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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. 18 hours ago, NanciEA said:

    Alexandra cruiser, was the tour to the falls and hike outside of town called "Cienfuegos and its Nature"? We have booked that excursion and hope ours is not cancelled.

    Yes, that was it. Ended up doing O tour there and area much more interesting to us than the Santiago one. We were really looking forward to it,,not sure WHY it was cancelled,but got email before we left.

  2. We went on the O tour of town, along with visit to bar with dancing and music. Had to do this because the tour I wanted to falls and hike outside town cancelled. Of the 3 ports we visited,it was my least favorite. Glad we had guide due to amount of poor people begging in square and on streets,felt sorry but they were aggressive and a nuisance.Would stick with O tours there, as 2 groups arranged for a guide,that we heard of,,and they never showed.Just our experience,of course.


  3. I wanted to TRY Cyrstal,but DH refuses to dress up for dinner,and C has formal nites.So now go on Regent ex.when O has itinerary on Marina or Riveriera,,,with the larger cabins and tubs.Wonder if C will ever relax the dress code,,,would love to give it a try.PS..forget about me getting DH to change his mind...Went on Seabourn and made such a fuss about a sportscoat,which he wore on FORMAL nite,they never told him NO to entrance.BUt all other men had suits,at least.MEN"""'''

  4. I took the Marina last Feb.around S.Pacific islands and had no problem getting to even smaller islands,as they just stayed offshore and take small boats back and forth.Would NOT go on smaller ships,just because of lack of tub in cabins.Also rooms much smaller ,with less extra rest.onboard,etc.

    I m glad I went and area beautiful,but looked very similar to Hawaii to me. Plus, airfare and all other expenses much hi er.Just a real treat to see all the world,an experience like not other and am so grateful to be able to do it. Have been doing this 30 yrs now and still MORE to see.

  5. I always take the air and hotel cash credit,,,find I can do better on my own and prefer to pick my own air times,carrier,seats,etc. Same with hotel,,,like to choose my own.The cost is less important to us ,,than convenience.Hate to wait for ALL the passengers to board bus,etc.Faster and more comfortable to take our own taxi.Nice to be given this choice,and know others prefer all inc..Same when leaving ship,,,take taxi when WE want ,not group time.

  6. I really hope Regent will address your problems and send you an apology. Wish it was taken care of while you were onboard. Surely, you being Asian should NOT be a concern,,,anywhere or anytime.Let us know if you get satisfaction. Sorry you didnt enjoy your cruise,,know its a big expense and not having a great experience is very sad.In the past,Regent has always been one of the top of the line cruiseships.

  7. Since you brought up bathrooms,,,ugh,,,I ended up using bus one. Tried the ones avail.on O tours and AWFUL..Tried 2 on different days, and just AVOID them.The worst was tour when we heard a great choral group,,feel so bad for the people that MUST use them daily.Asked guide and said,,,sadly, its common.

    Also, no AC in most locations,so dress acc.I m from FL and felt right at home.EVen with warnings on ship,,,many had probs with it. One bad one was on tour where cuban band perf.in bar,,with dancing. So now you know

  8. I had read from past posts that MOST will take american dollars,,,and found it to be TRUE.Did not change any money, and all took it gladly.From small markets,to horse and buggy,to O tips on buses,etc. In all the 3 ports we went to,had NO problem at all.In fact, seemed glad to have it.But you will get change in CUC,,so bring small bills.GLad I didnt waste my time or money,,just a HINT.

  9. I was Sirena 10 days ago,,,when menu item mentioned sauce,,asked for it to be on side.No problem,,,did order signature items also. Didnt find wait times or staff bad at all and have been on all the ships prior to this. Course, I was in PH and had butler ,so maybe different.Saw a few maintenance issues,but nothing major. Liked entertainment,,but avoided the ventiloquist,,,cant really enjoy that from back of room.Will NOT go on the other small ships anymore,,just due to lack of bathtubs in PH suites. Will still go on larger O ships,,where I can get tub in Concierge,etc.Now going on Regent,,just due to above.So Sad to change,but tub is a deal breaker,,tried for 7 days on Sirena in hot Cuban weather. Just not happy,tho.for medical probs.solved by hot tub,,,boo hoo..

  10. Can those going on this cruise,,,PLEASE post and put phot0s while on.What ports are like and excursions you took. Also,,anyone who has done a cruise in past,,,,did you post review.Or can you give me an idea whether you like this one,thinking about it for next yr.

    For some reason,,,can t find the Search area for just Oceania threads.Just see main one on top,,,tried it and got no results.What am I missing?

    Have a $200 credit for next cruise,but only 30 days left to find one.Would have booked onboard,but new ones not on web at time.Tried to get the same deal as onboard,due to this,but no luck.

  11. Thanks,,,always good info here.Much more complete than my TA or even calling Regent.Guess I ll give Pacific Rim a try,,,,just on Oceania and disliked Red Ginger tho.On O,,,you need to be Concierge or higher for full hot b fast,too.lDo offer

    ... continental tho.

    Moving back to R,,,due to total removal of tubs ,even in PH suites on all smaller O ships.Also, glad to try the new R ships. And many itineraries look so good. 

  12. Good tips,,but I often forget ea time I come to cabin to put on deadbolt or privacy sign.Also, in AM we order room service and phonecall not always given prior,,so need to hear when there.Small concern,but when upgrading,,,may consider.

    Yes, embargo lift would help,but only receive LOW wages too.lEven with all the benefits. They ALL said they d LOVE to come to America,by the way.A PhD was a guide,said he got $28.00 a mo..and one fish cost $8.00,,as an example.Did this work because pay was GREAT,,,plus tips.

  13. I was also on this one,,,did enjoy much of above posters comments. Love the lecturer,,funny but informative. First time on this ship,,,loved it all,,,ex. the lack of tub in PH.Which I have commented on before in other threads. Will no longer book at ships without tub,,found shower floor slippery and door in poor postion to adjust water temp.before entering.


    Things I wish O would have inc. ....doorbell. Those of us with poor hearing can easily miss they light tap made by staff...have been walked in on  many times and embarassing for all inv. Then,,,make it possible to reserve 2 times in one rest,,,and none in another. Don t care for Red Ginger and would prefer two in Tuscan .


    Cuba was interesting in historical places,,but so sad to see poor people and worse street animals. Glad I went there, but never to return,,,had a few run ins with people re. prices. Quoted one thing and after wanted MORE.Rest of residents very kind tho.Socialism not working well there ,,it seems. Santiago the worst,,had many beggars approach us and felt uncomfortable and sad. Even O Guides has words with them.

  14. Sad to report  I just got off Sirena,,,tub gone,of course,,,but shower had slippery tile. Had to literally go inside due to door,,,stand on smooth surface,,and then turn on water and wait in COLD spray,,or hand held till WARM...Not fun and dangerous.Why not rough surface,,at least.No will NOT make anymore reservations on the R ships in future,,only O,,with tub and shower. Booked next on Regent,,where still have CHOICE. Wonder how many cruisers O will lose,,and if they even CARE??

  15. YEs, sadly I had to go to another cruiseline,,,Regent...to get my tub on next cruise to S.America.Could NOT go 17 days without the tub. So,it seems,some customers are INDEED changing lines.Having to pay more,,but will be worth it.Paid MORE for PH on R ships to begin with,,so just a little more and get Concierge there,,,but everything inc.,so guess you have to balance it all out.

    Now looking at Crystal, Seabourn,and Silverseas,,,,,have tubs,,but need more formal clothes,,,yuck...why O,,did you do this????Was so happy taking O cruises every 6 mos.Now only the large O ships,,which limits me.

  16. We are in a PH3 on Sirena week after next due to Cuba itinerary, an exception. But after that, only suites with both a tub and separate shower...


    Same with hotels. Eliminate the tubs altogether and lose us as guests.


    Same with me,,but I leave this Wed.on Sirena in PH3. Knew it didnt have tub,but figured I could manage in warm weather for 7 days.Only ship I could find with Cuba ports,,,oh well. That makes 2 of us,,,haha.

  17. Posted about this many times,,,now can only go on the large ships that have choice of both....boohoo...bye bye tubs.Not too many cruisers would pay MORE for the PH,,,just for tubs,,,but we did.Now will only go concierge on Marina,,etc. Think O will notice,,haha??

  18. Thanks Paul, see a little change in the one above,,,Nov or Dec.for Insignia.But interested in how you found info on website.I tried and never did,,,typed in section for info and came up empty.Plus, when I called O the person would only give info,,or didnt want to look,,for booked cruises.Have a TA but sometimes easier to do things on own,rather than call,LM,etc.But do love the discount I get and all details handled.

  19. Thanks,,,yes, have been in them a few times,but since chemicals added you must go back to room and shower anyway.Plus, always leary of those things,,,sort of a germaphobe.

    Hate to have to limit my O cruises,,,have expressed my dismay over this to anyone at O who would listen,,all to no avail.Sad ,,we went on every 6 mos.in PH cabin,so they ll be losing are business.Their loss,,boo hoo.

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