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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. They said lowest went for $600 and highest for $1000
  2. Seahorse race! One lucky winner took home $3800!
  3. I may or may not have purchased a few MNVV credits. Guess I’ll be sailing again! 🤣
  4. I think today has to be a low key chill one. I couldn’t even summon the strength to get breakfast. Just grabbed a chocolate croissant and coffee and relaxing in the hammock.
  5. People. I’m not getting paid to say this. Run. Don’t walk. Go book a virgin cruise. It’s just gonna go up from here!!!! Best line ever!
  6. I went to dual reality again. 4th time. Each is different. Each gives me anxiety. Seriously people, if you never do anything Elton your life book a VV cruise and see this show.
  7. @MeganGC1983 you rule girl! The Lotteria thin was so much fun! Alejandro (now the Bounce and as confused as we are)and Steven (with a V) the Balancer were amazing. @Fogcityca13 was there too. We had a blast. I lost track of how many margaritas I had (I hate grapefruit so Paloma was a no-no) plus the shots. Legit. It’s 4pm. Already wasted.
  8. We had a little excitement out on deck at the Athletic Club. It’s pretty windy up here and some dudes baseball cap blew off and into the gap between the day beds and the body of the ship. He leans over to try and reach into the tap to grab it and the crew lose their mind. Cause no leaning over the railing. lol. Anyways they come out with t hi s large pole and scoop the hat up. The entire deck lets out a huge cheer and another gust of wind comes and blows the cap clear into the ocean! 🙄 Also, the wind blows soot/ash from the funnel onto that area so I just came back to get changed for the lottery thing and I’m covered in dirt! Ha
  9. Plan for today is to give my liver a break but apparently there will be drinking involved at Loteria Gigante this afternoon. I’m going to try to make it to the pool at some point- can’t believe I haven’t been up there yet!🤣
  10. Razzle Dazzle Apple cruffin and fried chicken sandwich
  11. Sitting next to a couple of ladies at breakfast and they were saying they haven’t been impressed with food and there’s nothing to do onboard. I’m like huh? Are we on the same ship?
  12. It’s so much fun. Definitely my favourite line! The Happenings Cast on this ship is the bomb!
  13. I told myself I wasn’t gonna drink yesterday. I did so well until 6pm.
  14. I also blame @Fogcityca13 100% for making me be part of the wedding
  15. I have no idea what is going on with pictures right now
  16. Not sure how the untitled dance party photos made it there scarlet nigjt
  17. There are now words. This is one of those things where you have to be there to appreciate it.. first up was the Christmas skow
  18. Today has been pretty unproductive! Most of it was spent napping on deck 7 or in the hammock. Just ordered ship eats as I missed lunch. I have no reservations for dinner this evening so will play it by ear. Tonight is Scarlet Night but I’m not sure how much more alcohol and late nights I can handle!
  19. Oh and I never made it off the ship today. Found a quiet spot on deck 7 and took a nap. It just started raining.
  20. Just came back to the room and found this. Anyone know anything about it? Is it a gift? Did I do something dumb to win it?
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