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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Good overcast morning from central Texas where it is 72F and feels like 72F. Right now, the humidity is 100% because the dew point is 72F. Our predicted high is 87F with a nice breeze beginning in about an hour. Last night, the forecast showed rain all morning tomorrow, but how just in the early morning hours. However, I think I will still do the mowing and trimming today since it will be warmer tomorrow morning. With all the rain we got this week, the grass has really grown, and the native grasses in the unsodded area are green and growing again. The world needs to speak with one voice so we can have peace. Sadly, I don't think that will happen anytime soon. All my aunts and uncles were great aunts and uncles, and they have been gone for many, many years. We are aunt and uncle to DH's nieces and nephew. Today's quote by William Nicholson is true. I would like the steak, but I'm not sure about the Chimichurri sauce. Except for the seasoning before DH grills our steaks, I never put anything on a steak to interfere with the steak's flavor. We'll pass on the meal and the wine. Sadly, we have not been to today's port or any place in Tunisia. A great day in 1806 for British transpiration. The ADA made a big difference for those with disabilities, but we still have a ways to go to be inclusive for those with disabilities and their caregivers. For some reason, this posted, so I'm trying to edit it to finish before time runs out. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, please wish Morgan a VERY HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY for us. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the information about One Voice Day. @kazu Jacqui, great you are making good progress getting the house ready to sell. It is not unusual to be hit with the enormity of a move, but just remember you were comfortable with the decision before these latest challenges. Too bad you can't teach Ivan how to sort and pack, too. @cunnorl Charlene, I hope you can make it into the Greenland ports. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope the repair shop can fix your computer. It's ironic that until the latest update, I was dealing with a blue screen after every update, but not now. I'm still using Window 10, and I hope I didn't just jinx myself. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad your DD could stay with Tana last night so you could get some much needed and deserved rest. It is nice she and DSIL are going to do the shopping today. @Mr. Boston Enjoy your visit with friends this weekend. @dfish Debbie, I'm happy you did not have any back pain when you woke up, and very little leg pain yesterday. @Heartgrove Jack, I hope the doctor's appointment goes even better than you expect. @marshhawk Annie, thanks for the wonderful, happy pictures. @lindaler Linda, that is nice of your DS to assemble the shed for you. Lenda
  2. Ann, the YouTube videos are a good idea. When we were there, we could not go into the Great Pyramid of Giza. Evidently, they only open one pyramid at a time, and we went through the next biggest one. @summer slope Dixie, DH said if he'd had knee or back problems in 2003, he would not have gone all the way down. I didn't have any problems, but still was not enjoying it. Seeing them up close was good enough. What I really enjoyed was our stop at the Sphinx. Lenda
  3. Maureen, you are correct about the new 3D are better, but I'm not sure how much more comfortable they are. Our regional hospital has one of the new ones, and the technician said they have a lot fewer call backs with the new machines. They do not have to press down as hare either, which is better. However, I've found on a couple of positions, when the machine is pressed down, it pulls on the muscles in my neck and down into my side. That being said, I'll take the discomfort knowing the scans are easier and more detailed for the radiologist to read. Dixie, we did a tour similar to the one Sandi @StLouisCruisers cruiser did, but we had free time at the pyramids and could go down in one of the pyramids. It was in 2003 when we were younger and fitter, too. DH made it all the way down, but I turned around when there was a break in the flow of people coming up. It was warm and surprising humid in the pyramid. The ancient Egyptians must have been shorter because we hand to bend over. DH took a couple of pictures at the bottom, including the steps going up. This will give you an idea of what is at the end of the tunnel, and the steps into and out of the pyramid. A word of caution. There will men offering camel rides for about $5, and we were told not to get on the camels. A friend did, and the camel driver said it would be $25 to get off the camel. One of the tour guides noticed what was happening, and made the driver get the camel to kneel down and let our friend off him off. Susan, I'm not claustrophobic, but I was not comfortable in the narrow part going in. It was wide enough for two people to pass. The tunnel was downhill going in, and DH said it was steeper at the end. Lenda
  4. We had a pop up rain cell pop up about 20 minutes ago, and it has already dropped 1/3 inch of rain. It is still raining, but not as hard. I won't have to turn the sprinkler on for a few more days. I wish the areas that have the wildfires and/or in need of a lot of rain, would also get some of this rain. You have every right to take credit for introducing your friend's daughter to the joys of reading. Brenda, I could not like your post, because the devastation in the pictures is just too sad. Thank you for keeping us updated on the Jasper fire. I hope everyone listened to the evacuation orders and left, and that no one is injured or killed by this fire. Lenda
  5. Good morning from an increasingly cloudy central Texas. Since I was going to the store, DH decided we'd do a drive-thru breakfast while the weather was still a bit cooler. Then a few chores once we were home. Now, I'm trying to tackle what I didn't get done yesterday. Thank you, Joy. This time the credit for the pictures goes to DH since had the only digital camera on that cruise. Gerry, the picture from Jasper is so sad. It was a lovely town to visit. I'm glad your DH got a good report yesterday, and they adjusted the pacemaker. Enjoy your visit from your DS. Terry, I was sorry to read that you and Tana had a bad night last night. I hope you both can get some rest today. With the aide looking after Tana today, please take time for yourself. Edi, I hope you and your DS enjoy the concert and picnic tonight. Debbie, I hope the fire department can determine the cause of the fire. I hope the homeowner can find a place to stay until her home can be occupied again. Enjoy your dinner out tonight. Carolyn, I hope the need for additional tests is because of a glitch in the initial test. That happened to me once because the did not press down hard enough. Thank you, Graham. Lenda
  6. Here are the remaining pictures of our day in Bali. We were supposed to be there in 2002 on Volendam's APEC cruise. The port was canceled after the nightclub bombing. Captain Peter Harris sailed close enough to Bali for us to take a few pictures of the island. It was a very grey, cloudy day, and the pictures are not good enough to share. I'm pretty sure we were the only four people on the ship who got to see how the Balinese live. Our driver took us to his family's home, which is really a compound. His brother's job is carving masks which someone else paints before the "big boss" sells them to the shops. We got to see the brother carving a mask out of balsa wood. After much discussion, the brother agreed to sell us an unpainted mask. He was afraid he would get in trouble with his boss, but in the end each couple walked away with a mask. It means more to me than a finished one I could buy in a store. Notice the chickens in the cages. Our next stop was Klungkung, a former royal palace in Semarapura, Bali. One the way back to the tender pier. At the tender dock. Some of the girls who danced for the passengers as they shopped. If you did not want to be hassled, you kept your eyes off the items for sale. We wanted one of the large, decorative kites for sale on the island, but knew we couldn't get it home on the plane. Ironically, we found one in Quartzsite the next winter, and it's hanging on our livingroom wall. Good thing the ceiling is 17 feet high. Our driver for the day stopped on the way back to the tender, and asked us to pay him then. He, along with other drivers, lived with the owner of the car. If we paid him at the dock and tipped him (which we did ), the owner would see the transaction and want all the money. By paying before the final stop at the dock, he got to keep the tip. We also had to get back a little earlier than necessary, as the driver had to be at the owner's house in time for the evening meal. If he arrived after the meal, he would not be fed that night. Lenda
  7. This is what I posted on September 3, 2023, when Celukan Bawang was the port of the day. Since no one seems to have been to today's port in Bali, I thought I'd repost my pictures from our 2000 visit to the other side of the island. I think some of the places we visited can be reached from Celukan Bawang, but others could be a bit too far away. We were in Bali in 2000 on the P&O world cruise. Another couple invited us to share a taxi for the day with them. We saw a lot more of the island than most people who took tours. It was a very interesting and fun day. I will need to split the pictures into two groups and post them separately. Approaching Bali Greeters at the tender dock The majority of the population on Bali are Hindu, and there are personal shrines at most businesses and homes. This shrine was at the gas station where the driver stopped. There are interesting statues along the roads. I think this was our shopping stop. Our driver took us to the Scared Monkey Forest, which is a sanctuary and old temple. The monkeys know the tourists will feed them bananas. Our driver bought each of us a small bunch and warned us to only hold out one banana at a time as the monkeys can be a little aggressive trying to get the bananas. We finally had to give several bananas to one monkey. A mother and her baby. The temple in the monkey forest. We were required to cover our legs since we had on shorts, but they provided a cloth we could tie around our waist. That included the men, too. Lenda
  8. Maureen, that is great news about your DH's eye pressure numbers. Very glad yesterday was a good day. I'm glad the lady from SSA was able to set up your account. Denise, I hope your sore throat is from allergies, and you feel better soon. Tina, thanks for the picture of the Chincoteague Pony Swim. We heard about it when we lived in NC, but never good get time to go see it. Lenda
  9. Good morning from a mostly clear central Texas. It is 74F and feels like 74F, and even though it says 97% humidity and a dew point of 73F, I can see out the window this morning. Our predicted high is 84F and there is a moderate chance of rain mid afternoon. This morning I'll make a quick trip to the store to get what I didn't get yesterday. Then, I'll be catching up on what I didn't get done yesterday afternoon. Veterans should be hired if qualified, and they should be able to return to their old jobs, but that is not always the case. I was just old enough so I can remember when the Korean conflict ended with the armistice. I'll try to remember to wear my red shoes today. A funny quote from a funny lady, Joan Rivers. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. We were in Bali in 2000 on P&O Oriana's world cruise, but I think we stopped in Benoa instead of Celukan Bawang. George Stevenson's invention of the first steam locomotive in 1814 revolutionized travel. The 1984 spacewalk by Svetlana Savitskaya was a good day for women. @bennybear Brenda, that is sad news the fire reached Jasper and is destroying buildings. I hope they can contain it soon. Those numbers caused by the smoke are unbelievable. I hope the dog that was attacked by the cougar is doing all right. Glad they were able to run the cougar off and save the dog. @grapau27 Graham, thanks for the explanation of Red Shoe Day. I hope Pauline's mammogram is clear. Not fun, but a few minutes discomfort is better than waiting too late. @rafinmd Roy, good luck with your appointment today, and be safe on the busy roads. @cat shepard Ann, the Sahara dust can be uncomfortable, but it does make pretty sunrises and sunsets. I've read it is also putting a damper on the formation of tropical storms. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm sorry your asthma was bad yesterday, and I hope today is a better one. @Heartgrove Jack, good news that your bloodwork was good yesterday. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope your echocardiogram results are good today. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry about all the internet, tv and phone problems yesterday, and about the leg pain and lack of sleep last night. I hope today is a better day all around. CC has been giving me some problems this morning, and now I can't download the memes for today. I'll try to get time in another post or edit this one. Lenda
  10. Good evening. Finally, everything is put away, supper is over, and the dishes are done. It's time to relax after a busy afternoon. Brenda, sorry about the extreme heat, smoke and water rationing. The smoke does make prett sunsets, but it's better without the smoke. Vanessa,I hope the at home exercises hel0 with the verigo. It took a few days for them to work for DH. You probably could find them on the internet. Terri, I'm glad your DH's appointment went well. I hope you get your internet back soon, if it isn't already back. Ann, I hope you and Pat can stay well. Best wishes for his cardiologist appointment. I hope they can help him soon. Debbie, that's too bad about the house fire. I'm glad no one was hurt, and I hope they find the missing cats soon. I'm glad tou leg is mostly pain free. Sandi, thanks for the sweet picture of the two precious babies with their mother. Lenda
  11. Good evening from central Texas. Today did not go as planned. We learned that one of the two watches I took to Ft. Worth was back and ready to be picked up. To get out of the house, DH said he would drive me up there. It's a good thing he went, because the watch had not been fixed after all. There is the main watch and a small one in the band. They fixed the small one, but didn't do the main watch. The jewelry store is sending it back. Since we were up there anyway, we stopped at Total Wine and W-M. That made for a long, but not wasted afternoon. I'll read the rest of the Daily after supper. Lenda
  12. Roy, I hope the muscle relaxer and ibuprofen help the torticollis. Great news on your PSA levels. Lenda
  13. Good morning from a cloudy and humid central Texas. I could tell it was humid when I opened the blinds and could not see out. It is 74F and feels like 74F with 97% humidity and a dew point of 73F. We have a 2mph breeze from the WNW. Our predicted high is 89F with no chance of rain. We haven't had any rain since the 1/10 inch we received early yesterday morning. Now, the long range forecast has a 33% chance of rain Friday morning, and no rain afterwards. We actually saw the sun for a few hours yesterday afternoon. All my cousins are distant cousins with whom we don't have contact. I try to carve out some time each day for self care, but don't always succeed. It's been a while since we did a drive through breakfast, and right now, it's too humid to be comfortable eating in the car. I also remember Sam Levenson from various panel shows in the 50s and early 60s. The quote is funny, but I doubt if many need someone to lead them into temptation. The second soup looks good, and I like Debbie's @dfish suggestion to not add all the vegetables the first day. My father enjoyed whiskey sours, but I never liked them. The wine sounds good, but we've found a good Prosecco at a lower price, and have a bottle in the refrigerator. We have not been to Red Bay. A good day for France and Canada in 1534 when Jacques Cartier landed in Canada. The 1911 discovery of Machu Picchu by Hiram Bingham gave us a better understanding of the Inca civilization. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for sharing the pictures of Clement John and Declan George, two cute little boys. @dobiemom Marcia, I would not call the bathroom work a little repair job. Glad your DH is able to do the work. @cunnorl I hope you all enjoy the day in Red Bay, Charlene, and that your DD will enjoy seeing the Labradors. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope something can be done soon to help your DB. Is switching doctors a possibility? @rafinmd Roy, I hope you can get some help at the Urgent Care, and that it is not anything serious. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm sorry your DGD has an ear infection, and I hope she is well soon. If you are prone to allergies, you might consider adding an electrostatic filter to the new system. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you made it up and down the stairs yesterday without too much pain. We've found a lot of uses for the grabbers DH got in rehab, but never thought about using one to play fetch with a dog, Very clever. @cruising sister Lorraine, enjoy your trip with your DGS, DDIL and DGD this weekend. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad the leg pain is gone. I'm sorry about the right hip. If the pain is on the outside, it could be the sciatic nerve where it passes through a bursa. DH's hip pain was the sciatic nerve which was irritated by the spinal stenosis, and steroid shots in the bursa helped for years. @Heartgrove Jack, I hope the bloodwork shows no surprises. @RMLincoln Maureen, great news that your DH had very low pressure readings the past to days. Enjoy your lunch with the Maryland friend. @Cruzin Terri Terri. I hope all goes well with your DH's appointment today, and that you can get lunch while you are out. @Seasick Sailor Joy, best wishes for Bonnie at her appointment today. @marshhawk Anne, I hope today is a better day, and good for you taking charge of your DH's medications. Glad you are getting more sleep even if it's on the sofa. HUGS! Great pictures, too. @grapau27 Graham, I'm sorry your arthritis in the hips and knees are causing you so much pain. It looks like the sun is trying to break through the clouds. ☀️ Lenda
  14. Vanessa, when DH had vertigo due to crystals in his ears, the doctor showed him how to do the Epley maneuver, and told him to do it at home. It cleared everything fairly quickly. Lenda
  15. Ann, it sounds over all that the nurse was positive. Low grade sounds better. I hope the oncologist can help ease your concerns. Annie, I'm sorry the MRIs did look as good as last year. I'm glad they ignored the rules and did both MRIs today. Krispy Kreme donuts are always good. HUGS to both of you. Sandi, I'm glad the twins arrived safely, and that all are foing well. Carolyn, we saw the eruption on the news. That was incredible. Lenda
  16. Ann, I'm sorry the pathology report was not that great. I hope you get more answers from the cancer nurses. I'm glad you enjoyed the lunch with your new cousin. Beautiful fireworks, Tina. Thanks. Lenda
  17. Good afternoon from a very cloudy, but dry now central Texas. It's been a busy morning with laundry and cleaning out a couple of files. With the latter, one thing always leads to another, and it all started with looking for one form. Gerry, I hope they can stop the fire before it reaches Jasper and Jasper National Park. They are such beautiful areas, and we've camped in the park. Annie, I'm glad the vet visit went well. Thanks for the lovely pictures from Vancouver. Debbie, I'm glad the ablation went well, and you are now pain free. I hope it works for a long time. Enjoy your day relaxing on the patio. I'd like the chocolate zucchini bread, if someone would make it for me. But, not the return of the butternut squash. 😱 Karen, you are certainly keeping busy. Enjoy your lunch with the widows group. I'm glad your DM is doing better, and I hope she enjoys the visit Thursday. Lenda
  18. Here are a few pictures from the Volendam on September 23, 2002. Our older DD was with us for the first 11 days of the cruise, and after we checked in for the cruise, we walked into town for a bit. Either I didn't take any pictures, or they were lost. A seaplane either landing or taking off Vancouver skyline as we sailed Canada Place Sailing out of Vancouver, including both ends of Lions Gate Bridge Lenda
  19. Good morning from a very humid central Texas. I really did not need to look at the weather app to know it is very humid since the outside of the window is covered with condensation. The weather app agrees we have 100% humidity with a dew point of 74F, which is also the current temperature. It will remain cloudy all day with a predicted high of 83F which is cool for this time of year, but I'm not complaining. The hourly forecast does not show any rain, but who knows. I can now see out the window, and the driveway is very wet. I don't know if it's from the heavy dew or if we got more rain. With our cooler than normal temperature today, we'll not be celebrating hot enough for you. Someone else can have my sprinkles. My grandmothers were gorgeous, especially inside where it matters the most. Julia Child was correct about life being the proper binge. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds good and the price is even better. We may have had it and enjoyed it. We have been to Vancouver a few times including staying one night after our first Alaskan cruise in 1993. I have very few pictures from September 23, 2002, when we boarded the Volendam for the 64 day APEC cruise. We had a port day there in 2001, but that was the cruise my camera died on a turnaround day in Ft. Lauderdale. Great day for our Canadian Dailyites when the Union Act passed in 1840. The first transatlantic television transmission was a big deal in 1962. The day the Whaling Commission banned commercial whaling in 1982 was an important day in the effort to save the whales. @Lady Hudson Welcome home, Katherine. @cunnorl Charlene, I hope you will be able to visit the ports in Greenland. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad the computer is now working well. I hope your day is better than yesterday. @grapau27 Graham, thank you for the information on Sprinkle Day. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad your arm is feeling better. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope things will improve for your DB, and that something can be done about his knee, and that there is not a major problem with his kidneys. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you continue to improve each day. @marshhawk Annie, good luck finding Momma Munchkin and at the vet. Lenda
  20. @summer slope Dixie, I hope you have a wonderful day today, and what a great surprise to have three of your siblings there. Lenda
  21. No guarantees, but I think the rain has finally ended for today. Itmrained hard a couple of times. We received l.44 inches total of rain accordingmto,tue fancy rain gouge. I emptied the old fashioned rain gauge just before we went for our golf cart ride. The gauage showed 1.5 inches, and that was before the last rain. Carolyn, I'm glad they got the RV repaired, and still managed to have fun. Glad they coupd help the hummingbird. Annie, I hope the medication changes will help reduce the edema. Imhope the gabapentin helps. DH found the it made him dizzy and sleepy. Eva, I glad you are over Covid, and I hope the fatigue goes awaynsoon. Debbie, I hope the ablation goes well, and helps with the back pain. I seriously doubt any of us will starve if dinnermis fashionably late tomorrow. Lenda
  22. The rain lasted about 30 minutes or so, and dumped 1.28 inches of rain. One inch fell in the first 15 minutes. The sprinkler will remain off for a few more days, de0ending on how much more rain we get Terri, it's always good to read that things are calmer, and that Tana is eating some. I hope the rice pudding is very enticing for her. Lenda
  23. We are getting rain, lots of rain. It started just a few minutes ago. It's been very dark out for a while, but it's really dark. I wonder how much rain we'll get today. Now, we can add in very close lightning and thunder. Vanessa, I hope your PCP can help with the vertigo and the side effect. Please wish your BFF a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. Graham, I hope your friend will be released from the hospital soon and has a full and quick recovery. Whatever the reason, Elizabeth, I'm glad your power is back on. Lenda
  24. Good afternoon from a cloudy central Texas. It is 85F, and our rain chances for later this afternoon are now 90%. I guess we'll see how good the predictions are. Gerry, I hope all goes well for your DH's TAVR follow up today. Ann, I hope you got the call from the surgeon, and are able to meet your new cousin for lunch. I'm glad your DD is well and back at work. Pennie, your project looks great. I'm glad you got the flights and hotels straightened out of your upcoming cruise. Carolyn, oh no, on the leeches, and also on the problems with the rental RV. I hope your family can still enjoy Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. Elizabeth, I hope your power and phone are restored soon. Lenda
  25. As the name implies, Wallsend is the eastern end of Hadrian's Wall and the Segedunum Roman Fort and Museum. We toured the museum which is on multiple levels and in two connect buildings, although the floors do not align with each other. Made for an interesting tour of the museum. The remains of the fort from the museum observation tower, and a couple of exhibits. Once outside, we walked around the fort and then to the wall. Hadrian's Wall We can say we walked the wall even though it was mainly underground after all the passing centuries. From Hadrian's Wall it was a short walk to the Wallsend Metro station, and the only station in England with signs in Latin. The train took us back to Tynemouth Station where we wandered around for a few minutes. We took the shuttle back to the ship, but we stopped at the outdoor shopping center Graham @grapau27 mentioned. I didn't take any pictures at the shopping center. Thanks to information from a crew member, we purchased a 3Card for DH's phone so we could make calls in Europe. Lenda
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