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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Good morning everyone. Just a quick note as I have to get ready to go out. This is the first time in ages that I am going out to lunch with a friend. So no work today. i will wait for tomorrow to do the other closet. As for brothers and sisters, I have the half variety and they are not very communicative. I was raised as an only child by my mom and never met my half siblings until adulthood. They did not take it very well that my father never told them about me. I will post later in the day when i have more time. Got to get ready to get out of here. Take care, stay safe and God Bless, Terri
  2. I am happy to say that I finished the closet task. Lots of stuff to go to the Thrift shop. Since this whole ordeal has resulted in about a 12 pound weight loss, coupled with the weight loss from when I had Covid last Spring, there were a good number of clothes that are too big. I do not intend to gain back that weight. So those clothes are going. it is interesting, and I remember this well. The afternoon of the day of the flood I told Jim that the next day I intended to clean out the closet and get things ready to send to the thrift shop. Well, seven months later it finally got done. Tomorrow I will try to tackle the other closet and then bring the load up the car with the donations. I am so proud of myself for finally getting this done. Terri
  3. Good morning to all. I did not get very far with any work yesterday. As a matter of fact it turned out to be a bust. But I am raring to go this morning. However first I have promised some photos of the the finished product of the bathroom. So here they are. New vanity, new shower, and new linen closet.
  4. Me too. i love that thing. I use it for everything. Terri
  5. I am so sorry to hear of what happened to you. You are in my prayers for your continued recovery. God bless the medical personnel both at sea and now on land whose dedication kept you alive. I hope you have a speedy recovery and are able to return home soon. God Bless, Terri
  6. Good morning. If i don’t post now, I probably won’t later. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report. Nice collection of days. I very much appreciate my hairstylist, but I am losing her. She has decided to peruse other interests—namely go work as the manager of her family’s restaurant. I am being turned over to another stylist in the salon. I hope I like her. i like Jazz. As for honesty, we really need a lot of that these days. As Sandi said, no one likes a liar. i enjoyed the quote. I will skip the meal and libations. While we will be in Norway this summer, Eidfjord is not one of our ports. I have noticed the length of the cares list and it concerns me that there are so many with medical issues. I pray for each of you every day. @JazzyV i am so sorry you had a tumble on the ship and I hope you did not hurt yourself too badly and will heal quickly. Thank you to all who make this thread happen each day. Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard, Dixie @summer slope, and Eva @superoma. What would we do without all of you. Today I have to get back to work. No more lounging around like yesterday. i can’t believe I let myself watch TV all day. My project today is to sort out the clothes in the closets. When the people from Service Master brought back our stuff, they just put things anywhere. Then when they were working on the bathroom, our master closet was n’t accessible. So there’s clothing in the guest room that needs to be moved. There’s stuff to go to the Thrift Shop and then things need to be sorted out. So that is today’s project. It should keep me busy. Our weather has been sort of iffy. We have had overcast skies with periods of heavy rain. No bright sunshine. Cheers to all who are celebrating something special and cruising. Enjoy! Have a wonderful Sunday and as always, God Bless, Terri
  7. i know it is late but just wanted to check in. I just spent the day doing nothing but watching TV, i watched all the latest episodes of Firefly Lane. i read the book and watched the Netflix series and the last 7 episodes were finally loaded. So I binged on the TV today. So tired of working on the house. Tomorrow is another day. I love Paella, but am partial to the seafood variety. Did not make it today but will get everything together and make it sometime soon. Hope everyone had a good day and has a restful night. God Bless, Terri
  8. Get yourself a Travel Agent now. Transfer the booking. they will work for you, not for O. Do it immediately. All the above are opinions. If the cruise sells out, you are stuck in that cabin. I would not leave it to chance. You MAY get an upgrade or you MAY NOT. Terri
  9. The handicapped room has a roll in shower that shares the space with he toilet. No curtain in between. Now if this is on the Vista, maybe they have made improvements but we do not know because we have not seen any pictures. However, the ship was built in Fincantieri and that is the way they build the HC cabins. The sink is lower and there are ramps in the room. O does not care who they sell the cabin to. If your TA booked it, they sell it. You actually believed the O Rep. They will sell you anything. if you cannot afford the extra money, then cancel or book another sailing. I, for one, would not accept a Handicapped Cabin. Once burned was enough. Also, rather than deal with O directly, transfer your booking to a TA and have them work for you. You may be able to get a better deal. Do that soon. You only have 30 days to transfer the booking. Terri
  10. It is the beginning of the European cruising season. It is possible that on this board there are not any cruisers that have embarked in Athens. Your questions may be better answered in the Ports Section of Cruise Critic or as suggested, by contacting the State Department. As for myself, I would not take any advice I read here as Gospel truth. Go to the source. Terri
  11. In looking at that sailing there are plenty of other categories available. However if you want B5 it is waitlisted. As for myself, we ended up with a handicapped cabin on another cruise line once and all I can say is “never again”. If I were you and you could afford a higher category, I would go for it while they are available. Terri
  12. Thanks for the photos. We will be in Kirkwall in the beginning of July. I have arranged a private tour called “Orkney in a Nutshell”. There will be eight of us. I am happy to see some photos. Hope we have a nice sunny day. Terri
  13. Good Morning on this sunny Friday morning in the Low Country of South Carolina. Interesting collection of Days. I’m no poet, but enjoy reading poetry. i don’t have any clean jokes, nor do I have any of the not so clean variety either. i will definitely kiss my mate, as i do everyday/ I will take a pass on the meal (curry is not my thing) as well as the wine and cocktail. I have not been to Kirkwall, but will be calling there on my Baltic Cruise this summer. I have arranged a private tour and there will be six others joining Jim and me on the tour. Looking forward to seeing some photos from those of the Dailyites who have been there. Yesterday i made some progress on preparing for our cruise. I sent out some emails to private tour providers and hope I hear back from them today. I also was able to join two private tours. This is the first time in a long time that we have decided to join some shipboard tours. We rarely do this. We did this because we have a ton of shipboard credit and need to use it. The tours we selected seem to be good ones so we hope we will not be disappointed. Today i will dedicate a good part of the day to the same task plus paying some bills. Thank you to Sandi, Debbie, Ann, Dixie and Eva for keeping this thread going. Where would we be without all of you! Prayers for all who are on the cares list. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
  14. i have a Roomba and love it. i have named it Daisy. She does a fantastic job. I have only hardwood floors now with some area rugs. I take the chairs out of the way in the room I have her clean. I love Daisy. Terri
  15. You notify the wine steward just like any other dining venue on the ship. They will fetch the wine once you give them your cabin number. We have never had a problem in the Terrace Cafe. Have not done it in Waves but I am sure it is the same procedure. Terri
  16. Sandi, thank you for that invaluable information. I will print that out. I am pretty sure we are at the Ocean Quay Terminal, but I will check again. We get our cruise docs in a few days so I will know for sure. We will definitely take a taxi to the hotel. We don’t do public transportation with luggage. Just too hard. I assume that taxis are plentiful at the port. Thanks for all your help. Terri
  17. Good morning to all. Happy Thursday. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report. Interesting group of days. Hai to the King of Netherlands and the Koenigsdam! I can tell a story but it would be too long. Like Babe Ruth and I do not know Morse Code. Good quote. I have not been to the port but will visit it on our transatlantic in November. So the photos are most welcome. Will pass on the meal and libations. Today I am going to take @Quartzsite Cruiser’s Lenda’s advice and put aside the things that need to be done in this house and concentrate on preparing for our cruise. Last night I stayed up until midnight in order to make our specialty restaurant reservations. Since we are on a b2b cruise, we were unable to reserve the last 12 days until today. So we on board 32 days with 12 specialties pre-reserved. We can get more reservations once on board and will try. We especially like the French and Italian restaurants. My main job today is to determine what we want to do in the various ports. There are a number of repeats and we plan to make some of them a “sea day” so that we can have a restful day in between and yet other repeats will require doing something different, like Stockholm. Since we are not fans of Ship Tours, the one thing I need to find out is the availability of taxis in the various ports. In other places, I need to get things in place before we leave. Lots to do. While I am at it, does anyone know how far the port of Copenhagen is from the city? We will be staying at the Marriott after the cruise and wondering if just taking a taxi if worth it, or we should reserve a car. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks. Prayers for all on the cares list. @kazu and @bennybearI hope you are recovering well. @smitty34877, I hope today’s visit what the doctor goes well for your DH. Prayers for all on the cares list. Cheers for all celebrating and cruising. Enjoy! Have a great day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  18. Good morning, what is left of it. Hope everyone is having a good day. Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report and your untiring dedication to keeping up with this everyday in Rich’s absence. Thank you also to Debbie, Ann, Dixie and Eva, who is filling in nicely for Vanessa while she is on her cruise. Hug an Australian. Well, I know some that I have met on cruises, but none are close enough at present for me to hug physically so I will give them virtual hugs. We like pretzels in this house and they are always around. DH likes to have some with his preprandial. I can take them or leave them. As for Richter Scales, I understand their importance but hope I am nowhere near an earthquake so that they need to be used. Hedy Lamarr’s quote is interesting. I will skip the meal and libations today. My tummy seems a bit off. Eating light today. We were in Arecife last year on our cruise on the Nautica. When we returned to the ship I was starting to feel as if I had a sore throat and that was the beginning of my 11 day Covid experience. Not a happy time. We missed the other three Canary Islands—the reason we went on that cruise and many other ports. Maybe someday we will be able to return. Have two appointments today. Originally they were both at the same time. How’s that for poor planning. Thankfully my manicurist was able to reschedule me for a later time this afternoon. So I am able to keep my hairdresser appointment at 1:30 and the mani-pedi appointment at 3:30. We are still working on putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. I am getting nervous that we will not finish before our cruise. Today i received a notice from USPS that a package is coming and on further investigation I realize it is the cruise docs from Oceania. That makes me more nervous. It is the first time that we do not have all our ports planned out. I really feel behind the 8 Ball here. I have to get moving on that. I am not a fan of ship tours so I have to really get the ball rolling. Still need to buy an area rug for the living room and small rugs for each side of the bed. They will have to wait a bit longer. Want to go up to Beaufort where we bought our furniture. They have lots of nice stuff there. Just need to have the time to do that. Believe it or not, DBIL —Eugene passed away a year and a half ago and we are still trying to settle his estate. Because he was a special needs person and mentally challenged, he did not have a will. Since the funds were in New York and we are in SC, New York is very slow in releasing the money. The taxation Dept has been holding back the Letters of Administration since Sept. 15. In my opinion this is criminal. Rant over. @kazu and @bennybearprayers for you both today as you deal with your surgeries. Hoping for the best of outcomes for both of you. @marshhawk Prayers for you as you deal with your difficult decision for Irving. Prayers for all on the Cares list and Cheers for those celebrating and cruising. Have a great day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  19. Charlene @cunnorl HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Sorry I got your name wrong earlier. Don’t know what I was thinking. Hope you’re having a wonderful day. Terri
  20. Good Sunday morning to all. This is my third attempt at posting. Every time I start i get distracted and vow to come back later. Well, here I am. Thank you to Sandi, Eva, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your dedication to this thread. Where would we be without all of you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANNIE @marshhawk AND TO ANN @cunnorl May you both have many more Prayers for Terry @smitty34877. You certainly have your hands full. Many prayers that things lighten up your way. Graham @grapau27 Thank you for Father David’s sermon. Hope your hip is not hurting too bad and the surgery is soon. Today is Lovers Day. I am truly blessed to have the LOVE OF MY LIFE with me. We just finished having English Muffins with our Scrambled Eggs and Bacon for breakfast. We will skip the picnic today. We will skip the wine and drink. As for the meal, last night I had take out from our very wonderful butcher. It was a stuffed chicken breast with ricotta with spinach and artichoke. It was delicious. Don’t think we will do it again. Thank you all for the photos of Papua New Guinea and Fort Everglades. Just read in the New York Times that Bed Bath and Beyond has filed for Bankruptcy and will begin closing sales on Wednesday. I know that our local store has had empty shelves for quite a while and when I was there the other day, i was told they were in the process of “restocking”. Well, I guess that will not be happening. On Friday their stock fell to 29 cents. So all you bargain hunters may want to go see what is left in the stores to grab a good deal. Prayers for all on the Cares List and Cheers for those celebrating and cruising. Have a great Sunday. God Bless, Terri
  21. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report. Nice collection of Days. i am all for protecting our precious planet. Love jellybeans. Was never a Girl Scout although I did want to join. I love the quote. it is funny and just what you would expect from Zsa Zsa. I am up early this morning. Just could not sleep last night. Thanks in advance to Debbie, Dixie, Ann and Eva for their contributions to the Daily. Prayers to all that need them. Have a good day and God Bless, Terri
  22. Well, it has been an interesting day. We have made our final payment to the contractor. Nobody coming in and out of our house. You cannot believe how happy I am to have the house to ourselves. The car is gone. Carvana came and took the car. They gave us a check. They just checked that the car is driveble and did the paperwork. It took all of ten minutes. Basically we had the car for 4 years for free. We got just about the same amount for the car that we paid for it in 2019. insurance is half of what it was. And i have peace of mind. Jim seems okay with the whole thing so I guess we are good right now. And we have money in the bank. So today was a win-win situation. Now to get back to work to putting this house together. Terri
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