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Everything posted by ldubs

  1. This ^^. I am not overly concerned if I can log in to my account. I'm concerned someone else was able to log into my account and steal my info.
  2. Good stuff Mum. Our under-seaters have a charging port. The way it works is you plug your portable small bank in on the inside of the suitcase. Then it is convenient to just plug the phone to the outside port.
  3. Remember the medical forms we filled out during embarkation in the old days. The questions about have you a cold, cough, etc, etc, were never answered honestly.
  4. Or you could simply enforce the personal item rule. Then there would be plenty of room for everyone.
  5. Crowed places, like cruise ships, pose significantly greater exposure to bacteria and viruses. And some folks are more susceptible than others. Steps taken to reduce the risk might not be 100# and are subject to failure, but they are always good.
  6. I certainly understand the desire to be in the short line. On the other hand, it seems a lot of stress and anxiety can be avoided by just picking up the medallion at the terminal. BTW, it seems to be the boarding process has improved. I'm not sure why. Even if in the "blue lane" the embark process just seems pretty efficient. Am I the only one who thinks that?
  7. I used to do that. I still do but now it is loading the kindle with ebooks. As a result my carry on is much lighter!
  8. Not saying you do, but a lot of folks who travel only with carry-on, abuse the "personal item" rule. The personal item, whatever it is, should be stowed under the seat, not in the overhead. I like your comment about same outfits in photos. Mrs Ldubs frequently says I need to mix things up so it doesn't look like I'm wearing the same thing.
  9. Hmmm - sadly you are probably correct. If I'm interacting with the same person(s) through out a cruise, I would hopefully remember their names.
  10. Yes, thanks. That is one of the points I was trying to make too. I expect among those many other things is identifying which contracts won't be renewed.
  11. Because to a large segment of the population in America it is now considered normal fashion. The old traditional rule about hats inside is clearly changing. Doesn't mean you have to like or agree with it, but it is changing.
  12. This supports the notion that sophisticated folks should be able to recognize cultural and fashion changes.
  13. I think that is kind of extreme. A culture should not be condemned because of fashion changes. And, I'm not about to go back to powdered wigs and pantaloons. 😀
  14. Where are these people from who people wear long pants and collared shirts on pool decks.
  15. I think what @sparks1093 says for Carnival is also true of atrium elevators on Princess ships.
  16. Thanks. I likely didn't understand your previous comment. They (surveys) are important for providing feedback and for recognizing those who deserve it.
  17. I think we might have been in that jewelry store in Hong Kong. It was a kind of nondescript sidewalk entrance to a large open room with multiple jewelry cases.
  18. I'm pretty laid back. Don't agonize over things that might go wrong. I don't get ruffled easily, I don't consider complaining to be a pastime, and I would like to think I am easy going. But NO. I don't want that in my room.
  19. I can pinpoint that comment to a cruise on Constellation. Last cruise we took before the pandemic shut down. Fortunately, "bad" service is pretty uncommon on cruises.
  20. I complete the surveys because I recognize the importance of the surveys.
  21. Yes, we have enjoyed Celebrity and I'm familiar with the sales pitch for 10 ratings. It is very common on RCI also. Everything from a pretty innocent "don't forget to do the survey" to "if our service isn't a 10, tell me what more I can do". That would not make me rate someone higher than I thought they deserved. I would hope my fellow passengers are not so gullible they would be dishonest with their evaluations. Though, I am sure there are some who give everyone a 10.
  22. Not completely following, or maybe I am. It appears the concern is people are being coerced to lie on the survey. It is puzzling that customers would be dishonest if they didn't feel a 10 was actually warranted. Though, I'm sure it happens.
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