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Everything posted by gottagoacruzn

  1. Had to laugh at that!!!😄😄Some yrs ago, one of the gals at work, got a bus for those at work & friends to go to vegas. Well we had a good time, then on the way home, the a/c broke down, it got to be 115 inside the bus. Had to stop an hr or more at the state line for the a/c to cool off, the driver drove with the door opened a little after that an said he could be in big trouble if he was stopped.
  2. Well don't drink beer. Think like it tastes like dirty dish water. Would rather have a dirty banana, instead.
  3. I thought I was crazy to take that many pictures, the last time I was up there. How many of those will you keep? That reminds me, when I was on the train, took two batteries, before gettin back to town, both batteries died:( This time, will be takin five batteries. Ya think thats enough?
  4. Of course you can!!! Yup, the cruise will seem very tame, an ya don't have to cook your own meals.
  5. Hey Fishbone, I live in Whittier Ca, an you're also in Whittier, ak. We got somethin in common.
  6. Yup, had to laugh at that!!! Being to tired from goin fishin, HA HA, whose he foolin anyway? Virginia
  7. Hi guys, will be on the crown in Sept. Would the view be any good, if its a cloudy day? Inquiring minds would like to know. Thanks. Virginia
  8. Hey Fishbone, 1 more nite to go, then its off to the wild blue yonder, oh do try to have a good time!! Will be thinkin of ya, an take pictures.
  9. Hey Stealthdog, over on the Alaskan page, you should give your two cents to Discoing gd, he's a Floridian like you, an he's not to sure about goin to Alaska, an needs some talkin to.
  10. Hey guys, where is the Navigator now, is it still doin mexican cruises? Haven't been on since last Nov. thanks.
  11. Better not miss the glaciers!!! Hey take any unusual pictures you find on the ship.
  12. Do watch this video, its really good. Can't say enough about Alaska, just go, you won't regret it, an you won't be sorry!!!
  13. Lets hope so, byargertx. Where in Texas you from? My dad grew up in Brownwood, he an my uncle were aggies.
  14. Well, I for one prefer the smaller ones, don't like them mega ships. Just wonderin whose tryin be the next titanic to go down? Then they gonna ask, why & how come? Seems nobody is thinkin, I thought that's what the brain is for.
  15. Will be there in Sept, but I don't think the whales will be, so won't be takin any whale watchin tours. Nice pictures.
  16. Oh, you are missin out on somethin that is wonderful to see. I'ts beautiful up there, have been 10 or 12 times an it never gets oldl, you see somethin different every time. We urge you to go.
  17. Hi, got to lookin at the donut shop, an it looks like I jest might have to diet either before goin on this cruise comin up, or diet after. The pictures of it all look so tasty!!! Virginia
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