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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. A special thank you to all of you who took the time to send me beautiful Birthday wishes. @JazzyV, @kazu, @StLouisCruisers, @Haljo1935, @ottahand7, @smitty34877, @cat shepard, @Denise T, @puppycanducruise, @marshhawk, @Seasick Sailor, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @dfish, @cunnorl, @grapau27, @Nickelpenny, @Sharon in AZ, @RMLincoln, @rafinmd, @ger_77. If I missed anyone, I am sorry. I am truly grateful for all the birthday wishes. Terri
  2. Good morning. I am a bit late to the game, but thank you to Rich for the Daily and to Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration list. (How did you know it was my birthday? I wasn’t going to say anything). Thank you also to to Debbie for your wonderful recipes and Dixie and Ann for making sure we have plenty to drink. I like the quote and have not been to the port. As for the days, I can appreciate a Ginger Cat, but don’t have one. I will pass on the Cherry Popover and the Tofu. A big THANK YOU! To all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday. I appreciate the good wishes. I was a bit busy yesterday with the floor guy, who did not finish and will be back tomorrow. He finished the bedroom but not the den. Everything had to come out of the room. Then we had to put it back together again. Today we have to clean out the den. That means taking everything down from the humongous computer station I have (5 pieces and emptying every shelf. Emptying the bookcase and God knows what else so that it all can be moved. This is not exactly how i expected to spend my birthday. But it has to be done. In the process the security motion monitor was broken and now I have to get the security people in to replace it. That is $120 just to walk in the door. More prayers for Baby Murphy. This child and her parents cannot catch a break. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers for those cruising and celebrating. God Bless. Terri
  3. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you to Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration list. Prayers for those who need them. And Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. I will pass on the food and drink but thanks to Debbie, Ann and Dixie for their contributions. I have not been to Manaus but will be going there next year on the Nautica so am very grateful to all of you who have posted photos. They are lovely. Well, we survived the storm with nothing to speak of except losing four fronds from our palm tree.and some debris in the back yard. So all is well. The sun is shining. i heard from the Floor Guy. He will be a 1/2 hour late, but is coming. That coincides with my hair appointment, but Jim is here and will deal with him. We have seen some of the damage and thank God that we were spared. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  4. Sharon, my condolences on your Aunt’s passing. May she Rest In Peace. God Bless, Terri
  5. We have lost power twice and also Wi-Fi. Lost TV for a while even when the power came back. i am trying to stay in touch, but it may become impossible. I have decided not to cook. We are having ham and cheese sandwiches and potato salad tonight. That was not on the original menu but it is now. I don’t want to start something I can’t finish. Then there’s wine. It is raining very hard and very windy. Stay safe everyone, especially if you are affected by Idalia. God Bless, Terri
  6. They have not issued an evacuation order for us at this time. We do not intend to evacuate. We are a good bit inland and hoping for the best. Thank you for your concern. They are saying to shelter in place. Terri
  7. Right now not much going on. We live about 20 miles north of Savannah. Some rain, heavy at times with gusts of wind, but the worst is yet to come. Savannah is slated to start getting hit about 3 to 5 pm and last into the evening. The big problem will be the storm surge both in Savannah and here where we live in Bluffton and in Hilton Head. Very low-lying areas due to a combination of high tides and full moon and lots of rain. i am dreading another flood. That is the situation here right now. Terri
  8. i have decided to cancel the Eye Doctor appointment. Just don’t want to take a chance. Terri
  9. Good morning. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Dixie, Ann and Debbie for keeping this thread alive. Interesting days. Don’t think I will be near a beach today, Touch a Heart Tuesday (except it’s Wednesday) no matter, I will try to touch someone’s heart. We all have grief that we deal with. I have not been to the destination and welcome the photos. I will skip the meal and beverages and hope that by dinner time we still have power. At 4:15am the alarm on my phone went off announcing that we are under a hurricane warning. A minute later it sounded again to announce a storm surge warning. Both give me pause. The last thing I want is water in our house. It was one year ago this coming weekend that all our troubles started with a flood. I really pray that the storm surge stays away from us. We expect to get the brunt of the hurricane at high tide and full moon so the storm surge will be particularly dangerous. Ugh! I am supposed to have an Eye Doctor Appointment today. Yesterday I got an automated reminder for it, but it was too late to call the office. I need to call today to find out if they are really open. I am not really happy about going out today. Prayers for everyone, especially for all in the path of the storm. Stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  10. Thank you Lenda. So far I have heard nothing about evacuation.. i think there would be some notice on the TV or on the phone. I have not heard a word. So I am staying put. We are 8 miles inland from the inter coastal waterway where the Hilton Head Bridge is. i think if anyplace gets a surge, it will be HH. We will see. Tomorrow, the schools are closed and gov, offices. i am staying put. We evacuated once in the 22 years we have been here. it was not fun. My poor DBIL. He was so confused. He understood that there was a hurricane but thought we had to leave and go to the hurricane not away from it. We went to Charlotte and it was raining very hard there. He was so scared. I really do not want to do that again. Terri
  11. We’re home. Serious rain in mid Georgia. About a good 20 miles on I-95. Very slow going. After that cleared, we were okay. Glad to be home and I think I made the right decision to postpone the appointment. Very relieved to be here. We are watching the Weather Channel. We are wondering if we will be in the storm surge. Very scary but we have not received an evacuation order. Will keep you updated. Stay safe to all those in the path of this storm. Terri
  12. Good morning. I just cancelled my afternoon appointment with the Doc. I am coming back on Sept. 11 at 9 am. I just cannot wait until 4 pm and then start home,. It is not a good idea. There are no earlier appointments. Jim agrees with my decision. Mayo closing early and not open tomorrow. Will write more later. Got to pack and get out of here. Need gas and pick up wine (very important). God bless, Terri
  13. @kochleffel I am sorry to learn that you fell. I hope you did not do too much damage to yourself. Be careful and take it easy for the next few days. As for me, tomorrow morning, I will make a decision regarding my afternoon appointment. I have been offered a virtual appointment but not sure I want that. That means I can go home right after the blood work. i will see what happens in the morning and whether I can get an earlier appointment. I really don’t want to get stuck on the road and safety is important. Right now there is no rain and it is calm. We’ll see what the morning brings. Stay safe everyone, especially if you live in the southeast. God Bless, Terri
  14. Greetings from Jacksonville. We had a very easy drive down here from SC. There were a few patches of rain, but it wasn’t bad. Mostly clear weather and light traffic. I called to ask if there was an earlier appointment tomorrow, but no cigar. Tomorrow, I will go up to the Internal Medicine Dept after my blood work and ask again. I can also ask to be on standby, but that means I have to sit there and wait. We will see. @smitty34877 I missed your post earlier. I am sorry that Tana and Lou had a rough time yesterday. Prayers for both of them—and for you. Hope everyone is staying safe. Terri
  15. Just about ready to go. It was raining heavily before but now it has cleared. We’ve decided to go while it is not raining even if we have to wait to check in to the hotel. More later. Prayers for all. Terri
  16. Yikes, we are already on page 2 and I have yet to post. i have so many things to do this morning before we get out of this house and head to Jacksonville. @cruising sister i am so sorry to read of Baby Murphy’s setback. Prayers for her continue. Thank you to Rich, et al who make this thread happen each day. This is short and sweet. Thank you for the good wishes for tomorrow. I hope I get some answers. @marshhawk thanks for the advice, but we must come home tomorrow afternoon. i have an eye doctor appointment on Wednesday and the floor guy is supposed to come on Thursday. There is no way we can stay in Jacksonville for a few days. I will try to post later today after we get to the hotel. Meanwhile, stay safe everyone. God Bless, Terri
  17. You are most welcome. Please email me if I can be of any help. I have been to Rome many times and know it quite well. Even the hospital when Jim had emergency surgery there. So do not hesitate to ask. i hope you both have a wonderful time. Terri
  18. @Quartzsite Cruiser The restaurant you have pictured is the one we did not eat at. I would suggest that Annie try that one. The other one (with the fence around it) was pretty bad. We ordered pizza, and it was worse than the pizza we get here in SC. The one you have pictured looked nicer but there was no room. Again, it will be off season and things will be slower. Also Piazza Navona is sort of a tourist trap. There are a few smaller places on the side streets. Better food. Terri
  19. @Seasick Sailor if you don’t have any luck today, get in touch with the disability people at AA tomorrow. They should be able to help you. We have had to resort to that in the past for my Brother in Law. Terri
  20. I hope you have your ducks in a row when they call. Have the seat map in front of you and tell them exactly where you want to sit, explain the situation with your husband. If they are uncooperative HUCA (hang up call again). Remember to cite the ADA. They just cannot do this. AA is notorious for this and tried this so many times with my DBIL. We just had to be very adamant. Good luck. Terri
  21. Ann, We are traveling down on Monday and staying overnight. I have blood work early in the morning but don’t see the Doctor until 4 pm. Right after that we are heading home. Hopefully we will not encounter really bad weather on I-95. Thanks. Terri
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