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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. The cost was not buried in the statement. The front desk wanted cash, I thought I made that clear. There was no option to have it put on the statement. We had plenty of shipboard credit, both refundable and non refundable. It was not an option. Terri
  2. Let’s put it this way. DH was not aware that there was no florist on board. Had my husband known, he would have done things differently. The price he paid for what he got was “outrageous”. OTOH I do understand your point. Terri
  3. On the Sirena my husband tried to order flowers for me for Valentines Day. They had to order outside the ship in Barbados, The price was outrageous and he had to pay cash for it to the front desk. He could not put it on the room account. I suggest that if you want to get flowers, to leave the ship and find a florist and get them yourself. Terri
  4. Good morning to all the Dailyites. Today I have made the final payment to the Contractor. YIPEE! i don’t think we owe anyone else any money. That is a wonderful feeling right now. At 2pm Carvana will come to pick up Jim’s car and hand us a nice fat check. This could not come at a better time. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and the Fleet Report. i went to Kindergarten. It was half day session. i remember crying the first day. i could not be consoled because my friend Gracie was not in the morning session with me. She was going in the afternoons. I also did not like the teacher. Sandi, like you, she was a witch. I like the quote, Will passed on the food and while the wine looks wonderful, the price tag does not. So that gets a pass as well. Eva, @superoma Thank you for the cares and celebration lists. You did a fantastic job. Prayers for all on there who need them, and cheers to all celebrating and cruising. Have a lot to do today and need to get moving. More later. God Bless, Terri
  5. Good morning everyone. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report. I like the quote. Interesting collection of days. Chinese Language Day—i think I will stick to English and Spanish. that is the best I can do. Right now I do not know anyone who looks like me. That may be a good thing. i always appreciate volunteers. I will give the food a pass since I had pasta the last two days and have to take a rest from that. The libations sound good. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those celebrating. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for your untiring devotion to the lists during Roy’s recuperation. You deserve the cruise you are embarking on tomorrow. BON VOYAGE! I am happy to report that as we speak the glass is being installed in our shower. That will complete all the work in the house. i have one more bill to pay and that is it. The contractor is DONE. FINALLY! And it is about time. However, we are still in the process of getting our lives back together. Tomorrow Jim’s car goes to Carvana and we will get a nice check for almost the amount we paid for it in 2019 when we bought it. That is not bad. I know DH is somewhat sad, but he is facing the reality that it is for the best. One of these days the new dryer will arrive. That is all I have for now Take care and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  6. Good evening. Well, it has been an interesting day. The curtains are hung in the front bedroom, but not in the dining room. The rod is too thick for the curtains I have so I have to either buy a new rod or new curtains. Whichever is cheaper. We finally sold Jim’s car to Carvana. They will pick it up on Friday afternoon and give us a check on the spot. We are basically getting the same price we paid for it four years ago. So, for us, it seems like a free loan. Jim is having a hard time giving up his car. It is for the best. It gives me peace of mind. The dryer was not delivered today. The one that came in was damaged and another had to be ordered, so we wait again. And finally, the glass door for our shower will be installed tomorrow. FINALLY! I am ready to do a happy dance. Today I received the results of my Cologard test. Thankfully it was negative. This also gives me peace of mind. I opted to do this instead of a colonoscopy. Glad I did it. It was a lot easier and saved a lot of time. @marshhawk HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. @dobiemom I hope your surgery went well. Prayers for you. Thank you to all who contribute to this thread. Hope everyone had a great day. Good night and God bless. Terri
  7. Good morning everyone, Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet report. Interesting collection of days. Thankfully the taxes are done and filed, i don’t juggle, except for finances to make sure all the bills are paid, which sometimes leads to being stressed out., We will pass on the meal and libations since we are going out for Jim’s birthday today. Like the quote. We were in Bonaire many years ago on the Noordam. Jim thanks all of you for the Birthday wishes. We are going to the Crazy Crab on Hilton Head for dinner tonight. Then we will come home and have a Carvel Ice Cream Cake. Actually we will have it for a few days because it is too much to finish in one sitting or should I say eating. @dobiemomprayers for you as you have eye surgery. That is not any fun. Having had retina problems, I know you have to be diligent in following those directions in order for a successful outcome. Prayers for a good recovery. Keep us posted when you can. @sailingdutchy Happy birthday to Martha. @kazu, Ivan looks adorable. Hope he works out and is a good fit for both of you. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the lists. Prayers for those who are ill and suffering and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. My big toe is not hurting as much this morning. Have to soak it in Epsom salts and change the bandage. Have a great day everyone and God Bless, Terri
  8. Good evening. @rafinmd Glad to hear that the medical report was good. Hope it stays that way. I had to remove al the nail polish from the toenails prior to my podiatry appointment. Trip to the Podiatrist resulted in part of the nail of the big toe removed to take care of the ingrown toenail It’s all bandaged and now that the anesthesia has worn off, it hurts. Have to soak it in epsom salts tomorrow and then can just put a bandaid on it. Tomorrow is Jim’s birthday and we will go out for dinner, even with my bandaged toe,. Hope everyone had a good day. Terri
  9. Good morning to all, After taking a few days away from the Daily I figured I had better post and let you all know that I am still alive. All is well, but really busy. I have not been on CC at all. Just working all day trying to get things done. Still waiting for our glass shower doors. As I have said in the past, it is all falling on my shoulders and I am exhausted. No more whining. Today I have to go to the Podiatrist as I now have an ingrown toenail that hurts like hell. @Mr. Boston Please accept my sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your brother. You are all in my prayers. Having lived through this difficult situation, I realize the toll it takes on one’s family. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day, God Bless, Terri
  10. Good morning to all the Dailyites. Happy Monday after Easter! Thank you to @StLouisCruisers Sandi for getting us going this morning and to @JazzyV Vanessa for our lists. Prayers for those on the Cares List and Cheers to those celebrating a special event or cruising. Thank you also to Dixie @summer slope and in advance to Debbie @dfish as well as Ann @cat shepard for your contributions in the Food and Beverage Department. Interesting collection of days. i am not a Golfer, nor do I intend to be. When we first moved down here, I started to take lessons. I decided that this was not a sport I wanted to pursue and just gave up. As for Farm Animals, they are an important part of our lives. They provide us with our nourishment. As for National Siblings Day, I have three of the Half variation. However, I have not seen them in years, nor do I hear from them. I wish it were different, but I do not think it will change, There is no animosity just the fact that I did not know them until adulthood and there is no bond. i have been to Marseille at least twice. The first time I was there we went on a tram tour up to Norte Dame de la Garde and it was a lovely day. The next time we were there was last Spring, specifically, on May 2. Since May 1 was on a Sunday, their May Day was celebrated on May 2 and everything was closed. I tried to find a store to buy some Herbs de Provence and could not find one that was open. Here is a photo of the view from our stateroom.
  11. Good Morning to All. Happy Easter to all of you who celebrate this Joyous Day. We have a rainy day and it promises to stay that way all day. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report. The days are interesting. I agree with Robin Williams’ quote. He was a funny guy and it was a sad day when we learned he took his life. I have been to Costa Rica but do not remember the port. I think it was Corinth. We just did some shopping at the port. We will skip the meal and libations today as DH and I are going out to dinner. Everything concerning this house will be put on hold today. I refuse to do anything that resembles work on Easter Sunday. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the cares and celebration lists, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for keeping us fed and hydrated. And thank you to Graham @grapau27 for Father David’s sermon. That is always welcome on Sunday mornings—especially on this Easter Sunday. Happy Birthday and Anniversary to @luvteaching Happy Anniversary to @ger_77 and Happy belated Anniversary to @erewhon I hope everyone has a wonderful day to celebrate with their loved ones. God Bles, Terri
  12. I agree that a Deacon, if he is willing could do a communion service. At least it is something. Going to Mass in port is always a choice if it is a port day on a Sunday or we are in port late on a Saturday. That is not always the case.
  13. Good Saturday morning all. Sorry I have been AWOL. We have had a series of power outages here since Wednesday, I have had all sorts of computer problems because of that. Today all the emails I have sent over the last few days have been returned as “undeliverable”. Reason “potential spam”. Thank you very much. Trying to catch up. All is well and I am working hard to get this house in decent shape. As you probably realize, it is all falling on my shoulders. I can only do so much and no more in one day. Part of the each day is looking for things that should be in one place but are not where they belong. Every day is a new discovery around here. Still waiting for the glass to be installed in the shower. Yesterday we put up a tension rod and shower curtain so that we can use the shower and not get water all over the floor. We have decided that we will sell DH’s car. He hardly drives it and I am very relieved. Every time he goes out I do nothing but pray that he does not have an accident. However this puts an added burden on me to do all the driving everywhere. However, safety is important. I went on the Carvana website and was very surprised at the amount of money they offered for it. An offer we can’t refuse. We will probably go ahead with it on Monday. Prayers for all during this very special and Holy Season—no matter what you celebrate. I will keep all of you in my prayers, especially those on the cares list. Cheers to those celebrating and those cruising. Have a great day. God Bless, Terri
  14. @Overhead Fred Have a wonderful anniversary and many more years together
  15. Well it is interesting that NCL has a priest for Christmas and Easter. Why not Oceania?
  16. While i understand that we all have a choice in the cruise companies we choose, some of us feel that their cruising experience would be enhanced if there would be religious personnel on the ships. I, for one, found this very comforting when I sailed on HAL. For various reasons we felt that HAL no longer was a good fit for us. Whenever we are in port on Sundays we seek out a Catholic Church to attend Mass. However, that is not always possible and the presence of an ordained minister would only serve to enhance our cruising experience. @LHT28 I see nothing numerous about that. The Apostleship of the Seas not only provides Catholic Priests, but Rabbis and Protestant Ministers for Cruise Ships. You would learn quite a bit if you read about their work on its website and the duties of religious personnel while serving on a cruise ship. @pinotlover those who serve on cruise ships do so on a purely voluntary basis and most are retired or do so while taking their vacation. Thus it would not impinge on the areas where there are shortage of priests, rabbis or ministers. i urge you to go to the website and read about this important ministry as well. For those interested, it is www.aos-usa.org.
  17. Provided Oceania joins the program at the Apostleship of the Seas. Terri
  18. From the Apostleship of the Sea: The priest receives his room and basic meals courtesy of the cruise line. However, he also pays gratuities, purchases excursions, and buys items onboard. On average, most priests spend $1,000 or more onboard each cruise
  19. I have mentioned this on every one of my surveys. I urge everyone who feels it is important to them to have Mass celebrated on the ship to included on your end of cruise survey. It is the only way that they will be the message that it is important to those who feel this is important. An interdemoninational service does not cut it. Terri
  20. My TA also called to see if we could take advantage of this promotion. We had already paid in full. She was told that we had to cancel (50% penalty) and then rebook at the higher fare to take advantage of the promotion. We were willing to just pay the higher fare difference, but they would not budge. Terri
  21. We spent many happy times in Barbados. We had a timeshare there and went there every spring for about 40 years. After we retired we would stay for a whole month. It was bittersweet when we decided to sell it. I can’t match the photos you all have because most of mine are pre-digital. However I do have one or two that are from the Atlantis Hotel with DH and DBIL enjoying a wonderful lunch and, of course, a Rum Punch . The last photo is on the Silver Moon Catamaran. Sweet memories of happy times. Terri
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