Tomorrow is for grouting. Then it has to dry for three days. Next week the rest of the work gets done and then, maybe, just maybe, I will not have a parade of people in my house everyday. Again thank you all for all your kind thoughts and prayers. Thank you Sandi for the Daily and Fleet Report. I like cereal and eat it every morning except Sunday when we alternate between eggs and waffles and pancakes. Hats off to the Peace Corps and their wonderful work, and while I like a Crown Roast of Port, i don’t think I’ll be making one anytime soon. I will skip the wine and drink today as well as the meal. Have not been to the port. Good quote from MLK. Thank you Vanessa for the Lists and for including me on it. I appreciate that. Prayers for everyone who needs them. A shoutout to those celebrating and cruising/ Hope everyone has a good day and stays safe. God Bless, Terri
  20. Thank you to all of you for your concern and prayers. I don’t know if I have the strength to name you all. All I know is that I am hurting and I want to rest. Just got back from getting the meds I need. I have an Acute thoracic Myofacial Strain. I have meds for the pain. My PCP at the Mayo reviewed it and said it was okay to take. I will be seeing him soon. Just glad it is not a blood clot. I have written all I can tonight and will post tomorrow. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. Terri
  21. Thank you. What bothered me was the way the Doctor was so nonchalant about it. He just said “Don’t worry, you’ll be all right” and left the room. What was I to think? Thanks for your help. You put my mind at ease. Terri
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