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Everything posted by RBAlbany

  1. I'm waiting for the Mother's Day gift card deal. Do we know if that is still happening?
  2. Enjoyed reading everyone's reviews. A few questions. What is the difference between Your Lucky, and Relax Day. Can anyone please provide the specific name (or link) for the tour they took? Thanks.
  3. Sorry to add a little more to this question. What if you add parking? What is the cost (2 weeks), and how much of a struggle to get to terminal. Thanks.
  4. I have no problem doing it. Our current cruise my wife and I have saved over $1000 total after rebooking 3 times!! I check price by putting the current cruise as a saved cruise, and checking a room in the same category every week or so.
  5. Her website does not mention price. What did anyone pay for the tour? Thanks.
  6. What was the cost? Sounds like a good way to see things, and not do HOHO. I have looked her up on internet and there was no rates listed.
  7. Rather than start a new thread I figured I'd ask my question here first. We are sailing the Enchanted Princess in the Mediterranean this summer. My question is when is the best dinner time that works with the shows? Or when are the shows so we can schedule a set dinner time around them? Thanks. Ken
  8. Are you recommending Taxi from hotel to airport instead of Aerobus?
  9. I assume there will be plenty of them right there at the dock after we go through everything. Any idea on cost? Set price? Anything to avoid?
  10. Also wondering about specifics on luggage and the Aerobus. Thanks. For us from hotel to airport though. Also, about how long does it take. We have a 11:15AM flight. I'm figuring an early breakfast and catch the bus around 8. Thoughts?? To early??
  11. Thank you to all for your input. We have booked our night at H10 Catalunya. Will use Aerobus to get to the airport. Can anyone share experience and advice on how best to get to hotel from port? Thanks in advance!! Ken
  12. Where is Continental in relation to H10 Catalunya Plaza? Is there an Aerobus pickup near by?
  13. Arriving in Barcelona after a Princess cruise on 9/9. Looking to book a hotel for the night before flying home the next day. Like to see a little and get a feel of Barcelona that day we arrive. Have read through the pages here. Great information. I had been planning on Royal Passeig de Garcia hotel. Now not so sure. One of my concerns is economical transport from port to hotel, and hotel to airport. Thanks to these pages I am now aware of Aerobus. I am liking the Continental Palacetta and H10 Catalunya Plaza options. Does Aerobus service both? We have a noon flight. Is one better than the other for getting a flavor of Barcelona? We were in the Las Ramblas area for a night our last time in Barcelona. What are some tips on getting from the port to the hotel. I look forward hearing what everyone has to share. Ken
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