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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Oh, Terry, I am so sorry for your loss and for your whole family. You have been so strong through all of this. My prayers for all of you as you go through this difficult time. Terri
  2. Good morning. if I don’t post now, it might be midnight again before I get the opportunity to do so. Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann for your contributions and to keep this thread going. The days are interesting. I like Cheesburgers but have not had one lately. Usually just a plain hamburger. Have not had Rice Krispies Treats, but used to like Rice Krispies as a kid. We all want respect and should respect others. This world would be a better place if we would all respect each other and play nice in the sandbox! Groucho’s quote is interesting. i will pass on the meal and libations. I have not been to Bimini. This morning is quite cooler here in Bluffton. We had a considerable amount oof rain yesterday but today the sun is out in full force. However this is the first day in a long time that the temperature is below 70 degrees. This morning I am not feeling much better. The pain in my legs wake me up as do the pains in my arms and shoulders. This should not be happening with the dosage of Prednisone i am taking. We will see where we go from here. Then there is the digestive problems the meds are causing. I am still not sleeping well. As I said last night, I am seriously thinking of cancelling the Italy trip. With the way I am feeling I cannot see taking that trip with the way I am feeling. I plan to talk to DH about it today and if things don’t improve within a week or so, then with the doc. Thankfully everything is refundable (including air) and we have Credit Card insurance that will cover the cruise. If we get to Italy and I cannot do the things we plan to do, what is the use of going? Prayers for all who need them, especially all those on the cares list. And cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Have a wonderful Monday and week. God Bless, Terri
  3. Good evening and it is almost morning. This is beginning to be a pattern. I started out ready to post this morning and never got to do it. Now it is almost midnight and I just wanted to check in. @marshhawk sorry for all your troubles. @kazu glad you made it through the storm @JazzyV sorry you’re not feeling well @luvteaching glad the Celebration of Life went well. @Seasick Sailor glad your sister was not hurt in the accident i have been having my troubles. The prednisone is doing a job on my digestive system. i just am not feeling well and just wish I can get on a lower dosage. I will message the doc tomorrow morning. Still having pains in my thighs and shoulders. i really don’t want him to raise the dosage. If this keeps up I think we will have to cancel the Italy trip and forget about the cruise. I was afraid that DH would not be able to do it, rather than I having problems. However, I made sure that everything is refundable and we have enough insurance on the Credit Card covering the cruise. So if we have to cancel, we will not lose much, if anything. i really don’t want to, but I don’t want to be miserable in Italy. Hope everyone had a great day. It rained all day here and I did get some paperwork done. So it wasn’t a total loss. More tomorrow, God Bless and Good Night. Terri
  4. Well it is 10 pm and i am finally getting an opportunity to post. Thank you to all for keeping this thread alive. I had a busy day. My cleaning lady came today and that made for a busy time. She came earlier than expected. I was just ready to post at that time. I spent a good part of today trying to catch up on finances and other paper work that I have just let slide because I have felt so lousy the last few months. The Prednisone has finally kicked in and the pains have subsided quite a bit. i will start to lower the dosage beginning on Monday. i read the through the posts quite quickly and am not sure what is going on with the prior Dailies, but will say no more. @kazu I hope you made it through the storm okay. Roy @rafinmd I echo the others’ sentiments and think you should go on the cruise. Get the luggage packed and sent with luggage forward. What better way to relax and be pampered. You need it and deserve it. I am tired from a long day. Prayers for all—especially those who are sick and having surgery; Need to take it easy and get to bed. Will write more tomorrow. God Bless, Terri
  5. I am so sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. May he Rest in Peace. Prayers for you and your family. Terri
  6. Well, I had no luck today. They had no samples in stock with the power necessary for my astigmatism. So they have to order a number of samples and i have to go back. It seems they made the appointment too soon after I saw the Othtalmologist and the Optometrist did not have the opportunity to go over my record and order what I needed. Waste of time. They will call me when they have the samples. Terri
  7. Thanks Vanessa. it seems I need them for both distance and reading. I also have astigmatism. There are some new types of contacts out there now. I may be able to get something that will work without needing reading glasses as well. We will see. I haven’t been wearing contacts for a while. The ones I had were no longer comfortable and then once we had the flood, I just saw no need to use them. We’ll see what happens today. Terri
  8. Thanks RNB. Now I am wondering. If RNB likes it, maybe I should think about another place.???? Terri
  9. I have never been to it, but someone on our roll call recommended it. It is Nachi Cocom. I have only been to Cozumel once before (last year) and we walked around and looked at the shops and went back to the ship. So this time we are trying this place. In Costa Maya we are going to Maya Chan. Hope we like both of them. Terri
  10. Good Friday morning to all. Thank you Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily. Thank you Vanessa for taking care of our lists so carefully. And thank you for including me while I go through another flare-up of PMR. Hopefully I will get this under control quickly. Thank you to Debbie, Ann and Dixie in the Food and Beverage department. Frothy seafood chowder sounds lovely. Don’t think I will partake of the drink, but the wine may be a possibility. Yesterday was a crazy day. I made reservations for two beach clubs for our cruise in February. However, I reserved the beach club in Cozumel for the day in Costa Maya and the Beach Club in Costa Maya for the Day in Cozumel. When I realized my mistake, I then had to contact the establishments and straighten out the mess. I managed to get one fixed but have not yet heard from the other. However, I have not given the second one any money. Thankfully! Hopefully this will get straightened out today. I have another appointment today with the optometrist. Despite having had cataract surgery, I need to wear contacts or glasses. While the glasses I have are adequate, the contacts are not. So I have an appointment for a new fitting today. While I don’t wear them everyday, I do like to wear them for various occasions. Prior to having cataract surgery I wore contacts for about 35 years. I was very nearsighted and it was the best solution. When I first had the surgery I had 20/25 vision, but it gradually deteriorated to the point that I need corrective lenses of some sort. i hope to get some of the things done today that I thought I was going to do yesterday. @kazu I hope that Hurricane Lee does not cause too much damage. Please stay safe. @smitty34877 I am happy that Lou had a good visit yesterday and that your family will come today. I am sure that Lou is content to be home and more comfortable. @mamaofami prayers for Sam and for you and your family. @ger_77 I hope that your DH’s procedure for getting a pacemaker goes well today. As always, prayers for Baby Murphy, And prayers for all of you. Cheers to all celebrating and cruising. Enjoy. And a HAPPY NEW YEAR to our friends of the Jewish Faith. Have a great day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  11. @grapau27 Graham. I love your food porn. I just wish I could eat all the food you show in your pictures. Since I had Covid I am unable to eat very much. Please keep posting those photos. Terri
  12. Good afternoon, It was a strange day. Yesterday I thought I was on the way to feeling better with the pain being not as severe. Well, this morning, despite taking 15 mg of Prednisone I woke up with neck, shoulder and upper arm pain. Tomorrow I am supposed to lower the dose to 10mg. Not sure what to do. I messaged the Doc but have not heard back. The meds really make sleeping difficult. I go to bed early and then I am awake at 2 am. Then i go back to bed at 5 am. I can’t keep this up. Today I mixed up two reservations I was trying to make for our February cruise. I was trying to make two independent reservations at beach clubs in Cozumel and Costa Maya respectively. Unfortunately, I booked the Cozumel Beach Club on the Costa Maya Day and vice versa. What a mess! One is corrected, but have not heard from the second one. I just can’t believe I did that. That shows you how tired I am. I hope everyone is having a good day and staying safe and well. Prayers for everyone. God Bless, Terri
  13. Good morning to all. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you to Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration list. You amaze me at how you are able to capture all our events. You never miss one. Than you to the Food and Beverage Department (Debbie, Ann and Dixie) for the wonderful job you do each day. Where would we be without all of you! Well, as I posted last night, I could not believe that I did not post yesterday. I can just about remember writing the post. I don’t think there was anything offensive in it that it needed to be removed. Oh well, maybe a senior moment. LOL. Looking at the Cares List, My prayers are with all of you. I especially remember in Baby Murphy, and @smitty34877‘s Lou as the family goes through a very difficult and sad time. I now add @mamaofami’s Sam to that list with his new brain bleed. It is not an easy decision to make regarding surgery. Prayers for @grapau27’s Pauline’s baby brother. May he rest in peace. Prayers for everyone on the list. Prayers also for those in the path of Hurricane Lee. Good luck to those on a cruise in that area. Prayers for everyone’s safety. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Enjoy every minute. Yesterday, I think everything caught up with me. The lack of sleep for so long, a lot of driving, and just overall fatigue. I took DH to the dentist and then we went to Publix. After we came home I just collapsed. I had some financial work to do, but that did not get done. Instead, I sat down in front of the TV and fell asleep for the afternoon. Felt even worse when I woke up. I still had to make dinner and I just was exhausted. Also had a sore throat. Every bone in my body hurt. I decided to take a Covid Test and it was negative. Sleep did not come easily last night. Slept too much during the day. Also, the increased Prednisone dosage is doing a job on my already delicate tummy. Today I feel a bit better. The neck pain is subsiding, albeit slowly. However, the arms and shoulders are still painful as are my thighs but not as bad. The headache has not yet left. So I am making progress. The best day will be when I have no more pain and can throw away the Prednisone. Don’t know when and if that will ever happen. i have follow up appointments when i return from our trip/cruise. December 11 and 12. Hopefully things will be stable then. Also have an appointment with the Dermatologist for a questionable spot on my right calf. Today I have an Ophthalmologist appointment. Really late in the day—3:50. It was moved from the day of Hurricane Idalia, which ended up being a non-event here. We have had worse storms that had no name. Maybe I can get some financial work done before I go. Glad they caught the fugitive. That’s about all I have for today. Hope everyone has a good day and stays safe. God Bless, Terri
  14. I am just posting now. I was sure I posted early this morning, but I don’t see a post. I guess I just imagined it. It was a tough day. The Prednisone did not kick in yet and I am exhausted. I had to take DH to the dentist this morning and then came back home. Thought I would get some stuff done, but just fell asleep. Took a Covid Test because I was feeling so bad. Tired, achy, sore throat, etc. However, it was negative. I am going to bed now. Tomorrow, Eye doctor appointment. Will write more in the morning. Can’t believe I didn’t post today. Terri
  15. I am so sorry to learn this news. Prayers for you and your family. Terri
  16. Good evening. We are home from Jacksonville. Thankfully the drive home was easy. However, i was very tired from not sleeping last night. I am just about ready to go to bed. The doctor raised the Prednisone dosage because the C-Reactive Protien level was quite high. So I am on 15 mg daily for 4 days and then 10 mg for a few months. I also had X-rays of the cervical spine and head today. I have to let him know how I am feeling on Thursday and depending on how I am and the x-rays, I may have to start seeing a Rheumatologist and start PT. So that is where I am. i am hoping the Prednisone will do its thing. The one thing I know is that I need to sleep a full night without any pain. I have not had that luxury since around June. So that is what I know right now and hopefully I will get some sleep with no pain. We’ll see. Next appointments in December. Right now, i have to go to bed. Good night and God Bless, Terri
  17. Good morning from Jacksonville. it is 77 degrees going up to 90. I don’t have time for breakfast prior to going to my appointment. I really don’t want to rush. So I will eat when I come back. ”When I leave in a few minutes I will wake Jim so he can get washed and dressed. Maybe he will still be having breakfast when I get back from my appointment. i am hoping that there is something that can be done with the neck pain I have had for the last 2-3 months. It is only getting worse and I am losing lots of sleep because of it. i know the PMR has flared because the numbers were high on the blood test last week. We will see where we go next. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report. I will always remember 9/11. We were still living in New York City at the time and I did work in the towers at one point in my life. I had retired only a few months before because of an early retirement offer. If not, I would have been in downtown Manhattan that day. Emergency Responders are so important and need to be recognized. i know the importance of the Library. While I don’t use it as much as I should now, I do remember how important it was to me as a child. I never played baseball, but kudos to those who do. I like the quote. And I like Macaroni Salad and Pinot Grigio. I will pass on the drink. The only one opportunity I had to get to the Falkland Islands ended in a sea day. The Veendam was unable to tender us to Port Stanley due to rough seas. That was in March, 2012. Thank you to Vanessa for keeping our lists. Prayers for all who lost their lives in the tragedy of 9/11 and prayers for all who mourn their loss. Prayers for all on the cares list. Especially Baby Murphy and her family, and @smitty34877 Terry’s Lou and your whole family. Here’s hoping that Roy @rafinmd has a speedy recovery from your bout with Covid. Cheers for all celebrating and cruising. Enjoy, It is about time for me to make my way over to the clinic for my appointment. Have a great day. i will try to post later. God Bless, Terri
  18. Annie, what type of phone do you have? If your phone is locked you cannot buy a SIM card. It will not work. Who is your carrier? You need to know this before you go off and think you are going to get a SIM Card. I have Verizon and sign up for their international plan when we go out of the country. Call your carrier. We pay $10 per day only for the days that we use the service. That is unlimited calling and data for that day. You do not need a 3 year contract. You don’t need any contract anymore. There are so many plans to choose from. If you need help, email me and i will try to help. If you get Rome Cabs from the Airport they will monitor the flight and be there on time. It is worth it. Better than waiting on line for a cab. You don’t want to do that. Terri
  19. Annie, I don’t remember anything more than going through immigration where they look at your passport and stamp it and you are on your way to the baggage retrieval. I don’t remember long lines. I grant you that it has been a number of years since we flew to Rome (I’m thinking 2015 or so). i do remember leaving from Rome is always a hassle. I don’t think you will be in line for hours. Hope this helps. Do you have a car service meeting you at the Airport? If not, contact RomeCabs.com. They are wonderful. Terri
  20. Good morning to all. Just a quick note to check in. We are going to Jacksonville this afternoon because I have my appointment at the Mayo Clinic tomorrow morning bright and early. The one that was cancelled last week. So I need to get breakfast done and then pack a few things and get on our way. Will try to post after we are in JAX. God Bless, Terri
  21. I’m sorry our dates don’t coincide. It would have been nice to meet. Maybe another time. Terri
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