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Everything posted by ldubs

  1. I like the call back options that companies offer. Much better than sitting on hold.
  2. Yeah I get what you are saying. I think one big difference is while my generation did some really awesomely dumb things that got us into trouble, we were generally much more respectful to others. Disrespect was not tolerated to the extent it is today, IMO.
  3. I don't know about other places, but around here wearing caps seems to have become pretty normal. Like it or not, I think it is time we recognize the custom is changing. At least no harm is done. Though I have to admit I still am bothered when male tourists don't remove their hats in a church.
  4. "I have not read a single report that a reputable tour operator ever got back late." Some of our family used a reputable tour operator (often mentioned on these forums) for a port to Berlin tour. The bus got hung up and they were 45 minutes late. The good news is the ship was able to wait for them.
  5. I would like to do a trip like that visiting places here in the USA that I have still to see. Taking a slow drive up the west coast to the Canadian border would be a nice getaway. I've spent time camping along Hwy 1 in Northern California but never gone all the way north. Additionally, outside of the Grand Canyon, there is a whole bunch of the Southwest US that I have not been to.
  6. In Europe the rail system makes it pretty easy to pick a "base camp" so to speak. We enjoy doing that.
  7. I agree. No frog legs for me. I don't need to know how they taste. Don't want eel, gator, balut, or Rocky Mountain oysters either. IMO, the only reason escargot is good is all the butter and garlic. 😀
  8. Darn. I thought it might become the next popular preppy cruise wear. 😀 Exceptions should be made for people from Bermuda, Baseball players, old timey golfers, and Scotsmen in Kilts. 😀
  9. Seems that old proverb about good intentions is applicable here. I hope the OP gets the room they wanted.
  10. Heck yeah. We have received several credits, just as you describe. Last one was literally a couple days ago.
  11. I just called my pharmacy and got another pack of 8 tests via Medicare.
  12. It seems the upgrade was available, just not at a sufficiently discounted price for the OP. I would have made the same choice as the OP.
  13. I understand the need and wish the solution was a simple as walkie talkies. Hopefully to be taken as a potential solution and not commentary -- with wifi, could cell phones be used to communicate?
  14. I think more like 50+ years! Cut offs used to be considered about the coolest things.
  15. Thanks. I still don't see a huge difference. Don't get me wrong. I like Bermuda shorts. I would kind of like to see the knee high socks becoming popular!
  16. This topic comes up somewhat regularly and isn't limited to Carnival by any means. I wonder if any cruise lines have considered a "sampler" entree plate? Seems like a kind of neat idea to me.
  17. Going off on a slight tangent here. I've not understood the difference between "dressy" shorts and other kinds of shorts. 😀
  18. Yep, our Carnival cruise this past may I would say a large number of folks were in jeans & polo shirts. Shorts were not uncommon. The MDR atmosphere was friendly and fun I would say.
  19. I see it frequently on other cruise lines. I'm going to take a wild guess that such offers might happen when reservations are down.
  20. Funny from someone who apparently needs to judge and label others.
  21. And yet, you are the one freaking out. And again, you stretch things to support your need to be upset (dare I say offended). You need to use words like nefarious. No poster has implied criminal, wicked, or evil intent. They simply called it a lie, which is a fact. I never said anything that would indicate I was a victim or upset. I was responding to your unnecessarily excessive comments. Take a deep breath.
  22. I think you have it right. In truth, I'm not going to get too worked up about this.
  23. You seem to stretch things a bit. Did someone say staff was lying to passengers for they own nefarious reasons? Start calling me names if you want, but whether a job requirement or not, it is a lie. I've also encountered that that more than once.
  24. Come on now. Why make that assumption. They didn't say they would avoid anything. They said it isn't OK being a victim, regardless of the odds. More people might get hurt falling out of the bed, but that doesn't make a street assault less traumatic.
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