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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. We have been to Juneau on at least 12 cruises, plus we have driven to Alaska seven times in our motorhome.. To get out of the Texas summer, we started doing b2b2b2b cruises. Also, we found that doing 2 or more b2bs, we have a better chance for good weather (meaning clouds, no rain) at least once in each port. In 2018, Alaska was having a heatwave in the southeastern part of the state, so we had tremendous weather all but the last time in Juneau. Our first cruise there, we took a helicopter flight to Taku glacier. We landed on the glacier and when we took off, the pilot flew through some wide crevasses. Unfortunately, those pictures are in a photo album. For the most part, I tried to pick pictures a little off the beaten path. The first two are from Douglas Island, taken the day we rented a car. Volendam was with the Zaandam that day. We saw this statue as we came across the bridge back into Juneau. In 2015, we were on Statendam for her final call in Juneau before heading to Singapore and then to Australia. The day we rented a car in Juneau in 2015, we saw this bear up close and personal at the boardwalk by the parking lot at the Mendenhall Glacier. Fortunately, there was a strong fence between us and the bear. Finally, a classic picture of Juneau without the classic Juneau weather. Lenda
  2. RABBIT 🐰 RABBIT 🐰 WHITE RABBIT! 🐇 Good morning from a clear and cold central Texas. It is 34F, but feels like 31F with only an 3 mph breeze. The humidity is 84% but with the dew point at 30F, it should drop as our temperatures rise to a predicted high of 55F. We have a freeze warning for tonight, but our bushes will be able to handle it without any intervention from us. By Friday, we'll see highs in the 70s and 80s for a week as our cold weather moves east. Author's day and family literacy day do go together. While I never cooked anything specifically for our pets, they did get cooked food. The dachshunds were very good about begging for some of our food. One really loved chocolate chip cookies, and she would only get a bite that did not have a chocolate chip in it. The Chesterton quote is thought provoking to say the least. The meal sounds nice, but I would need to see the recipes Debbie @dfish finds for us. I may be beginning to sound like Paul @kochleffel when it comes to mojitos. Please don't mess with an all ready good drink. The wine sounds nice and the price is reasonable. I have lost track of how many times we've been to Juneau beginning in 1992 in the pre-digital age. The development of the diphtheria vaccine in 1894 was a good day in medicine. @puppycanducruise Melanie, the snow looks inviting from our safe distance away from snow. That is the way I like to see snow. Sorry you are dealing with the white stuff so early in the fall. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the white stuff misses you, but glad you are getting the tires changed today. I have been learning to do many of the jobs DH used to do. On some, it is a learning curve for both of us. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad the relatives arrived safely yesterday. @Nickelpenny Penny, I hope the MRI has some answers to your problems. In the meantime, steroid shots do help until it is time for surgery. @kochleffel Paul, I hope you can find a watch in another port. I'm glad seven of your got to meet at dinner last night. @RedneckBob RNB, enjoy your peaceful vacation. Lenda
  3. Lorraine, I'm glad your DH's surgery went well. It is good that he can get his IV antibiotics nearer his home. We just got a call from the NP at UTSW about the results of the CT scan last week. While there was a slight build up of fluid at the end of the drain line, she and the surgeon didn't think there was anything to be concerned about. As usual, after getting the CT scan, the soreness from the excess fluid has lessened considerable, and it did not bother DH last night. So now, it's just letting nature take it's course and the healing continuing. Lenda
  4. Thank you, Terry. My father was a very big part of my life, since I was a Daddy's girl from the time I was born. Unless he had to travel, he was at all the important events in my life growing up, and he would even take me to Dallas shopping at least once a year. We were very lucky to have an aide during the week who could stay with my mother when my father traveled and when we took trips. My mother was a big behind the scene supporter and encouraged me to be involved in as many activities as I wanted. I had friends whose mothers also looked after me along with several of my mother's close friends. A situation like mine and the teenager's, if you are lucky, makes you grow up sooner and able to handle tough situations. I admire Tana for her attitude about the teenager having as normal a live as possible. I know this cannot be easy for Tana having to miss out on so much of the teenager's life. Like my mother, she is a very strong woman. Lenda
  5. Good afternoon from a sunny central Texas where it is 54F. If you're in the sun, out of the wind, it's not too bad outside. However, when we were working on the golf cart we were in the wind. Lately, it has not wanted to start when the weather is cooler. The battery is only 14 months old but that seemed to be the problem. A couple of weeks ago I put the charger on it for several hours, and the golf cart started easily, but it was warmer then. Late last week, on a warm day, it wouldn't start, so this morning before charging the battery again, DH checked the voltage. The battery is good, but DH determined a connection and/or wire to the battery was the problem. He loosened the connections at the terminals, and as a trained engineer, banged on them with a hammer since WD-40 would not have worked. 😉 After tightening the connections back down, the golf cart started just fine. Once it warms up a bit more by the end of the week, we'll disconnect the wires and clean the terminals and connections. We were beginning to think it was time to get a new golf cart since this one is at least 30 years old. New golf carts are not inexpensive now days. I think we'll be able to keep this one for a bit longer. We just can't use it after dark since the lights don't work, and neither does the horn. DH has been able to get them to work of a bit, but hasn't been able to track down the problem. Fortunately, that is not a problem in our small community, especially since everyone is inside by the time it gets dark. If we had sidewalks, they would be rolled up for the night at sunset. 😁 Terri, I'm glad you are feeling better. Great news about the cruise, and that a couple from the roll call invited you to join them on Thanksgiving. You both deserve a break, and with a shorter cruise, closer to home, it should be an easy cruise for both of you. I'm glad Jim feels like this something you both can do. Gerry, it sounds like you are prepared for tonight, including a KFC "picnic". Then, tomorrow, you can begin planning for your February cruise. Nancy, I'm glad the zoom class was good. Lorraine, your DGD looks so cute in her costume. Eva, I miss seeing the young kids in their costumes since there is no trick or treating in our little community. That is good news your cataract surgery has been moved up to Thursday. I hope it all goes well. Maureen, how nice of your friends to let your grandkids use their apartment while they are away. It was nice to let them have the Vivaldi concert tickets. Katherine, I'm glad your DH feels like going on the cruise, and glad you secured a scooter for him. Enjoy the cruise. Enjoy your cruise. BON VOYAGE! Terry, I'm glad Tana is improving and hope she gets stronger everyday. Vanessa, I hope you can get some relieve for the leg pain soon. I'm glad you enjoyed El Salvador, but was sorry to hear of the unrest in Guatemala. We've always enjoyed Guatemala. Now, maybe we'll get to see El Salvador someday. No pain is good news, and I hope the injection keeps working. Sharon, our condolences to you, your DM and your aunts family. I hope this isn't too hard on your DM. Your weekend in San Diego sounds nice, as does the time with Craig there afterwards. Terry, your teenager is very lucky to have you, your DD and DSIL in his life. It must be very hard on time to have his mother so sick. Between your family and football, it's good that he can have a slightly normal life at this age. I know some of what he is going through since my mother was diagnosed with MS when I was in sixth grade. While it was not as life threatening as Tana's illness, it did change how the family worked. My parents worked very hard to see that I had as normal a life as possible. I don't see a problem with the Nieuw Statendam tendering in St. Peter Port. When we were there on Prinsendam in 2016, a larger P&O ship was also tendering. I'm not sure if it was a big as a Pinnacle Class ship, but it was definitely bigger than the Prinsendam and the R and S class ships. The Koningsdam didn't have any problems tendering in Cabo San Lucas last year. I just looked at my picture with the P&O ship where I could zoom in on the ship. I couldn't tell the name of the ship, but is a big ship, maybe as big or bigger than Nieuw Statendam. Lenda
  6. We have been to St. Peter Port three times on BHBs, and never missed the port. I sure thought we'd been there more. In 2004, when the Noordam III stopped, it was a overcast and dreary day. We took a city bus that made a loop of the island, but I don't have any pictures from the bus ride. Here a a few from our walk around the harbor. It was very low tide when these pictures were taken One of Noordam's tenders We were back in St. Peter Port on the Prinsendam in 2016 and 2017. In 2016, we walked over to the war museum and then to Castle Cornet that is in the background of the picture just above this. In 2016, there was a lady near the museum entrance selling her book about her experiences in St. Peter Port during the war. It was fascinating to talk to her and hear some of her stories. I now regret that I didn't buy the book. A couple of pictures as we walked from the museum to the castle. The swimming area along the beach with the Prinsendam and a P&O ship in the background. Castle Cornet Pictures from our walks around St Peter Port. Most were taken in 2016, but there are one or two from 2017 when we just walked into town, did a little shopping and went back to the ship. We went in the church in the picture above. According to Google Maps, the church is called Town Church. More pictures from our walks around town. Lenda
  7. HAPPY HALLOWEEN Good Halloween morning from a cold central Texas where it is 37F and feels like 31F. At least, the wind is down to a more comfortable 7 mph with 83% humidity and a dew point of 32F. It should be sunny today with a high of 57F. It seems we are a in a warming trend for the next week to ten days with more normal temperatures. Tonight will be in the low 50s to upper 40s for the Trick or Treaters. I remember it seemed to be cold on Halloween when I was growing up. Since there is nothing happening in our little community and we don't get Trick or Treaters, I won't be carving a pumpkin today. When the DDs were still at home, we carved many pumpkins over the years. I don't have psychic powers, but I will salute Girl Scout Founder Juliette Gordon Low. I like the Charlotte Bronte quote. We'll skip today's meal and have more of the brisket and sides from last week. We'll also pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to St. Peter Port many times over the years, and I retrieve my pictures shortly. Martin Luther certainly changed the Christian world in 15l7 with his Ninety-five Theses. @cruising sister Lorraine, sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery and quick recovery for your DB today. I hope Murphy is continuing to do well on the CPAP. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm glad you and Pat arrived safely in Barcelona, and hope you both enjoy your cruise. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you don't have any problems while running your errands. @summer slope Your neighbors sure put a lot of effort into Halloween decorations, Dixie. Lenda
  8. Good evening. We're recovering from dinner of pizza with red wine uand and a sugar overload from the cake, plus enjoying a glass or two (?) Of Merlot. The cake was good, but then it's hard to mess up a box cake mix cake. I do make the frosting from scratch. Sandi, sorry you weren't here to enjoy a slice of cake. Your DD"s cookies look good, and I bet they taste good too. Melisa, your story about your father and the Giants Causeway was very touching. There is also a place very similar to it in Iceland, east of Reykjavik at black beach. I was going to share a picture, but it's not on my tablet. Vanessa, thank you for the compliment. I'm just an amateur as far as cake decorating is concerned, and I stick to what I feel comfortable doing.. Sometimes it work's and others we eat it quickly ti hide the evidence. The bakery in our local grocery would not hire me. I've watched them decorating cakes. They can just about do an entire cake in the time it would take me to do the border on a small area of a cake. I hope the epidural does the job. Lenda
  9. Good afternoon. Our temperature has made it to 42F, but the wind is still blowing about 19 mph. The good news is we've seen the sun off and on today, so our 42F feels like 42F, as long as you stay out of the north wind. The cake is finished and waiting for us to test it after supper. The kitchen is cleaned up after the cake was finished, and in a bit, I'll be making a mess again. While the pizza sauce is made, I need to get the dough mixed and in a bowl to rise. While it is rising, I'll get the toppings ready, so the assembly will go a little more quickly. We broke down and turned on the heater a couple of weeks ago when we had a cold snap. When we need the heater, we keep it about 77F in the daytime, but drop the temperature down to 70F at night. I hope they got the a/c fixed, and your cabin is cooler by bed time. It's amazing how a few toots from the ship's horn will get other vessels out of the the way. Lenda
  10. Since it is a cold, wet, windy day, I decided it will be a good day to use the oven. The Halloween cake, appropriately a Devils Food cake, just came out of the oven; then, tonight the pizza will go in the oven. The oven even got used last night to cook the scalloped potatoes that went with the Cornish game hen that was cooked in the air fryer. The oven has been used more in the last few days than all summer. It was just too hot to have the oven on most of the summer. Nancy, I'm glad both your teams won yesterday. Paul, I'm glad you are enjoying Spain. Ann, thanks for the beautiful picture of the rising full moon. Penny, I hope you get some answers and help for the leg numbness. Terry, the painting on the Peace Wall in Belfast was encouraged as a way for the city to heal after the Troubles. Most of the art work has a special meaning for the artist. Thanks for the pictures of an area around Belfast we missed. Gerry, I'll be interested in how the new air fryer works. I've cooked salmon and asparagus in mine at the same time, but never tried a baked potato. Lenda
  11. Almost a year later, on August 12, 2017, the Prinsendam again docked in Belfast. This time, we'd reserved a rental car and picked it up at the dock. Our plan that day was to head to Bushmills and tour the Old Bushmills Distillery. Before the tour began, we gathered in their pub. Evidently, I didn't take any pictures in the distillery. The Antrim Coast Historic Castlecomer New Road The Peace Wall between Protestant and Chalonic Belfast Lenda
  12. We have been to Belfast twice, and I'll divide my pictures into two posts. On August 20, 2016, the Prinsendam docked in Belfast. First on our list of places to see was the Titanic Experience, so we got a black cab from the port to the museum. I'd always wanted to ride in a London black cab, and I finally got to, just not in London. The cab ride allowed us to beat the tour buses to the museum. The Titanic Museum, which has taken a page out of Disney attractions, as you go through the museum in a moving "car". The museum is interesting, but the pictures are not the best because of the lighting. The view of the slipway that was used in building the ships, and the Prinsendam in the background. One of the buildings of the old Harland and Wolff shipyard and the two giant cranes used in shipbuilding. Across the street from the Titanic Experience is the Nomadic, the last remaining ship from the White Star Line. It was used as a tender in Cherbourg for the Titanic Passengers. We returned later in the day to walk through the Nomadic. Ahead of the Nomadic is a Caisson used to close off the entrance to the dock. From the Titanic Experience, we took the Ho-Ho for a tour of Belfast. Just a few scenes from the Ho-Ho. This is the Parliament of Northern Ireland. When the bus stopped at City Hall, we walked to a taxi stand and hired a taxi to take us to the Giants Causeway. We took the mini bus from the visitor center down to the entrance. Since it was getting late, we just saw the Giants Causeway from the bus. Lenda
  13. Brrrrrr! Good morning from a cold central Texas. It is 39F and with the 20mph wind feels like 29F. It's definitely not our typical fall weather. The humidity is 89% with a dew point of 36F. According to the weather app, it's been raining since about 5 am and should end in about 30 minutes. I haven't checked to see how much rain we've received. Our high today will be a warm (?) 47F and by tomorrow we should reach 57F. I foresee another day inside. We'll pass on the candy corn today. Mischief Night was not a part of Halloween growing up in Texas. We did not learn about it until we lived on the east coast for a few years. I am a big fan of checklists, and have one for loading the motorhome and another for packing for cruises. Even with the lists, we sometimes forget something. The James Thurber quote has always made me smile. Today's meal will definitely be a miss since the four listed ingredients are all things we are not fond of eating. I like mojitos, but please make mine a regular one. The Cabernet Sauvignon sounds nice and the prices is definitely nice. We visited Belfast in 2016 and 2017 on the Prinsendam. I'll share some of my pictures in a few minutes. The completion of the Bosporus Bridge in Istanbul in 1973 helped people go from one side of the city to the other. When we were there in 2011, again on the Prinsendam, there were still several ferries in operation. @seagarsmoker I'm sorry your suite is 77 degrees. Have you gotten a fan to help make it feel a little cooler? @StLouisCruisers Sandi, it looks like the rain will end by tomorrow. Hopefully, the soccer field will be dry enough by Saturday @kazu Jacqui, while it feels like winter here, at least, we don't have snow here. I hope the snowfall is light and that you can get home before it starts. @RMLincoln Maureen, enjoy your visit with your niece and her friend. It sounds like things are moving along nicely as you prepare for the next chapter. Lenda
  14. Paul, that is surprising about the US synagogues using the Moorish arch. I learn something new almost every day here. Jane, I'm sorry it took getting worse for your DS to see his PCP and tomget the needed medicine. I hope he feels better soon, and that you both are well quickly. Debbie, our leaves are about two to three weeks behind you, so I didn't need to get outside. I would go for the eclipse cruise and the Hawaii cruise. We plan to be here for the eclipse since we're in the direct path. Lenda
  15. Good afternoon. There's not a lot happening here. Basically, it's been a lazy day. It's still cloudy, windy and 50F, so we have not ventured outside. So far, the predicted rain has not materialized. With rain predicted through tomorrow at least, I imagine that we'll get some rain. Lorraine, I'm sorry Murphy struggled some getting used to the cpap, but I'm glad she settled down with it. I hope this step forward in her recovery is the first of many. I also hope you are spared the snow. Terri, I'm happy to rad that life has calmed down quite a bit, and I hope it stays calm. It's good there were some good things that happened. It's about time things began to go your way. Paul, I hope you enjoyed Toledo in spite of the crowds. We were lucky to spend a night there and to have dinner in a cafe on one of the main plazas. We also took a carriage ride through some of the very narrow streets where the carriage barely fit between the walls. If you didin't know the history of that area, you could be surprised at seeing the Moorish arches in the Synagogue. I'm glad the hotel has the water back on. Lenda
  16. Good morning from a gloomy central Texas where it is 49F and feels like 42F because of a 16mph wind. The humidity is 97% with a dew point of 48F. If we're lucky we'll reach 51F later today. I'm glad I'm not going any where since we're supposed to get rain in about 30 minutes. Yesterday was a good day with Texas beating BYU. The World Series should be interesting with the Diamondbacks win last night. I suspect it will go seven games. I guess even hermits deserve their day. We are pretty much homebodies unless we're traveling, but these past three years, I've begun to feel like a hermit. Today might be National Cat Day for the humans, but for cats, it's everyday. World Psoriasis Day should bring more awareness of the condition to those not afflicted. The T.S. Eliot quote is interesting, and thank you to Tina @0106 for putting it into context. The meal might be interesting, but we'll pass on the drink. I would like to try the wine. We have not been to Maloy, Norway. The day in history is another good day. @Heartgrove Jack, I'm glad the meds are working, but sorry about the itching. @kazu Jacqui, congratulations on the casino offer and the upgrade for an interesting cruise. @aliaschief Bruce, your cruise is sounding better and better. @smitty34877 Terry, that is good news the workers got the hole covered and the concrete poured before the rain. I hope today is a better day for Tana. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope you got some sleep last night and that you did not have too much pain. I'm enjoying all the pictures of the Daily cats. All of our cats have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Lenda
  17. @Haljo1935 Bon Voyage, and have a wonderful time on your cruise. Lenda
  18. I didn't think I remembered you from that cruise. As far as I can tell, Al Pierson is still leading the orchestra, but not traveliing as much. I would have loved to have been on the Rotterdam VI cruise with the Glen Miller Orchestra in 1999 that @Sir PMP mentioned. Although I'm an early Baby Boomer, they are my favorite big band.
  19. I'm not sure if we were on the same TA, but the Guy Lombardo Orchestra under the direction of Al Pierson was on the 2004 TA of Noordam III from Tampa to Lisbon. The only time they asked the passengers not to dance was the evening they were the main show. The band member who sang Auld Lang Syne at the begiining and end of every set was a member of the orchestra when Guy Lombardo was still alive. These are a couple of pictures from the Balck and White Ball on the cruise.
  20. Good afternoon. With the heavy cloud cover it is still 68F. It looks like there might be light rain showers this afternoon, but most of the rain will be overnight and continuing through Monday. We won't see the sun until Tuesday, and we won't be back in the 70s until Friday. We're still trying to get the new satellite tv receiver working properly. We can only get over the air tv on the main receiver but not the one in the livingroom. DH is going to order an indoor over the air antenna for the livingroom. We spent a couple of hours working on all the cables behind the tv and other devices in the bedroom. We eliminated a couple of wires, and untangled the rest. Now, it doesn't look like a major rat's nest, and it will be easier to keep that area clean. I'm just glad we have tile floors that make moving the heavy tv stand with the heavy tv easier. DH could help and he helped move it out. It was easier for me to move it bacj. I just had to push one side back a bit, then the other, and kept repeating that until the stand was back in place. I think I got my exercise for the day. As you can tell, life is really exciting around here. 🤣 Vanessa, I'm sorry last night and early this morning were rough again. I'm glad you caught the eye flare early. Thanks for the great picture of the Statue of Liberty. Lorraine, that is definitely good news about Murphy. I hope she had a good night and she will continue to improve. Sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery Tuesday, and a quick recovery for your DB. Jack, I'm glad you went to the Urgent Care and that they were able to help. Sandi, I was really surprised at the condition of the Queen Mary's hull. Lenda
  21. We had two turnaround days in San Pedro in 2016 went we did a 7 day Mexican Riviera cruise, a 15 day Hawaii cruise and a 10 Sea of Cortez cruise on Ruby Princess. Most of the day was spent in Los Angeles since we wanted to see as much as possible and still be able to head back to San Pedro before rush hour. We got back to San Pedro earlier than expected because the traffic on the freeways was lighter than normal. Before heading back to the ship, we drove over to Long Beach. Queen Mary and the Russian Sub The original hanger for Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose. Long Beach skyline from the island where Queen Mary is berthed The main Street in Long Beach Lenda
  22. Good morning from a very overcast central Texas where we are under a flood watch. It is 65F and fees like 65F. The humidity is 100% with the dew point sitting at 65F. Our high today will only be 71F with the predicted rain beginning about 4 pm, at least that's the guestimate now. Yesterday, I got the grass trimmed and mowed just in time as it started sprinkling as I was finishing the back yard. It started raining harder just as I got the mower back in the port. I finished reading yesterday's Daily after dinner, but was just too tired to try to comment. I plan to go back and reread part of it and comment a bit later. After several night's of sleeping well, but not long enough, I managed to sleep eight hours last night. Hopefully, that means my brain is working better. It was an interesting end to Game 1 of the World Series in the bottom of the 11th inning with the Rangers getting a walk-on home run. With our weather, we'll skip the largest outdoor cocktail party. I've always enjoyed seeing the Statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor from the Staten Island ferry and on our sail ins and out of NYC. Plush animals are nice, and there are some of the DDs' in the attic. My favorite day today is National Chocolate Day. 🍫 I partially agree with the Karen Horney quote, but sometimes life makes you feel like you need a therapist. The meal sounds interesting, but I think I'll stick with my penne pasta bake with Italian sausage, or even the vegetarian version. The Chianti would go nicely with the pasta bake, in a glass or in the sauce, but in both would be better still. We'll pass on the cocktail. On one turnaround day in San Pedro in 2016, we drove over to Long Beach. I'll look for my pictures in a bit. Two interesting days in history. I'll celebrate the first use of fingerprints, but I will wait to celebrate the repeal of the Volstead Act. The news that the shooter in Maine will not be hurting anyone else is good, but I would have preferred him to be alive and in prison for the rest of his life. Welcome home @Lady Hudson, @Live4cruises, @Horizon chaser 1957 and @Smmessineo. I hope everyone had a great cruise. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope last night was a better night for you. @rafinmd Roy, our condolences on the deaths of three members of you congregation. @aliaschief Bruce, thanks for the latest report from your cruise. The block party sounds like a log of fun. @cat shepard Ann, I loved your meme about the three little words. Yesterday, with the higher humidity, felt like we were back in The Woodlands instead of central Texas. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I loved the "skin and bones" cat. @Heartgrove Jack, I hope you can get some relief from the wasp sting. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm very happy you finally got the letter your DH had been waiting for. @smitty34877 Terri, I'm glad the antibiotics are finally helping Tana. I hope the higher humidity doesn't cause her too much trouble. @Nickelpenny Penny, I enjoyed your Long Beach pictures. I wish we were heading to Quartzsite sooner to enjoy the fall weather. Lenda
  23. @seagarsmoker I hope you have a wonderful cruise to celebrate your anniversary. Lenda
  24. Good afternoon from central Texas. It seems to go between cloudy to sunny and back. If I'd realized that it would be better weather today, I would have gotten out and mowed the yard. The rain is predicted for 5pm now, so there is still time for yard work. Two things sort of keeping me from doing it, are it's 83F and feels like 92F because of the 77% humidity, and the batteries for the trimmer and mower are not fully charged. The next chance for yard work will be Tuesday or Wednesday when the highs will be in the 50s and the lows in the 30s. Not a great choice weather-wise. If I can get the batteries charged in time, I'll head out there when I finish here. While we have rented cars in many ports, there are some where we will not rent cars, and that includes Central America, most of South America and Asia. In those places, we either chose a tour or hire a taxi. Katherine, I'm glad the birthday cruise was fun. I hope your DH is doing well and will get to enjoy the cruise on November 11. Carolyn, please wish your DS and DDIL a VERY HAPPY 22ND ANNIVERSARY for us. Jane, I'm glad you are feeling better and hope you are well soon. I'm sorry your DS now has Covid, and I hope he is better very soon. Thank you to all who have posted pictures of Lima today. I have enjoyed seeing what everyone did there. Lenda
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