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Everything posted by shadowmeboy

  1. Size comparison That was the boat by the ice a minute ago. Not glacial viewing weather
  2. Pilot transfer complete and off they go! Now what am I going to shoot? Ice!
  3. Oh look! A new photo subject! I admire pilots. They do an awesome job in all weather conditions. Definitely not easy. Ocean Cape
  4. The Star Spangled Drink Special for the 4th of July I headed out on deck to enjoy the sea air and watch the sail in to the glacier. Deck 6 is a walking track that goes completely around the ship. A tree? Snapping photos of the photographers Love the symmetry Look at those waves breaking on the bow! Regent Seven Seas Explorer wow! Remember they are moving; we are moving; the waves are moving. perspective - true distance Yes, I did check balconies and everyone was fully clothed.
  5. We headed off to watch the cupcake decorating demonstration. Its a great way to fill time on a Sea Day or "Glacier Day" This young lady was selected to do the first cupcake with the chef. Her final product. Hey, I know that person! Susan got selected for the cupcake demonstration again! Now follow directions Susan Look at those smiles Not too Shabby! Susan's is the one on the right and the chef's is on the left. She did a good job. Now a reward for all that hard work. Open wider Here is the third participant. The Executive Chef introducing and talking about his pastry team.
  6. What a week! So my week has been super busy and I apologize for not getting to the review some. I had a conference which was a 5 hour drive one way from where we live. The conference was good. I was able to meet up with my former college roommate and his wife. We had dinner and then I got to meet their four children. It was a great evening. I did some exploring around the area of the TriCities of Washington. I got home yesterday evening and then today started our General Election voting period, so we were getting all our ballots out to voters today. So needless to say it was super busy at work. So here I am... I am going to go a for a bit, but I don't know how long.
  7. Fruit Salad Half Grapefruit and Cottage Cheese French Toast with Hash, Bacon, and Ham. Eggs Benedict After breakfast, we headed up to the Spinaker Lounge. The Sun Chapel After the the Observation lounge, we headed down to deck 6 and the Cruisenext desk. We may have booked a Hawaii cruise for 2024.
  8. So I woke up to a loud sound outside the stateroom. A few minutes later I heard it again. I might have said a few choice words under my breath as I realized it was the ships fog horn going off. What a lovely way to start the 4th of July! Nothing much to see out in the Great Outdoors Glacier making weather Breakfast #1 About an hour later Susan finally made it out on deck. On a morning like this, unlimited wifi would have been nice! Off to breakfast #2 we go!
  9. Photo Time! Sailing down the Lynn Canal . Cheese Ravioli Shanghai Pork Pot Stickers Eldred Rock Lighthouse Roma Tomato Salad Asian Noodle Salad So we asked our waiter to see a kids menu for reference for our friends on a future cruise. Mediterranean Sirloin Beef Brochette - This was fabulous Breaded Flounder Filet Our server let us order the chicken tenders from the kids menu. They were yummy. I would order them again! Scanned copy of the kids menu Chocolate Espresso Cake Traditional English Cherry Trifle We just kind of chilled after dinner. We went back to the room and watched the scenery pass by out the balcony. We also just watched a bit of TV and relaxed. Hubbard Glacier is tomorrow!
  10. After wandering around town a bit, we headed back towards the boat. Back onboard, the tide had come up a lot. We watched the helicopters take off and land from the helicopter base. Finally it was time to pull out of Skagway You can see how much the tide dropped in the amount of time from when we got back till when we departed.
  11. We got off at the depot, so we could walk around town a bit more. We had to make a stop at the Klondike Doughboy! It was popular amongst tourists and locals! the locals We should have shared, but we were not in a sharing mood.
  12. I spy some Cruise ships! The gentleman holding the phone is our friend, Mark, and his wife, Julie, to the left were on this cruise with us. We didn't know they were going to be on the same sailing until embarkation morning. I got these pictures stealthfully! 2023 is the 125 anniversary of the White Pass & Yukon Route. They had a bunch of cool special gear. I made sure to get the hat that you can only get onboard the train. So if you want a hat, bring cash with you. A little blurry, but this train was following us down. Crossing the East Fork Skagway River at Denver Almost back into Skagway We finally made it back! We had an awesome time! We always recommend the train to anyone going to Skagway. If any of you have some free time, and would like to relive a past trip on the White Pass or have never been on it. We attached the GoPro to the window of the train car and filmed up and back down the pass. So here is the complete White Pass Summit Excursion Train Excursion!
  13. Susan captured this shot of Parker with a boy on our train. Parker was so awesome with him! Time to head back down the pass So nice of the White Pass to park their Tinker Toys in front of the recreation cabin and flags at the border. They ruin a perfect photo opportunity. The obelisk is the actual US - Canada Border. The US/Canada Boundary Commission puts these up along the entire length of the US -Canada Border. Back in the US Another shot of the trail
  14. I wish I was on a cruise; Not cooking; Just had something’s come up that kept me from working on it. Dang life! Sorry 😞
  15. So this is part of the White Pass trail and the trail of 98. You can still see items left from the travelers on the trail. We made it to the summit and had to wait on the train behind us to clear before heading back down.
  16. Sitting and enjoying the ride for a while! Carmack Glacier Bridal Veil Falls
  17. So I was blocked for the first train, but not the second. I had a perfect vantage point as the train came down the tracks along side us. Beware there are quite a few pictures in this series, rapid fire picture taking! This is a likely submittal to the picture contest as well.
  18. I actually think the larger ships are worse due to the number of decks (sail effect). The Sun being more compact, in my experience sailing her 3x, makes her a bit more stable in my opinion. I don’t mind a little roll though!
  19. No, we did not. I found the restaurant online doing precruise research. I wanted something that the locals go to, and quite a few locals recommended it.
  20. You can see the train coming down the mountain up on the rock wall. We will meet that train and one more at the next siding. The other train This will be a submittal to the White Pass Photo Contest. The end of the 1st train passing by
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