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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. We are thinking that if we cannot get out on Monday, we will try later in the week. I will see what happens. Not going to try anything until Saturday. The anniversary can be a moveable feast. We have learned to be very flexible these days. Thanks for the suggestion. Terri
  2. We are now under a Hurricane Warning. Upgraded from a Tropical Storm Warning. (Beaufort County SC) They have closed a bridge between South Carolina to Savannah and are contemplating closing the bridge to Hilton Head. This is not good. Now everyone is scrambling to get prepared at the last minute. I stopped at the Publix because yesterday I went there for milk and bought everything but. Well, the shelves are empty and I got the last bottle of milk. I hope everyone in the path of this storm remains safe. Terri
  3. Good morning to all. Right now it is calm here. That will change as the day goes on as we are next up for Ian’s wrath. I don’t think we will get the same pounding as our friends in Florida but we are expected to get some flooding high winds and rain. We are under a hurricane/tropical storm warning. it is anyone’s guess where it will make its third landfall. Speculation is near Savannah, That is just south of where we live. Please say a prayer for us. We don’t any more drama in our lives, nor do we need any more water in our house. Great collection of days. I have to like Maritime Day or I would not be a cruiser. As a former New Yorker, I loved going to Broadway shows. I miss that so much. The productions here are of High School Play quality and just don’t measure up. Happy Birthday to Confucius. A great philosopher. I will pass on the meal and drink. Maybe the wine. I have not been to Majuro, Marshall Islands. I have a hairdresser appointment this morning and then I will devote the rest of the day to packing for Barbados. However, still not sure we are going to get there. Trying to think positively. Finished all my ironing yesterday. I have not found my earring. Don’t understand why St. Anthony is abandoning me. Maybe I have burdened him too much! Prayers to all our friends in Florida in the path of Ian’s wrath. Also prayers for those on the Cares list and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  4. Yes, to no avail. The ship was full. I was told to take it or leave it. Terri
  5. We once booked a guarantee Neptune Suite on the Nieuw Amsterdam. We ended up with a handicapped cabin next to the outside elevator. We were less than pleased. The bathroom configuration was terrible—one very low sink instead of the double sinks. Roll in shower shared with the toilet. Ramps everywhere. Also the outside elevator right next to us gave us little privacy. First and last time we booked a guarantee. Terri
  6. @dfishDebbie, I love the photos of the house. May you enjoy many happy years there. @grapau27i hope all goes well for you. Prayers that it does, I went to Publix to get some water and a few things. The shelves are empty! I was only able to get gallon jars of drinking water. Better than nothing. Jim and I have decided that we are going to prepare as if we are going on our trip. We will see what happens. That being said. i have some ironing to do this afternoon. Take care everyone. Terri
  7. Good morning, Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and the Daily and to Roy for the Lists. We have our communication restored. It came back about 2 AM this morning. I don’t think i can sleep on this sofa any more. Basically I am not sleeping very well. My back is still hurting from the fall I took two weeks ago and this is not a comfortable place to sleep. Given the new path of IAN, I am not sure we will get to Barbados. There should be a third landfall around Savannah, Georgia, which is about 15 miles south of us. We are under a flash flood and tropical storm warning. So I do not know if the roads will be passable on Sunday for us to get to Jacksonville Airport for our flight to Miami and on to Barbados,. We will try if we can, but we are not sure. If we don’t go, we do not have a place to stay. I realize that staying in this house is not the right decision. The only reason we are here is because it was more dangerous to stay in the condo where we were. That was right on the beach. I am praying that we do not have another water event in this house. If we do, I don’t know what we will do at that point. This place is a mess already. It is an interesting collection of days. i don’t drink beer. I don’t like it. I try to be a good neighbor. We all need to appreciate our public lands. I like the quote from Mother Teresa. I will skip the meal, wine and drinks. I have not been to Nha Trang, Vietnam. I will keep you all in my prayers, especially those in Florida. Likewise I ask for prayers for those in our area where Ian is espected to make another landfall with dangerous storm surges. @dfishCongratulations on reaching an agreeable price on the house. I wish you a smooth move and many happy years in your new home. @kazuI hope you do decide to go on a holiday cruise. i do think it will be a good distraction during a particuarly difficult time of year. @grapau27I hope your blood tests are good. That’s a big breakfast. Where do you put it all? All that would be enough for a week for me. LOL. @smitty34877i am sorry that Tana’s aide has Covid. Here’s praying that the rest of you are not affected. I have not found my earring. I have St. Anthony on overtime. He is not coming through, Prayers for all who need them and cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. Stay safe everyone. God Bless, Terri
  8. Thanks. Looks like we will get hit when it makes that Northwest turn. Terri
  9. We still have no TV or internet. It is almost midnight and it has been off since 3 pm. Wish I could see the Weather Channel. From what I could see on my phone there will be another landfall near Savannah. Can someone confirm that for me? Terri
  10. We have no television service or Internet. Hargray has technical difficulties. I am using my cell phone to connect. I have no idea what is happening with Hurricane Ian. Don’t know what time service will be restored. What a day for this to happen. terri
  11. @kazu i know you are not fond of Oceania given your one bad experience. However, DH and I are doing a Christmas Cruise on the Insignia (small ship) and we would be thrilled to have you join us. We don’t do a lot of activities but we are friendly and would certainly be welcoming. i have some tours planned and you are welcome to participate. Think about it. ’We are actually doing a back to back. From Dec. 10 to 28. But t you can join us on the 18 if you don’t wan to do a long cruise. There is still room. It isn’t sold out. i think you should give Oceania another chance. You might be pleasantly surprised. Terri
  12. Good morning, Thank you, Rich, for the Fleet Report and Daily. I like the days. I have been trying to tour the world. Haven’t been everywhere but enjoyed the places I’ve been, I am registered to vote and it is important that we have as many people who are eligible to vote to register. Forgiveness, is as important to the offender as it is to the offender. If you don’t forgive you let the offender rent space in your head and you don’t move on. It does not mean you forget, nor does it mean that it makes the offending act right. Only that you have chosen to move on and dwell on the event. I like the meal and am interested to see what Debbie comes up with. The wine sounds good and the price is right. Will pass on the drink. Have not been to the destination and look forward to seeing the photos from those who have. Well, I survived the night in our house. I slept in the den on the sofa (my choice) and Jim slept on the bed (small double) in the spare bedroom. The other two bedrooms are not habitable. I chose the den so that I could watch the only TV still hooked up (I like Morning Joe). Jim likes to sleep late. It wasn’t the most comfortable but I managed. Last night i discovered that I lost an earring sometime during the day yesterday. I am upset by it because Jim and Eugene gave them to me for my birthday and I wear them everyday. I will go out to my car and hope it fell in it during the drive from Harbour Island yesterday. I know I did not leave it in the condo. The only other possibility is at the gas station where I stopped. If I lost it there, it is gone. Today I am devoting to ironing the clothes I need for our trip and then try to do some serious packing. Still not sure if we are going. I looked at the weather forecast for Barbados and while it is not impacted by Ian, the forecast is not great. It is showing rain for the first week. Not making me happy. Jim has a doctor’s appointment. I have to try to get some water just in case. I have enough food for the week. Prayers for those on the cares list. And Cheers for those celebrating and cruising. Special prayers for those in the path of Ian, especially on the west coast on Florida. Stay safe everyone. God Bless, Terri
  13. Thanks Terry. We hope we get there too. I am beginning to think this trip is doomed. We will see. Terri
  14. Thank you Sandi. We hope we get there too. It is looking less and less likely. Terri
  15. Good morning everyone, Thank you, Rich, for the Daily and Fleet Report and to Roy for the List. Interesting collection of days. I speak fluent Spanish and a bit of Italian. It is interesting that I am of Italian heritage but as a child never wanted to speak Italian to my Grandmother. Now I regret not doing so. I would be fluent. I am fluent in Spanish. It was my major, and used it in my work. it was certainly an asset in moving ahead in my work. As for Family, I wish we had some family. Both my DH and I have no family left. It is just the two of us and we feel the loss tremendously. I like the quote and feel that forgiveness is very important—especially for the person who was hurt. The meal sounds interesting, and I like the wine. I have not been to Crete. Today we are going to pack up and leave this comfortable condo. It is located on one of the Sea Islands near Beaufort, SC. It is very low country here and we feel that if we get a storm surge we will not be able to get out. So we will go back to our house and make the best of it. We also have some doctor appointments this week and it will be easier to get to them. We still do not have any idea how Ian will impact us, but it will. As for getting to Barbados, we are not sure we will be able to get to Jacksonville on Sunday. We are going to try but not sure whether we will be able to drive there. It will depend on the driving conditions on Sunday, Oct. 2. Then we will have to contend with Airline cancellations on Oct. 3. So we will see what happens. So we have our work cut out for us today. Prayers for everyone who are in the path of Ian. Stay safe and follow the instructions of the authorities. That is your best bet. Cheers to those cruising and celebrating. Have a good day and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  16. Happy to hear that you found something you are happy with. Prayers that the offer is accepted. Terri
  17. Good morning to all Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report Happy Rosh Hashanah to our friends of the Jewish Faith. I recognize those who are hearing impaired and respect their challenges in life. I have not read a comic book in many years. The meal, pasta with smoke mozzarella sounds wonderful. I would love to have some. Not sure I can make that happen where I am right now. Pass on the drink but maybe can find the wine if the price is right. I like the quote but there are some things we should remember. Thank you to @grapau27Graham for Father David’s sermon. It is always something to look forward to on Sunday mornings. Glad you and Pauline had a nice cruise for your anniversary. Our agenda for the day is to get some things done around here in the condo so that in the event we have to evacuate (we are on one of the sea islands in SC) we are ready to go. We think we may want to go back to our house and try to stay there for the remainder of the week and make the best of it. It is strange to say it, but we feel safer there during a hurricane than where we are staying right now. It may also allow us to get to Jacksonville on Sunday for our flight out on Mon. Oct. 3. At this point we are unsure of whether there will be flights available. I guess we will have to wait and see. Prayers for all on the cares list. By the way, Roy, you may take us off the list. Our situation is what it is. Flooding and its after effects is serious but at this point, it is what it is. Jim and I appreciate everyone’s prayers and support and I know it will continue. There are others who are suffering a lot more than we are. I will continue to post updates on the house repair progress. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone is having a wonderful time. Prayers to all in the path of the storm. @kazu I hope you have survived Fiona. And to our friends in Florida and the Gulf Coast with the approach of Ian. Have a good Sunday and as always, God Bless, Terri
  18. Good morning. Just a short check in before we get ready to head over to our house. Got a few things to do there and then I have a mani-pedi appointment. My nails are like claws at this point and need attention. Prayers for all in the path of Fiona, especially @kazu. We are keeping a watch on the tropical storm as it moves into Florida. We are supposed to fly to Barbados on Oct. 3 out of Jax and then MIA. Not sure if that is going to happen at this point. This anniversary trip seems doomed. Last year we had to cancel because of DBIL’s passing. Now it seems that we have a hurricane that may cancel flights. If we have to cancel again, we will just give up. Don’t know where we will hang our hat as we are giving up the condo and it is rented to someone else and we have not made other arrangements. We will basically be homeless if we don’t go. Prayers for all on the cares list, and cheers to those celebrating. God Bless, Terri
  19. Thanks, It’s good to hear that you like it. I am especially glad to hear it doesn’t show dust. This girl is tired of cleaning. Terri
  20. Thanks, I am glad you like it. I will definitely post pictures after the house is finished. I can’t wait for that day. As for the shower, I still have to show that to the contractor. Probably send the pics to him and see what he thinks. I would make some modifications but overall, love the concept. Terri
  21. I was trying to add to the prior post, but I am not sure how to do it. Anyway, the Master Bath is now totally gutted. The bathtub has been taken out as well as the shower. We now have an empty room except for the huge water extractor machine to dry the walls. One of my neighbors, who has the same model house as we do renovated her bathroom and but in a large walk-in shower and a linen closet. I went over to their house and asked if I could see what they did. They were very gracious and gave me a tour and let me take pictures of their bathroom. I really like it and will send them to my contractor. I would post it, but since it is another person’s home, I am reluctant to do so. Anyway, that was my busy day. We went out to eat because I knew I was too tired to cook anything. I hope everyone had a good day. I will now try to read all of today’s posts. Take care and stay safe, God Bless, Terri
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