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Everything posted by ak1004

  1. My numbers referred to specific region, category and duration that are of interest to me. I provided specific parameters that are easy to calculate and verify. I already considered 2023-2024 fares too high. 2025 fares are a fantasy fares. And based on the current loads, looks like most people don't really buy the hype.. Thank you for your feedback.
  2. Well, since there are only 20 Med cruises in 2025, I went over ALL of them. Except for Jeddah which is listed under Med, but is not really Med, no single cruise is less than $600, with average being $630-650 and a few $670. In 2024 there are 14 Med cruises, with vast majority around $500-510, and only 1-2 $640. No matter how you manipulate the numbers, that's 20% average increase, actually more like 25%. The funny thing about numbers is that unlike opinions, they are hard facts .
  3. I just quoted some people who used exactly those words. And I agree with you 100%, nothing wrong to have a a favorite line. Every line has its loyal followers, and once you do, you obviously are willing to pay more to sail on it. At the same time, may people (me included) have more than one favorite line, and they make decisions based on number of factors (itinerary, price, specific ship etc.) This is why I won't pay Crystal fares if I can sail on SS/SB for 20-25% less in larger cabins and newer ships. I will be the first to admit that there are things that are better on Crystal, but they are not enough for me to overcome the price difference, larger cabins and newer ships. Just matter of personal choice. And if people believe that their favorite line is "far superior" over other lines - this is their opinion, and we just agree to disagree.
  4. Then we are probably looking at different categories and/or different destinations. Because for entry level cabins, the picture is very clear.
  5. And why are you focusing on this thread only? Look at many other threads on this board. When I originally raised the question why Crystal is more expensive than SS/SB, the answer given by many was "because it's in a different league compared to SS/SB".
  6. Well, if you look at my screenshots, you can see an average increase of 20% or more. No single sailing increased by less than 20%, some increased by more. Time will tell and I definitely hope you are right. More options and more competition is always good.
  7. Yes, but do you believe they will be successful with less than 30% load that current sailings have? Even inaugural sailing with all the excitement was only 60% full. When Oceania debuted with the Vista, most of the inaugural season sailings were sold out months in advance. And they have 6 more ships. Apparently this is not happening with Crystal, with only 2 ships. Most people don't care that Crystal has to make money. They look what's best for them, not what's best for Crystal.
  8. There are a lot of examples of C loyalists mentioning that Crystal is “far superior” to other luxury lines. Here is one recent example from a random search.
  9. This might be an average across all destinations and categories, definitely not the average on categories and destinations I looked at. To me it is very clear: entry level cabins on 10-12 nights European sailings went from $500-510 to $600-670. This is actually more than 20%.
  10. Well, everyone is told that wine is good, so they feel they must like it, but me and my wife don't touch. I feel the same about sushi. So what? But at least we respect other people's choices and don't call it raw rice with raw tuna.. To me, caviar is a real delicacy because I like it not because it's considered a luxury product. I don't like many things that considered luxury products.
  11. Of course they are. But apparently not too many agree with you, based on the current load of 20% on the current Serenity sailing..
  12. To me, it wasn't negative. It was balanced and objective, definitely more positive than negative. Maybe his conclusion that "It was good, but not exceptional, and in our opinion no better than the other luxury lines." seemed not positive enough to Crystal loyalists who consider Crystal far superior to other luxury lines..
  13. Well, I'm not sure why you are putting words in my mouth, but let me clarify this one more time. I never implied that any kind of perks is happening or not happening on Crystal or any other line. I just pointed out that whatever the reviewer mentioned about "lack of engagement by management and officers with guests who are not known" was our feeling as well, and we did not have a similar feeling on other lines. This feeling or lack of it might be subjective, and does not imply that regulars on Crystal or any other line get any special treatment. They might or they might not. Someone also mentioned recently on another board that they have sailed OC and was definitely not made to feel ‘one of the family’. This was our impression as well. Beyond this we enjoyed OC very much and would definitely return if their pricing was more in line with other luxury lines. Based on the number of guests on the current Serenity sailing, looks like many other people share the same sentiment.
  14. I never said it's actually happening on Crystal or any other line, I just provided a few examples of how special treatment might look like. As @Keith1010 mentioned (and I agree 100%), I really don't know if it is happening. So maybe it's not. Or maybe it does. Or maybe it doesn't on other lines. Or maybe it does.
  15. I searched CC - https://www.cruisecritic.com/cruiseto/cruiseitineraries.cfm?cl=34&startDate=2023-12&length=6-9 But SB Canadian site
  16. You are right. I don't really care. Some people do. What special treatment? How about getting your favorite timeslot in specialty restaurant? Or getting a better table in the restaurant (not that I care much, but again, some people do). Getting a space in a sold out excursions? Or sold out class? I don't know if this is actually happening, but there are a lot of ways to favor a guest. To us, it was not obvious on SS who are the first timers, but very obvious on Crystal. Again, I couldn't care less - we sail to see the world, not to become friends with the staff. But this is something you cannot ignore.
  17. To some degree yes.. but it's much more extreme on Crystal than on other lines.
  18. Personally I couldn't care less if staff members call me by name or not. But as you mentioned, some guests are more sensitive, so this is something to be aware of. Also, many mentioned that the staff remembers your preferences after 2-3 days, regardless if you are new or returning member. Never happened to us on Crystal (but to be fair, never happened on SS as well - the only cruise we experienced this was Uniworld). But I think the most important sentence in the whole review is this: It was good, but not exceptional, and in our opinion no better than the other luxury lines. Yes, just one opinion from just one guest. But to me it speaks volume and matches exactly our experience.
  19. Personally I haven't experienced this on any line, except Crystal. On our first SS sailing we didn't see any difference and you couldn't really tell who is regular and who is not. On Crystal is was very obvious. Same on our recent Uniworld cruise. We met people who sailed with Uniworld 15-20 times. They got exactly the same treatment as us. On our Crystal sailing, the cruise director was very friendly and approachable to the regulars. To us, not so much. We were invisible to him. So no, I don't think this is normal, and I don't think it's the same in the local restaurant.
  20. Not sure what's the excitement.. SB has 7 nights Caribbean cruises starting around $2,100 USD..
  21. I checked a typical Mediterranean sailing of 10 nights. Prices started at $500/night in 2023-2024 and jumped to $600+ in 2025.
  22. Well, I definitely don't see the increases on other lines..SS, SB and Regent 2025 prices are very similar to 2024.
  23. A review of the new Crystal from a paying customer (not paid influencer) - https://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=704902 Key points: Generally a lack of engagement by management and officers with guests who are not known Apparent two tier service levels with regular known guests receiving warmer service and more indulged Overall this was a very enjoyable quality cruise experience on a 20 year old ship, which is partially refurbished. This surprised us as it doesn’t quite match what the launch publicity and “influencers” would have you believe. It was good, but not exceptional, and in our opinion no better than the other luxury lines. And eye opener for all new potential Crystal customers.
  24. Nobody is concerned that 2025 prices are higher by 20% compared to 2024 already high prices?
  25. Congratulations! Black caviar that has been considered one of the most luxury and delicious foods for centuries, has been just downgraded to "salty slime". We feel the same. And I actually have to thank Crystal for raising their already crazy 2024 prices by another 20%, it probably sealed the decision not to sail on Crystal.
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