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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. I must of have missed them in my haste of going through today’s posts. thank you. Terri
  2. Good evening to all, Sorry for being so late. i was just about to post when i received a call from the appliance company that they were coming early to deliver the washer. So then I spent the afternoon reading the manual and trying it out. So, I never got back here. Taxes are done and tomorrow I will work on what i thought i was going to do today. I am disappointed there were no photos of Haugesund. We will be stopping there on our Baltic cruise this summer. Hope everyone had a good day. God Bless and Good night Terri
  3. Good Monday morning. I am happy to report that my hiatus has produced some results. Not all of them as I would have liked, but I have gotten some things done. The taxes are done. However, the Federal Government has decided that we did not pay sufficient estimated tax and owe more. However, the state of South Carolina was kinder and will be issuing a refund. I’m just glad they are done and I can forget about it for another year. Our next project is to try to get this house together. I am really alone on this. DH tries, but doesn’t get too far. My plan is a half day on the house and the other half planning our Baltic cruise. I have to make specialty restaurant reservations on Friday. We like two tops and if I don’t do it on Friday at midnight, I will be out of luck. Oceania goes by the type of stateroom you are in as to when you can make your reservations. For our last cruise, I completely forgot about the specialty restaurants and there were no spots left except sharing at 8:30 or 9 pm. Too late for us. Our butler was able to secure one for us but was not successful otherwise. We worked around it by ordering from the specialties and eating in our stateroom. So today I will do some work around the house first and then do some port planning. Thank yours go to Sandi, Vanessa, Dixie, Debbie and Ann for keeping this thread going. I like the days. I used to think was fun, until my last year, which was miserable an caused me to take an early retirement. I won’t go into the details but it was a bad year, plus my Mom was starting to need more help. All things considered, it was time to go and the Government was offering an early out and I took advantage of it. I like rainbows, and as for tweed — the fabric is nice. Boss Tweed, he was another story. I will pass on the meal and libations. Boston was a place I had to go for work. Never stopped there on a ship. Prayers for all on the cares list and Cheers to those celebrating. Have a great day and God Bless, Terri
  4. Sandi, I understand the stress. Every time people come into the house the stress level goes up. So today i just got a call from the appliance store to add to the stress. They informed me that the dryer came in today damaged so they wanted to wait to deliver both W/D until they had both. Then he thought better of it. He said to me that he remembered that my washer was dying and asked if I wanted just the washer delivered on Tuesday and they will deliver the dryer when another comes in. I agreed to that as a better option. However, that means people in my house twice. I am ready to put a sign on my door saying “NO ADMISSION!”. Stay cool, Sandi. Terri
  5. Good morning to all. If I don’t post now, I will ge busy again and it might be after midnight again before I get back here. Still working on our taxes and other stuff around the house. I just feel very tired these days and I think I need a cruise. Our next cruise is a very port intensive one and i think I will come home more tired than before we start. However, it is on our bucket list and we’ll do it. We were notified yesterday that Gdańsk will be dropped and Ronnie (Bornholme) willl be substituted. Since we are doing a back to back, we will now visit that port twice along with a few others. I guess we will find something different to do the second visit. Thank you to all who keep this thread going. I am not doing too well in the posting category. Just trying to keep up with all I have to do. Have a good day and God Bless, Terri
  6. Well, it’s already Friday and I am just getting around to posting. Just finding myself so busy the last two days. I am working on the taxes and I have to get that monkey off my back. I hope everyone had a good day. i have been to Katakalon a few times and each time used the services of a driver by the name of George Letsios. Sadly George passed away a few years ago. Some of you may have remembered him. He was a great guy and so knowledgeable of the area. Well the last few hours certainly have been eventful. That is all I will say about that. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  7. Prayers for both of you that you see improvement soon, Terri
  8. Also “shortly” can mean anytime between tomorrow and next year. We had a guy who was screening in our back porch. At one point he said “I’ll be back on Monday. Problem was he didn’t say which Monday. He did show up on a Monday—3 weeks later. Terri
  9. Good morning to all, Happy Tuesday. Thank you to all who make this thread happen every day. Interesting collection of days. That’s all I will say about that as well as the quote. Have not been to Morea, although it sounds like a fun and lovely place to go. I am looking for a quiet day today with little or no excitement so I can get going with the taxes. My 7:30 am appointment with the glass man turned into a 8:10 am appointment. Why am I not surprised? Just make me get up early for no reason. Anyway, he has come and gone and has promised that the shower will have a glass enclosure in “two to three weeks”. Thank you very much! @dfish Debbie, the food looks delicious, but I am going to pass. Too many calories for this girl. While I didn’t try to do it, all this stress has taken ten pounds off me. I would like to keep it off. @lvhh Sorry to hear about your refrigerator. It is never a good time when these things happen. I’m an expert at this stuff at this point. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for keeping us going and sorry about your leaking roof. @smitty34877 Terry, I am so sorry to hear about Tana’s aide’s departure. That is so disheartening. You have so much on your plate. It is especially hard when they get used to each other and then you first have to find someone acceptable and then hope they click and learn the routine all over again. Hope DH is doing okay. Prayers for all of you. @grapau27 Thanks for helping us understand the meaning of today’s celebrations. @JazzyVVanessa, Thanks for the lists. I am feeling better and think I can be removed from the cares list again. Hopefully, you won’t have to put me back on. Thank you all for the funny memes. I enjoy them. They light up my day. Have a good day and God Bless, Terri
  10. Well I am sorry I never got back here today. I really meant to. We bought a set of Samsung Washer/Dryer in Platinum. We did buy a front loader. The salesman said that leaving the door open would take care of the odor. Also, there is some doohickey in the drum that stops the mold from forming. There is also a Self-clean function. I am hoping we will be happy with it. The set was on sale so we felt we would be getting a good product at a good price. i wasn’t going for anything higher. As long as it lasts as long as I do. They will be delivered on Tuesday, April 4. Tomorrow at 7:30 am the glass man is coming to measure the glass door for the shower. That and the grab bars are the last things that need to be done. i can’t wait. Thanks for all the advice. Maybe we can finally finish this house and get on with our lives. Tomorrow I plan to start the taxes. Hope everyone had a great day. God Bless, Terri
  11. i never heard about the front loaders smelling moldy and am happy to hear about that before I go out today to the appliance store. My laundry room is not very big and I will have to think twice about a front loader now. Terri
  12. Thanks, but we will get a front loader. Have a top loader now. Can barely reach the bottom of the tub and I really would rather have a front loader. The local appliance store is having a clearance right now and hope we can get in on the deal. Terri
  13. Thanks Lenda, We just think it is better to replace both washer and dryer now and get it over with. We have no idea how to do it ourselves and to call someone in would cost plenty. it is 21 years old and so is the dryer. So tomorrow I will go to the appliance store and order new ones. Plain on getting Samsung. i am finished with anything that has a GE label on it. We replaced all our kitchen appliances with the stimulus money with really nice Bosch appliances and glad we did so. We had already had to replace the Fridge and Microwave and the dishwasher was leaking. They all came with the house. So now the washer and dryer will get the heave-ho also. Just got to find that Money Tree and plant it in the back yard. Terri
  14. Good Sunday morning. i guess it is already afternoon. Happy Anniversary to all the Dailyites. It has been wonderful being a part of this group. I have not read all the posts, but will go back later and do so. Thank you for continuing to include me in the cares list. As for an update. As if we have not spent enough money on this house, our washer has decided that it needs replacement. It sounds like a jet plane ready to take off when spinning and everything I read says it is ready to die. It is 21 years old and we are not going to spend money on repairs at this point. So we will have to replace both the washer and dryer. Just what we need right now. i need a tree that grows money—A money tree. Measurement for the glass do for the Shower is Tuesday. That and the grab bar is the end. Or at least I hope so. Starting to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Hope everyone has a good Sunday God Bless, Terri
  15. Lots of side effects, decreases bone density, weight gain, increase blood pressure and blood sugar to name a few. Causes insomnia. can’t think of all of them, but it does reduce inflammation. We are trying to keep the dosage as low as possible. Sorry to take so long to answer. Terri
  16. Good morning from a sunny and warm Jacksonville. i am writing while DH finishes his breakfast. I eat fast, while he is a slow eater. Thank you to all who keep this thread going—Sandi, Vanessa, Dixie, Ann and Debbie’s fill-in this week. Yesterday my visit with my PCP went well, However my prediction came to pass. I have to go back on Prednisone and will probably have to stay on it forever at a low dose. Other from that, everything else checked out and all the blood work was good. Don’t have to see him until August. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  17. Good morning from a Sunny Jacksonville, Florida. I am writing before DH wakes up. Need to take a shower and get moving. I don’t have an appointment until 3 pm today so the morning and early afternoon is free. Plan to go to the St. John’s Towne Center. Lots of nice stores there. Not a fan of Melba Toast but love chips and dip. And who doesn’t love a puppy. Would definitely try the meal. Maybe the wine. I have been to Punta Arenas. We went to Isla Magdalena to see the Penguins that day. Sorry I don’t think I have any photos on this Ipad. Thank you to Sandi for the Daily and Vanessa for the Cares list and including me. Will post more later if i can. Will be meeting friends for dinner tonight. Have a great day. God Bless, Terri
  18. Hi to all Just checking in. Blood work was a mixture. Will know more tomorrow, but I can tell already that I will probably have to go back on the prednisone. All other tests seemed okay and visit with GYN/Oncologist went well. So happy about that. Tomorrow I see Internist and will discuss what to do about the Polymyalgia that is flaring up again. Will be home on Friday, On Tuesday morning got a surprise when the doorbell rang and I was still in bed. I was not happy. In came the workers to finish up everything. Here we were in bathrobes. I was not amused. We were trying to get ready to leave. We received no warning about this. It appears that the only thing left is the glass door on the shower. Although I really did not get the opportunity to check out everything at the last minute. Will post when I can. Terri
  19. Good morning to all, I figure I had better post now because I have no idea what today will bring. Does the ET abduction mean that they will abduct me, or we will abduct them? LOL. I‘ll go with the other two days. Like to be happy and Cheer to Earth Day. We have to preserve the planet. I will skip the meal since I don’t know what it is. We will see about the wine and the drink. I like the quote. Have not been to the port. I am up early because I will have a parade of people here again today. I hope this ends soon. Tomorrow we are going to Jacksonville to the Mayo Clinic. We will be there for a few days as I have some doctor appointments and tests. So the workers can have the run of the house without us. There is a lockbox on the door so they can do their thing. It’s a cold day here. Only 41 and going up to 57. Two weeks ago it was in the 80s and we were wearing shorts. Go figure! Prayers for all on the Cares list and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Prayers especially to those having surgery today and soon. Hope all goes well. God Bless, Terri
  20. Hello to all, Sorry I am so late to the game. Thank you to Sandi, Vanessa, Dixie, Ann and Debbie for all your hard work to keep this thread going. I have been very tired and trying to get so many things done. I an trying to post and sometimes it’s just the end of the day and I realize I have not gotten here yet. Tomorrow the workers are back. Oh, how i long for the day when they all leave and I never see them again. It appears that DH survived the fall okay. Tomorrow he has a doctor’s appt. And I am going to try to go with him to make sure the doc hears all the things that need to be heard. DH will not tell him, whether he just doesn’t want to tell him or he will forget. Debbie, Carol and @NextOne Prayers for successful surgeries. Hope all have a good day. God Bless, Terri
  21. Well a quick errand turned into many other errands. It was just a day of running around and doing things that I was not planning to do. So I am just getting back to posting now. Tried to read today’s posts really quickly. Thanks to all who sent good wishes and prayers for DH. He has some pain, but seems to be doing all right. No broken bones. He has a doctor’s appointment on Monday anyway so he can get checked out at that time. We had to get a new a new rod for the shower curtain in the guest bathroom. Then we had to put it up. To add to the mix, we are still trying to settle DBIL’s estate after almost 1 1/2 years. More forms to complete and send to New York. So that was our day. I did not get to do anything I had planned. Maybe tomorrow. @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for your photos. @RedneckBob sorry you had to cancel your cruise. Thank you all for your good wishes for DH. Have a good evening. God Bless, Terri
  22. Thanks to all for your concern. He seems to be okay this morning. Will post more later on Friday’s Daily. Terri
  23. Just a quick note as I need to run a quick errand this morning,. DH seems okay and thanks to all of you for your concern. We have no workers here today thanks to St. Patrick. All of our workers come from Savannah where. St. Patrick takes priority over everything else today. We both slept well and other than a bit of a pain on his left hip, Jim seems okay. Thankfully there is a plush bath mat that he fell on rather than the ceramic tile. More later. Terri
  24. It seems like we just cannot catch a break no matter what we do. This evening my husband fell while taking a shower in the bathtub in the guest bathroom. So far no injuries and he insists he is okay. I just cannot wait until this is all over. Don’t know what he will feel like in the morning. I try to be so careful with him and I just can’t be careful enough. The whole shower curtain rod fell on him and he fell out of the bathtub. I’m just rambling. I’m so tired. I’m half his size and had to help him up Can’t wait until this whole thing is finished. Terri
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