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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon from a sunny but still very windy central Texas. It is now 69F, but even earlier I was not cold wearing shorts to go get my haircut. It turns out my stylist is sick today, but I didn't see her text as it came in on my phone while Do Not Disturb was on. It actually worked out all right because another stylist, who I've known for several years, had a few spare minutes and worked me in. She did a better job than my regular stylist, but since their chairs are next to each other, it might be awkward to change stylists. At least, I have a back up stylist who has now come to my rescue twice. Most of my other errands were a bust since I couldn't find what DH wanted. However, I did get our last batch of free home covid tests. Thank you, Graham. Joy, we got a lot of thunder and some lightning, but not enough rain to measure. Enjoy your dinner and night listening to and dancing to the band. Annie, I'm sorry your DH is having so many problems whether or not they are self-induced. Gerry, your friends are very lucky to have you as a friend. It is nice they have a place to stay and help getting around in bad weather. Bruce, ouch that the numbers are going in the wrong direction. Please follow Annie's @marshhawk advice and stay away from covid. Vanessa, I'm sorry about the leg cramps last night. Hope your travels continue to go well and continue to be safe today. Ann, it sounds like you are having a good time in Ireland, and I'm glad Pat is getting to visit his cousins. Somehow, we missed the Lusitania Museum. I'll have to keep it in mind for the next time we're in Kinsale. Lenda
  2. @bennybear HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We hope you have many more wonderful, happy years together. Thanks for sharing your wedding picture. Lenda
  3. We have been fortunate to visit Nuka Hiva twice. in 2002 on the Volendam APEC cruise and in 2004 on the Tahitian Princess. In 2002, there were no tours offered as it was a relatively new port, but we were lucky to find a French lady who gave tours in her Land Rover Discovery. The first group of pictures are from our 2002 tour. I will not show the Survivor Beach again. On our tour, we drove into the interior of the island, and our first stop was at a small hotel and restaurant where we had a beer and fried taro, which was good. We also got a look at their hydroponic garden and some of their fields. I thought the gardens might interest the Garden Club. A look down at the road and a village nestled in a valley Our next stop was a marae, a Polynesian religious site. Next was the remains of a church Back in town, we stopped at the local church and a statue of John Paul II Back at the dock, the Executive Chef, F&B Manager, etc, were buying the fresh catch from local fishermen. They told us the fish were for the crew and not for the passengers. In 2004, we stayed in town and walked around. We also took a truck to a restaurant on top of a hill where we had the most expensive cokes at $7 each. The expensive view of town from the restaurant and the restaurant. A pretty tree or bush The tender dock The sunset at Nuka Hiva Lenda
  4. Good morning from a clear and very windy central Texas. We definitely had a cool front come through last night. It is currently 59F and feels like 53F. I may have to breakdown and put on jeans for my hair cut appointment this morning. We will reach the mid 70S by afternoon today and tomorrow, but Sunday the high is supposed to be high 50s to low 60s, and this is supposed to be spring. My school district did not have kindergarten, but the widow of an employee at my father's company ran a private kindergarten which I enjoyed. I salute the work of the Red Cross. As a true, native Texan, I will celebrate San Jacinto Day. By all accounts, the outnumbered Texians, as they were called then, should never have won their independence as they were greatly outnumbered. After the massacres at the Alamo and Goliad, plus loses in other battles, the San Jacinto battle was a must win. The Mexican Army's fatal mistake was to stop for their daily siesta. That was when Sam Houston led his troops to victory. Santa Anna almost escaped capture that day by dressing in an ordinary soldier's uniform. Unfortunately for him, a soldier recognized him and started shouting "El Presidente, El Presidente!". As they say, the rest is history. Another interesting quote from Emily Dickinson. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I would love to taste today's wine, but the price is prohibitive. We have been to Nuka Hiva twice in 2002 and 2004. We were lucky in 2002 to find a local on the dock who was giving tours. I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes. @superoma Eva, thanks for the great job with the lists. @dobiemom I'm glad you found a position you can sleep in more or less comfortably. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the planting goes well today. The trial stay with Ivan sounds like a good way to determine if you are both a good fit. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad you got the refrigerator, and that the salesman extended the sale for you. Great news that it will be delivered today. @aliaschief Bruce, enjoy Puerto Vallarta. Thanks for the great memes. @marshhawk Annie, thanks for the story about Bob. @mamaofami Carol, I hope that your DH does not have pneumonia. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad Tana's aide was able to handle the emergency so well. Lenda
  5. Good evening. We got a little rain, but not messurable. We are under a thunderstorm warning for tonight. I'm not holding my breath though. My prediction is our heaviest rain will be tomorrow morning between 9 and 10. I have an appointment for a hair cut at 9:30. 😆 Roy, after what you have been through, 10 minutes is a good start. Do what you can and safely work toward adding more time as your strength and stamina increase. Vanessa, lately our suitcases seem heavier too. Terry, I'm sorry your DH has to have surgery, even if it's laparoscopic. Sometimes, I think it's harder on the caregiver since all we can to is be supportive and watch ou loved one going through so much while feeling helpless to affect the outcome. When we replaced our refrigerator ten or so years ago, we looked at a Samsung until we learned that after a power failure, the unit returns to factory settings and the temperatures are above those recommended. Until we moved here, we'd always had Whirlpool. Because we liked the GE appliances in the Arizona house, we got a GE refrigerator and it's been good. Roy, it also saddens me that you may give up cruising after your next two cruises, but I admire you for thinking about how your actions could affect others. Hopefully, there will be shorter, easily accessible cruises in your future. Wine might not be a good reason, but it's an enjoyable one. 😄 🍷 Debbie, glad you have a date to have the adrenal tumor renoved. I hope that solves the problem, and the other adrenal gland will function properly. I'm sorry your mom and her DH werec ick enough to need to be medically disembarked In Guatemala. I'm glad they are doing better, and that they will be home soon. Maureen, safe travels home tomorrow. I'm glad your DH's eyes have improved enough that he can help with the driving. Lenda
  6. I just deleted my post when I realized I was thinking about the wrong province. Can I blame it on too much wine tonight? I certainly don't want to bkame it on age. 🤣 Lenda
  7. So far, no rain today, but looking at the radar, we should get some rain. There is some thunder in the area. However, as usual, most of the rain will go west and east of us as it moves northeast. I'm waiting until I actually see rain before I turn the sprinkler off. Susan, I know you are glad the end is in sight now. After all your work on the board, you deserve a break. Vanessa, you have done a fantastic job with the lists, and you deserve a break with a wonderful cruise and three weeks in Germany. Safe travels tomorrow. I'm glad your post op visit went well, and there are no complications. I hope you can find a comfortable position so you can get some sleep. Bruce, that seems like a lot of cases. I'm glad you will be wearing your masks when outside your cabin. I hope the internet improves. Welcome to the Daily. We also travel with a small "pharmacy" just in case. We rarely have to use any of it though. Ann and @superoma Eva, the poster from Australia that I remember is @daisybertie. Lenda
  8. Graham, your answer explains some things. DH had bursitis and the shots worked for that. When they tried the injections in the hip joint, they didn't work. Eva, thanks for the interesting bit of trivia about our Daily family. With your having found all this information proves our lists will be in good hands. Lenda
  9. Good morning from a cloudy with a few sun breaks and windy central Texas. It is currently 72 F and will reach about 79F this afternoon. The forecast now says our rain will start about 2 pm. Chinese language day won't be celebrated here since we do not know any Chinese words. I don't think I have a look alike, but volunteers deserve recognition every day. The Emily Dickinson quote is interesting and requires more thought. The meal looks good, but we'll pass. Tonight we're having stuffed peppers with our wine. We'll pass on the drink (peanut butter) and the wine. Sadly, we have not been to Fjordland National Park or Milford Sound. @grapau27 Graham, I hope the exercises will help with your hips. Have they suggested steroid shots for the hips? @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad the nurse can get you free samples of the needed drug. I hope your DH gets a good report from the doctor. @dfish Debbie, I hope the surgery can be done soon so you will be fully recovered for your cruise this summer. @Cruzin Terri Terri, great news that the last of the work on the house is finished today. 🥂 🍾 @superoma Eva, thank you for stepping in and taking over the lists while Vanessa @JazzyV is enjoying a much deserved cruise and trip to Germany. @smitty34877 Terry, I hope the doctor has a simple plan to fix your DH's problem. @JazzyV Vanessa, is tomorrow a travel day? If so, safe travels. Lenda
  10. Good evening. Now that we fixed the lawn sprinkler, it looks like we're in for several days of rain over the next week. Of course, that doesn't mean we'll actually get rain on those days. We could use the rain, and we could save on watering. Terry, that is good news that Tana and her aide are doing well together, and that they are working things out diplomatically. I glad it gives you a chance to step back and hopefully have less stress. Vanessa, that was a fast response in getting the check to you. How nice of your stylist to offer to mow your yard while you are gone. The progress has been slow with DH's recovery, but things have really improved the last could of weeks. Today was good for both our morales. An excellent and easy to follow recipe. Thanks. 😉 Edi, I'm glad you found the problem and were able to cancel the order of the new washer. I hope the reunion tomorrow is fun. Terri, I happy progress is being made on the house even if somethings aren't going according to plan. Enjoy your new shower with the new door. I hope Jim adjusts to not having a car soon. Losing one's independence is never easy. Lenda
  11. Good afternoon. Every once in a while, we can see bits of blue sky, but it is still windy and so far only 74 F and humid. After I left the dentist with a good report, I stopped at the store, and I've been busy ever since. Finally, the meat is in the freezer and the chicken salad is made for supper tonight. We also checked on the batteries in the motorhome and ran the engine for a little while. After a year of sitting in one place, it started right up. This was the first time since his surgery, DH has been able to get in the motorhome because of the steps. He said it was easier than it was before the surgery. YEAH!!!! The progress is slow but steady, and it is great to reach such a milestone. By October, we should be able to head to Quartzsite. One of the control units on the electric blanket we bought in December quit working. We tried resetting it three times, and tried it on DH's side of the bed -- nothing, but his controller works on my side of the bed. Since it is under warranty, the company will either send us a new controller or a whole new blanket. I talked to them this morning and then tried the one last thing to test it. I'll call them when I'm finished here. Terry, I'm sending positive thoughts for a good report from the doctor tomorrow for your DH. Thank you, Graham. Graham, thanks for the story and the pictures of the sea glass. I recently bought a pair of light green sea glass earrings. It's nice to know the story behind them. Thank you for your pictures from Flam. Welcome to the Fleet/Daily. We hope you will continue to join us often. Thank you for the update, and I'm glad the surgery was quick and went well. Here's to a speedy recovery, and hopefully a not too uncomfortable recovery. Does Mrs. XBGuy also have an excellent recipe for boiling water? 🤣 🤣 🤣 Ann, I'm very happy it was a simple fix. Whenever we have to pull an appliance out from the wall, I make sure to clean very well behind it since I never know when it will be pulled out again. Jacqui, I don't envy you having to make that difficult decision, but I know you will do what is best for you and for Ivan. Lenda
  12. We were in Flam in 2005 on the Marco Polo. We took the train up to Myrdal where we had time to walk around and have lunch before boarding a bus to Gudvangen where the ship met us. All my pictures of Flam were taken from the ship. I'd like to go back some day and explore the town. The train Here are some pictures of our walk around Myrdal, a pretty mountain town. Lenda
  13. Good morning from an already very windy and cloudy central Texas. It is 68F and the predicted high is 82F. Right now the wind speed is 13 mph but by 1 pm it will be 19 mph. We have a slight chance for rain today, but a larger chance tomorrow beginning about 10 am (always a moveable target in Texas) through Friday morning. This morning I have an appointment with my hygienist to get my teeth cleaned. Not my favorite appointment, but if it keeps me from having the dentist do something more drastic, I can put up with it twice a year. I really like my dentist who is very patient, but I'd still rather avoid having him rummaging around in my mouth. We like a lot of garlic in our food, so I can always add Joy's @Seasick Sailor to our food if she will not be sharing the meal with us. When we're in Quartzsite, I try to hang our clothes our to dry. While clotheslines are no longer prohibited in our little community, there are other factors that make hanging clothes out not practical, including a lot of pollen in the air. It's been almost 25 years since we got rid of our bicycles. The quote is interesting, but it still has me trying to figure it out completely. If we were to have today's meal, I would need to find a different white fish or substitute chicken. The drink sounds a little too sweet for me, and that's saying a lot. I would like to try the wine and was pleasantly surprised the price was not higher. We have been to Flam once in 2005 on Marco Polo. I'll look for my pictures from that very pretty town and picturesque area in a few minutes. @grapau27 As usual, thank you Graham for sharing the information about today's days and Albert Hoffmann. Obviously, LSD did not affect his longevity. @cat shepard Ann, I hope your ice maker can be repaired easily and not expensively. @kazu Jacqui, thanks for the additional pictures of Ivan. He is a really big boy. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad your minor surgery went well, and you are doing well. @dfish Debbie, thanks for all the information about garlic. I'll keep it's healing powers in mind. @rafinmd Roy, the bombing of the Murrah Building was horrific, especially because of the day care center being involved, too. @aliaschief I'm glad you are feeling better, and keep taking the prescribed wee dram of whisky. 🥃 @ger_77 Gerry, I also hope the streets are in good shape by the time your friends leave for their appointments. Enjoy your dinner tonight. @marshhawk Annie, happy birthday. Birthdays are for breaking the rules. Lenda
  14. Roy, your news is indeed good news. It sounds like you are pretty far along in your recovery. I also agree that beginning with short walks and increasing the distance slowly will help built yournstrength and stamina. Annie, I know we are all relieved at your news, but not nearly as relieved as you are. If the doctor wasn't confident in his findings, he would have told you to canceln he cruise. Now, get a good night's sleep amd start enjoying preparing for your cruise. You will definitely enjoy the cruise more now that the dark shadow of worry has been lifted. I couldn't be happier for you. Lenda
  15. Paul, thanks for the interesting information about the Radio Nederland tower. DH is the one who has a couple of short wave radios and listens to the foreign broadcasts from time to time. I'm glad he got a picture of the tower when we were there. Paul, I saw an article the other day that said Staples would be closing their stores. I don't remember when that will happen or even if it will. Carolyn, I'm glad the doctor's office told you both to quit testing and that you were no longer contageous. Lenda
  16. We have been to Bonaire once in 2000 on the P&O Oriana world cruise. At that time, only DH had a digital camera, and took a few pictures. We rented a car and drove around the island, then walked around town. All the pictures are from our drive. These were some of the former slave cottages in 2000 before any were restored. Other pictures from our drive. Finally, in 2000 on the Rotterdam Panama Canal cruise, we completed seeing the ABC Islands with two visits to Curacao. Lenda
  17. Good morning from a grey and windy central Texas. It is currently 63F and will reach 71F later this afternoon. As usual, the ten day forecast is a guesstimate because now they are teasing us with chances of rain the next three days, with Thursday predicted to be the rainiest. We will also have a couple of days of a high of 69F later this week. Then, spring returns with 70s and 80s. Since this is Texas, things could change many times over the next ten days. HAPPY 150TH ANNIVERSARY HOLLAND AMERICA! Our first HAL cruise on the Ryndam was in 1998, HAL's 125th anniversary year. We filed our taxes last week, and they have already gotten their money. I have never really enjoyed watching jugglers, though I'm amazed at what they can do. For the past year, I have been all too aware of stress, which is slowly lessening. The Albert Einstein quote is very true. The meal sounds good, and I make a vegetarian version using spinach and penne. The drink sounds interesting, and I'd like to try the wine. We have been to Bonaire once in 2000 on P&O world cruise on Oriana. I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for your pictures. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I'm glad they groundhog is in the trap. @kazu Jacqui, Ivan looks like a very sweet, calm, handsome dog. I hope things work out with the meeting today. @rothbury Thank you for the pictures of the Rotterdam VII and Zuiderdam. Welcome to the Fleet/Daily. @richwmn Rich, thank you for the information about St. Peter's Basilica. We been in the church a couple of times, but never saw the cornerstone. @dobiemom Sending very positive thoughts for a successful surgery tomorrow. I hope holding your head down will not be too difficult. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm sorry your friend is not coping well. I hope you can aid her in getting help for the hoarding. @marshhawk Annie, I hope yesterday's call was not about something very serious, and hoping the doctor's visit goes well. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope the weather does not interfere with the needed errands today and your friends' appointments this week. @kochleffel Both here in central Texas and in Quartzsite, we have private trash companies and they do not include recycling. We did have recycling in Quartzsite for many years, until the company raised the price to the city for the dumpsters. @aliaschief Thank you for the pictures of the Joyan de Cerein ruins. I like that the site is now under cover. Hope you feel better soon and your cold is history soon. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you both enjoy Jim's birthday dinner. Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JIM! @sailingdutchy Please wish Martha a HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, please pass our HAPPY 42ND BIRTHDAY wishes on to your DD. Lenda
  18. Annie, great you made a sale the first day on the campaign. Sending positive thoughts for good news tomorrow from the doctor. Terri, I'm sorry your toe is hurting so much. I think Debbie @dfish had a couple of good ideas, especially the wine. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JIM tomorrow. Lenda
  19. Vanessa, I hope the eye problem is from the sweat getting in the eye andnit clears up soon. I also do the mowing and other work for the exercise, but also the people who have done ot when we travel just don't do as good a job. Joy, at least the IRS is returning your over payment. Roy, I'm glad you got a good report from the oncologist. Lenda
  20. We haven't had a vegetable garden since 1985 when moved from Chester County, Pennsylvania, to The Woodlands, Texas. With 38 pine trees in the back yard, it was difficult to find a sunny place for a garden. In that climate, most gardens are planted in late winter and are done by June. Here, there is very little top soil and limestone bedrock under what there is. If the orange cat is a neighborhood cat, I hope it finds it's way home. Lenda
  21. Good afternoon. It has warmed up nicely, but I'm taking it easy today and catching up on paper work and emails. Terri, I hope you toe is better after the visit to the podiatrist. While you want the house to be put back quickly, please take some time for yourself so you'll be in better shape to enjoy the finished house. Vanessa, I'm glad the knee is getting better. Roy, I hope you get good reports from all the doctors, and that this busy week isn't too tiring. Debbie, I'm sure Sue appreciates you painting her bedroom. What color did she (or you) choose? There are some things you just cannot make up. I saw this sign in W-M the other day. My small attempt at being a very junior member of the garden club. I added marigolds and zinnias yesterday to give the flower bed some color, especially after the iris quit blooming. Last fall, I was worried I'd waited too late to drastically trim the Silverado sage since I couldn't get to it until sometime in November. I am very pleased with the way they have leafed out and filled in this spring. Lenda
  22. Here are a few more pictures of Rangiroa Atoll. It is very flat and narrow. Besides taking the mini bus to the pearl farm, we walked around the small village near the tender dock. Tiputa Pass which looks like the tide is either going in or out, but still no dolphins. Part of the village A new house under construction. It looks like they use oyster shells as fill for the foundation. Beach scenes The island from the ship with the main road. Lenda
  23. We were in Avatoru on Tahitian Princess in 2004. We wanted to try snorkeling on our visit, but the snorkeling tours from the ship and from the dock were all sold out. We did find a place on the bus to the pearl farm. These are our pictures of our visit to the pearl farm. Seeding the oysters The oysters were placed in mesh bags which were hung from racks over the water where they were kept until the pearls were formed. Working on the pearls Inside the church Both times this was the port of the day, we were on the Koningsdam, and I didn't have many pictures on my tablet in 2022. Lenda
  24. Good morning from sunny and for the moment calm central Texas. It currently 59F up from the 49F when I got up. It should reach 78F this afternoon. Last night, after working in the yard, I slept 7 hours with only waking up once. Maybe the three glasses of red wine and two ibuprofen helped. As others have said, I appreciate bats for keeping the bug population under control, but would prefer them to spend their days someplace away from our house. We have not been in Austin when the bats fly out from under the Congress Street bridge spanning the Colorado River and what was Town Lake, but is now Lady Bird Lake. We have seen the bats flying out of Carlsbad Caverns at dust, and it is an awesome sight. I should act on Blah, Blah, Blah day and do some of the projects that have been on hold for the last couple of years. Maybe in a few days. 😉 I hope the runners in the Boston Marathon have a good day and a safe marathon. The Emerson quote is accurately true, but reliving good times and planning for the future are also important. We'll pass on the meal, but DD and DSIL fixed black bean quesadillas for us, and honestly, we didn't miss the meat. The way they fixed the beans could be used in the tacos. We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine except it is more than I'm willing to pay for a bottle of wine. We were in today's port in 2004 on Tahitian Princess. I look for my pictures to repost in a few minutes. @richwmn Rich, thanks for reminding us about what happened today in history. @grapau27 Thank you for the explanation of Blah, Blah, Blah day. There is not enough time in the day to complete all the projects in one day. They will get done -- eventually. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, your neighbors, Brenda and Paul, are in for quite an adventure. Traveling by motorhome, especially towing a car, is a great way to see the country, since you have your home with you. We tow a car behind our motorhome, but would not want to mess with a trailer for the car. @grapau27 Graham, I agree with you about mental illness being often unseen by others, and it affects the friends and family as well as the person with the illness. We need to do more to erase the stigma of this terrible illness. @0106 Tina, thanks for the information from TAMU about bats, and for the picture from Austin. @kochleffel Paul, thanks for the picture of the narcissi. They are lovely. Maybe the orange cat is the one for you instead of the bonded pair. Lenda
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