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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good afternoon. Our rain finally stopped a little while ago. We got about 3/4 inch today. Hopefully, it won't be raining tomorrow because I have a couple of errands to run. What a peaceful, pretty view. Thank you, Graham. How sad about the harbor pilot in Nagasaki dying. Just watching them board and leave the ship is amazing. I hope your leg heals completely soon. Glad you got a balcony. That lasagna looks so good and is making me hungry. Lenda
  2. Good morning. I made it to the hospital and back without incident. It started raining again just as I left the driveway, and has slowed to a light rain now that I'm back home. So far today, we've received .58 inch of rain. Carolyn, have a safe flight today, and a safe drive to Gardiner. The drive from Livingston to Gardiner is very scenic, especially along the Yellowstone River. I'm looking forward to seeing any pictures when you have time to post. Yes. Actually, we boarded Prinsendam on August 4, and were on for 106 days. I didn't mean to slight you earlier. I enjoyed your pictures from Cordoba.
  3. We have been to Malaga three times. In 2016 and 2017, we were on the Prinsendam, and in 2019, the Veendam stopped there on her way to Boston. On our first visit, we took the Ho-Ho with a stop at the Castle of Gibralfaro. The Elegant Explorer from the fortress On our other two visits, we took the shuttle from the ship to town and walked around. This is the view from the shuttle drop-off. We visited Picasso museum and birth place. Evidently we weren't allowed to take pictures in the latter. The outside of the museum and the central courtyard. The Roman Theater and the Alcazaba from street level In 2019, we found the elevator which took us to the top of the Alcazaba Malaga from the Alcazaba A nice beach After our Ho-Ho tour in 2016, we walked around town. We were there during Fashion Week, but did not see any of the shows. Different sections of the seats were reserved for various designers, some of who's names I recognized. In 2017 and 2019, there were festivals in town, along with band concerts and more informal performances. Lenda
  4. Good morning from a wet central Texas. It has stopped raining for now, but more is predicted this morning. Right now, tomorrow is supposed to be rain free, but I'll believe it when the day is over without rain, Then it is supposed to rain every day until next Thursday. I do like the fact we don't have to turn on the sprinkler system, but there are some things I need to do outside before it gets too hot. It is currently 68F with a predicted high of 75F. I hope the rain holds off for the next three hours since I have to go to our regional hospital about 22 miles away for my yearly mammogram. Since I cleaned all the rooms Monday, I was a couple of days ahead of one of the days. We try to support our local nursery and we are supporting the local donut shot. We try to support small businesses, but there are very few in our little town. I also support and honor school nurses like @Nickelpenny and @smitty34877 Terry's Tana. The quote is interesting. Our youngest makes homemade spinach tortellini using a spinach and ricotta filling. It was my job to fill and shape the tortellini, so some of them tasted better than they looked. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been in Malaga several times on Prinsendam and Veendam. The 2017 Prinsendam cruise was the one Roy @rafinmd was on, but I don't think we met on that cruise. Little did we know we'd meet on the Daily. @aliaschief Bruce, it sounds like you have a busy summer planned. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, @richwmn Rich, @0106 Tina, @grapau27 Graham for your pictures from Malaga. @richwmn Rich, thanks for the explanation of today's quote. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad Tana is feeling better and could manage a short walk with the walker. I admire her fighting spirit especially under her difficult circumstances. Maybe it comes from being a school nurse. @kazu Jacqui, I think we might have the same guardian angel. 😉 @Denise T HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR SISTER, KAREN! @JazzyV Vanessa, the lunch looks good. I hope your knees and legs are getting better. Lenda
  5. Mary Kay, I'm sorry you are still experiencing do much discomfort. I hope things improve soon. I'm happy you have a very good report from your CT scan. Lenda
  6. Beautiful flowers. Debbie, and no jet lag. 😉 Jake, that's too bad you rearranged your schedule for her convenience, and then she is a no show. Welcome home, Tony. I'm glad you had a good trip, and that ended better than the last one on Westerdam. Lenda
  7. Slowly the laundry is getting finished. With the new washer holding more clothes than the old one, the dryer is taking longer to get the clothes dry. Our high humidity today is not helping the situation. When I went into town this morning, I stopped at the donut shop and got DH donuts for today and tomorrow. 🍩 Okay, you've caught me, there were some in the box for me, too. It's been a long time (about five years) since we had good donuts, so we have a lot of catching up to do. 🤣 @ottahand7 Nancy, we've wanted to try Cristal, but I'm hesitant to spend that much money on something before I know we'll like it. When we really want to celebrate we get Dom Perignon, but someone gave our DD and DSIL a bottle when they got married which gave us a taste of it. @Rowsby Sue, the memorial tree for your DH is a wonderful way to honor him, and the flowers are lovely. @Cruising-along Carolyn, safe travels tomorrow. I know you will have fun in Yellowstone in spite of the weather. It's such a magical place. Glad you will be back for the DGSs birthday celebration. @bennybear Brenda, thanks for the pictures of Bletchley Park and Wrest Park. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm sorry you are still fighting that headache. I'm glad Pat is improving and may get to come home Friday. Then, your job of keeping him from misbehaving will begin. @luvteaching Karen, I'm happy your DH is progressing so well, and I hope they can find a place closer to home so you don't have to drive so far everyday. $250/month for laundry? 😱 There was never a question of the rehab facility doing DH's laundry. I would take the dirty clothes home every few days and with my clothes added would do one load. That kept me from having a lot of laundry to do at one time. @durangoscots Susan, I'm sorry your sister had such a bad fall. She was lucky she didn't break anything and that he glasses didn't break. Lenda
  8. Good morning from a cloudy and windy central Texas. It is 69F and humid, and we'll be in the 80s this afternoon. Today is supposed to be the start of rain everyday for the foreseeable future. It is also laundry day and will include a quick trip to the store this morning while the first load is washing. Three interesting days to celebrate (?) today. Buttons are important, and I have a stash of more buttons than I'll ever need. I may take them to the thrift store for any donated clothes that need buttons. We've had Moscato, but I prefer Riesling wines. An interesting quote and probably true to some extent. I occasionally make baked sweet potatoes, but have never tried twice baked ones. The recipes look interesting. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. The breaking of the German codes was an important step in winning WWII. We have not been to Java. @Crazy For Cats Safe travels today, Jake, and I hope the week goes well. @kazu Jacqui, Ivan looks like a different dog now, and a very handsome one, too. The bumps are noticeable, and I hope they do not prove to be a problem. I also hope your elbow is better today. @puppycanducruise Melanie, I hope Bertie is better soon. @JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry your knees and legs get better and you can enjoy more of your time in Germany. Lenda
  9. Terri, that is good news from the Probate Office. I'm glad you found someone who could help and that it will not necessitate hiring a lawyer. I know that's a big relief for you. Lenda
  10. Karen, please wish your DH a belated HAPPY 83RD BIRTHDAY for us. Congratulations on the second great grand daughter, Lenda
  11. Marcia, that's good news the eye pressure is lower. I hope you continue to improve. We also found we depended more on the nurses. Most really are angels in disguise. Paul, I hope you and the cats hit it off, and they become part of the family. Thank you for checking in. Hope you get a good report from the CT scan. Lenda
  12. Good evening. I guess I shouldn't drink red wine when I'm tired. I hit the bottom of the glass and managed to get wine on my shirt and short, plus the chair and the floor. The chair at least is a dark red, so hopefully the wine will blend in to some extent, and the floor is sealed tile. As for the clothes, I'll know more tomorrow after I do the laundry. During the past year, I've gained an even greater appreciation for nurses. They are the backbone of the medical profession. Not only did they take great care of DH, they also took care of me, especially during the most stressful times. It was a nurse who after all test came back negative, researched and found the cause of DH's night time fevers was a rare side effect of each of the four post op drugs. Once he was off the drugs, the fever dissappeared. Being on the front line, they have a better insight into their patients. Lenda
  13. Good afternoon from a mostly sunny, windy and warm, 84F, central Texas. The house is clean, and I'm now catching up on come computer work while the first load of towels dry and the second load washes. There is a quote credited to Bess Truman that may or may not be true, but it sounds like it could be true. Supposedly, either a friend or their daughter, Margaret, asked Bess if she could get Harry to say fertilizer instead of manure. Bess is reputed to have replied, "It took me 30 years to get him to say manure". Gerry, I'm glad your family arrived safely in Tokyo and are having a good time. Tina, thank you for the pictures of Martinique. It is a lovely island. What a lovely and unique entrance to the 50th reunion. Ann, I'm happy Pat is recovering well, and I wish him a continued and speedy recovery. My mother also grew iris, purple and yellow. After we moved here, I tried to buy some iris bulbs at the local nursery. I was told they didn't sell them since most people got theirs from friends when they thinned the iris. I still had to buy mine, all different varieties of purple, but somehow over the years most of the different iris were given away to neighbors. I think all of the purple iris in our little community came from my yard at one time or another. If I find some different ones this fall, I may add them to the flowerbeds. Lend Lenda
  14. Good morning from a clear and windy central Texas. The sun is just beginning to make an appearance. It is currently 70F and should reach 86F this afternoon. There is no rain predicted until tomorrow afternoon. This is also National Teacher Appreciation week in the US. Iris are a favorite flower, but mine are past the blooming stage. I will reward myself with a clean house at the end of the day. With Harry S Truman, what you saw was what you got. He did a good job that he inherited without being informed about a lot of what was going on at the time. My bearded iris from a couple of years ago. Today's quote is so very true. We'll pass on the meal and the wine. I like today's drink and have always seen it listed as a Tequila Sunrise. We have visited Martinique several times, but always in the pre-digital age. VE day was an important day in history, and we should not forget the terrible war it ended in Europe. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, congratulations to the Jaguars and Ren. @aliaschief Bruce, it was nice of the other grandpa to give you both a small break yesterday. @kazu Jacqui, you have a busy day planned. I hope the elbow doesn't give you any problems. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you got some sleep last night. I was wondering if a small course of low dose Prednisone before the booster would help prevent or lessen a polymyalgia flare-up. I hope your DH's MOHS procedure goes well next week. It shouldn't be this hard to settle an estate no matter how complicated. Wishing you the best on that front. Lenda
  15. Sharon, Captain Draper was on Koningsdam in 2021, and we liked him very much. Lenda
  16. Good evening. As usual, the day didn't go quite as planned. After breakfast, we went to the local nursery to get a bag of mulch. I need to replace some mulch in a few areas of one flowerbed. I didn't get started on the yard until this afternoon. Finally, the yard was mowed and trimmed. Carolyn, have a great trip to Yellowstone, my favorite national park. Everything else w8ll be there when you get back. Terri, I'm sorry you are still having to deal with this. Whilemit willmcost, can the lawyers handle the latest request? Brenda, thank your for the pictures from yrsterday, Nd formthe ones with Sabine. She was the Staff Captain when we were on Koningsdam. A loss for HAL. Lenda
  17. On August 18, 2017, we visited Portland and Weymouth on the Prinsendam. These pictures were taken when we got off the shuttle in Weymouth and after we returned the rental car when we walked around before taking the shuttle back to Portland and the Prinsendam. Our early morning stroll while we checked with the rental companies. We finally found one vehicle for rent, and we spent most of the day visiting Bath. Our walk around the harbor area after coming back from the car rental company. Our chariot for the day. It got us where we wanted to go and back. What more could you ask for? Lenda
  18. Good morning from another overcast, humid day in central Texas. It is now 69F and will reach 83F this afternoon. Looking at the forecast for the week and what is on our schedule, I better mow the yard today. If I wait until after all our projected rain the grass will be so tall and thick, I would have to make two passes. One pass is enough for one day. At least, my mower is a vast improvement over this one. I hope all our Dailyites who lived north of Dallas and near Allen were not at the outlet mall yesterday, and that all are safe. I also hope all the Dailyites who are in Alberta are save from the wildfires. We can easily celebrate tourism day and laughter day. We have not tried making homebrew or homemade wine. I smile when I read Jerry Seinfeld's quote, and I only wish it were true. The space available for news in a newspaper is dependent on the amount of advertising sold for each issue. More ads mean more space for stories. It is up to the editors to wisely choose which stories to publish and which to cut. The meal sounds interesting as does the wine except for the price. We'll pass on the drink. We were in Portland/Weymouth on August 18, 2017, on Prinsendam. I'll share my pictures in a few minutes. @grapau27 Graham, many times ordinary people can come up with funnier lines than comedians. Than you for sharing some good quotes from Pauline's mam. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the crack last night did not do any damage to the elbow. Loved today's memes. @dfish Debbie, I like the idea that the six year olds are being taught the basics and especially how to be a team and sportsmanship. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope your knees, hips and back don't give your too much trouble while you are in Germany. Enjoy the visit. @Overhead Fred Welcome home, Fred and Mitzi. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I'm glad the armadillos have moved on, but sorry it was to your neighbor's yard. You might want to lend him some ammonia and mothballs. The party sounds like it was a lot of fun. To celebrate the creation of the integrated circuit, I thought this might be appropriate. Lenda
  19. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you, Chuck and BFF had a good time in Vancouver. I also hope you enjoy your first HAL cruise and al the wonderful Alaskan ports. Lenda
  20. Mary Kay, I'm glad the surgery went well yesterday. I hope the swelling and bruising clear up soon. Lenda
  21. I totally agree about Step One, and have been begging HAL to bring back the cast shows in my surveys for years. I'm glad I'm not the only voice "crying in the wilderness".
  22. Jacqui, I have qiven your post a lot of thought. If I've learned one thing the past three years between the lockdown, political tension, and stresses in our everyday lives, in addition to tloerance, we need humor. Yes, compassion and understanding are essential, but without the relief humor provides, we lose an important part of what makes us human. As soneone who has just recently begun posting many memes, I am cognizant that what I find funny may offend someone else. I do my best to avoid anything I thing might be even slightly offensive, and I'm sure you do the same thing. I'm also sure that sometime either a meme of something I'll say will be upsetting to someone, which will never be my intention. I have always enjoyed your memes and will be disappointed if you stop posting them. BTW, even in Texas, Charles worked hard while waiting to assume the job he was destined to have. Well, said. I totally agree. Brenda, well said. The Daily and the Dailyites have become an important part of my life due the caring, support, and polite discussions and even the occasional disagreement. I hope you get your pathology results soon and they arre good. I love the picture of the dog and cat together. Ann, I'm glad Pat is doing well. The jello sounds likee a better option. Get some rest tonight. Lenda
  23. This is one of those days that nothing much has been accomplished. I had great plans to mow the yard this morning, and then spend time on Ancestry looking into more ancestor. Instead, it's been a lazy day, but I think I needed a down day. Woo Hoo! 🥂 🍾 🎆 Enjoy your new found freedom. Carolyn, I'm glad you made it home safely, and that everything was all right at home. We enjoyed our time on Koningsdam, but it was only more than half full on one of the 8 weeks we were on board and the rest of the time there were about 1100-1300 people on board. I loved the ship, but neither of us think we'll sail on her again if she is full. Tony, I'm glad you made it home safely. We're getting to that time of year when the grass needs to be mowed almost every week. This is partly how I spent my afternoon. Now, I'm going to brave the wind and 85F temperature with a heat index in the 90s to take a walk and check the mail. I need to get moving again. 🤣 Lenda
  24. Good afternoon from another cloudy and windy day in central Texas. It is 78F and will reach 88F later. The prediction is possible thunderstorms after 6 pm. I slept late this morning, then DH turned on the recording of the coronation, and we watched it. My guess there are not too many living who have now seen two coronations. The historic factor and the pageantry make it interesting even for us in the US. Without beverages, we would be in big trouble. I am not into scrapbooking, and I'm doing good to get my pictures on the computer in some sort of organization. I use some herbs in cooking, but have never really used too many. Today's is another interesting on the requires some thought. We'll pass on the mac and cheese since DH is not a fan of the dish. We'll also pass on the drink, but the wine sounds good, and the price is a lot better than some of the recent wines. We have not been to Moreton Island either. @cruising sister Bon Voyage. I hope the cruise is everything you want it to be. @HAL4NOW Tony and @Cruising-along Carolyn, safe travels home today. @dfish Debbie. I hope Sue's DGD's team has a good day and a win. @smitty34877 Terry, I was very happy to read earlier that Tana has responded well to the medication and that things are going more smoothly now. Sending positive thoughts that things continue to improve and stabilize. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad the vets gave Ivan and through exam in addition to all his shots. It is hard to understand how someone who loves their pets neglects to get them checked and vaccinated every year. I know you mentioned she doesn't drive, but with vets coming to the house, not driving is not an excuse. I'm glad you are definitely keeping Ivan, and I look forward to pictures of a neatly trimmed Ivan Monday. Now, I'll get off my soapbox, knowing Ivan is in good hands. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm glad Pat came through his surgery, and I also hope they got everything. Please give him our good wishes for a speedy recovery. @durangoscots Susan, those are special memories, and I can understand your cousin wanting to watch the coronation "with" you. I hope the annual meeting goes smoothly, and you are then free to enjoy other pursuits. @ger_77 Gerry, our condolences on the loss of your cousin. Hope you have a safe trip to and from the service. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope the armadillos have moved on from your yard. So far, all they have done is dig holes in our grass and weeds. We got a big thunderstorm Thursday night that lasted about 20-30 minutes with heavy rain, a lot of lightning and thunder. Last night we got the lightning and thunder, but the rain basically missed us. Rain is possible tonight and then no rain until Wednesday and into the foreseeable future. I just hope the rain Wednesday holds off until I get back from my mammogram that morning. Your Kentucky Derby party sounds like fun. Enjoy. @aliaschief Bruce, I know you will enjoy the tour to the Taj Mahal. A word of warning, you might want to take enough bottled water for the day. When we did our tour there, the tour company (a quite reputable one) gave us bottles of water that had been refilled and resealed. The water made 110 or the 115 people on the tour sick. This afternoon, we'll be watching the Kentucky Derby. Lenda
  25. As usual, I am enjoying your taking us along on your cruise. Thank you for taking the time to include us.
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