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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. We took our buzzer and hung out at the atrium listening to Badaoke. Basically, karaoke but with Siglo as your band. Let’s just say, it wasn’t wonderful! The teens texted that they still couldn’t get in the room so DS ran up to let them in and brought their cards down. At guest services there were two others behind me with the same issue. Once I got the new cards and sent DS up with them, we started buzzing..,not 45 minutes. More like 30 but at a table for 4…even though we requested 2
  2. Stephen is great! All the entertainment has knocked it out of the park. This is my issue with reporting on all the crappy aspects- they overshadow the amazing bits. Seriously, food and entertainment has been wow factor! @ChiefMateJRK you will not be disappointed at District
  3. Honestly, there were tears of laughter! Best activity ever…
  4. Well our plan backfired. We are about to pass under the bridge so we headed to savour. 45 minute wait. Sigh. I have a buzzer and two drinks. Out of Blue Moon at atrium bar so on to corona
  5. These upside down pics are driving me crazy
  6. Approaching Lions Gate Bridge - this is the one that ships of this size can only clear once in every 24 hours. This is why it’s taken us an entire day to get from Victoria to Vancouver, which is like 3 hours away! As a Vancouverite and someone who has done this cruise a bunch of times, I couldn’t care less about being on deck to pass under the bridge. Hopefully everyone else wants to so we can eat dinner without a wait!
  7. I admit to being maybe a little drunk right now. Maybe. A little. We went to the atrium for family music mania but, apparently, it was balloon twisting? What? I swear I’m in the right place at the right time. Meanwhile, my teens are texting that the room cards no longer work to get them in the room. I’m like uhhh, busy right now. Making balloon swords! Disaster! Atrium bar is out of Blue Moon. Offered Bud Light as a substitute. Heck no! Maybe the Americans among us would go with that but I’m a Brit living in Canada and no version of Bud would ever be acceptable! (For beer)
  8. Next stop was District Brew House where I sampled a couple of beers that I can’t get elsewhere. Funky Buddha, Barrel of Monks, and Miami Weiss. The bartender was sure to warn me about the tax. No worries. But then he only charged it on one of the drinks. We are now back in Washington state after circling Canadian waters for the whole morning. We pass under the bridge around 6:30pm this evening and dock in Vancouver at 7pm. No idea if lots will get off in Vancouver (we won’t) or if folks can disembark tonight rather than in the morning.
  9. That’s what happened. The tables didn’t have numbers. Lol
  10. DS was hungry so we left our prime seats at the observation lounge and headed up to the Garden Cafe. Sadly, it closed between 3:30 to 5:00. Is this new? I’ve never known it to completely close before - the whole thing, not just stations, but everything including seating and drink machines. Maybe that’s always been the case and I’ve just not noticed as we normally don’t go to the buffet that much. I find it odd that there is nowhere to grab a slice of pizza or a hotdog other than the Garden Cafe and then it’s closed for an hour and a half. The observation lounge had “tea” type foods like scones and sandwiches but nothing that appealed to DS. He will survive. I mean, we just finished lunch 3 hours ago. Lol.
  11. An observation regarding cruise next - if you’re trying to market to me, maybe do some research to know what will be successful! My first phone message encouraging me to buy a cruise next certificate began “Good Morning, Mrs Hollywood!” Spoiler: I’m not Mrs Hollywood, nor do I know a mrs Hollywood. My next phone message told me they had checked my cruise history and had an amazing deal just for me. They see how I like to book solo cabins and had an exclusive solo cruiser offer for Gem. Hmmm. This sailing I’m in a cabin of 4, and I have never sailed on NCL with less than 3 in a room. It’s not even like I did an upgrade so it was meant for someone else - this has been my same room number since final payment.
  12. I’m aware that this review is starting to sound like a full on whining complaint, and that’s not how I wanted it to come across. We have had a great time despite all the little issues. The problem is, all the little issues add up and by the end of the cruise it feels as if there were more issues than good times! In isolation, these things wouldn’t bother me. When they happen one after the other, they become problematic. I originally booked Haven for this sailing, but with price drops prior to final payment i decided I would rather go for a lower category and cruise more with the price difference. I regret that now. Maybe Haven was no better. Who knows?
  13. Our food The two huge Sprites arrived after DS finished his meal. His face says it all - my kids have been raised that you DO NOT waste food/drink. You order, you commit. Poor guy.
  14. I thought I added lunch pics.. Menu that was given to us
  15. DS and I decided to chill at the observation lounge. It was packed, with large groups and families camping out across multiple seating areas. We lucked out and happened to pass two ladies who were vacating some prime seats, so we grabbed them. Getting a drink at the bar took a looong time - I’m not sure how bartenders determine who is next as he definitely helped at least 3 people who came after I did. Bear in mind that I’m also one of the very few people tipping for every drink (creature of habit). A nice guy that was next to me actually reprimanded the bartender and told him I had been there much longer than the others so I finally got served. It would be really nice if the waitstaff that wander through the area actually came over to take drink orders but so far we have never been that lucky!
  16. Shops still not open and unlikely to be opened the rest of the cruise. While this isn’t a surprise, having credit to use was, so in line at guest services to get some cash back from them! I would definitely have spent this had anything been open to spend it on…There was a smallish line at guest services and an even smaller line at onboard credit. Sadly, a staff working at onboard credit told me they were about to close so I should wait at guest services. I joined that line and then watched 3 other couples walk up to and get helped by the onboard credit folks. When I got to the front of guest services line and explained why I was there, I was told I had to go to onboard credit as he didn’t have access to that. Seriously??? I walked right to the front of the onboard credit line (sorry to anyone that thought I was cutting) and finally got my $$$ back. It seems like the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing throughout the entire ship. New staff? Poorly trained staff? Staff that just want to be off the ship? Who knows…
  17. Also, I had a drink when I got in line. I finished it by the time we got a table.
  18. That works when travelling with adults. It’s me with kids. Folks jump in line in front of them and I can’t send them to the bar. Yes. One bar per deck.
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