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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. After the show let it out, I was planning on going to balloon drop but really needed water. This is when the wifi crapped out and I couldn’t check in on DS (I assumed he would be done with teen club by this point). I stopped in at boot and bonnet and there were almost shenanigans…iykyk The seats at the bar were all taken so I just stood behind a couple of guys and tried to get the attention of the bartender. I just wanted to grab a bottle to go. The four guys were so sweet and one got up for me to have his seat. I actually didn’t need a seat. Just a water. No dice with getting the bartender to notice me. So then I got chatting to the guys. I think they must have barely been drinking age but were so fun. Suddenly, two bottles of water appeared and one of them joked that it was in them. These kids were raised right. Now I had a tough decision to make…hang out for shenanigans or be responsible and go check on my kid (stupid wifi). I was a model mom and said my goodbyes. DS was in bed (it was almost midnight) when I got back and didn’t want to do the balloon drop so I called it a night too. DD rolled in at exactly 1am (teen curfew). What a fabulous first day!!!
  2. Grease! Disclaimer : I work in the arts/entertainment sector and spend a lot of time working at the theatre. I’ve seen a lot of shows, and musicals are my favourite live entertainment. I must have seen Grease about 30 times - from high school productions to professional broadway shows. They would have to do something REALLY bad for me to not like it. I liked this show just fine.., The singing and dancing get a solid 10/10. Those kids are talented and I smiled at every bit of nostalgic memories. The acting…ouch. That’s where things went south for me! I get it - it’s tough to find a triple threat. I imagine finding one willing to work on cruise ships is even tougher. But then I question why the cruise lines go this route? Personally, I would have preferred an hour of all the singing and dancing (which truly was fantastic) and just skip the spoken storylines. Not saying I didn’t enjoy it, but the forced accents and bad emphasis was almost painful at times. Having said that, I will watch it again with the kids in a couple of days…
  3. Sorry I was MIA last night. Wifi went out! It seems I was not alone with the dining snafu. A bunch of folks in our group said they also had their reservations disappear or switch to different times. I will go to the desk at some point today to try to get it sorted out!
  4. Kids went to teen club so I’m all alone. Figured I would try stand by for Grease (we have reservations later in the week). Got in. While waiting in line, lots of folks just breezed on in without getting scanned…
  5. No idea! My card says 8:30 deck 3 table 385. Which implies same time and table each night. Except I don’t want that. At all. I selected MTD and then made reservations for different times each night to fit in with our plans.
  6. After the snafu of actually getting into the dining room, we did get a table around 6:45 (reservation was 6:30). The dining room head poobah came by several times to check in - I asked how to confirm this mix up wouldn’t happen every night and he looked like a deer 🦌 in the headlights! Told us to check in at the front…which was absolutely slammed! Anyways… service was great and fast! DS and I loved everything. DD struck out. Her ceasar salad had no dressing at all and her steak was so salty it was almost inedible.
  7. So is my time dining not just that you reserve for the times you want? That’s what I did. I had reservations confirmed for each night at the time I wanted. Today those disappeared and my card says 8:30? I’m confused?
  8. But I do not want the same time every night…which is why I chose my time dining
  9. My reservation for my time dining have disappeared. For some reason , they have me down as 8:30 dining according to my cruise card. Nope. I had a confirmation of 6:30 my time for tonight so we headed down. It was nuts down there. Needless to say, they couldn’t find the reservation but my OCD had me screen shot my reservation, so I showed it to them and they sat us. Not sure how this plays out for the rest of the week?
  10. Yes, I had drinks. But on other lines 5 or more “cocktails “ are so watered down that you’re lucky to even get a buzz. I was praising RC for the fact that their drinks actually felt like drinks
  11. Catch up… Sailaway- 4/10. C’mon RC. A ship this size needs a sailaway bigger than a postage stamp. I started the Cupid Shuffle and it was interrupted with a long, extended mix version of Wobble. Ugh. Macarena was next, followed by some random song that the cruise crew demonstrated moves for. Then they had some freestyle stuff (the only reason this scored a 4 rather than a 0) and boy, some of our fellow passengers are TALENTED! RC - where is the Cha Cha Slide (one hop this time) ??? Not overly impressed with this sailaway!
  12. I’m gotta tell you. If nothing else, RC wins HANDS DOWN in their drinks! I’m never truly drunk at sailaway on any line. Until today. Yup. Check that off the list!
  13. Ok. I’m not even joking here. Where in the heck is sailaway? Is there a place where you all dance!?
  14. The shampoo thing is a game changer! I’m not picky about shampoo/conditioner combo, but shampoo/bodywash??? Hard no.
  15. My Time. I booked a bunch but nothing is showing in the app! 🤷‍♀️
  16. Queen of bad decisions. DS (my drink recommender) ditched me. So we are back to Texas Iced Tea. This may well backfire!
  17. I ordered a painkiller. Is this a painkiller? I thought it was a different colour? Or maybe I’m just drunk.
  18. Ah, see, that’s the issue. I thought deck 15 was it. I haven’t made it any further. I keep getting distracted.
  19. I feel like I’ve never cruised before. I’m so overwhelmed. Everything is new. I’m constantly lost. I keep getting distracted. I’m sure I haven’t even found a portion of the ship!
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